The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 2137

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    Windhaven [#1, 1977] ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson (Atalanta Press, $1.50, quarto)
    Fiction only.
    Details supplied by Ned Brooks.
    • 15 · The Legend of Caballo Grande · Whit Gibbons · ss; given as “The Legend of Caballa Grande” on the story itself.
    • 24 · The Great Cup · Ron Nance · ss

    Windhaven [#5, 1979] ed. Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sherri L. File & Dianne Policelli (Della Hennessee, $1.95, 40pp, quarto, cover by Jeanne Gomoll)
    Toward a Feminist & Humanitarian Fantasy and Science Fiction.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • 3 · Winged Woman: The Golden Age of Sexism · Jessica Amanda Salmonson · cl
    • 10 · Windlestraws · The Readers · lc; includes letters from Sydney Van Scyoc, Marge Piercy, Evangeline Walton, Willum Pugmire, Debbie Notkin, Terry Carr, and several other names of note.
    • 21 · Will o’ the Wisp · Jane Gabrielle Beckman · pm
    • 22 · Why Blacks Don’t Read Science Fiction Part II: Passing for More Than Human · “Lady Jayne” Sturgeon · ar
    • 24 · Why Blacks Don’t Read Science Fiction Part II: Still Can’t Play Basketball · Charles R. Saunders · ar; long letter by JS criticising article by CRS in previous issue, followed by reply by CRS.
    • 25 · Linda’s Boys · Irene E. Steele · ss
    • 28 · Media & Clytemnestra · Rose Ann Cyrus · ar; title is sic, though Medea is spelled correctly in text.
    • 29 · Celtic Twilight · Evangeline Walton · ar; on her own writing career and interests.
    • 31 · Three Women’s Perspectives on Gender and Alternative Societies · Sherri L. File · ar; on works of LeGuin, Russ, and Piercy.
    • 39 · Monologue · Amy Arnston Marein · pm
    • bc. · [back cover] · Mary Bohdanowicz · il

    Winter Chills:   (about)

    Winter Chills
    Small press fiction magazine produced on behalf of the British Fantasy Society. The first two issues were numbered into the British Fantasy Society Booklets, after which this title assumed its own numbering.

    • Publishers:
      • British Fantasy Society; Birmingham, England: Winter Chills.
    • Editors:

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