The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1531
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Williams, David (fl. 1950s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #1, March 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #2, April 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #3, May 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #4, June 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #5, July 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #6, August 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #7, September 1954
- [front cover], (cv) Space Fact and Fiction #8, October 1954
Williams, Dylan (?-2011) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #3, March 2008
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #10, December 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #12, June 2010
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #15, March 2011
- [front cover], (cv) Murky Depths #17, September 2011
- [illustration(s)], (il) Murky Depths #18, December 2011
Williams, Eric C(yril) (1918-2010); used pseudonym Cyril Wellington (about) (items)
- Mr. Hazel’s Miracle Carpet, (ss) Amateur Science Stories #2, December 1937
- The Venus Vein, (ss) Amateur Science Stories #2, December 1937
- My First Space-Ship, (ss) Amateur Science Stories #3, March 1938
- The Music War, (ss) The Satellite December 1938
- [letter], (lt) The Satellite December 1938, etc.
- Why Not an Atlas for Authors?, (ar) The Satellite February 1939
- [front cover], (cv) The Satellite April 1939
- [letter from Catford], (lt) The Fantast May 1939, etc.
- S-F Invades the Stage, (th) Science-Fantasy Review #5, July 17 1939
- Dark Horizon, (ss) The Fantast July 1939
- Egos and the SFA, (ar) The Satellite July 1939
- So What Department, (ar) New Worlds August 1939
- [front cover], (cv) The Satellite August 1939
- Extracts from a Journal, (ar) The Fantast October/November 1939
- An Aesthetic Fan Decides, (ar) The Satellite December 1939
- [letter from London, England], (lt) Unknown December 1939
- Dream Talk with Olaf Stapledon, (ar) The Satellite August 1940
- Opinion, (ar) The Fantast November 1941
- The Silent Ship, (ss) New Worlds SF #152, July 1965
- The Desolator, (ss) Science Fantasy #75, August 1965
- The Real Thing, (nv) sf Impulse December 1966
- Number 7, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow November 1969
- “Something”, (ss) Fantasy Annual 3 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 1999
- Amenemhet’s Gift [Paul Delacroix], (ss) Fantasy Quarterly 1 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2001
- The Giant of Posnic, (ss) Fantasy Quarterly 1 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2001, as by Cyril Wellington
- Brides for Mars, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #2, 2002
- The Martians [Paul Delacroix], (ss) Fantasy Adventures #1, 2002
- Arboreal Interlude, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #6 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003
- The Paper Killer [Paul Delacroix], (ss) Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2003
- The Visitor, (ss) Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2003
- Dark City in Glass City, (ss) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000
- The Egyptian Message [Paul Delacroix], (nv) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000
- Evening Meal, (ss) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000, as by Cyril Wellington
- Jenkins’ Ghost, (ss) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000, as by Cyril Wellington
Williams, Erik (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- A Stranger’s Proposal, (ss) Black Ink Horror #3, 2007
- Dog Reflects on Dog’s Life, (vi) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #7, Winter 2008
- Four Torments and a Judgment, (ss) Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine #2, Spring 2008
- Hunting Aliens, (ss) Apex Online October 2 2008
- Restaurant Talk, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #7, July 2009
- The Monster Whisperer, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #10, April 2010
- Theater Magic, (ss) Black Ink Horror #6, 2010
Williams, Gavin (fl. 1990s-2000s) (about) (items)
- The Birds of Prey, (ss) Exuberance #6, 1993
- Needing Treatment, (ss) Grotesque #8, 1995
- Calling Eddie, (ss) Threads #8, Summer 1995
- Vigilante, (ss) Grotesque #9, 1995
- The Gates of the Body, (ss) Psychotrope #3, October 1995
- Expecting the Unexpected, (vi) Sierra Heaven #1, Spring 1996
- Sheep’s Clothing, (ss) Grotesque #10, 1996
- The Cold, (ss) Phantoms July 1996
- Reviews (with Carl Thomas), (rc) The Universal Mind #1, 1997
- Someone to Bleed For, (ss) Peeping Tom #27, July 1997
- Fear and Clothing in the Kingdom of the Damned, (vi) Peeping Tom #31, August 1998
Williams, Genevieve (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Old Yew and the Consequences of Conduct, (ss) Glyph #8, 2002
- Kip, Running, (ss) Strange Horizons March 10 2008
- The Redemption of Kip Banjeree, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2014
- Good Behavior, (ss) Perihelion June 12 2015
- The Singing Bowl, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2016
- Love Pops!, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2016
- Arkteiea, (ss) See the Elephant #3, 2017
- Woman of the River, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2023
Williams, J. M. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Dragon’s Tongue, (ss) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #9, April 2017
- The Tree Sign, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly July 2017
- Some Things You Can’t Let Go, (ss) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #13, August 2017
- Green or Red?, (ss) Fantasia Divinity Magazine #19, February 2018
- Reinforced Truths, (ss) The Chamber Magazine December 10 2021
- AIs Don’t Feel Guilty, (ss) Abyss & Apex #87, 3rd Quarter 2023
- Old Wounds, New Spears, (ss) DreamForge Anvil #14, Liminal Encounters 2023
Williams, Jay (1914-1978) (about) (items)
- [letter from Redding, CT], (lt) Fantastic Adventures September 1947
- Mr. Guthrie’s Cold War, (ss) Woman’s Journal 1954
- The Asa Rule, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1956
- Little Tin God, (ss) Argosy (UK) March 1957
- Beast of Prey, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction August 1957
- False Image, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction October 1958
- Seed of Violence, (nv) Fantastic Universe November 1958
- Operation Ladybird, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1959
- The Beetle, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction March 1961
- Somebody to Play With, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction May 1961
- Interplanetary Sex, (ar) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1962
- Gifts of the Gods, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1962
Williams, Jeffrey (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- On the Corner of Galaxy and Fifth (with Robert Wynne), (sl) Aphelion #16, August/September 1998, etc.
- Triumverate, (ss) Aphelion #17, October 1998
- I Don’t Like the Sunshine (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #18, November 1998
- You Don’t Mess Around with Grym [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #18, November 1998
- Nikki Time, (ss) Aphelion #20, January 1999
- Wolf’s Bane (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #21, February 1999
- Harry Chapin’s Waltz [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #22, March 1999
- The Aphelion Interview: Kate Thornton, (iv) Aphelion #25, June 1999 [Ref. Kate Thornton]
- The Aphelion Interview: Allen Woods, (iv) Aphelion #26, July 1999 [Ref. Allen Woods]
- The Aphelion Interview: McCamy Taylor, (iv) Aphelion #28, September 1999 [Ref. McCamy Taylor]
- Morning Bird, (nv) Aphelion #28, September 1999
- The Aphelion Interview: Atk. Butterfly, (iv) Aphelion #29, October 1999 [Ref. David L. Kuzminski]
- Once Upon a Time…, (ss) Aphelion #30, November 1999
- “Stay” [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #35, April 2000
- Sheffield’s Eleventh [Mare Inebrium], (ss) Aphelion #58, April 2002
- Still Captain After All These Years (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #59, May 2002
- The Night They Drove the Death Star Down (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #61, July 2002
- Forlorn, (nv) Aphelion #68, March 2003
- The Aphelion Interview: Ian McDonald, (iv) Aphelion #69, April 2003 [Ref. Ian McDonald]
- The Aphelion Interview: Guy Hasson, (iv) Aphelion #70, May 2003 [Ref. Guy Hasson]
- Dimensions’ Gate [Nightwatch], (nv) Aphelion #85, September 2004
- The Kindness of Strangers [Nightwatch], (sl) Aphelion #90, March 2005, etc.
- CSM-115 [Nightwatch], (sl) Aphelion #101, April 2006, etc.
- Editorial, (ed) Aphelion #112, July 2007
- The Girl with Kaleidoscope Eyes [Nightwatch] (with Elizabeth Markham), (na) Aphelion #150, March 2011
- Transit [Nightwatch], (na) Aphelion #156, October 2011
- Party of Four (with Robert Wynne), (pm) Aphelion #174, June 2013
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