The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 465
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Flynn, Tracy (fl. 2000s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v2 #3, 2006
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v2 #4, 2007
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v3 #1, 2007
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v3 #2, 2007
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v3 #4, 2008
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v4 #1, 2008
- [illustration(s)], (il) Tales of the Talisman v4 #2, 2008
Fode, David (fl. 1990s-2000s) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Dark Matter #1, 1998
- [front cover], (cv) The Fractal #9, Summer 1998
- [illustration(s)], (il) Phoenix Phables June 1998
- [front cover], (cv) Dark Matter #2, 1998
- [front cover], (cv) Dark Matter #3, 1998
- [front cover], (cv) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #3, 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Roadworks #3, Winter 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Sackcloth & Ashes #3, March 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasque April 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Imelod #13, Spring/April 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Dreams and Nightmares #53, May 1999
- [illustration(s)], (il) Unhinged #2, 1999
- [illustration(s)], (il) Peeping Tom #34, August 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Dreams and Nightmares #54, September 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Unhinged #3, 1999
- [illustration(s)], (il) Unhinged #3, 1999
- [illustration(s)] (with Desmond Knight), (il) Sackcloth & Ashes #5, September 1999
- [illustration(s)], (il) Enigmatic Tales #6, Autumn 1999
- [illustration(s)], (il) Enigmatic Tales #7, Winter 1999
- [illustration(s)] (with Lisa Busby), (il) Sackcloth & Ashes #6, December 1999
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals Winter 2000
- [illustration(s)], (il) Dead Things Magazine #3, January/March 2000
- [illustration(s)], (il) Enigmatic Tales #8, Spring 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals Spring 2000
- [illustration(s)], (il) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000
- [illustration(s)], (il) Enigmatic Tales #9, Summer 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals Summer 2000
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals Winter 2000/2001
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals Spring 2001
- [front cover], (cv) Black Petals Autumn 2001
Foe, Daniel (1660-1731); used pseudonym Daniel Defoe (items)
- A True Relation of the Apparition of One Mrs. Veal the Next Day After Her Death to One Mrs. Bargrave at Canterbury the 8th of September, 1705, (ar) B. Bragg, 1706, uncredited.
- The Devil at St. Bennet Fynk, (vi) The Political History of the Devil by Daniel Defoe, 1726, as by Daniel Defoe
- The Friendly Dæmon, (ss) J. Rogers, 1726, as by Daniel Defoe
- Hangman’s Wage, (vi) , as by Daniel Defoe
Fogg, Martyn J. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Interdict Hypothesis, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact November 1988
- On Beanpoles and Drum-Men, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact mid December 1988
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 1989
- Stellifying Jupiter, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1989
- Astrophysical Engineering and the Fate of the Earth, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1990
- Once and Future Mars, (ar) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1991
- The Firing Line, (ss) Far Point #1, November/December 1991
- Telescopes or Starships, (ar) Far Point #2, January/February 1992
- Worlds in Darkness: Planets Between the Stars, (ar) Analog Science Fiction & Fact June 1992
- A Planet Dweller’s Dreams, (ar) Analog Science Fiction & Fact October 1992
Fogg, Vanessa (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Snow’s Daughter, (ss) New Myths #22, April 2013
- Congress of Dragons, (ss) Mirror Dance #27, Autumn 2014
- Disconnected, (ss) The Future Fire #32, 2015
- Moon Story, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) October/December 2015
- Knife and Sea, (ss) Mirror Dance #32, Winter 2015
- In Dew and Frost and Flame, (ss) Metaphorosis June 2016
- The Wave, (nv) The Future Fire #37, 2016
- All the Souls Like Candle Flames, (nv) Luna Station Quarterly #28, December 2016
- Taiya, (ss) The Future Fire #42, 2017
- The House of Illusionists, (ss) Liminal Stories #5, Spring/Summer 2018
- The Young God, (ss) Kaleidotrope Summer 2018
- The Bone Lands, (ss) Kaleidotrope Winter 2019
- The Message, (ss) The Future Fire #48, 2019
- Wings, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #1, August 2019
- The Breaking, (ss) Mithila Review #13, March 2020
- The Shadow Catchers, (nv) The Future Fire #54, 2020
- Winter’s Heart, (ss) Hexagon Magazine #3, Winter 2020
- Fanfiction for a Grimdark Universe, (ss) Translunar Travelers Lounge #4, February 2021
- A Vial of Electric Blue, (ss) Fusion Fragment #5, March 2021
- An Address to the Newest Disciples of the Lost Words, (ss) Lightspeed #140, January 2022
- Before We Drown, (vi) The Future Fire #60, 2022
- Blood, Roses, Song, (pm) Haven Speculative #5, July/August 2022
- How to Travel Safely in Faerieland, (nv) Fusion Fragment #15, January 2023
- Microseasons of the Dead, (ss) The Future Fire #67, 2023
- The Cold Inside, (nv) Metaphorosis January/March 2024
- The Red Queen’s Heart, (ss) Lightspeed #170, July 2024
- That Small, Hard Thing on the Back of Your Neck, (ss) The Future Fire #71, 2024
Foglio, Phil (1956- ); used pseudonym James Clay (about) (items)
- Warlocky Lore, (il) Amra v2 #63, 1975
- [front cover], (cv) Tesseract Science Fiction Fall 1978
- [illustration(s)], (il) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1979
- That P.O. Box in Schenectady That You’ve All Heard So Much About (with Freff), (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic November 1982
- After-Image, (ss) Amazing Stories October 1992
- [illustration(s)] (with Marcus David, Matt Howarth & Sean Konot), (il) Harlan Ellison’s Dream Corridor Special January 1995
- [illustration(s)], (il) Challenging Destiny #4, October 1998
- Illegal Aliens (with Nick Pollotta), (ex) Aphelion #46, April 2001
- That Darn Squid God (with Nick Pollotta), (ex) Aphelion #71, June 2003, as by James Clay & Nick Pollotta
Foley, Dan (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- The Merchant, the Witch, and the Christmas Tree, (ss) Wicked Karnival #5, 2005
- Creepy Mouse, (ss) Wicked Karnival #4, 2005
- Premonitions, (ss) Nocturne #1.5, 2005
- Roses for My Lady, (ss) Wicked Karnival #3, 2005
- Father’s Day at the Ridgeway Grill, (ss) Black Ink Horror #1, 2007
- [unknown story], (ss) Nocturne #5, 2007
Foley, Tim (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Galen’s Closet, (ss) All Hallows #33, June 2003
- The Long Shadow of a Shrivelled Little Paw, (ar) All Hallows #38, February 2005
- On the Pier at Midnight, (vi) All Hallows #39, June 2005
- Miss Edwards and Her Phantom Coach, (ar) All Hallows #43, Summer 2007 [Ref. Amelia B. Edwards]
- Aneurism, (ss) Morpheus Tales #21, July 2013
- Snowman, Frozen, (ss) Supernatural Tales #28, Winter 2014/2015
- The Sound of Children Playing, (ss) Supernatural Tales #31, Winter 2015/2016
- The House Opposite, (ss) Supernatural Tales #33, Autumn 2016
- Room 413, Silver Pine Hotel, (ss) Supernatural Tales #43, Spring 2020
- The Ghost of Niles Canyon, (ss) Supernatural Tales #45, Winter 2020/2021
- Emir, (ss) Supernatural Tales #51, Winter 2022/2023
Folliard, Kevin M. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Chickenscratch, (ss) Double Feature Magazine #3, December 2016
- Carnival Debt, (ss) Infinite Darkness ed. Patrick Reuman, CreateSpace, 2017
- Ink, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #2, 2017
- Cornstalk, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #3, 2017
- White Noise, (ss) Hinnom Magazine #6, April 2018
- Bloody Maria, (ss) Horror Bites Magazine #7, 2018
- Broken, (vi) Nothing’s Sacred October 2018
- Dreaming of Chester, (ss) Broadswords and Blasters #11, Fall 2019
Folmar, Chase A. (fl. 2020s) (items)
- As Repellent As I, (ss) Whetstone #1, Spring 2020
- Mother of Malevolence, (ss) Whetstone #2, Winter 2020
- Through Stranger Lands, (ss) Witch House #1, Summer 2021
- A Cold, Callous Shell, (ss) Starward Shadows Quarterly #2, Winter 2021
- Muse and the Monstrous, (ss) Whetstone #4, Winter 2021
- The Rage of Thezydr, (ss) Whetstone #6, Winter 2022
- [front cover], (cv) Whetstone #8, Winter 2023
Fomley, Eric S. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Bedtime, (vi) The Sirens Call #40, August 2018
- The Demon in the Night, (vi) The Sirens Call #40, August 2018
- I Love You More, (vi) Galaxy’s Edge #38, May 2019
- Martian Maintenance, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #41, November 2019
- The Altar, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #43, March 2020
- A Darker World, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #44, May 2020
- Clone Care, (ss) Savage Planets July 2021
- Cyberpunk 2077, (ar) Savage Planets October 2021
- Through (with Richard William Larson), (ss) Clarkesworld #181, October 2021
- Old Girl, (ss) The Colored Lens #43, Spring 2022
- Deletable Love, (ss) The Colored Lens #44, Summer 2022
- Welcome to Troopers Quarterly!, (ed) Troopers Quarterly #1, Fall 2022
- Past Due, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #59, November 2022
- Salt Over Sand, (vi) Tree and Stone #5, December 2022
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