The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 298
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Carr, G(ertrude) M. (née Wall) (1907-2005) (chron.)
- * Janie, (ss) The Nekromantikon v1 #4, 1950/51
- * Nightriders, (pm) The Nekromantikon #5, 1951
- * Willy Ley and Warm Water Ice Cubes, (ar) Torquasian Times Summer 1953 [Ref. Willy Ley]
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #22, September 1955
- * [letter from Seattle, WA], (lt) Kalki #2 Nov 1965, #3 Jul 1966, #5 1967
- * [letter from Seattle, WA], (lt) Trumpet #7 May 1968, #9 1969
Carr, Jayge; pseudonym of Margery Krueger (1940-2006) (about) (chron.)
- * Alienation, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1976
- * The Ax, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact June 1977
- * Blind Spot, (nv) Omni July 1981
- * Castles in the Air, (ss) Analog Science Fiction & Fact August 1992
- * Catacombs, (nv) Amazing Science Fiction Stories July 1985
- * Child of the Wandering Sea, (ss) Ares #2, May 1980
- * Computer Portrait, (nv) Amazing Stories May 1990
- * Does Not a Statistic Bleed?, (ss) Pandora #4, 1979
- * Drop-Out, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1986
- * The False-True Heir, (ss) Pandora #6, 1980
- * Finnegan’s Wake, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1985
- * Flea Powder, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact October 1994
- * Hillsong, (ss) Ares #4, September 1980
- * Hitchiker, (ss) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Autumn 1988
- * The Icarus Epidemic, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1990
- * Immigrant, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1985
- * In Adam’s Fall, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact October 1979
- * Inky, (ss) Whispers October 1987
- * The Kidnapped Key, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1983
- * The Kingdom of the Blind, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1991
- * The Lady or the Tiger, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1993
- * The Lone Granger [Abduction], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2002
- * Lungfish, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1982
- * Malthus’s Day, (ss) Omni November 1979
- * Measuremen, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1982
- * Monolyth, (ss) Omni December 1983
- * Mourning Blue, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact February 1993
- * Mustard Seed, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact March 2 1981
- * The Pacifists, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 12 1981
- * Pieces of Eight, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1984
- * The Piper’s Pay, (ss) Fantasy Book June 1984
- * Rainbow’s End, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1986
- * Reflections, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2000
- * Right of Passage, (ss) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1978
- * Roots and Forbidden Fruit, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1994
- * Sanctuary, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1979
- * The Selfish Genie, (vi) Questar February 1981
- * The Spoils of Victory, (ss) Oracle v1 #2, 1983
- * Star Spats, (ss) Pandora #5, 1980
- * The Tempest Within, (nv) Fantasy Book December 1983
- * The Walls That Bind [Abduction], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2001
- * When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again—and Again—and Again, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact August 1993
- * The Widower’s Wife, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 1996
_____, [ref.]
Carr, John Dickson (1906-1977); used pseudonym Carter Dickson (about) (chron.)
- * The Black Cabinet, (ss) 20 Great Tales of Murder ed. Helen McCloy & Brett Halliday, Random House, 1951
- * Blind Man’s Hood, (ss) The Sketch Christmas 1937, as by Carter Dickson
- * The Door to Doom, (ss) Horror Stories June 1935
- * New Murders for Old, (ss) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1939
- * The Other Hangman, (ss) A Century of Detective Stories, Hutchinson, 1935
_____, [ref.]
- * Carr’s Burning Court by Harry Warner, Jr., (br) Fantasy Commentator #10, Spring 1946
- * The Devil in Velvet by Sam Merwin, Jr., (br) Amazing Stories May 1952
- * The Devil in Velvet by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding/Analog Science Fact & Fiction August 1960
- * The Devil in Velvet, by John Dickson Carr by David Langford, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2014
- * Fear Is the Same by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction July 1956
- * Fire, Burn by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction December 1957
- * Hag’s Nook by Ken W. Cowley, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #23, 1997
- * John Dickson Carr by C. Derek Robinson, (bg) Ghosts & Scholars #16, 1993
Carr, Kevin M. (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Don’t Look Now, (vi) Pirate Writings #9, 1996
- * The First Alien War, (vi) Keen Science Fiction! July 1996
- * First Day in the Joint, (vi) Keen Science Fiction! September 1996
- * The Ghost Readers, (ss) Pirate Writings #6, Spring 1995
- * The Montauk Project, (ar) Pirate Writings #8, 1995
- * The Satini Solution, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1999
- * Surreal World, (cl) Pirate Writings #10, #12 1996, #14, #15 1997, #16 1998, #17, #18 1999, #19 Spr 2000
* ___ The Montauk Project, (cl) Pirate Writings #8, 1995
- * [unknown story], (ss) The Mage #13, Fall 1990
Carr, Michael W. (1971- ) (chron.)
- * Box of Souls, (ss) The Leading Edge #25, January 1992
- * Carr Parts, (ar) The Leading Edge #24, September 1991
- * The Continuing Influence of Cyberpunk, (ar) The Leading Edge #26, October 1992
- * A Dog’s Night, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1997
- * Dramatis Personae, (ar) The Leading Edge #25, January 1992
- * Driven to the Edge:
* ___ Editor’s Page, (ed) The Leading Edge #27, June 1993
- * Editor’s Page, (ed) The Leading Edge #27, June 1993
- * Harmony, (br) Quantum #42, Summer/Fall 1992 [Ref. Marjorie Bradley Kellogg]
- * The Harvest of All Souls’ Night, (nv) The Leading Edge #41, April 2001
- * Last Hurrah, (ed) The Leading Edge #28, February 1994
- * Mars, (br) Quantum #42, Summer/Fall 1992 [Ref. Ben Bova]
- * Misérabilisme, (ar) The Leading Edge #23, Winter 1991
- * Soothsayer, (br) Quantum #42, Summer/Fall 1992 [Ref. Mike Resnick]
- * Three Claw and the Void Idol, (ss) Midnight Zoo v4 #1, 1994
- * Through Shadow Alley (with Eric Lowe), (ss) Wetbones #2, Fall 1997
- * Zing and Bang, (ar) The Leading Edge #26, October 1992
- * [letter], (lt) Quantum #41, Winter/Spring 1992
_____, ed.
Carr, Robert Spencer (1909-1994) (about) (chron.)
- * Beethoven, (pm) Weird Tales August 1927
- * The Caves of Kooli-Kan, (pm) Weird Tales November 1926
- * The Chant of the Grave-Digger, (pm) Weird Tales January 1928
- * The Coming of the Little People, (nv) Bluebook November 1952
- * The Composite Brain, (ss) Weird Tales March 1925
- * The Flying Halfback, (ss) Weird Tales September 1925
- * Fog-Faces, (pm) Weird Tales June 1927
- * The Invaders, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1949, as "Nightmare at Dawn"
- * Nightmare at Dawn, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1949
- * Phantom Fingers, (ss) Weird Tales May 1927
- * Soul-Catcher, (ss) Weird Tales March 1927
- * Spider-Bite, (nv) Weird Tales June 1926
- * Whispers, (ss) Weird Tales April 1928
_____, [ref.]
Carr, Scott Christian (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Big A, (ss) Shroud #6, Spring 2009
- * Draggin’, (pm) Pulp Eternity Magazine #1.5, 2000
- * Garage Days, (ss) Withersin v3, 2010
- * Hiram Grange & the Twelve Little Hitlers, (ss) Shroud #5, Winter 2009
- * Hugo, (ss) EOTU Ezine April 2001
- * Max, (ar) Shroud #12, Summer 2012
- * Monkey Games, (ar) Shroud #11, Spring 2011
- * Nan, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #2, Spring 2008
- * Someone Oughta Sell Tickets…!, (ar) Shroud #14, Summer 2014
- * Someone Oughta Sell Tickets!:
* ___ Max, (cl) Shroud #12, Summer 2012
* ___ Monkey Games, (cl) Shroud #11, Spring 2011
* ___ Tamper, (cl) Shroud #10, Autumn 2010
* ___ Tusko & Judy, (cl) Shroud #9, Summer 2010
- * Tamper, (ar) Shroud #10, Autumn 2010
- * Tusko & Judy, (ar) Shroud #9, Summer 2010
Carr, Steven (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Amoeboid, (ss) Double Feature Magazine #2, November 2016
- * Ants, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #12, Winter 2016
- * Clyde and the Pickle Jar, (ss) Zooscape #2, March 1 2019
- * Hunting Bunnies, (ss) Gathering Storm Magazine #2, April 2017
- * If a Ghost Comes Knocking, (ss) Aphotic Realm #1, June/July 2017
- * Raspberry Filling, (ss) Night Terrors #4, July 1997
- * The Sisterhood at the Edge of Eternity, (ss) Paper Djinn January 2021
- * Strange Water, (ss) Dark Horses #7, August 2022
- * The Tale of the Costume Maker, (ss) Sick Lit Magazine July 6 2016
- * Winter Rose, (ss) Night Terrors #12, December 2002
_____, [ref.]
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