The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 1185
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Lowe, Nick (chron.) (continued)
- * Narratological Mischief, (rc) Interzone #39, September 1990
- * Pop-up Book of the 80s, (rc) Interzone #44, February 1991
- * Soldier of Arete, (br) Interzone #39, September 1990 [Ref. Gene Wolfe]
- * 25 Film, (ss) Interzone #210, June 2007
- * War Fever, (br) Interzone #44, February 1991 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
_____, [ref.]
Lowe, Paul (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Some (More) Remarks on Ghost Stories, (sy) The Ghosts & Scholars M.R. James Newsletter #15, May 2009
- * [front cover], (cv) All Hallows #9 Jun, #10 Oct 1995, #11 Feb, #12 Jun, #13 Oct 1996, #14 Feb, #15 Jun, #16 Oct 1997, #17 Feb, #18 Jun, #19 Oct 1998,
#20 Feb, #21 Jun, #22 Oct 1999
#23 Feb, #24 Jun, #25 Oct 2000, #26 Feb, #27 Jun, #28 Oct 2001, #29 Feb, #30 Jun, #31 Oct 2002, #32 Feb, #33 Jun, #34 Oct 2003
#35 Feb, #36 Jun, #37 Oct 2004, #38 Feb, #39 Jun, #40 Oct 2005, #41 Feb, #42 Oct 2006, #43 Sum 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) Ghosts & Scholars #25 1997, #26 1998, #28, #29 1999, #30, #31 2000, #32 2001
- * [illustration(s)], (il) All Hallows #17 Feb, #18 Jun, #19 Oct 1998, #20 Feb, #21 Jun, #22 Oct 1999, #23 Feb, #25 Oct 2000, #26 Feb, #27 Jun, #28 Oct 2001,
#29 Feb, #30 Jun, #31 Oct 2002
#32 Feb, #33 Jun, #34 Oct 2003, #35 Feb, #36 Jun, #37 Oct 2004
Lowenstein, Terry (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Dancers Return, (pm) Fables Spring 2003
- * The Dancing Trees, (pm) Fables Winter 2001
- * The Feast of Samhain, (pm) Aphelion #69, April 2003
- * A Harvest of Fragrance, (pm) Fables Spring 2003
- * Samhain, 1591, (pm) Fables Autumn 2001
- * Seed of Justice, (pm) Aphelion #71, June 2003
- * The Stones Speak, (pm) Fables Spring 2003
- * The Visitor, (pm) Fables Autumn 2002
- * When Grown Men Feared the Night, (pm) Fables Winter 2001
- * Winter, a Maiden Fair, (pm) Fables Winter 2001
Lowentrout, Christine I. Smith (1951- ); used pseudonym Sherwood Smith (chron.)
- * And Horses Are Born with Eagles Wings, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 1997, as by Sherwood Smith
- * And Now Abideth These Three, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 1998, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Being Real, (nv) Lone Star Stories #17, October 2006, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Echoes of Ancient Danger, (ss) Orphans of the Night ed. Josepha Sherman, Walker, 1995, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Hero and the Princess, (ss) Lone Star Stories #11, October 2005, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Mom and Dad at the Home Front, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2000, as by Sherwood Smith
- * The Rule of Engagement, (na) Lace and Blade ed. Deborah J. Ross, Leda, 2008, as by Sherwood Smith
- * Visions, (ss) Bruce Coville’s Book of Magic ed. Bruce Coville, Scholastic/Apple, 1996, as by Sherwood Smith
Lowie, Goran (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * All I Ever Wanted to Be, (pm) The Future Fire #65, 2023
- * The Bone Whale Rids Itself of Its Inhabitants, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2024
- * Dragon Tracks: A Short Guide, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #126, January 2024
- * The Dream-Ships of the Yser, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2023
- * Elegy for the Asteroid Miner, (pm) Radon Journal #4, May 2023
- * Elegy for the Wood Nymphs, (pm) Haven Speculative #12, December 2023
- * The Explorers Return, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine October/November 2022
- * Five Things Said by the Deity’s Lover, (pm) Heartlines Spec #2, Spring/Summer 2023
- * For Centuries, We Feel Lost, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2023
- * The Gods Bleed, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2022
- * Hands Like Wings, Dancing Upon the Air, (pm) Orion’s Belt June 2023
- * I Am Nightmares, (pm) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * Lamentaties, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2023
- * Lamentations, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2023; translated from the Dutch (“Lamentaties”).
- * Life in the New Ice Age, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2024
- * A Look Into the Geriatric Lives of Life Companions…, (pm) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine June/July 2023
- * A New Captain Arrives, (pm) Star*Line Summer 2023
- * The Ones Who Stayed, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2023
- * The People of Avonmora Move On, (pm) Kaleidotrope Summer 2024
- * She Feels the Error of Her Past, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
- * Skywoman and Eve, (pm) Strange Horizons May 22 2023
- * The Squatters of the Fungal Forest, (pm) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
- * Swimming in the Changeling Sea, (pm) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
- * Thomas Is Hiding, (pm) The Sirens Call #60, Winter 2022
Lowndes, Robert A(ugustine) W(ard) (1916-1998); used pseudonyms Arthur Cooke, Carol Grey, Carl Groener, Mallory Kent, Paul Dennis Lavond, John MacDougal, Wilfred Owen Morley, Richard Morrison, Robert Morrison, Michael Sherman, Peter Michael Sherman, Jay Tyler & The Vagrant (about) (chron.)
- * 1927, (ed) Future Science Fiction #33, Summer 1957
- * 1927 II, (ed) Future Science Fiction #34, Fall 1957
- * 1927 III, (ed) Future Science Fiction #35, February 1958
- * 1928, (ed) Future Science Fiction #36, April 1958
- * 1928 II, (ed) Future Science Fiction #37, June 1958
- * 1928 III, (ed) Future Science Fiction #38, August 1958
- * 1928 IV, (ed) Future Science Fiction #39, October 1958
- * 1928 V, (ed) Future Science Fiction #40, December 1958
- * 1928 VI, (ed) Future Science Fiction #41, February 1959
- * 1929, (ed) Future Science Fiction #42, April 1959
- * 1929 II, (ed) Future Science Fiction #44, August 1959
- * The Abyss [Cthulhu], (ss) Stirring Science Stories February 1941
- * Action and Reaction, (ar) Fantasmagoria July 1937
- * Ambition, (pm) The Science Fiction Fan June 1939, as by Robert A. W. Lowndes
- * And Then No More…, (ss) Startling Mystery Stories Spring 1968, as by Jay Tyler
- * Annals of Arkya, (pm) The Phantagraph May 1944, May 1945
* ___ 1. The Courier, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
* ___ 2. The Worshippers, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
* ___ 3. Liberation, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
* ___ 4. The Guardian, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
* ___ 5. The Summons, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
* ___ 6. The Viola, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
- * As I Was Saying, (ed) Science Fiction Quarterly August 1951
- * Badness, (pm) The New Science Fiction Collector July 1937
- * A Better Case Against Michelism, (ar) Science Fiction Collector August 1938 [Ref. John Michel]
- * Beware of “Tomorrow”, (ed) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories September/October 1950
- * Bewildered?, (ed) Science Fiction Quarterly February 1957
- * Black Flames (with Donald A. Wollheim), (nv) Stirring Science Stories April 1941, as by Lawrence Woods
- * Blacklist, (ss) Uncanny Tales (Canada) May 1942
- * Book Review: C. A. Smith collection from Arkham House, (br) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1942 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * The Borders of “Science Fiction”, (ed) Famous Science Fiction Spring 1969
- * The Burrowers Beneath, (pm) Stirring Science Stories April 1941, as by Wilfred Owen Morley
- * By Popular Request, (ed) Science Fiction Stories April 1943
- * The Cases of Jules de Grandin, (ar) Startling Mystery Stories Sum 1969, Spr 1970
- * The Changes I’ve Seen, (ar) Science Fiction Review #60, Fall 1986
- * Chaos, Co-ordinated (with James Blish), (nv) Astounding Science Fiction October 1946, as by John MacDougal
- * Clarissa, (ss) Magazine of Horror and Strange Stories November 1963; revised from “The Gourmet,” Polaris Dec ’39.
- * Close to Home, (ed) Science Fiction Stories July 1943
- * The Collector, (ss) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1942, as by Mallory Kent
- * The Colossus of Maia (with Donald A. Wollheim), (ss) Cosmic Stories July 1941, as by Lawrence Woods
- * The Coming of the Pulps, (ed) Future Science Fiction #47, February 1960
- * Communication Problem, (ed) Science Fiction Stories March 1957
- * The Council, (pm) New Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1945
- * The Courier, (pm) Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1944
- * The Crawler, (pm) New Annals of Arkya by Robert A. W. Lowndes, The Phantagraph Press, 1945
- * Damon Knight’s “Hells Pavement”, (pm) Science Fiction Quarterly August 1956 [Ref. Damon Knight], as by Michael Sherman
- * Dead End, (ar) The Alchemist December 1940
- * Dead on Arrival, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1948, as by Robert Morrison
- * Decadent Age in Magazine STF, (ar) Fantascience Digest November/December 1941
- * The Deliverers, (vi) Science Fiction Quarterly #9, Winter 1942, as by Richard Morrison
- * Derelict, (pm) Unusual Stories Winter 1935
- * Descent, (pm) The Phantagraph August 1938
- * Destructive Criticism?, (ed) Future Science Fiction #32, Spring 1957
- * Dhactwhu!—Remember? (with Forrest J Ackerman), (nv) Super Science Stories April 1949, as by Jacques DeForest Erman & Wilfred Owen Morley
- * Disciplined Imagination, (ed) Science Fiction Stories May 1958
- * …Does Not Imply, (ss) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1943, as by Wilfred Owen Morley
- * The Doll Master, (ss) Stirring Science Stories April 1941, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * Down to Earth (with The Readers), (lc) Famous Science Fiction Summer 1967
- * Down to Earth, (ms) Future Science Fiction #46, December 1959
- * The Duplicated Man (with James Blish), (n.) Dynamic Science Fiction August 1953, as by James Blish & Michael Sherman
- * Editorations, (ed) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1942
- * Editor’s Choice, (ed) Science Fiction Quarterly May 1956
- * The Editor’s Page, (ed) Science Fiction Stories March 1960
- * The Editor’s Page, (ed) Magazine of Horror Jul, Sep, Nov 1968, Feb 1971
- * The Editor’s Page: Reminisces on Seabury Quinn, (ed) Magazine of Horror Fall 1970
- * Einstein’s Planetoid (with C. M. Kornbluth & Frederik Pohl), (nv) Science Fiction Quarterly #6, Spring 1942, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * “Entertainment”, (ed) Science Fiction Quarterly November 1955
- * Exiles of New Planet (with C. M. Kornbluth & Frederik Pohl), (ss) Astonishing Stories April 1941, as by Paul Dennis Lavond
- * Experiment, (ed) Science Fiction Stories March 1959
- * The Extrapolated Dimwit [Clair & Gaynor] (with C. M. Kornbluth & Frederik Pohl), (nv) Future Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1942, as by S. D. Gottesman
- * A Fact Is a Fact Is a Fact…, (ed) Science Fiction Stories November 1956
- * Fads & Fallacies in the Name of Science, (br) Future Science Fiction #36, April 1958 [Ref. Martin Gardner], as by Jay Tyler
- * Fair Warning, (ed) Science Fiction Stories November 1958
- * Fateful Hour, (pm) The Phantagraph October 1937
- * La Femme de Glace, (pm) The Phantagraph August 1937
- * Find the Feathered Serpent, (br) Future Science Fiction January 1953 [Ref. Evan Hunter]
- * First Principles, (ed) Future Science Fiction #30, 1956
- * Five Against Venus, (br) Future Science Fiction January 1953 [Ref. Philip Latham]
- * For A. Merritt: “The Face in the Abyss”, (pm) Famous Fantastic Mysteries October 1940
- * Forbidden Books, (pm) The Phantagraph June 1937
- * Forbidden Knowledge, (ar) Weird Terror Tales Summer 1970
- * Forces and Men, (ed) Future Science Fiction #29, 1956
- * For Howard Phillips Lovecraft, (pm) Famous Fantastic Mysteries October 1941
- * For the Intelligentsia, (pm) The Fantast April 1942
- * Freedom?, (ed) Science Fiction Stories January 1958
- * From the Bookshelf, (rc) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories Jul/Aug 1950, Mar, May, Sep, Nov 1951
- * The Futuristic Detective, (ed) Science Fiction Stories January 1959
- * The Gourmet, (vi) Diablerie December 1939
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