The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1279
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Shaver, Richard S(harpe) (1907-1975); used pseudonyms Wes Amherst, Edwin Benson, Alexander Blade, Peter Dexter, Richard Dorot, Richard English, G. H. Irwin, Paul Lohrman, Frank Patton, Stan Raycraft & D. Richard Sharpe (about) (items)
- “I Remember Lemuria!” [Mutan Mion], (na) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by Richard S. Shaver
- Mantong, the Language of Lemuria (with Raymond A. Palmer), (ar) Amazing Stories March 1945
- Open Letter to the World, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1945
- Thought Records of Lemuria, (na) Amazing Stories June 1945
- Thought Records of Lemuria, (ex) Amazing Stories June 1945
- Cave City of Hel, (nv) Amazing Stories September 1945
- Quest of Brail, (na) Amazing Stories December 1945
- Invasion of the Micro-Men [Mutan Mion], (na) Amazing Stories February 1946
- An Adam from the Sixth, (ss) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
- The Masked World [Ben Uniaty], (na) Amazing Stories May 1946
- Luder Valley, (nv) Amazing Stories June 1946
- Cult of the Witch Queen [Big Jim Steele] (with Bob McKenna), (na) Amazing Stories July 1946
- The Tale of the Last Man, (ss) Fantastic Adventures July 1946
- The Sea People [Big Jim Steele], (na) Amazing Stories August 1946
- Earth Slaves to Space [Ben Uniaty], (na) Amazing Stories September 1946
- The Return of Sathanas [Mutan Mion] (with Bob McKenna), (na) Amazing Stories November 1946
- The Land of Kui [Mutan Mion], (nv) Amazing Stories December 1946
- Death Seems So Final, (ss) Amazing Stories January 1947, as by Alexander Blade
- The Mind Rovers, (na) Amazing Stories January 1947
- Joe Dannon, Pioneer, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1947
- The Princess and Her Pig, (ss) Fantastic Adventures March 1947
- The Crystalline Sarcophagus, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1947
- Formula from the Underworld, (nv) Amazing Stories June 1947
- Proofs, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- The Red Legion, (na) Amazing Stories June 1947
- Witch’s Daughter, (nv) Amazing Stories June 1947
- Zigor Mephisto’s Collection of Mentalia, (nv) Amazing Stories June 1947
- First Rocket, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1947, as by D. Richard Sharpe
- Mer-Witch of Ether “18”, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1947
- Witch of the Andes, (na) Fantastic Adventures October 1947
- Of Gods and Goats, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1947
- Do Everything You Can, Today, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1947
- Heiren’s Friend, George Murman, (ss) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1947
- Mandark, (n.) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1947, etc.
- Mandark, (ex) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1947 (+7)
- A Preface and Forward to “Mandark”, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1947
- Voices in the Night, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v1 #1, 1947
- Medieval Illicit, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1948
- Shaver on Inertia, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1948
- “Slaves of the Worm”, (na) Fantastic Adventures February 1948
- Flesh Against Spirit, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1948, as by Alexander Blade
- Gods of Venus [Big Jim Steele], (n.) Amazing Stories March 1948
- The Thin Woman, (ss) Fantastic Adventures March 1948
- Lair of the Grimalkin [Frank Farar], (na) Fantastic Adventures April 1948, as by G. H. Irwin
- Ice City of the Gorgon (with Chester S. Geier), (na) Amazing Stories June 1948
- The Valley of Madness, (ss) Amazing Stories June 1948, as by Alexander Blade
- If We Get a Chance!, (ar) Amazing Stories July 1948
- Mirrors of the Queen, (nv) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
- Titan’s Daughter [Big Jim Steele], (n.) Amazing Stories September 1948
- Daughter of the Night [The Red Dwarf], (nv) Amazing Stories December 1948
- Fountain of Change (with Chester S. Geier), (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1948
- On Immensity, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v2 #1, 1948
- Reply to Robert Kidwell, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v2 #3, 1948
- Supplementary Material for Mandark, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v2 #4, 1948
- The Terrible Clock, (ar) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v2 #2, 1948
- Wings in the Night, (vi) The Shaver Mystery Magazine v2 #3, 1948
- The Cyclops, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1949
- When the Moon Bounced, (na) Amazing Stories May 1949, as by Frank Patton
- The Cyclopeans, (nv) Fantastic Adventures June 1949
- Exiles of the Elfmounds, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1949
- Erdis Cliff [The Red Dwarf], (na) Amazing Stories September 1949
- Battle in Eternity (with Chester S. Geier), (na) Amazing Stories November 1949
- The Fall of Lemuria, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1949
- Where No Foot Walks [Frank Farar], (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1949, as by G. H. Irwin
- Pillars of Delight, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1949, as by Stan Raycraft
- Editorial, (ed) The Shaver Mystery Magazine Experimental Issue 1949
- We the Tero, Speak, (ms) The Shaver Mystery Magazine Experimental Issue 1949, etc.
- Sons of the Serpent, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories January 1950, as by Wes Amherst
- We Dance for the Dom [Mutan Mion], (nv) Amazing Stories January 1950
- The Gamin, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950, as by Peter Dexter
- Lady, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950
- Marai’s Wife, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950, as by Edwin Benson
- The World of the Lost, (na) Fantastic Adventures March 1950, as by Paul Lohrman
- Palace of Darkness, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories September 1950, as by Peter Dexter
- Glass Woman of Venus [Frank Farar], (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories January 1951, as by G. H. Irwin
- Green Man’s Grief, (ss) Future Combined with Science Fiction Stories January 1951
- Journey to Nowhere, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1951
- Lightning Over Saturn (with Chester S. Geier), (na) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1951
- Yelisen, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories December 1951
- Of Stegner’s Folly, (ss) If March 1952
- The Sun-Smiths, (n.) Other Worlds Science Stories July 1952, etc.
- Beyond the Barrier [Mutan Mion], (n.) Other Worlds November 1952, etc.
- The Scarpein of Delta Sira [Frank Farar], (na) Other Worlds November 1952, as by G. H. Irwin
- The Dark Goddess, (ss) Imagination February 1953
- The Heart of the Game, (nv) Orbit v1 #1, 1953, as by Richard English
- Paradise Planet, (ss) Imagination April 1953
- She Was Sitting in the Dark, (nv) Science Stories #2, December 1953, as by Richard Dorot
- Why Skeets Malloy Has Two Heads, (ss) Orbit v1 #3, 1954
- [circular letter], (lt) Psychotic #13, July 1954
- I Contacted an Unknown Race, (ts) Mystic Magazine #12, October 1955
- [front cover], (cv) Mystic Magazine #12, October 1955
- The Rescue of Atlantis and Lemuria by the Flying Saucers, (ts) Mystic Magazine #13, January 1956
- The Real “Sin” of Adam and Eve, (ts) Mystic Magazine #14, March 1956
- The Secret Caves of the Dero, (ts) Mystic Magazine #15, May 1956
- The Flying Saucers, (ts) Mystic Magazine #16, July 1956
- The Cyclops, (ts) Search #17, October 1956
- Historical Aspects of the Saucers, (ar) Amazing Stories October 1957
- The Dream Makers, (na) Fantastic July 1958
- Key to Mantong, the Ancient Language (with Joel Kos), (ar) Fantastic July 1958
- The Shaver Mystery—A Defense, (ar) Fantastic July 1958
- Kingdom of the Gods, (ss) Other Worlds 195? (unpublished)
- Lake of Egypt, (ss) Other Worlds 195? (unpublished)
- The Ancient Alphabet (with Raymond A. Palmer), (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- A Dictionary of the Mantong Language, (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- Why the Caves Are Secret, (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- A Witch in the Night, (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- Commentary on Pages 1-192, Vol. A-1, (ar) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- Inversion, (ar) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- The Secret to Growing a Better Man, (ar) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- That Dark Hour, (ar) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- [front cover], (cv) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- Commentary on Pages 193-383, Vol. A-2, (ar) The Hidden World #A-3, Fall 1961
- There Is a Cavern World, (ar) The Hidden World #A-3, Fall 1961
- [front cover], (cv) The Hidden World #A-3, Fall 1961
- The Ebon Gong, (ar) The Hidden World #A-4, Winter 1961
- The Facts on Deros, (ar) The Hidden World #A-4, Winter 1961
- Mandark—Postscript, 1948, (na) The Hidden World #A-4, Winter 1961
- Fiction-Fact; Theory-Science, (ar) The Hidden World #A-5, Spring 1962
- The Fountain of Youth, (ar) The Hidden World #A-5, Spring 1962
- In the Beginning, (ar) The Hidden World #A-5, Spring 1962
- Lo, the Wonder of the Occult Explanation!, (ar) The Hidden World #A-5, Spring 1962
- La Sorciere, (ar) The Hidden World #A-5, Spring 1962
- The Elder World, (ar) The Hidden World #A-6, Summer 1962
- The Lorelei, (ar) The Hidden World #A-6, Summer 1962
- [front cover], (cv) The Hidden World #A-7, Fall 1962
- How to Get Into the Caves, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- How to Make a Portrait of Dero Activity, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- The Invisible Interview, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- My Painting of Adam & Eve, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- Space Television, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- The Secret Shaver-Palmer Letter File, (lt) The Hidden World #A-13, Spring 1964, etc.
- Is Our Lifegiving Sun Also the Deadly Cause of Age?, (ar) The Hidden World #A-14, Summer 1964
- Of Sealed Worlds & the Zeeman Effect, (ar) The Hidden World #A-14, Summer 1964
- The Return of Vampirism!, (ar) The Hidden World #A-14, Summer 1964
- Are Gremlins—People?, (ar) The Hidden World #A-15, Fall 1964
- Giants in the Earth, (ar) The Hidden World #A-15, Fall 1964
- The Little Girl, (ar) The Hidden World #A-15, Fall 1964
- Perspective, (ar) The Hidden World #A-15, Fall 1964
- Beauty, What Is It?, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- A Book I Never Wrote, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- The Cabled Sky, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Carvings in Rocks Mean Something, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- The Cause of Age and How to Stay Young, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Dero Credo, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- The Disease of Radioactivity, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Future Moronia, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Immortality, and the Shaver Concept of the Small, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Night, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Of Ostriches, Sheep and Such!, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Of the Lies in the Past, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Rocks of Mother Earth, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- What I Am Trying to Say, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Yes, Evil, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- [letters] (with Raymond A. Palmer), (lt) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- The Shaver Papers, (ar) The Alien Critic #9, May 1974
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