The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 638
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Hiddon, Robin (items)
- [illustration(s)] (with Jim Burns, Alan Daniels, Colin Hay, David Jackson, Peter Knifton, Bob Layzell & Tony Roberts), (il) Omni February 1979
- [illustration(s)] (with Jim Burns, Alan Daniels, Colin Hay, David Jackson, Peter Knifton, Bob Layzell & Tony Roberts), (il) Omni (UK) February 1979
Hidley, Charles B. (1921-2003) (items)
- [letter from New York City, NY], (lt) Weird Tales June 1937, etc.
- [letter], (lt) Weird Tales April 1939, etc.
- [letter from New York State], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries March 1940, etc.
- [letter from New York, NY], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction July 1940, etc.
- [letter from New York City], (lt) Captain Future Winter 1941
Higa, Mandy (fl. 1990s) (items)
- ’Neath Caves of Ice, (ss) Midnight Zoo v1 #4, 1991
- Stardust, (ss) Midnight Zoo v2 #1, 1992
- The Hands of Ian MacKenna, (ss) Midnight Zoo v3 #2, 1993
- Night Sky, (pm) Midnight Zoo v3 #2, 1993
- Sea Shell, (pm) Aberations #9, 1993
Higbee, J. M(oe) (fl. 1940s-1950s) (items)
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Fanscient Winter 1948
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Winter 1948
- A Phew More of the PSFS, (ar) The Fanscient Spring 1948
- [cartoon(s)] (with Gerald Waible), (ct) The Fanscient Spring 1948
- [illustration(s)] (with Schlitz & Gerald Waible), (il) The Fanscient Summer 1948
- Angelman, Defender of Justice (with Gerald Waible), (cs) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- My God, a Spaceship, (vi) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Summer 1950
Higgins, Ed (fl. 1970s-2010s) (items)
- Science Fiction, (pm) Treaders of Starlight August 1976
- Space Opera, (pm) Treaders of Starlight August 1976
- Astrobiography, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1997
- Earth Nova, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1997
- Galaxies, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2002
- Frog Kissing, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- My Nose, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- Tinkerbell, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- My First Horror Show, (ss) Midnight Echo #7, May 2012
- [selected poetry], (pm) Nameless Magazine Spring/Summer 2013
- As a Vampire, (pm) Star*Line Autumn 2013
- formation of a black hole, (pm) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- To Begin With, (pm) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- The Visitor, (pm) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- Henny Penny on Why She Crossed the Road, (vi) Tigershark Magazine #10, Summer 2016
- Entering Winter, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #20, Winter 2018
- On Winter Days, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #20, Winter 2018
- Winter Storm, (pm) Tigershark Magazine #20, Winter 2018
Higgins, Stephen (fl. 1980s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Vignette, (ss) Aurealis #2, 1990
- Water, (ss) Aurealis #6, 1991
- Editorial, (ed) Aurealis #3, 1991, etc.
- Book Review, (br) Aurealis #10, 1992
- So, You Want to Be a Fantasy Writer, (ar) Aurealis #11, 1993
- So, You Want to Be an SF Writer, (ar) Aurealis #12, 1993
- So, You Want to Be a Horror Writer, (ar) Aurealis #13, 1994
- So, You Want to Be a Book Reviewer, (ar) Aurealis #14, 1994
- 1984, (hu) Aurealis #16, 1995 [Ref. George Orwell]
- Foundation, (hu) Aurealis #17, 1996 [Ref. Isaac Asimov]
- The Lord of the Rings, (hu) Aurealis #18, 1996 [Ref. J. R. R. Tolkien]
- The War of the Worlds, (hu) Aurealis #19, 1997 [Ref. H. G. Wells]
- Dune, (hu) Aurealis #20/21, 1998 [Ref. Frank Herbert]
- The Waiting Tree, (ss) Aurealis #22, 1998
- [letter], (lt) Interzone #154, April 2000
- Classic SF, (ar) Aurealis #25/26, June/July 2000
- The Truth Behind… The Loch Ness Monster, (hu) Aurealis #25/26, June/July 2000
- Universe®, (ss) Aurealis #25/26, June/July 2000
- The Farewell Editorial (with Dirk Strasser), (ed) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- Who Watches the Watchers?, (ar) Aurealis #27/28, 2001
- From the Cloud, (ed) Aurealis #52, July 2012, etc.
- Loncon 3, (ar) Aurealis #75, October 2014
- Hughie McBain, (hu) Aurealis #86, November 2015
- Canterbury Jones, (hu) Aurealis #88, March 2016
- Dendy Jumpup, (hu) Aurealis #92, July 2016
- James Ekkersley, (hu) Aurealis #98, March 2017
- Julia Frabu, (hu) Aurealis #99, April 2017
- Forest/Trees, (ss) Aurealis #100, May 2017
- Inga McCartney, (hu) Aurealis #103, August 2017
- Cradle, (ss) Aurealis #126, November 2019
- Music to Read Aurealis By, (ar) Aurealis #152, July 2022
- Black Rock, (ss) Aurealis #176, November 2024
Higginson, Ella; [Mrs. Russell Camden Higginson] (1861-1940) (about) (items)
- Despair, (vi) Short Stories November 1891
- The Dead, (pm) When the Birds Go North Again by Ella Higginson, 1898
- A Dream of Cleopatra, (pm) When the Birds Go North Again by Ella Higginson, 1898
- A Sepulchre of Snow, (pm) When the Birds Go North Again by Ella Higginson, 1898
- The Cry of the Drowned, (pm)
- A Dream, (pm)
- A Fancy, (pm)
- The Footfall on the Stair, (pm)
- What Dost Thou See, O Night?, (pm)
High, Philip E(mpson) (1914-2006); used pseudonym B. J. Empson (about) (items)
- The Statics, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #61, September 15 1955
- Wrath of the Gods, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #17, 1956
- A Schoolroom for the Teacher, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #74, November 1956
- City at Random, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #19, 1956
- The Collaborator, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #75, December 1956
- Guess Who?, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #56, February 1957
- Plague Solution, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #77, February 1957
- Assassin in Hiding, (nv) Authentic Science Fiction #79, April 1957
- Life Sentence, (ss) Authentic Science Fiction #80, May 1957
- The Golden Age, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #60, June 1957
- Buried Talent, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #62, August 1957
- Time Bomb, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #23, 1957
- Topside, (nv) Authentic Science Fiction #83, August 1957
- The Ancient Enemy, (nv) Authentic Science Fiction #84, September 1957
- Further Outlook, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #24, 1957
- The Meek Shall Inherit, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #26, 1958
- Risk Economy, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #27, February 1958
- Shift Case, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #28, March 1958
- The Guardian, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #76, October 1958
- The Lords of Creation, (nv) Nebula Science Fiction #37, December 1958
- A Race of Madmen, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #38, January 1959
- Infection, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #39, February 1959
- Squeeze Box, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #81, March 1959
- Project—Stall, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #83, May 1959
- To See Ourselves, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #40, May 1959
- For Those Who Wait, (ss) Nebula Science Fiction #41, June 1959
- Pseudopath, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #86, August/September 1959
- Mumbo-Jumbo Man, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #90, January 1960
- Pursuit Missile, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #95, June 1960
- Routine Exercise, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #103, February 1961
- The Jackson Killer, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #106, May 1961
- Fallen Angel, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Fiction June 1961
- The Martian Hunters, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #112, November 1961
- Survival Course, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #113, December 1961
- The Psi Squad, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #114, January 1962
- Blind as a Bat, (nv) Science Fiction Adventures (UK) #25, 1962
- Probability Factor, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #116, March 1962
- Why Explain S-F?, (ed) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962
- Dictator Bait, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #118, May 1962
- The Method, (nv) New Worlds Science Fiction #124, November 1962
- Dead End, (ss) Science Fantasy #56, 1962
- The Big Tin God, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #126, January 1963
- Bottomless Pit, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #128, March 1963
- Point of No Return, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #132, July 1963
- Relative Genius, (ss) New Worlds Science Fiction #137, December 1963
- Temporary Resident, (ss) New Worlds SF #159, February 1966
- The Adapters, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow November 1969
- Psycho-Land, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow January 1970
- Technical Wizard, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow February 1970
- Fixed Image, (ss) Vision of Tomorrow May 1970
- The Kiss, (ss) Fantasy Annual #2, Spring 1998
- The Falling Elephant, (ss) Fantasy Annual 3 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 1999
- The Gulf, (ss) Fantasy Annual 3 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 1999
- Malfunction Syndrome, (ss) Fantasy Quarterly 1 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2001
- The Artifact, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #1, 2002
- Bought on the Internet, (ss) Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2003, as by B. J. Empson
- The Drainpipe, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #4 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003
- The Elementals, (ss) Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2003
- Guilty as Charged, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #3 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003, as by B. J. Empson
- Let There Be Light, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #5 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003
- Production Model, (ss) Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2003
- A Question of Fuel, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #3 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003
- Seeds of Invasion, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #7 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2003
- Time Ticket, (ss) Fantasy Annual 5 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2003
- The Gunman, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #9 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2004
- The Prisoner, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #8 ed. Philip Harbottle, Cosmos Books, 2004
- The Lost Soul, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #11, October 2004
- Tune Out of Time, (ss) A Step to the Stars by Philip E. High, Cosmos Books, 2004
- The Simulator, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #12, June 2006
- The Blackmailer, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #13, January 2008
- The Re-Conquest of Earth, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #13, January 2008
- This World Is Ours, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #13, January 2008
- The Wishing Stone, (ss) Fantasy Adventures #13, January 2008
- Chain Reaction, (ss) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000, as by B. J. Empson
- The Occultist, (ss) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000, as by B. J. Empson
- One Hour to Darkness, (ss) Fantasy Annual 4 ed. Philip Harbottle & Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books, 2000
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