The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Kirk, Dennis J. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) Outer Darkness Annual 1997
- * Fangs, Claws & Miscellanea, (bg) Outer Darkness #1 1994, #2 Win, #3 Spr, #4 Sum, #5 Fll 1995, #6 Win, #7 Spr, #8 Sum 1996
- * The Iceman, (ss) Outer Darkness #13, Autumn 1997
- * A Letter from the Editor, (ed) Outer Darkness #30, 2004
- * Non Compos Mentis, (ed) Outer Darkness #10 Win, #11 Spr, #12 Sum, #13 Aut 1997, #14 Win, #15 Spr, #16 Sum, #17 Aut 1998, #18 Spr, #19 Sum, #20 Aut 1999, #21 Win 2000
- * Playing for Keeps, (ss) Outer Darkness #1, 1994
- * Quoth the Raven, (ed) Outer Darkness #1 1994, #2 Win, #3 Spr, #4 Sum, #5 Fll 1995, #6 Win, #7 Spr, #8 Sum, #9 Aut 1996, #22 Spr, #23 Sum 2001, #25,
#26 2002
#27 2003
- * Seasons Past, (ss) Burning Sky #4, 1999
- * Whiteout, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v7 #1, 2011
- * Words from Beyond, (ed) Outer Darkness Annual Fall 1995
- * Yours Truly, (ed) Outer Darkness #28 Win 2003, #33, #34 2006
- * Yours Truly: A Letter from the Editor, (ed) Outer Darkness #32, 2006
- * Yours Truly: Letter from the Editor, (ed) Outer Darkness #31, 2005
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Outer Darkness
* ___ Outer Darkness Annual
- * Editor: Outer Darkness #10 Win, #11 Spr, #12 Sum, #13 Aut 1997, #14 Win, #15 Spr, #16 Sum, #17 Aut 1998, #18 Spr, #19 Sum, #20 Aut 1999, #21 Win 2000
#22 Spr, #23 Sum 2001, #24, #25, #26 2002, #27, #28 Win 2003, #29 Spr, #30 2004, #31 2005, #32, #33,
#34 2006
#35 2007
Kirk, Malcolm S. (fl. 1970s-1980s) (chron.)
- * Interview: Arthur C. Clarke, (iv) Omni March 1979 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Omni Dec 1979, Jan, Mar, Jul 1980, Jun, Aug, Nov 1981, Jan, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec 1982
May 1983, Mar 1984
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Omni (UK) Dec 1979, Jan, v2 #6, v2 #10 1980, v3 #9, v3 #11, v4 #2 1981, v4 #4, v4 #6, v5 #2, v5 #3 1982, v5 #8 1983
- * [photography], (pt) Omni July 1979
Kirk, Russell (Amos) (1918-1994) (about) (chron.)
- * Balgrummo’s Hell, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1967
- * Behind the Stumps, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #4, 1950
- * Fate’s Purse, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1979
- * The Invasion of the Church of the Holy Ghost, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1983
- * Off the Sand Road, (ss) The Surly Sullen Bell by Russell Kirk, Fleet, 1962
- * Old Place of Sorworth [Ralph Bain], (nv) The London Mystery Magazine #14, 1952
- * Saviourgate [Ralph Bain], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction November 1976
- * Sorworth Place [Ralph Bain], (nv) The London Mystery Magazine #14, 1952, as "Old Place of Sorworth"
- * What Shadows We Pursue, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1953
_____, [ref.]
- * Ancestral Shadows: An Anthology of Ghostly Tales by William P. Simmons, (br) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005
- * Dark World Enough and Time by Mark M. Hennelly, Jr., (br) Gothic June 1980
- * Obituary: Russell Kirk by Dale J. Nelson, (ob) Ghosts & Scholars #18, 1994
- * The Princess of All Lands by David Johns, (br) Galileo November 1979
- * The Princess of All Lands by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1983
- * Russell Kirk: A Gothic Master by James P. Roberts, (ar) All Hallows #14, February 1997
- * Russell Kirk and Basil Smith by Dale J. Nelson, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #20, 1995
- * Russell Kirk’s Old House of Fear by Peter Bell, (br) Ghosts & Scholars #34, October 2018
- * Watchers at the Strait Gate by A. Langley Searles, (br) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1986
Kirk, Tim (1947- ) (chron.)
- * “Armoured Cavalry, Tang Dynasty (China, C. 700)”, (il) Amra v2 #64, 1975
- * Artwork, (pi) Anubis v1 #5, 1968 (unpublished)
- * A Few of the Professors of Gormenghast, (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Flay and Titus, (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * French Crossbowman, c. 1425, (il) Amra v2 #57, 1972
- * Fuchsia, (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Gormenghast, (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Gormenghast: A Portfolio, (gp) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Lord Sepulchrave, (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Michael Moorhen Ascends Golgotha, (il) Science Fiction Review #34, December 1969 [Ref. Michael Moorcock]
- * A Portion of Lankhmar (map), (il) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * Street Railway Centaur, (il) Amra v2 #46, 1968
- * Tim Kirk vs. Mike Gilbert (with Mike Gilbert), (cs) Science Fiction Review #36, #37 Apr 1970
- * The Tree Room, (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * Turkish Janissary, c. 1400, (il) Amra v2 #57, 1972
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Science Fiction Review #30 Apr, #31 Jun, #32 Aug, #33 Oct 1969, #35 Feb, #39 Aug 1970
- * [front cover], (cv) Anubis v1 #3, 1968
- * [front cover], (cv) Science Fiction Review #36, #40 Oct 1970, #42 Jan 1971, #3 1972, #5 May 1973, #8 Feb, #9 May, #11 Nov 1974, #12 Feb 1975, #16 Feb, #19 Nov 1976
- * [front cover], (cv) Return to Wonder #9, 1970
- * [front cover], (cv) Forgotten Fantasy April 1971
- * [front cover], (cv) Nyctalops #7, August 1972
- * [front cover], (cv) Whispers Jul 1973, Jul 1974
- * [front cover] (with James Cawthorn), (cv) Amra v2 #53, 1970
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Amra v2 #47, v2 #48 1968, v2 #50 1969, v2 #52, v2 #53 1970, v2 #59, v2 #60 1973, v2 #62 1974, v2 #64 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Trumpet #9, #10 1969, #11 1974
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Ambrosia #1, June 1972
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Alien Critic #7, November 1973
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Anduril #4, July 1974
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Worlds of If Jul/Aug 1974, Sep/Nov 1986
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Worlds of If (UK) July/August 1974
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nickelodeon #1, 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine (UK) February 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Asimov’s SF Adventure Magazine Spring 1979
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 14 1982
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Tales Sum, Fll, Win 2002
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Sword & Fantasy #7, July 2006
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jack Gaughan), (il) If July/August 1970
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jack Gaughan), (il) If (UK) August/September 1970
- * [illustration(s)] (with Roy G. Krenkel), (il) Amra v2 #51, 1969
- * [illustration(s)] (with Jerry Mayes), (il) Trumpet #10, 1969
- * [illustration(s)] (with Alex Schomburg), (il) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Summer 1977
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977
_____, [ref.]
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