The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1072
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Palmer, Carl (fl. 1990s-2010s) (items)
- The Magus Reflects, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1991
- Case of the Boneyard Dog, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v2 #1, 2006
- Calling All Cars, (ss) Beyond Centauri April 2007
- Love Your Pet, (vi) Twisted Tongue #7, August 2007
- Silent Scream, (vi) Twisted Tongue #7, August 2007
- Wanted, (il) Beyond Centauri October 2007
- Death of a Cat—Part 1, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v4 #3, 2008
- Trigger Tree, (pm) The Sirens Call #29, October 2016
Palmer, Caroline (fl. 2010s) (items)
- M. Klein Fashion Dolls [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v45, 2013
- The Vanity Fair [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v60, 2015
- An Iconic Mystery [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v71, 2017
- Charlotte’s Threads [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v79, 2018
- Botanical Liaisons [1632], (ss) Grantville Gazette v81, 2019
Palmer, James (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Barium Intro, (br) Continuum Science Fiction #1, Winter 2004
- Barium Cinema, (ar) Continuum Science Fiction #3, Fall 2004
- Cyril M. Kornbluth: One of Science Fiction’s Forgotten Greats, (ar) Strange Horizons January 3 2005 [Ref. C. M. Kornbluth]
- Interview: Stephen Baxter, (iv) Strange Horizons April 18 2005 [Ref. Stephen Baxter]
- Roaming the Nostalgia Zone, (ar) Continuum Science Fiction #5, Winter 2006
- Barium Cinema: The Doctor Is In, (ar) Continuum Science Fiction #6, Summer 2006
- Confessions of an Unrepentant Fanboy, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster Fall 2006
- Flashback, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster Fall 2006
- Needles, Majik, and Frugal Nudity (with Peter L. Huston), (rv) Blood, Blade & Thruster Fall 2006
- Needles, Flashback, & Confessions of an Unrepentant Fanboy, (ar) Blood, Blade & Thruster Winter 2006/2007
- The Tunnels of Lao Fang, (ss) Fantasy & Fear August 2010
- The Meteor Terror, (ss) Fantasy & Fear January 2011
Palmer, Jason (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Flave’s Formula, (ss) Murky Depths #4, June 2008
- Poor Babette!, (ss) Tales of the Talisman v4 #3, 2008
- Starter House, (ss) Apex Online January 3 2009
- Scratch, (ss) Murky Depths #7, March 2009
- The Crisis Reversed, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss June 2009
- The Darkout, (nv) Pantechnicon #10, December 2009
- The Lonely-Eyed Stranger, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss September 2010
Palmer, Jessica (1949- ) (about) (items)
- Graven Images, (ss) Fear #15, March 1990
- The Gift, (ss) Cemetery Dance #6, Fall 1990
- Anne McCaffrey, the Woman & the Writer, (ar) Midnight Zoo v1 #1, 1991 [Ref. Anne McCaffrey]
- So You Want to Be a Writer, (ar) Nexus #2, Spring 1992
- Horror, Anyone? No Thank You, I Just Ate, (ar) Nexus #3, Spring 1993
- Last Laugh, (ss) Weirdbook #28, Autumn 1993
- Presentiment’s Hand, (ss) Peeping Tom #15, July 1994
- Ortygia, (ss) Interzone #88, October 1994
- What the Dickens, (ss) Substance Spring 1995
- Cinderella Revisited, (ss) Weirdbook #29, Autumn 1995
- Heavenly Bodies, (vi) infinity plus December 1998
Palmer, John Phillips (fl. 1970s-1990s) (items)
- The Sign of the Zodiac, (ss) Weirdbook #10, 1976
- The Ghouls, (pm) Weirdbook #18, 1983
- Rusalka, (pm) Night Runes Winter 1984
- The Ballad of the Devil and His Love, (pm) Alpha Adventures January 1986
- The Tombstone Tells When You Die, (pm) Doppelgänger #7, September 1986
- The Morning Star, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- The Invitation, (pm) Weirdbook #22, Summer 1987
- The Laughter from the Mound, (pm) Haunts #17, Fall/Winter 1989
- The Wizard and the Troll, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #7, 1989/90
- Walpurgis Night, (pm) Weird Tales Spring 1990
- While Lilith Watched, (pm) Haunts #22, Fall/Winter 1991
- When Winter Comes and As a Trembling Snail, (pm) Thin Ice #9, 1991
- Jane Was a Scholar to the Bitter End, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
- Sometimes Even Now by Rupert Brooke, (pm) Thin Ice #12, 1992
Palmer, Raymond A(rthur) (1910-1977); used pseudonyms George Bell, Henry Gade, G. H. Irwin, Lu Kella, Frank Patton, J. W. Pelkie, Wallace Quitman, A. R. Steber, Morris J. Steele, Robert N. Webster & Rae Winters (about) (items)
- The Time Ray of Jandra, (nv) Wonder Stories June 1930
- The Man Who Invaded Time, (ss) Science Fiction Digest October 1932
- [letter from Milwaukee, WI], (lt) Astounding Stories November 1932, etc.
- Dimension Doom, (nv) Science Fiction v1 #4, 1933, etc.
- Escape from Antarctica, (ss) Science Fiction Digest June 1933
- The Girl from Venus [Neda], (ss) Science Fiction Digest September 1933, as by Rae Winters
- Son of the Trident, (rr) Science Fiction Digest December 1933, as by Rae Winters
- The Vortex World, (na) Fantasy Magazine January 1934, etc.
- Conference at Copernicus, (rr) Fantasy Magazine March 1934
- The Return to Venus [Neda], (ss) Fantasy Magazine May 1934, as by Rae Winters
- The Time Tragedy, (ss) Wonder Stories December 1934
- The Symphony of Death, (nv) Amazing Stories December 1935
- Three from the Test-Tube, (nv) Wonder Stories November/December 1935
- Stanley G. Weinbaum, (bg) Fantasy Magazine January 1936 [Ref. Stanley G. Weinbaum]
- A Biographical Sketch of August W. Derleth, (bg) Fantasy Magazine March 1936 [Ref. August W. Derleth]
- Matter Is Conserved, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction April 1938
- The Blinding Ray, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1938, as by A. R. Steber
- Catalyst Planet, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories August 1938
- Outlaw of Space, (ss) Amazing Stories August 1938, as by Wallace Quitman
- Polar Prison, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1938, as by Morris J. Steele
- The Phantom Enemy, (nv) Amazing Stories February 1939, as by Morris J. Steele
- Pioneer—1957!, (nv) Fantastic Adventures November 1939, as by Henry Gade
- Liners of Space, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1939, as by Henry Gade
- Black World, (na) Amazing Stories March 1940, etc., as by A. R. Steber
- Meet the Authors: Alfred R. Steber, (fa) Amazing Stories July 1940, as by A. R. Steber
- When the Gods Make War, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1940, as by A. R. Steber
- Palmer—Tears His Hair… Out and Down, (ar) Stardust November 1940
- Lone Wolf of Space (with Joseph J. Millard), (nv) Amazing Stories May 1941, as by Joseph J. Millard & A. R. Steber
- The Invincible Crime-Buster, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1941, as by Henry Gade
- Mystery of the Martian Pendulum (with John Russell Fearn), (nv) Amazing Stories October 1941, as by Thornton Ayre & A. R. Steber
- The Test Tube Girl, (na) Amazing Stories January 1942, as by Frank Patton
- Doorway to Hell, (na) Fantastic Adventures February 1942, etc., as by Frank Patton
- The Vengeance of Martin Brand, (na) Amazing Stories August 1942, etc., as by G. H. Irwin
- A Patriot Never Dies, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1943, as by Frank Patton
- War Worker 17, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1943, as by Frank Patton
- Jewels of the Toad, (ss) Fantastic Adventures October 1943, as by Frank Patton
- Weapon for a WAC, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1944, as by Morris J. Steele
- “I Remember Lemuria!” [Mutan Mion] (with Richard S. Shaver), (na) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by Richard S. Shaver
- Mantong, the Language of Lemuria (with Richard S. Shaver), (ar) Amazing Stories March 1945
- Meet the Authors: A.R. Steber, (fa) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by A. R. Steber
- Moon of Double Trouble, (nv) Amazing Stories March 1945, as by A. R. Steber
- J.W. Pelkie, (bg) Fantastic Adventures October 1945, as by J. W. Pelkie
- King of the Dinosaurs [Toka], (n.) Fantastic Adventures October 1945, as by J. W. Pelkie
- Toka and the Man Bats [Toka], (na) Fantastic Adventures February 1946, as by J. W. Pelkie
- The Story of an Amazing Book—“Oahspe”, (ar) Amazing Stories April 1947
- How to Use the Shaver Alphabet, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- Petrified Tree Stump—or Not?, (ar) Amazing Stories June 1947
- Toka Fights the Big Cats [Toka], (na) Fantastic Adventures December 1947, as by J. W. Pelkie
- Plight of the Navaho, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1948
- The Proof of the Shaver Mystery, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1948
- In the Sphere of Time [Toka], (nv) Planet Stories Summer 1948, as by J. W. Pelkie
- More Telescope Fiends, (ar) Amazing Stories September 1948
- The Observatory, (ex) Amazing Stories September 1948, as by Raymond A. Palmer
- Mahaffey’s Mystery, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950, as by Frank Patton
- The Justice of Martin Brand, (na) Other Worlds Science Stories July 1950, as by G. H. Irwin
- The Tattletale Atom, (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1950, as by Robert N. Webster
- [lengthy response about the use of pseudonyms in Other Worlds], (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories November 1950
- Eye of the Temptress, (nv) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1951
- Red Coral, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories May 1951
- Mr. Yellow Jacket, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories June/July 1951
- I Flew in a Flying Saucer (with A. V. G.), (na) Other Worlds Science Stories October 1951, etc.
- The Hell Ship, (nv) If March 1952
- An Open Letter to Paul Fairman, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories June 1952
- Palmer on Asbestos, (ar) Science Fantasy Bulletin #7, August 1952
- Diagnosis, (ss) Other Worlds March 1953
- New Moon, (nv) Other Worlds April 1953
- We Say Hello (with Beatrice Mahaffey), (ed) Universe Science Fiction #1, June 1953, as by George Bell
- Our High Standard (with Beatrice Mahaffey), (ed) Universe Science Fiction #2, September 1953, as by George Bell
- The Hidden Kingdom, (nv) Mystic Magazine #1, November 1953
- Perpetual Motion (with Beatrice Mahaffey), (ed) Universe Science Fiction #3, December 1953
- The Devil’s Empire, (nv) Mystic Magazine #2, January 1954
- The Dreamers, (ss) Thrilling Wonder Stories Winter 1954, as by Lu Kella
- Lost in the Venusian Jungles, (ed) Universe Science Fiction #5, May 1954
- What’s Waiting for Russia—or Mars!, (ar) Universe Science Fiction #8, November 1954
- Covering the Cover, (ed) Universe Science Fiction #9, January 1955
- The Atomic Age Sex Murders, (ss) Universe Science Fiction #10, March 1955
- Jonah and the Venus Whale, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories #11, May 1955
- Image of Splendor, (ss) Planet Stories Summer 1955, as by Lu Kella
- “I’ll Tell My Big Brother”, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories #12, July 1955
- Introducing the Author, (bg) Imaginative Tales November 1955
- The Metal Emperor, (nv) Imaginative Tales November 1955
- Tarzan Never Dies!, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories #14, November 1955
- A Bottle of Wine, (ms) Other Worlds Science Stories #16, April 1956
- [front cover], (cv) Mystic Magazine #15, May 1956
- Let’s Appoint a Successor to Edgar Rice Burroughs, (ar) Other Worlds Science Stories #17, June 1956
- [front cover] (with Malcolm H. Smith), (cv) Other Worlds Science Stories #22, May 1957
- Done Your Good Turn Today?, (ms) Flying Saucers from Other Worlds September 1957
- Is the Government Hiding Saucer Facts?, (ar) Amazing Stories October 1957
- The Shaver Mystery—The Facts Behind the Mystery, (ar) Fantastic July 1958
- The Ancient Alphabet (with Richard S. Shaver), (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- Invitation to Adventure, (ar) The Hidden World #A-1, Spring 1961
- Commentary on Pages 1-192, Vol. A-1, (ar) The Hidden World #A-2, Summer 1961
- [front cover], (cv) The Hidden World #A-4, Winter 1961
- [front cover], (cv) The Hidden World #A-5, Spring 1962
- Report from the Forgotten Past, (ar) The Hidden World #A-8, Winter 1962
- “As the Twig Is Bent…”, (ar) The Hidden World #A-13, Spring 1964
- Preface, (pr) The Hidden World #A-13, Spring 1964
- Ancient Artifacts, (ar) The Hidden World #A-14, Summer 1964
- Why Shaver and Palmer Disagree, (ar) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- [letters] (with Richard S. Shaver), (lt) The Hidden World #A-16, Winter 1964
- Flying Saucers & the Stymie Factor, (ar) Science Fiction Review #25, May 1978
- Editorial, (ed) The Hidden World, etc.
- The Editor’s Notebook, (ed) Fantastic Adventures, etc.
- The Observatory, (ed) Amazing Stories, etc.
- Spilling the Atoms, (cl) Science Fiction Digest, etc.
- Strange Offspring, (nv)
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