The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 401
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Counsil, Wendy (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Blank Handkerchiefs, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1991
- * The Gift, (vi) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine November 1992
- * How to Tame the Vampire, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1992
- * Lucius Shepard, (iv) Interzone #34, March/April 1990 [Ref. Lucius Shepard]
- * The State of Feminism in Science Fiction: An Interview with Karen Joy Fowler, Lisa Goldstein and Pat Murphy, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #7, August 1990 [Ref. Karen Joy Fowler, Lisa Goldstein & Pat Murphy]
- * Stigmata, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1991
Counter, Ben (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Centennial, (ss) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- * Daemonblood [Warhammer 40,000], (nv) Inferno! #12, May 1999
- * Defixio [Warhammer 40,000], (nv) Inferno! #28, January/February 2002
- * Hate, (ss) Roadworks #3, Winter 1999
- * Hellbreak [Warhammer 40,000], (ss) Inferno! #15, November 1999
- * Irixa [Warhammer 40,000], (nv) Hammer and Bolter #19, April 2012
- * Phalanx [Warhammer 40,000: Soul Drinkers], (n.) Hammer and Bolter #1 Oct, #2 Nov, #3 Dec 2010, #4 Jan, #5 Feb, #6 Mar, #7 Apr, #8 May, #9 Jun, #10 Jul, #11 Aug, #12 Oct 2011
- * Rike, (ss) Roadworks #10, Autumn 2000
- * Vermilion [Warhammer 40,000], (ss) Hammer and Bolter #17, February 2012
- * Words of Blood [Warhammer 40,000], (nv) Inferno! #19, July/August 2000
_____, [ref.]
Coupling, J. J.; pseudonym of John R. Pierce (1910-2002) (chron.)
- * Activity, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction November 1946
- * Broad Band, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction August 1947
- * Chance Remarks, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction October 1949
- * Don’t Write: Telegraph!, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction March 1952
- * Ergodic Prediction, (fa) Astounding Science Fiction February 1950
- * The Good Life, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1952
- * How to Build a Thinking Machine, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction August 1950
- * In 2063 She Ceased to Be, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1959
- * It Isn’t So Easy, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction May 1945
- * Less Light, Please, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction March 1947
- * The Little Blue Cells, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction February 1949
- * Little Enough, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction April 1945
- * Maggie, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction February 1948
- * Mr. Kinkaid’s Pasts, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1953
- * News from Our Sun, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction June 1947
- * On Atomic Jets, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction January 1955
- * Period Piece, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction November 1948
- * Phony Atoms, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction May 1946
- * Portrait of a Voice, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction July 1946
- * Science for Art’s Sake, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction November 1950
- * Space Heater, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction February 1954
- * Stuck in the Mud, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction November 1947
- * Transistors, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction June 1952
- * Universes to Order, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction February 1944
- * [letter], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction March 1948
- * [letter from New Jersey], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction Oct 1953, Oct 1954, Oct 1962, Jun 1964
Cousins, Jack (fl. 1990s-2000s) (chron.)
- * Bird of Prey, (il) Ripples #3, January 2006
- * Roadkill, (ss) Ripples #2, October 2005
- * Soul Free, (ss) Ripples #4, April 2006
- * The Waiting, (vi) Daarke Worlde #5, February/March 1994
- * Weed Dances, (il) Ripples #2, October 2005
Cousins, S. J. (chron.)
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- * Editor: Ripples #1 Jul, #2 Oct 2005, #3 Jan, #4 Apr, #5 Jul, #6 2006, #7 Jan, #8 Apr, #9 Jul, #10 Nov 2007, #11, #12,
#13 Jul, #14 Oct 2008
Couturier, Scott J. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Accidental Prometheus, (pm) Space and Time #136, Spring 2020
- * All Fires Light the Wicker Man, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * Amongst the Flowers, (pm) Spectral Realms #14, Winter 2021
- * Amongst the Sargasso, (pm) Spectral Realms #13, Summer 2020
- * Among the Dead, (pm) Spectral Realms #18, Winter 2023
- * Angels Can Poison the Sacred Wine, (ss) Penumbra #5, 2024
- * Another Halloween, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Apologies to a Mandrake, (pm) Weirdbook #47, 2024
- * August’s Pumpkin, (pm) Penumbra #5, 2024
- * Autumn, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * Autumn’s Imp, (pm) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * The Black City, (pm) The Audient Void #6, 2018
- * The Black Muse, (pm) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * The Box, (ss) The Dark Corner #4, 2020
- * The Buddha Protocol, (pm) Journ-E #3, Vernal Equinox 2023
- * By Creator Forsaken, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * The Crimson Knight, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * Dragon Desire, (pm) Journ-E #3, Vernal Equinox 2023
- * The Dying Flower of My Soul, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * Embalm Me in Autumn, (pm) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Figure on the Dunes, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine December 2022
- * For an Autumn Willow, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * Forbidden Fruit, (pm) Spectral Realms #10, Winter 2019
- * From Weir, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #21, March 2022
- * Ghosts Everywhere Writhe, (pm) The Audient Void #9, 2021
- * The Ghoul’s Delirium, (pm) Spectral Realms #18, Winter 2023
- * A Grave Encounter, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Road Trip, Summer 2024
- * A Grave Vision, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * Graveyard of the Gods, (pm) Spectral Realms #11, Summer 2019
- * Gray Grimalkin, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * Grinning Death, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine December 2021
- * Guests of October, (pm) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * Hatchling, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #9, March 2021
- * The Hollow House, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #36, June 2023
- * Hunter’s Visitant, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine March 2020
- * I Awaken in October, (pm) Spectral Realms #15, Summer 2021
- * Incubus, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * Infernal Candle, (pm) Spectral Realms #21, Summer 2024
- * Interred with the Worm, (ss) Tales from the Magician’s Skull #7, 2022
- * In the Graveyard, (ss) Penumbra #3, 2022
- * Into the Void, (pm) Kaleidotrope Winter 2022
- * In Tura, (pm) Spectral Realms #18, Winter 2023
- * I Saw, (ss) Cosmic Horror Monthly #8, February 2021
- * The Lantern of September, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * The Lich-Queen, (ss) Feverish Fiction #6, May 2017
- * Like Vultures, (ss) Penumbra #2, 2021
- * Little Do They Know, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine June 2021
- * Lord of Dreaming, (pm) Spectral Realms #14, Winter 2021 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * Lord of Pumpkins, (pm) Spectral Realms #10, Winter 2019
- * Lost Causes, (ss) Journ-E #2, Autumnal Equinox 2022
- * Lucifer’s Lantern, (ss) Journ-E #4, Autumnal Equinox 2023
- * The Makeshift Men Are Raised, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Folk Horror, Spring 2024
- * The Metamorphosis, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Masquerade, Fall 2024
- * Monsters Aren’t Real, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- * The Nachzehrer, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
- * The Necromancer’s Charm, (pm) Spectral Realms #11, Summer 2019
- * Nightmare, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine December 2020
- * Night of Pan, (ss) Penumbra #4, 2023
- * Ode to an Ancient Priestess with a Golden Prosthetic Eye, (pm) Space and Time #140, Spring 2021
- * On an Autumnal Graveyard, (pm) Spectral Realms #19, Summer 2023
- * The Pack, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * Panspermia, (pm) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * The Pit, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Summer 2023
- * The Pixie-Ring, (pm) Spectral Realms #16, Winter 2022
- * The Plague-Tellers, (pm) Cyäegha #25, Spring 2023 (#25)
- * Planting Instructions, (pm) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * REDACTED, (ss) The Dark Corner #6, 2021
- * Red Tresses, (pm) Spectral Realms #13, Summer 2020
- * Reflection in Blood, (pm) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * Rek-Cocci Stirs, (pm) Spectral Realms #9, Summer 2018
- * The Ritual of Pumpkin Jack, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Fall 2023
- * Serincia, or: The Amours of Death, (pm) Hinnom Magazine #10, Spring 2019
- * Shade-Bitten, (pm) The Audient Void #3, 2017
- * Skullduggery, (ss) Journ-E #1, Vernal Equinox 2022
- * Slayer of Suns, (pm) Penumbra #4, 2023
- * The Spectator, or The Spacefarer’s Transformation, (pm) Journ-E #5, Vernal Equinox 2024
- * The Spectators, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Winter 2022
- * Stela of Selos, (pm) Spectral Realms #12, Winter 2020
- * The Summoning of Augustus Zant, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine December 2020
- * Taproot, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Spring 2023
- * The Temple Cats of Brin-na-Bool, (pm) Journ-E #1, Vernal Equinox 2022
- * They Say, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine March 2023
- * Thy Servant, Death, (ss) Mythaxis Magazine #24, Winter 2020
- * To Kiss Death’s Shroud, (pm) Spectral Realms #15, Summer 2021
- * To the Wolves, (pm) Spectral Realms #13, Summer 2020
- * Twin Hungers, (pm) Weirdbook #41, 2019
- * Under a Sun Long-Estranged, (pm) Spectral Realms #14, Winter 2021
- * Unknowing Hands, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine March 2022
- * An Unsettling Dispute, or the Vindication of William Worthfield, (ss) parAbnormal Magazine June 2022
- * Veils, (pm) parAbnormal Magazine December 2024
- * Verses Inspired by Le Horla, (pm) Spectral Realms #20, Winter 2024
- * What Ails You, (pm) Journ-E #2, Autumnal Equinox 2022
- * When Black Tom Came, (pm) Spectral Realms #9, Summer 2018
- * Zeohyr’s Allure, (pm) Spectral Realms #17, Summer 2022
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