The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 831

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    Forever Magazine [Issue 31, August 2017] ed. Neil Clarke (Wyrm Publishing, $2.99, ebook, cover by Ron Guyatt)
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · Editorial · Neil Clarke · ed
    • · Vishnu at the Cat Circus [India 2047] · Ian McDonald · n. Cyberadad Days by Ian McDonald, Gollancz, 2009
    • · Oblivion: A Journey · Vandana Singh · nv Clockwork Phoenix ed. Mike Allen, Norilana Books, 2008
    • · My Last Bringback · John Barnes · nv Meeting Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2015

    Forever Magazine [Issue 38, March 2018] ed. Neil Clarke (Wyrm Publishing, $2.99, ebook, cover by Ron Guyatt)
    Details taken from magazine website.
    • · Editorial · Neil Clarke · ed
    • · The Tale of the Alcubierre Horse · Kathleen Ann Goonan · na Extrasolar ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2017
    • · Bricks, Sticks, Straw · Gwyneth Jones · nv Edge of Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2012
    • · The Dust Queen · Aliette de Bodard · nv Reach for Infinity ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2014

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