The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1426
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Tom, Laurie (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Arnor the Wolf, (ss) Hadrosaur Tales Volume XIX ed. David Lee Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 2004
- What Small Joy, (ss) Beyond Centauri January 2005
- Living Rooms, (nv) L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXVI ed. K. D. Wentworth, Galaxy, 2010
- The White Snake, (vi) Penumbra (online) April 2012
- The Held Daughter, (nv) Galaxy’s Edge #3, July 2013
- The Ancestors, (vi) Crossed Genres Magazine #19, July 2014
- The Wings the Lungs, the Engine the Heart, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #9, July 2014
- Even the Mountains Are Not Forever, (ss) Strange Horizons March 2 2015
- Confidence Game [Sargasso Universe], (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #18, January 2016
- The World That You Want, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #21, July 2016
- Poison Maiden, Open Skies, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #54, December 2016
- Between Earth and Exile, (nv) Deep Magic #55, April 2017
- Something on Your Mind (with Stewart C. Baker, Anatoly Belilovsky, Novae Caelum, Robert Dawson, Kate Heartfield, C. L. Holland, Gareth D. Jones & Deborah Walker), (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2017, as by Stewart C. Baker, Anatoly Belilovsky, Robert Dawson, Kate Heartfield, Holly Heisey, C. L. Holland, Gareth D. Jones, Laurie Tom & Deborah Walker
- Kite Dancer, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #30, January 2018
- All Times, All at Once, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #68, April 2019
- The Roast Meat Squadron, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #50, May 2021
Tomaino, Sam (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Review of Breach the Hull, (br) Space and Time #101, Fall 2007
- Review, (br) Space and Time #105, Winter 2008, etc.
- Review of So It Begins, (br) Space and Time #107, Summer 2009
- “Tigerheart” by Peter David, (br) Space and Time #112, Winter 2010 [Ref. Peter David]
- A Legacy of Stars, (br) Space and Time #121, Summer 2014 [Ref. Danielle Ackley-McPhail]
- Best Laid Plans, (br) Space and Time #122, Fall/Winter 2014 [Ref. Mike McPhail]
- Tales from Dragon Precinct, (br) Space and Time #123, Spring 2015 [Ref. Keith R. A. DeCandido]
- Review: Dogs of War, (br) Space and Time #124, Fall 2015
- Review: The Kabrini Message, (br) Space and Time #125, Spring 2016
- Review: Nihala, (br) Space and Time #126, Fall 2016
- The Winter Boy, (br) Space and Time #127, Winter 2016 [Ref. Sally Wiener Grotta]
- The Case of the Claw, (br) Space and Time #128, Spring 2017 [Ref. Keith R. A. DeCandido]
- The Society for the Preservation of CJ Henderson, (br) Space and Time #129, Summer 2017 [Ref. Danielle Ackley-McPhail & Greg Schauer]
- The Voices of Martyrs, (br) Space and Time #131, Spring 2018 [Ref. Maurice Broaddus]
- Book Review: After Punk, (br) Space and Time #132, Fall 2018
Toman, Michael D(avid) (1949-2023) (items)
- Shards of Divinity, (ss) Science Fiction Emphasis I ed. David Gerrold, Ballantine, 1974
- [letter from East Lansing, MI], (lt) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1979
- Weirwood, (vi) Fantasy Tales #8, Summer 1981
- Inquest, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #3, 1982
- Why Tigers Hate Spiders, (vi) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #6, Winter 1990
- The Old Laughing Lady, (nv) Fantasy Tales, #6 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1991
- [letter from S. Pasadena, CA], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1996
- [letter from S. Pasadena, CA, 91030-2541], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 1997
Tomaras, Joseph (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Bonfires in Anacostia, (ss) Clarkesworld #95, August 2014
- The Joy of Sects, (ss) Unlikely Story #11, February 2015
- After the New Dawn, (ss) The Future Fire #32, 2015
- Caribou: Documentary Fragments, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction May/June 2016
- A Summary of Menistarian Law, Composed for the Citizens of Olakia, in Response to Our Present Crisis by Dr. Clemons Indement, (ss) Lackington’s #16, Fall 2017
- Sokal, (ss) Lackington’s #22, Fall 2020
Tomasek, Franz (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- Interview with Terry Pratchett (with James Dean, Gail Jamieson & Ian Jamieson), (iv) Probe #100, August 1996, as by Gail Brunette, James Dean, Ian Jamieson & Franz Tomasek [Ref. Terry Pratchett]
- Cliff Hanger (with Ron Cowley, Norman Pringle & Anya den Teuling), (vi) Probe #138, September 2008
- untitled (“It was at the release point that I knew”) (with Ron Cowley, Gail Jamieson & Carla Martins), (vi) Probe #139, December 2008
- “Tomorrow is too Late” (with Andrew Jamieson & Liz Simmonds), (vi) Probe #141, June 2009
- Lox, Stocks and Smoking Salmons (with Dennis M. Lane, Simone Puterman & Liz Simmonds), (vi) Probe #145, September 2010
- Turning Under a Blood Red Sun (with Trevor Derry, Gail Jamieson & Nial Mollison), (vi) Probe #174, December 2017
Tomilson, Tacoma (M.) (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Random Outbursts, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #23, November 2014
- A Word from Our Editor, (ed) Apparition Literary Magazine #1, January 2018, etc.
- The Shared Delusion of Dungeons & Dragons, (ar) Apparition Literary Magazine #2, April 2018
- Editor’s Note on Resistance, (ed) Apparition Literary Magazine #5, January 2019
- It’s Cute How Hard You Try: Carol Danvers and Ambition, (ar) Apparition Literary Magazine #6, April 2019
- Redemption Editorial, (ed) Apparition Literary Magazine #11, July 2020
Tomlinson, Martin (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Pains of the Immortal, (pm) Aphelion #179, November 2013
- Broken Lute, (pm) Aphelion #181, February 2014
- “space”, (pm) Aphelion #183, April 2014
- The Fall of Darkness, (pm) Aphelion #184, May 2014
- Drip, (pm) Aphelion #188, September 2014
- Library of Alexandria, (ss) Aphelion #190, November 2014
- “welcome to the dark”, (pm) Aphelion #194, April 2015
Tompkins, Dorothy Guin (fl. 1970s-1980s) (items)
- Twenty-Second Century Song, (pm) Infinity Cubed #1, October 1979
- Shell of Shock, (ss) Infinity Cubed #2, December 1979
- An Interview with George R.R. Martin (with Gregg Long), (iv) Infinity Cubed #5, Fall 1980 [Ref. George R. R. Martin]
- And What Would You Like to Be?, (ss) Infinity Cubed #4, 1980
- An Interview with Jack Chalker (with Lowell Cunningham & Vicki Pope), (iv) Infinity Cubed #4, 1980 [Ref. Jack L. Chalker]
- The Bag Lady, (ss) Infinity Cubed #7, 1981
- Interview: Joe Haldeman, (iv) Infinity Cubed #8, 1982 [Ref. Joe W. Haldeman]
- Viewpoint, (ss) Infinity Cubed #8, 1982
- Interview: Larry Niven, (iv) Infinity Cubed #10, 1985 [Ref. Larry Niven]
Tompkins, Patricia (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Living in the Necropolis, (ss) EOTU Ezine August 2004
- Modern Constellations, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2007
- Meditation Interrupted, (pm) Space and Time #105, Winter 2008
- The Chiromancer, (pm) Electric Velocipede #17/18, Spring 2009
- The Power of Three, (pm) Semaphore Magazine #7, June 2009
- [untitled], (pm) Star*Line January/February 2010
- The Moss Man, (pm) Strange Horizons October 4 2010
- A Poet’s Suggestion to Earth-Bound Scientists, (pm) Space and Time #113, Spring 2011
- The Neighbors, (pm) Abyss & Apex #47, 3rd Quarter 2013
- All in the Family, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #9, August 2015
- Behemoths Below, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #9, August 2015
- The Question, (pm) FrostFire Worlds #9, August 2015
- untitled (“mining asteroids”), (pm) Frozen Wavelets #1, Fall 2019
- untitled (“searching space for”), (pm) Frozen Wavelets #3, Spring 2020
- A Mermaid Reports from Okeanos, (vi) Mermaids Monthly #9, September 2021
- Dr. Talbot’s Cider, (vi) The Copperfield Review
Tompkins, Steven (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- There’s a White Wolf on the Ottoman, Or, Another Revolt in the Desert, (ar) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #6, 2001
- The Past Is Dead, the Past Is Deadly: Three Dragons in One Hour, (ar) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #7, 2003
- “Black Stone” in a Red Setting, (ss) The Chronicler of Cross Plains Fall 2006
- Green Roaring Tides of the Atlantean Sea: Kull’s Emerald Epic, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur Winter 2006
- Mind-forg’d Manacles? Back to School with Robert E. Howard, (ar) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #11, April 2007
- Black Stranger, White Wolflord or Not Out of the Woods Yet, (ar) REH: Two Gun Raconteur #12, Fall 2008
- Blood, Sweat, Tears-and Oil, (br) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #12, January 2009
- Malygris, Malnéant, and Malinbois, but No Malfeasance, (br) The Dark Man: The Journal of Robert E. Howard Studies #16, November 2011 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
Toner, J. B. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- No Man’s Land, (ss) Aphelion #232, September 2018
- The Way of the Polycosmic Fist, (ss) Aphelion #232, September 2018
- And Sleet Engenders Flame, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #81, October 2018
- Last Call on Lindisfarne, (ss) Unfit Magazine v2, 2018
- I Won’t Mention Apophasis, (ss) Aphelion #235, December 2018/January 2019
- Shadow and Flame, (ss) Liquid Imagination #40, February 2019
- Starflight, (pm) Aphelion #236, February 2019
- Playing With, (ss) Ghostlight Spring 2019
- The Tarn of OMGLOL, (pm) Aphelion #237, March 2019
- Ultima Thule, (ss) Aphelion #245, November 2019
- The Beyond Is the Beginning, (ss) Aphelion #248, March 2020
- Queslavalaka, (ss) Whetstone #1, Spring 2020
- Perfect Possession, (ar) Nightmare #99, December 2020
- It’s Far Better, (ss) Witch House #2, Summer 2022
- We’re Right Here!, (ss) Utopia Science Fiction Magazine June/July 2022
- Subsidiarity, (pm) Aphelion #295, June 2024
- Two Hits, (pm) Aphelion #297, August 2024
- Dark in Motion, (ss) Black Petals (online) #109, Autumn 2024
- A Fallen Flare, (ss) Swords and Sorcery Magazine #153, October 2024
Toner, Mark (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #1, Summer 2015
- The Beachcomber Presents, (cs) Shoreline of Infinity #3, Spring 2016, etc.
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #6, Winter 2016/2017
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #7, Spring 2017
- Making Art on the Shoreline of Infinity, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #8^12, Summer 2017 (EIBF Edition)
- The Power of Pen, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #16, Autumn 2019
- ’Zat You, Santa Claus?, (cs) Shoreline of Infinity #17, Winter/Spring 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #17, Winter/Spring 2020
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #28, November 2021
- Pull Up a Log (with Noel Chidwick), (ed) Shoreline of Infinity #33, Winter 2022/2023
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #36, Autumn 2023
- Star Draws, (il) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #38, Summer 2024
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