The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 867
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Hilbert, Crystal Lynn (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Choosing Days to Die, (ss) Outer Reaches Winter 2010
- * Choosing Ways to Die, (ss) Outer Reaches Winter 2010, as "Choosing Days to Die"
- * Duplicate, (vi) Flash Fiction Online #17, February 2015
- * The Girl Who Interviewed Wolf, (ss) Nine #3, October 2012
- * Glittering; Guttering, (ss) Capricious #3, April 2016
- * Inaccurate Necromancy, a Tapestry, (ss) Haven Speculative #14, March 2024
- * Is the Dragon Whole?, (ss) Vitality #1, October 2015
- * Little and Red, (pm) Apex Magazine #81, February 2016
- * The Many-Named, (ss) Betwixt #5, Fall 2014
- * The Minutiae of Being Dead, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #57, 2013
- * Oath Breaker Priest to an Almost God, (ss) Betwixt #10, Winter 2016
- * Rediscovering the Lich: A Study on the Lost Art of Self-Reanimation, (ss) Betwixt #11, Spring 2016
- * Remembering the Days That Hurt Us, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2013
- * Soul of Soup Bones, (ss) Apex Magazine #61, June 2014
- * Such Truth as This, (ss) Three Crows Magazine #5, October 2019
- * To Claim a Piece of Sky, (ss) Kaleidotrope Autumn 2015
- * To Inherit Hunger, (ss) Bourbon Penn #21, July 2020
- * To the Mistress of the Labyrinth, (vi) Pantheon Magazine #7, January 2015
- * What Beasts We Cannot Conquer, (nv) Cossmass Infinities #1, January 2020
Hilbert, Ernie, Jr. (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Crippled Children and Cement Posts, (pm) Thin Ice #14, 1993
- * Crossings, (pm) Figment #8, Winter 1991/1992
- * The Day Cancer Walked from the University Hospital, (pm) Thin Ice #14, 1993
- * His, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #6, 1992
- * Mortal, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #6, 1992
- * Mortal Parasite, (pm) Weirdbook Encores #13, 1993
- * Passing the Dead on 12th Street, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #6, 1992
- * Return to Inches, (pm) Palace Corbie v1 #1, 1992
- * Starving, (pm) Palace Corbie v1 #2, 1992
Hildebrandt, Tim (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * The Beginners, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2024
- * Dead Guys, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction June 2024
- * Fire Door, (il)
- * Limits of Temptation, (il)
- * Love after Death, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction October 2023
- * The Science of Last Things, (vi) Penumbric Speculative Fiction December 2024
- * Street Hand, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction December 2024
- * Street Without Joy, (il)
- * Summer 2030, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction August 2024
- * The Wall, (il) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2024
- * [front cover], (cv) Penumbric Speculative Fiction Jun, Dec 2022, Dec 2023
Hildreth, Janet (chron.)
- * Dark Harvest, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Every Man’s Dream, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * Fortune Cookie, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * Marsh Idyll, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * Mission Failure, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * Perfect Patience, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * Pick Up, (vi) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- * The Sentencing, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * Spectre, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- * The Trophy Wife, (vi) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
Hildyard, Ali (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * Before the Concert, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #89, Winter 2024
- * The Changing of the Light at Cafe Corrientes, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #87, August 2023
- * The Commissar, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #87, August 2023
- * Four Stories, (gp) The Cafe Irreal #87, August 2023
- * The House Above the Bay, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #62, May 2017
- * The Lecturer, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #89, Winter 2024
- * My Father Moves On to Other Things, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #89, Winter 2024
- * The Myriad Deaths of Michaela Andreskaya…and Two Others, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #76, November 2020
- * Nebo, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #87, August 2023
- * The Number of the Heart, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #64, November 2017
- * The Silence of the People, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #87, August 2023
- * Three Short Stories, (gp) The Cafe Irreal #89, Winter 2024
Hilger, Ronald S. (fl. 1980s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Against the Providence Point of View, (ar) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #17, Winter 2000
- * The Doom of Azederac, (ss) Cthulhu Codex #6, 1994
- * A Dream of Mortality, (pm) Fungi #16, Fall 1997
- * A Future Odyssey, (ss) Fungi #20, Spring 2011
- * A Look Behind Lin Carter, (ar) Fungi #13, Spring 1996 [Ref. Lin Carter]
- * The Muse of Averoigne (with Henry J. Vester, III), (ar) Fungi #14, Fall 1996 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * The Music of the Spheres, (ss) Fungi #21, Summer 2013
- * The Oracle of Sadoqua, (ss) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #5, 1989
- * The Phosphor Lamps of Clark Ashton Smith (with Donald S. Fryer), (ar) Chronicles of the Cthulhu Codex #17, Winter 2000 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
_____, ed.
Hill, Alexandra (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Interview with Naseem Jamnia, (iv) Khōréō v2 #3, 2022 [Ref. Naseem Jamnia]
- * Letter from the Editors (with Dev Agarwal, Rowan Morrison & Lian Xia Rose), (ed) Khōréō v1 #3, v1 #4 2021
- * Letter from the Editors (with Kanika Agrawal & Rowan Morrison), (ed) Khōréō v2 #3 2022, v2 #4 2023
- * Letter from the Editors (with Rowan Morrison), (ed) Khōréō v2 #2, 2022
- * Letter from the Editors (with Rowan Morrison & Lian Xia Rose), (ed) Khōréō v1 #1, v1 #2 2021
- * Secondhand Music, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2023
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Khōréō v3 #1, v3 #2, v3 #3 2023, v4 #1, v4 #2, v4 #3, v4 #4 2024
- * Editor (with Dev Agarwal, Rowan Morrison & Lian Xia Rose): Khōréō v1 #1, v1 #3, v1 #4 2021, v2 #1 2022
- * Editor (with Kanika Agrawal & Rowan Morrison): Khōréō v2 #3 2022, v2 #4 2023
- * Editor (with Rowan Morrison): Khōréō v2 #2, 2022
- * Editor (with Rowan Morrison & Lian Xia Rose): Khōréō v1 #2, 2021
_____, [ref.]
Hill, Alma (fl. 1940s-1960s) (chron.)
- * Answering Service, (ss) If January 1965
- * Castles in Space, (ss) If April 1966
- * It’s Me, O Lord, (ar) Future Science Fiction #42, April 1959
- * Norte Americanos, You Are Doomed!, (ss) Other Worlds Science Stories March 1950
- * Pearls of Parida, (ss) Spaceway June 1954
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Stories May 1959
- * [letter from Boston, MA], (lt) Trumpet #4 Apr 1966, #8 Sep 1968
- * [letter from Fort Kent, ME], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction May 1958
- * [letter from Fort Kent, ME], (lt) If June 1958
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