The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Malcohn, Elissa (fl. 1980s-2010s); also known as Elissa L. A. Hamilton (chron.)
- * All Creatures Great and Small, (pm) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1988
- * Another Place, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1988
- * Arachne, (nv) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1988
- * BardiaNoise, (cl) Star*Line May/June 1986
- * Being There, (ar) Star*Line January/February 1983, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Casting Bones, (vi) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry October/December 1988
- * Centipede, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1983
- * Ciliate Sestina, (pm) Star*Line September/December 2010
- * A Clone in the House of Mirrors, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer/Fall 1985
- * Cog, (ss) Tales of the Unanticipated #4, Fall/Winter 1988
- * Con Report, (ms) Star*Line Jul/Aug 2010, Oct/Dec 2011
- * Convention Report: Lastcon Fore Poetry Program June 20-22, 1986 (with Frances Langelier), (ar) Star*Line July/August 1986
- * Derivative Work, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2009
- * Dreaming the Reality, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #7, 1990
- * Duet Singularity, (pm) Star*Line September/December 2010
- * Editorial, (ed) Star*Line Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1986, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1987, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, Jul/Aug 1988
- * Editorial (with Frances Langelier), (ed) Star*Line November/December 1987
- * Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Reaction, (pm) Velocities #4, Summer 1984
- * Evolution, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2007
- * Evolutionary Variants on a Russian Proverb, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2010
- * Ex/Temporal (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #28, October 1989
- * Eye of the Beholder, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2007
- * Fermilab, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1981, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Fermilab—Part Two, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1983
- * First Contact in Appalachia, (pm) Space and Time #104, Summer 2008
- * Flotsam, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2009
- * Frightening the Horses, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss June 2009
- * from Improvisations After Voyager 2: Saturn, (pm) Star*Line Nov/Dec 1981, Mar/Apr 1982, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * from Secret Improvs after Voyager II, (pm) Star*Line November/December 1983
- * FTLM (Faster-Than-Light Messenger) Transcript, (vi) The Drabbler #12, 2008
- * Guest Editor: Call for Poetry Submissions, (ms) Star*Line January/March 2011
- * Hardhat, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer/Fall 1985
- * Hermit Crabs, (ss) Electric Velocipede #14, Spring 2008
- * Holograph Eye, (pm) Velocities #3, Fall/Winter 1983
- * “Houston, We Are the Problem”, (vi) The Drabbler #11, June 2008
- * Identity Theft, (vi) The Drabbler #10, February 2008
- * Imperfect Sestina, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1983
- * Introduction, (si) Star*Line October/December 2011
- * Io, Bleeding, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1981, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Job Description, (pm) Pandora #14, 1985, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * The Last Dragon Slayer, (pm) Mythic Delirium #24, 2011
- * The Last Planetarium Convention, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1982, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Lazuli, (nv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1984
- * Lepidoptera from Space, (pp) Star*Line November/December 2009
- * Liver Trails, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1984
- * Mainstream Magazines: A Survey, (ar) Star*Line November/December 1985
- * Marketing Plan for the Alien Product Line, (pm) Amazing Stories January 1988
- * A Multiple Personality, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer/Fall 1985
- * A Multiple Personality Contemplates the Pleiades, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2007
- * The Muse as Pilgrim: SF Imagery in the Poetry of Diane Wakoski, Margaret Atwood, Marge Piercy, (ar) Star*Line Mar/Apr, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 1982 [Ref. Diane Wakoski, Margaret Atwood & Marge Piercy], as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Music of the Industrial Spheres, (ar) Star*Line March/April 1984
- * A Note from Your Editor (with Robert Frazier), (ed) Star*Line September/October 1987
- * On the Laws of Natural Conservation, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1985
- * Pantoum for a Switched Identity, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer/Fall 1985
- * The Poetry-Video Swing-Shift, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spring 1986
- * Prometheus Rebound, (ss) Helix #10, Fall 2008
- * Reviews, (rc) Star*Line May/Jun 1985, Jan/Feb 1986
- * Reviews (with Ruth Berman), (rc) Star*Line Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1987
- * Reviews (with Bruce Boston), (rc) Star*Line July/August 1987
- * Reviews (with Frances Langelier), (rc) Star*Line Nov/Dec 1987, May/Jun 1988
- * Running Moebius, (pm) Velocities #4, Summer 1984
- * Shrine to the Disconnected, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #90, 2011
- * The S.O.B. Show, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine December 1986
- * Thanksgiving Weekend: Two Rites of Passage, (pm) Velocities #3, Fall/Winter 1983
- * The Users-to-Be of the Space Telescope, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Summer/Fall 1985
- * Using Metaphor to Terrify, (ar) Star*Line January/February 2007
- * Valentina’s Children, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1981, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Variations on a Theme, (pm) Ice River #4, June 1989
- * What I Didn’t Do on My Summer Vacation, (ar) Star*Line September/October 1985
- * What’s Inside Is, (ed) Star*Line March/April 1985
- * Where Relativity Ends, (pm) Strange Horizons February 2 2009
- * Wings, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1983, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * Ybba, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1981, as by Elissa L. A. Hamilton
- * [front cover], (cv) Star*Line Nov/Dec 1987, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov/Dec 2007
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Star*Line Jan/Feb, Jul/Aug 1986, May/Jun, Nov/Dec 1987, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1988
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Star*Line, 86/01 - 88/08
- * Editor: Star*Line Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Nov/Dec 1986, Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Nov/Dec 1987
- * Editor (with Robert Frazier): Star*Line Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1985, Jul/Aug, Sep/Oct 1986, Sep/Oct 1987
- * Editor (with Frances Langelier): Star*Line Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1988
Malcolm, Donald (1930-2013); used pseudonym Roy Malcolm (about) (chron.)
- * Almost Obsolete, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #88, November 1959
- * Beyond the Reach of Storms [Matthew Brady], (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #141, April 1964
- * Complex, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #86, August/September 1959
- * Defence Mechanism, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #65, November 1957
- * Dilemma with Three Horns [Matthew Brady], (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #138, January 1964
- * Fallacies in Science Fiction, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #128, March 1963
- * First Breakthrough, (ar) Nebula Science Fiction #35, October 1958, as by Roy Malcolm
- * First Dawn, (ss) New Worlds SF #148, March 1965
- * Halley—The Man and the Comet, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #55, January 1957
- * The House of Lights, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #70, April 1958
- * Is Bode’s Law a Coincidence?, (ar) Astounding Science Fiction July 1955, as by Roy Malcolm
- * Lone Voyager, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #30, May 1958
- * The Long Ellipse, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #67, January 1958
- * Lunar Observatory, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #47, May 1956
- * Moons of Jupiter, (ar) Nebula Science Fiction #29, April 1958
- * The Other Face, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #105, April 1961
- * The Pathfinders, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #92, March 1960
- * Satellites and the I.G.Y., (ar) Nebula Science Fiction #25, 1957
- * The Stuff of Dreams, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #80, February 1959
- * A Tenth Planet?, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #36, June 1955, as by Roy Malcolm
- * Test Case, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #98, September 1960
- * Twice Bitten [Matthew Brady], (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #127, February 1963
- * Ultimate Complex, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #86, August/September 1959, as "Complex"
- * Who Rules in Space, (ar) Nebula Science Fiction #33, August 1958
- * Whose Moon?, (ar) New Worlds Science Fiction #44, February 1956, as by Roy Malcolm
- * The Winds of Truth, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #94, May 1960
- * Yorick [Matthew Brady], (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #120, July 1962
- * [letter], (lt) New Worlds Science Fiction #71 May 1958, #114 Jan, #124 Nov 1962
_____, [ref.]
Malcolm-Clarke, Darja (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Beacon, (ss) Clarkesworld #11, August 2007
- * Charon of Birds, (pm) Mythic Delirium #15, Summer/Fall 2006
- * Eight of Swords, (ss) The Colored Lens #5, Autumn 2012
- * A Fairy Tale Life, (ss) The Dark #5, August 2014
- * The Haunting of Delphi, (pm) Strange Horizons February 25 2013
- * His One True Bride, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #15, June 2008
- * Of Cog and Feather, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #15, Summer 2005
- * On a Martian Riverbank, Before the Freeze, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #74/75, May/September 2006
- * Pearl in Shadow, (ss) Ideomancer June 2008
- * A Song, a Prayer, an Empty Space, (nv) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #3, Autumn 2008
- * Wren’s Flight, (ss) See the Elephant #4, 2018
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