The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 562
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Ekpeki, Oghenechovwe Donald (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.); name also given as Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald and Ekpeki Donald Oghenechovwe.
- * Destiny Delayed, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2022
- * Diary of the Dark Child, (ss) Invictus Quarterly Magazine #1, July 2020
- * Ife-Iyoku, (na) Selene Quarterly Magazine August 2019
- * Judge’s Comments, (ms) Elegant Literature #24, November 2023
- * The Magazine of Horror, (ss) Apex Magazine #139, 2023
- * The Mannequin Challenge, (ss) Omenana #15, August 2020
- * Mother’s Love, Father’s Place, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #60, January 2023
- * O2 Arena, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #53, November 2021
- * The Pet of Olodumare (with Joshua Uchenna Omenga), (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2023
- * Too Dystopian for Whom? A Continental Nigerian Writer’s Perspective, (ar) Uncanny Magazine #48, September/October 2022
- * Writing While Disabled (with Kristy Anne Cox), (cl) Strange Horizons January 23 2023
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
Elam, Bond (fl. 2000s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Anunnaki Legacy, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2010
- * Blind Spot, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2011
- * The Chatter of Monkeys, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2017
- * Dreams of Spanish Gold, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2015
- * The Eighth Iteration, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2015
- * Fine-Tuning, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2019
- * Instinctive Response, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2013
- * The Message, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2021
- * A Plethora of Truth, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2008
- * Probability Zero:
* ___ Quark Soup, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2010
- * Quark Soup, (vi) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2010
_____, [ref.]
Elder, Matt A. (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * Book Reviews, (rc) Nebula Science Fiction #1, Autumn 1952
- * City (with Kenneth F. Slater), (br) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
- * The Complete Book of Outer Space (with Kenneth F. Slater), (br) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954
- * The Day of the Triffids, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #1, Autumn 1952 [Ref. John Wyndham]
- * Lands Beyond (with Kenneth F. Slater), (br) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp & Willy Ley]
- * Something to Read (with Kenneth F. Slater), (rc) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954
- * The True Book of Space Travel (with Kenneth F. Slater), (br) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954 [Ref. William F. Temple]
- * The Twenty-Second Century (with Kenneth F. Slater), (br) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954 [Ref. John Christopher]
- * The Weapon Makers (with Kenneth F. Slater), (br) Nebula Science Fiction #8, 1954 [Ref. A. E. van Vogt]
- * What Mad Universe, (br) Nebula Science Fiction #1, Autumn 1952 [Ref. Fredric Brown]
- * [letter], (lt) Nebula Science Fiction #1, Autumn 1952
Elder, Will; [i.e., William Elder; born Wolf Eisenberg] (1921-2008)
_____, [ref.]
Eldridge, Robert (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Adventures of Hatim Tai, by Anonymous (1830), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2016
- * The Cloud Dream of the Nine, by Kim Man-Choong (1922), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018 [Ref. Kim Man-Choong]
- * Curiosities:
* ___ The Adventures of Hatim Tai, by Anonymous (1830), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2016
* ___ The Cloud Dream of the Nine, by Kim Man-Choong (1922), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2018 [Ref. Kim Man-Choong]
* ___ The Great Demonstration, by Katharine Metcalf Roof (1929), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2017 [Ref. Katharine Metcalf Roof]
* ___ Star of the Unborn, by Franz Werfel (1946), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016 [Ref. Franz Werfel]
- * The Great Demonstration, by Katharine Metcalf Roof (1929), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2017 [Ref. Katharine Metcalf Roof]
- * Star of the Unborn, by Franz Werfel (1946), (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2016 [Ref. Franz Werfel]
Elefante-Gordon, Juanita (chron.)
- * Free Perceptions, (iv) Fear #34, October 1991 [Ref. John Saul]
- * Mark of the Beast, (iv) Fear #14, February 1990 [Ref. Roy Dotrice]
- * Splatter with Grey Matter, (ar) Fear #12, December 1989
- * The Strieber Enigma, (iv) Fear #15, March 1990 [Ref. Phillippe Mora]
- * Transylvania Twist, (iv) Fear #12, December 1989 [Ref. Robert Vaughn]
Eleu, S. T. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Alternate Scene, (pm) Aphelion #276, September 2022
- * Answers, (pm) Aphelion #275, August 2022
- * Hell Opened Up, (pm) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- * Icebreaker #22, (pm) Aphelion #253, August 2020
- * I’ll Be Home Soon, (pm) Aphelion #281, March 2023
- * Last Bulb in the Box, (pm) Aphelion #253, August 2020
- * Legend, I Am, (pm) Aphelion #268, December 2021/January 2022
- * Legend, I Am v2.0, (pm) Aphelion #296, July 2024
- * The Other Photos, (pm) Aphelion #267, November 2021
- * The Painting on the Wall, (pm) Aphelion #264, August 2021
- * Paradox Lost, (pm) Haven Speculative #10, August 2023
- * Prove Your Love, (pm) Aphelion #295, June 2024
- * Superpower, (pm) Aphelion #233, October 2018
- * Terrestrial Extinctions 101, (pm) Aphelion #257, December 2020/January 2021
- * To My Future Self, (pm) Aphelion #199, September 2015
- * Utopia, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2023
Elflandsson, Galad (1951- ) (chron.)
- * Alfheïmersbane, (pm) Dark Fantasy #24/25, 1984
- * The Answer, (vi) Stardock #4, Fall 1979
- * The Basilisk, (ss) Copper Toadstool #5, January 1979
- * Beyond the Wall of Clouds, (pm) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978
- * The Dance, (ss) Prelude to Fantasy #2, Fall 1979
- * An Empress of Dreams, (ar) Dragonfields #4, Winter 1983
- * The Exile, (nv) Gothic December 1979
- * The Flat on Rue Chambord, (ss) Dark Fantasy #22, 1980
- * The Hand of the King, (ss) Dark Fantasy #12, 1979
- * Hitch-Hiker, (ss) Stardock #5, Summer 1984
- * How Darkness Came to Carcosa, (nv) Dragonbane #1, Spring 1978
- * Nightfear, (ss) Dark Fantasy #15, 1978
- * The Piper of Dray, (ss) Copper Toadstool #3, January 1978
- * The Reaver’s Curse, (nv) Borderland #1, 1984
- * Release, (pm) Copper Toadstool #4, May 1978
- * A Shade’s Lament, (pm) Copper Toadstool #3, January 1978
- * Snowbound in Glimmerwhite Hall (or The Way of Blizzards), (na) The Storyteller ed. Dale Hammell, Soda Publications, 1979
- * A Tapestry of Dreams, (ss) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978
- * The Virgins of Po, (ss) Copper Toadstool #4, May 1978
- * Waiting, (ss) Borderland #4, 1986
- * The Way of Wizards [Blackjack Davy], (ss) Dragonfields #3, Summer 1980
_____, [ref.]
Elgin, Suzette Haden; [born Patricia Anne Wilkins] (1936-2015) (about) (chron.)
- * Acknowledgement, (ms) Star*Line February 1979
- * And, Finally, with regard to the Westercon Poetry Panel…, (ar) Star*Line August 1979
- * and the Octopus Replies, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1980
- * Announcement, (ms) Star*Line Jan, Feb, Aug 1979
- * Announcements, (ms) Star*Line Feb, Nov 1978, Jan, Mar, Aug, Sep 1979
- * Another Review, (br) Star*Line July/August 1982
- * As for the Universal Translator, (pm) Star*Line April 1979
- * BardiaNoise: The Poem Processor, (cl) Star*Line January/February 1983
- * Bardo Crossing, (pm) Strange Horizons December 8 2008
- * A Basic Introduction to Generative Metrics—One More Time, (ar) Star*Line March 1979
- * Beyond the Ur-Poem, (ar) Velocities #2, Spring 1983
- * Binary Addendum, (pm) Star*Line September/December 1989
- * The Book Review, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1980
- * Brief Editorial Note, (ed) Star*Line February 1979
- * Brief Metric Remark, (ed) Star*Line January 1979
- * Brief Review, (br) Star*Line August 1979
- * Brochure from the Intensive Care Ward: 2081, (pm) Star*Line August 1978
- * Business, To Be Brief this Month, Thank Goodness, (ed) Star*Line December 1979
- * A California Christmas Carol, (pm) Star*Line December 1978
- * Comment, (ms) Star*Line Mar, Apr, Sep, Dec 1979, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Jul/Aug 1980
- * Comment from the Editor, (ms) Star*Line Apr, Sep 1978
- * Comment Inspired by the Mention of Santa You Know Who, (ms) Star*Line December 1979
- * Comments, (ms) Star*Line October 1979
- * Comments from the Factotum, (ed) Star*Line September 1979
- * Con Report, (ms) Star*Line July/August 1983
- * Correction, (ms) Star*Line February 1979
- * Corrections and/or Changes for the Membership Directory, (ar) Star*Line September 1979
- * Death and Taxes, (ss) Challenging Destiny #25, December 2007
- * Defining Our Horrible Terms, (ar) Star*Line November/December 2006
- * Developing the Phantom Constituent, (ar) Star*Line November 1979
- * Dragons Complaining, Overhead, (pm) Mythic Delirium #14, Winter/Spring 2006
- * Easter Lexicon, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1981
- * Editorial, (ed) Star*Line Nov 1978, Feb, Mar, Apr, Apr (supplement), Aug, Sep 1979
- * Editorial Comment, (ed) Star*Line Oct, Nov 1978, Jan, Feb, Mar 1979
- * Editorial Fretting, (ed) Star*Line October 1978
- * Editorial Note, (ed) Star*Line Aug, Oct 1978, Feb 1979
- * Editorial Prologue, (ed) Star*Line March 1979
- * Editor’s Concluding Emendatory Hypostulations, (ed) Star*Line January 1979
- * Factotum Business, (ms) Star*Line May/June 1980
- * Factotum Comments, (ed) Star*Line October 1979
- * First, Business, (ed) Star*Line Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr 1980
- * First, Business Matters, (ed) Star*Line October 1979
- * First Off, Business, (ed) Star*Line November 1979
- * For the Sake of Grace, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1969
- * Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Bombday, (pm) Star*Line November 1979
- * From the Factotum, (ed) Star*Line July/August 1980
- * From the Factotum: Re the Cliché, (ar) Star*Line March/April 1980
- * FYI, (??) Star*Line October 1979
- * Happyvalentine, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1980
- * Honor Is Golden, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2004
- * How Do You Know It’s a Science Fiction Poem?, (ar) Star*Line January 1978
- * Hymn, (pm) Star*Line December 1978
- * Iambic Pentameters Have Five Feet and Go Da Dum!, and Trochaic Tetrameters Have Four Feet and Go Dum! Da, and Similar Tools of the Trade, (ar) Star*Line January 1978
- * In a Bottle, (pm) Star*Line August 1979
- * Informal Intro to Doing SF poetry Workshops, (ar) Star*Line January/February 1980
- * Lady of the Spaceways, (sg) Star*Line March/April 1982
- * A Letter from Your President, (lt) Star*Line November/December 1985
- * Lexical Gap, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1985
- * Lines on Looking Into the Los Angeles Times Book Review Week After Week, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1981
- * Lo, How an Oak E’er Blooming, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1986
- * Magic Granny Says Don’t Meddle, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1984
- * More Announcements, (ms) Star*Line August 1979
- * More on Metrics, (ar) Star*Line February 1978
- * Moses, Emily Post, and the Empath: First Installment, (pm) Star*Line September 1978
- * The Music of the Spheres, (ar) Star*Line May/June 1984
- * Musing-Witch, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1980
- * Mutters from the Editor, (ms) Star*Line April 1978
- * Nakedialogue, (??) Star*Line June 1978
- * New Journals, (ms) Star*Line February 1978
- * Note, (ms) Star*Line Mar, Jul, Oct, Nov, Dec 1979
- * Note from Factotum, (ed) Star*Line August 1979
- * Note from Me, (ms) Star*Line August 1979
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