The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 156
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Bishop, Michael (Lawson) (chron.) (continued)
- * “We’re All in This Alone” (with Paul Di Filippo), (ss) Interzone #184, November/December 2002, as by Philip Lawson
- * The White Otters of Childhood, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1973
- * Wished-For Belongings, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 1982
- * With a Little Help from Her Friends, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1984
- * Within the Walls of Tyre, (nv) Weirdbook #13, 1978
- * 000-00-0000, (ss) Last Wave v1 #5, 1986
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Eye #6, February 1990
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction (Australia) v11 #3, 1992
_____, [ref.]
- * And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #19, November 1976
- * And Strange at Ecbatan the Trees by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) Thrust #9, Fall 1977
- * Blue Kansas Sky by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #166, April 2001
- * Brittle Innings by Peter Crowther, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * Brittle Innings by Caroline Spector, (br) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1996
- * Catacomb Years by Robert Frazier, (br) Science Fiction Review #35, May 1980
- * The City and the Cygnets by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2019
- * Close Encounters with Michael Bishop by Misha Chocholak, (iv) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy January/February 1987
- * Close Encounters with the Deity by Gouvêa, Fernando Q., (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * Close Encounters with the Deity by John Clute, (br) Interzone #19, Spring 1987
- * Count Geiger’s Blues by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * Eyes of Fire by Robert Frazier, (br) Thrust #15, Summer 1980
- * “In Prayer the Whisper of the Void”: An Interview with Michael Bishop by Nick Gevers, (iv) infinity plus October 2000
- * Interview: Michael Bishop by David Pettus, (iv) Thrust #20, Summer 1984
- * Interview with Michael Bishop by Elton Elliott, (iv) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Interview with Michael Bishop, (iv) The Rejected Quarterly Autumn 1998
- * An Interview with Michael Bishop by Kilian Melloy, (iv) infinity plus June 2003
- * Light Years and Dark by Algis Budrys, (br) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1985
- * Light Years and Dark by Stuart Napier, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985
- * Light Years and Dark by Stuart Napier, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1989/1990
- * A Little Knowledge by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #22, August 1977
- * Michael Bishop: An Annotated Bibliography by Andrew Tidmarsh, (bi) Interzone #82, April 1994
- * Nebula Awards 24 by D. Douglas Fratz, (br) Quantum #36, Spring 1990
- * One Winter in Eden by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #51, Summer 1984
- * One Winter in Eden by David Pettus, (br) Thrust #21, Fall 1984/Winter 1985
- * Secret Ascension by Richard A. Moore, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988
- * The Secret Ascension by Dwight Brown, (br) Nova Express Spring 1988
- * The Secret Ascension; or, Philip K. Dick Is Dead, Alas by John Gregory Betancourt, (br) Weird Tales Summer 1988
- * Stolen Faces by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #22, August 1977
- * Their Immortal Hearts (with Barry N. Malzberg & Bruce McAllister) by Grant Carrington, (br) Thrust #17, Summer 1981
- * Under Heaven’s Bridge (with Ian Watson) by Steve Lewis, (br) Science Fiction Review #45, Winter 1982
- * Unicorn Mountain by Dwight Brown, (br) Nova Express Summer 1988
- * Unicorn Mountain by Andrew Andrews, (br) Thrust #33, Spring 1989
- * Unicorn Mountain by George Greiff, (br) Fantasy Commentator Winter 1989/1990
- * Unicorn Mountain by John Clute, (br) Interzone #33, January/February 1990
- * Who Made Stevie Crye? by Mary R. Gentle, (br) Interzone #10, Winter 1984/1985
Bissett, Carina (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * The Ephemera of Dreams, (pm) Weird Tales #368, 2024
- * The First Day of the Week, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #122, November 2023
- * The Mermaids of Magonia, (pm) Fantasy Magazine #88, February 2023
- * Necrotic Ambrosia, (pm) Space and Time #142, Fall/Winter 2022
- * A Seed Planted, (ss) The Society of Misfit Stories Presents… June 2021
- * Swimming with the Shark Boys, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2016
- * Water Like Broken Glass, (ss) Into the Forest ed. Lindy Ryan, Black Spot Books, 2022
- * Winter Folklore, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #136, January 2025
- * Words Wielded by Women, (ar) Apex Magazine #138, 2023
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Bissette, Stephen R. (1955- ) (chron.)
- * Do You Know the Way to Ivanpah, (ar) The Weird Fiction Review #11, Fall 2020
- * “Fulce-fying” the Evidence, (ar) Gauntlet #2, 1991
- * Origins, (ar) Skeleton Crew v2 #3, 1990
- * Taboo Is Taboo, (ar) Gauntlet #1, 1990
- * The Zombie Art Gallery (with Randy Broecker, Lance Brown, Ray Carlson, Phillip Reynolds, David L. Transue, Steve Vargas & Augie Wiedemann), (il) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
- * [front cover], (cv) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
_____, [ref.]
Bisson, Terry (Ballantine) (1942-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * About It, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2010
- * Almost Home, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2003
- * Are There Any Questions?, (vi) Interzone #62, August 1992
- * Bears Discover Fire, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1990
- * Billy and the Ants [Billy], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2005
- * Billy and the Circus Girl [Billy], (ss) Flurb #1, Fall 2006
- * Billy and the Fairy [Billy], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 2006
- * Billy and the Flying Saucer [Billy], (ss) ElevenEleven #5, 2008
- * Billy and the Spacemen [Billy], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 2006
- * Billy and the Talking Plant [Billy], (ss) Postscripts #8, Autumn 2006
- * Billy and the Unicorn [Billy], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 2006
- * BYOB FAQ, (vi) Nature #7163, October 11 2007
- * By Permit Only, (vi) Interzone #73, July 1993
- * Canción Autentica de Old Earth, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1992
- * Captain Ordinary, (ss) Flurb #5, Spring/Summer 2008
- * Carapans: Exclusive First Photos of Earth’s Enigmatic “Aliens”, (ar) Aeon #15, August 2008 (unpublished)
- * Carl’s Lawn and Garden, (ss) Omni January 1992
- * Comics, (cl) Science Fiction Age November 1993
- * The Coon Suit, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1991
- * Corona Centurion™ FAQ, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June/July 2009
- * Dead Man’s Curve, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 1994
- * The Edge of the Universe [Wilson Wu], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1996
- * England Underway, (nv) Omni July 1993
- * Farewell Atlantis, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 2009
- * First Fire, (ss) Science Fiction Age September 1998
- * Get Me to the Church on Time [Wilson Wu], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1998
- * The Hole in the Hole [Wilson Wu], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 1994
- * The Hugo Nominee, (pl) Interzone #180, June/July 2002
- * Incident at Oak Ridge, (pl) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July 1998
- * Let Their People Go: The Left Left Behind, (ss) Postscripts #15, Summer 2008
- * macs, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1999
- * Meat the Press, (hu) Infinite Matrix February 15 2003
- * The Message, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October 1993
- * Next, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May 1992
- * Openclose, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2002
- * Over Flat Mountain, (ss) Omni June 1990
- * Partial People, (vi) Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson, Tor, 1993
- * Pirates of the Somali Coast, (ss) Subterranean #7, 2007
- * Planet of Mystery, (sl) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Jan, Feb 2006
- * The Player, (vi) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 1997
- * Press Ann, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1991
- * Private Eye, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction October/November 2008
- * Put Up Your Hands, (ss) Helix #2, Fall 2006
- * Robert’s Rules of Order, (pl) Say… #4, 2004
- * Robot from the Future, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January/February 2016
- * See Below, (ar) Flytrap #10, November 2008
- * The Shadow Knows, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 1993
- * The Singularity, (ed) Postscripts #8, Autumn 2006
- * Smoother, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1999
- * The Stamp, (ss) Lone Star Stories #26, April 2008
- * Teen Love Science Club, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction November/December 2010
- * Tell Them They Are All Full of Shit and They Should Fuck Off, (ss) Crank! #4, Fall 1994
- * 10:07:24, (vi) Absolute Magnitude #2, Spring 1995
- * There Are No Dead, (ss) Omni January 1995
- * They’re Made Out of Meat, (vi) Omni April 1991
- * This Week in History, (cl) Infinite Matrix Nov, Dec 2001, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 2002
- * The Toxic Donut, (vi) Science Fiction Age July 1993
- * Two Guys from the Future, (ss) Omni August 1992
- * The Two Janets, (ss) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1990
- * 2+2=5 (with Rudy Rucker), (ss) Interzone #205, August 2006
- * A View from the Bridge, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 2001; first published in slightly different form in the webzine Gorp, edited by Eileen Gunn.
- * Voyage to the Red Continent, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #10, June 1992
- * We Regret the Error, (vi) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2017
_____, [ref.]
- * Dear Abbey by John Clute, (br) Interzone #202, February 2006
- * Fire on the Mountain by Howard Coleman, (br) Thrust #32, Winter 1989
- * Fire on the Mountain by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #1, Spring 1990
- * Greetings by John Clute, (br) Interzone #202, February 2006
- * In Memoriam: Terry Bisson by Sheila Williams, (ob) Asimov’s Science Fiction July/August 2024
- * An Interview with Terry Bisson by Linda D. Addison, (iv) Pirate Writings #13, 1997
- * An Interview with Terry Bisson by Darrell Schweitzer, (iv) Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine Spring 1999
- * In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories by David Mathew, (br) Interzone #159, September 2000
- * Johnny Mnemonic by David V. Barrett, (br) Interzone #106, April 1996
- * Numbers Don’t Lie by John Clute, (br) Interzone #202, February 2006
- * The Pickup Artist by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Interzone #170, August 2001
- * Pirates of the Universe by Chris Gilmore, (br) Interzone #108, June 1996
- * Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman (with Walter M. Miller, Jr.) by David Seed, (br) Interzone #126, December 1997
- * Talking Man by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #61, Winter 1986
- * Talking Man by Howard Coleman, (br) Thrust #27, Summer 1987
- * Terry Bisson by Gregory Feeley, (iv) Interzone #40, October 1990
- * Terry Bisson ‘Talking Man’ by Janet Barron, (iv) Odyssey #1, November/December 1997
- * Voyage to the Red Planet by Gene DeWeese, (br) Science Fiction Review #2, Summer 1990
- * Voyage to the Red Planet by Richard E. Geis, (br) Science Fiction Review #3, Autumn 1990
- * Voyage to the Red Planet by Glen Engel-Cox, (br) Nova Express Winter 1991
- * Voyage to the Red Planet by John Clute, (br) Interzone #63, September 1992
Biswas, Brian (fl. 1990s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * 2038: A Mars Odyssey, (ss) Perihelion September 12 2014
- * Barnegat Inn, (ss) Perihelion January 12 2015
- * A Betrayal, (vi) Penny Dreadful #11, Autumn 1999
- * The Bridge, (vi) Colorado-North Review 1991
- * The Crystal, (ss) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- * Expansion of Space, (ss) Perihelion December 12 2013
- * Hoag’s Object, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #73, January 2006
- * In the Garden, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #33, February 2010
- * It’s Not What You Think It Is, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #47, August 2013
- * A Journey Through the Wormhole, (ss) Perihelion June 12 2013
- * The Last Photon, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #37, February 2011
- * Love in a High-Tech Age, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss June 2012
- * The Moons of Jupiter, (ss) Zahir #8, Winter 2005
- * Prologue to an Imaginary Book, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #59, August 2016
- * Puff, (ss) Perihelion February 12 2017
- * The Room at the End of the World, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #14, May 2005
- * A Sea Voyage, (vi) Dreams and Nightmares #40, 1993
- * Solitary Confinement, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #5, 1993
- * Three Degrees Above Absolute Zero, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #77, 2007
- * Worms of Titan, (ss) Perihelion June 12 2016
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