The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 14
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Agner, Mary Alexandra (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Adero’s Wheel, (pm) Strange Horizons December 1 2003
- * All-Sky Survey, (pm) Small Wonders #13, July 2024
- * Batman at the Wheel, (pm) Kaleidotrope Winter 2018
- * Be True, (pm) Strange Horizons February 26 2007
- * Book of the Dead Woman, (pm) Strange Horizons July 20 2009
- * Chilaquiles Con Code, (ss) Unlikely Story #8, February 2014
- * Children of Breath, (pm) Strange Horizons October 1 2007
- * Cinder-Elver, (vi) The Future Fire #37, 2016
- * Crane Husband, (pm) Strange Horizons June 30 2019
- * From a Young Lady Who Contemplated Marrying an Entomologist, (pp) Dreams and Nightmares #102, January 2016
- * Going Solo on a Goldilocks, (ss) Bastion #5, August 2014
- * Hill and Pail, (pm) Strange Horizons September 29 2008
- * Hypothesis Between Your Ribs, (pm) Interfictions Online #3, May 2014
- * I’m the Villain, Ok?, (pm) Reckoning #2, 2018
- * Length, (pp) Dreams and Nightmares #113, September 2019
- * Mr Hyde’s Daughter, (pm) Strange Horizons September 16 2002
- * Moon Stone, Please Touch, (pm) Kaleidotrope Spring 2014
- * My Own Lightning, (pm) Liminality #6, Winter 2015/2016
- * Shadow Company, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2018
- * Sleeping Beauty, (pm) Strange Horizons November 13 2006
- * So Many Lullabies, (pm) Strange Horizons March 17 2008
- * Sweets, (pm) Strange Horizons February 20 2006
- * Topological Grief, (pm) Liminality #1, Autumn 2014
- * Voyager, (vi) Frozen Wavelets #5, Fall 2020
- * White Noise, (pm) Liminality #14, Winter 2017/2018
- * The Work to Which I Put My Hands, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #70, November 2017
Agnew, Lisa (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Bedlam and Lobotomies, (ar) City Slab #11, 2007
- * The Curse of the Pharaohs, (ss) City Slab #8, 2006
- * Frankenstein’s Genesis, (ar) City Slab #11, 2007
- * The Grand Guignol Theatre, (ar) City Slab #12, 2008
- * Hieronymus Bosch: Art Retrospective, (pi) City Slab #10, 2007
- * The Legend of Sweeney Todd, (ar) City Slab #12, 2008
- * The Resurrection Men, (ar) City Slab #9, 2006
- * Scourge of the Great Dying, (ar) City Slab #7, 2005
- * Sedna and the Exploded Planet Hypothesis, (ar) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #21, October/November 2005
- * Sky Lore, (ar) New Myths #3, June 2008
- * Strange Happenings: Sedna and the Exploded Planet Hypothesis, (ar) Book of Dark Wisdom #4, Fall 2004
- * That Ol’ Whitechapel Fiend, (ar) City Slab #8, 2006
- * Vlad Tapes: The Man Behind the Monsters, (ar) City Slab #10, 2007
- * Yuureu, Kappa and the Japanese Demons, (ar) City Slab #9, 2006
Aguirre, Forrest (1969- ) (about) (chron.)
- * An Apotheosis, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #7, July 2008
- * Apple Fly, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #35, August 2010
- * The Auctioneer and the Antiquarian, or, 1962, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2008
- * Bearing Seed, (vi) Yellow Bat Review #4, Fall 2002
- * Blue Oranges, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #35, August 2010
- * Clover, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #4, October 2007
- * Der Automatikmann, (ss) Space and Time #115, Fall 2011
- * Downstream Flow: A Fugue, (ss) Flesh & Blood #10, 2002
- * Emulsion, (ss) Dark Planet (online) February 25 2001
- * The Enthroned Remember, (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002
- * The Flowering Cage, (ss) Kaleidotrope #13, Fall 2011
- * The Further Adventures of Star Boy, (ss) Surreal #2, Spring 2005
- * An Interview with Scott Thomas, (iv) infinity plus September 2001 [Ref. Scott Thomas]
- * In the Clocktower, (ss) Moonlight Tuber #2, 2011
- * K J Bishop Interviewed, (iv) infinity plus December 2004 [Ref. K. J. Bishop]
- * Langknech and Tzi-Tzi in the Land of the Mad, (ss) Apex Magazine #21, February 2011
- * McKendrick’s Bayonet (with Scott Thomas), (ss) Redsine #10, October 2002
- * MirrorrorriM, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #6, 2019
- * The Non-Epistemological Universe of Emmaeus Holt, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #11, July 2009
- * The Nut Lady’s Cabin, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory #3/4, Fall/Winter 2000
- * Obverse Reverse, (ss) Underland Arcana #4, Fall 2021
- * The Ogling Lime, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #35, August 2010
- * Post-Oz, Circa Hollywood, (ss) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * The Pressures of Being a Single Parent, (ss) Thirteen Stories #1, September 2002
- * Putting the Pieces Back Together, (ss) Cyäegha #19, Spring 2017
- * Queen Phoebe, (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #9, 2002
- * Red-Roofed Temples in the Mountains Beneath Me, (ss) Memoryville Blues ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2013
- * Return from Abaddon, (ss) The Butterfly Artist by Forrest Aguirre, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * The Reverie Styx, (ss) Flesh & Blood v2 #8, 2001
- * The Saint of the Bells, (ss) Postscripts #11, Summer 2007
- * Sinfonia 22, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #13, January 2015
- * Somewhere Between Delta Piscium and Van Maanan’s Star, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * Stickmen, (ss) Lone Star Stories #23, October 2007
- * Treason Is, (ss) GrendelSong #1, 2006
- * The Universal Language of Silence, (ss) infinity plus April 2003
- * Wachui, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #7, February 2001
- * Willendorf Venus, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * The Yellow Baron, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #1, January 2007
- * Zaar, (ss) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #2, November 2011
- * [unknown story], (ss) Redsine (online) #4, February 2001
Agustin, Jim Pascual (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * All You Had, (pm) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #6, Summer 2010
- * Ghosts of Sweaty Air, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #4, Spring 2009
- * In Every War, (pm) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #3, Autumn 2008
- * Sa Bawat Digma, (pm) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #3, Autumn 2008
- * Sand Clings to My Toes, Daddy, (pm) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #6, Summer 2010
Ahern, Ed (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Arabesque, (ss) The Great Tome of Fantastic and Wondrous Places ed. Julie Ann Dawson, Bards and Sages Publishing, 2016
- * Bad Weed (with Alison McBain), (ss) Electric Spec May 31 2023
- * Bedtime Story, (pm) Latchkey Tales October 2015
- * The Belief Ritual, (ss) Kzine #28, September 2020
- * The Body Surfer, (ss) Aphelion #156, October 2011
- * Bogeyman Dreams, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #24, Winter 2019
- * The Bookworm, (vi) The Sirens Call #46, August 2019
- * The Carolian Tablet, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #5, June 2012
- * Caveat Emptor/Caveat Venditor, (ss) The Singularity #4, September 2016
- * Clean Sweep, (ss) Weirdbook #38, 2018
- * Damned if You Do, (ss) Aphelion #164, July 2012
- * The Dead Birds of Christmas, (vi) Tigershark Magazine #28, Winter 2020
- * Digging Up the Dead, (ss) The Sirens Call #50, Summer 2020
- * The Empty House, (ss) The Stygian Lepus #5, 2023
- * The Familiar, (ss) Not One of Us #77, 2024
- * Fleurs Du Mal, (ss) Dark Moon Digest #13, October 2013
- * For Sale by Owner, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- * The Foundling, (ss) The Sirens Call #35, October 2017
- * Good Afternoon Death, (pm) The Sirens Call #42, December 2018
- * Good Neighbors, (ss) Aphelion #266, October 2021
- * A Good Thrashing, (ss) The Sirens Call #58, Summer 2022
- * A Hippocratic Vision, (pm) Star*Line Winter 2023
- * The Hunt, (pm) Grotesque Quarterly v2 #1, 2018
- * The Judas Goat, (ss) Bloodbond #11, November 2018
- * Lights Out, (ss) The Sirens Call #53, Spring 2021
- * Listen to the Deaf Man Sing, (ss) See the Elephant #1, 2015
- * The Loosing of Havoc, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #115, August 2021
- * Memento Mori, (vi) parAbnormal Magazine June 2022
- * A Movement in the Shadows, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #24, Winter 2019
- * A Movement in the Shadows, (ss) Creepy Campfire Stories (for Grown Ups) ed. Jennifer Word, EMP Publishing, 2015
- * Notes on the Pestilence, (ss) DM du Jour April 13 2012
- * O’Leary’s Drive Thru, (pm) The Sirens Call #41, October 2018
- * The Openings, (ss) Tigershark Magazine #22, Summer 2019
- * Our Daily Bread, (pm) Not One of Us #76, 2023
- * Penance, (ss) New Myths #41, December 2017
- * Pest Hag, (ss) Liquid Imagination #25, May 2015
- * Petitions, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2022
- * Sadko, (ss) Bewildering Stories January 14 2013
- * The Samhain Show, (ss) The Sirens Call #51, Halloween 2020
- * Season’s Greetings, (ss) Kzine #16, September 2016
- * The Shapes We’re In, (ss) Kzine #29, February 2021
- * The Storm Walker, (pm) Ghostlight Fall 2016
- * Succubus, (ss) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2014
- * Sunset Cruise, (ss) Kzine #24, May 2019
- * Sweet Petunia, (ss) Dark Horses #17, June 2023
- * Tjikko, (ss) DreamForge Anvil #2, The Unbendable Heart 2021
- * Tombstone, (pm) Gathering Storm Magazine #2, April 2017
- * Toothsome, (vi) The Sirens Call #61, Spring 2023
- * Touching Memory, (vi) Ghostlight Fall 2016
- * Touchstone, (ss) Encounters Magazine #7, April/May 2013
- * Tricky Treats, (vi) The Sirens Call #59, Halloween 2022
- * The Troll Child, (ss) FrostFire Worlds #7, February 2015
- * Virginia Creeper, (vi) Liquid Imagination #17, May 2013
- * Works of Artifice, (vi) The Sirens Call #38, April 2018
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