The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Salminen, Armas T. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Children of Cthulhu [Cthulhu], (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #5, 1984
- Yeti, (pm) Doppelgänger #5, October 1985
- The Lake of No Living Thing, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #7, 1985
- The Creature Found in the Bog, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #9, 1986
- Garray’s Landing, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #8, 1986
- The Old Ones Feast, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #9, 1986
- Ashtoroth, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
- Fabrications, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
- Great Cthulhu, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
- In Eryx where the lizard-men…, (pm) Etchings & Odysseys #10, 1987
- The Little Man in the Street, (ss) Alpha Adventures #18, July 1988
- Walking On—Down the West Coast, (pm) Weirdbook #28, Autumn 1993
Salmon, Adrian (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #14, March/April 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #15, May/June 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #17, September/October 2009
- [front cover], (cv) Filthy Creations #5, October 2009
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #20, March/April 2010
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #23, September/October 2010
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #24, November/December 2010
- [illustration(s)], (il) Torchwood #25, January/February 2011
Salmonson, (Jesse) Amos; former name of Jessica Amanda Salmonson (1950- ) (items)
- The Alchemists of Ivis [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #4, 1973
- City of the Enlightened [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #3, 1973
- Full Moon Tonight, (ss) Moonbroth #11, 1973
- Ladamir’s Gem of Life [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #2, 1973
- Quest for Life [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #1, 1973
- [front cover], (cv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #1, 1973
- [front cover], (cv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #2, 1973
- An Incredibly Stupid Poem, (pm) The Diversifier #1, 1974
- Profound/Profundity, (ar) The Diversifier August 1974
- A God of Virtues, (pm) Treaders of Starlight October 1974
- Ants, (pm) The Diversifier December 1974
- Hyborean Reality, (pm) HPL Supplement #3, 1974
- Mihera-Mahura [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #6, 1974
- Peril and the Wizard’s Spirit [Artonal], (ss) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #5, 1974
- Torso, (pm) Moonbroth #19, 1974
- Wander, (ss) Spoor Anthology #1, 1974
- Hominis Superior, (pm) Anduril #5, July 1975
- A Rain of Spiders, (vi) Wyrd #4, 1975
- The Stomping Grounds of the Gods, (ss) Anduril #6, August 1976
- Letter from the Editor, (ed) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror
- Profuse Redundancy, (cl) The Diversifier
Salmonson, Jessica Amanda (1950- ); previously known as Amos Salmonson; used pseudonyms Josiah Kerr & Patrick Lean (items)
- The Alchemists of Ivis [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #4, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- City of the Enlightened [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #3, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- Full Moon Tonight, (ss) Moonbroth #11, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- A Great Experience, (ss) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #1, 1973, as by Patrick Lean
- Ladamir’s Gem of Life [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #2, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- The Mountain Witch’s Dying Curse, (pm) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #2, 1973, as by Josiah Kerr
- Quest for Life [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #1, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- Youngin, (ss) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #1, 1973, as by Josiah Kerr
- [front cover], (cv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #1, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- [front cover], (cv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #2, 1973, as by Amos Salmonson
- An Incredibly Stupid Poem, (pm) The Diversifier #1, 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- Profound/Profundity, (ar) The Diversifier August 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- A God of Virtues, (pm) Treaders of Starlight October 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- Ants, (pm) The Diversifier December 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- The Conquering Lord, (pm) Breakthrough #5, 1974
- Hyborean Reality, (pm) HPL Supplement #3, 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- Mihera-Mahura [Artonal], (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #6, 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- Peril and the Wizard’s Spirit [Artonal], (ss) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #5, 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- Returning, (pm) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v1 #6, 1974, as by Josiah Kerr
- Torso, (pm) Moonbroth #19, 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- Wander, (ss) Spoor Anthology #1, 1974, as by Amos Salmonson
- The Celluloid Universe, (mr) Eternity #4, 1975
- The Beast of Unknown Heritage, (pm) Space and Time #29, March 1975
- Patrons, (vi) Space and Time #30, May 1975
- Precisely What Happened, (vi) The Diversifier June 1975
- Hominis Superior, (pm) Anduril #5, July 1975, as by Amos Salmonson
- City of Jewels, (ss) Myrddin v1 #2, 1975
- To Sappho, With Love, (pm) The Diversifier October 1975
- [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #15, November 1975, etc.
- Dear Odysseans, (ed) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v2A, 1975, etc.
- Feigned Death, (pm) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v2A, 1975
- Parable of Three Nations [Edwin & Motley] (with Ron Nance), (nv) The Literary Magazine of Fantasy and Terror v2A, 1975
- A Rain of Spiders, (vi) Wyrd #4, 1975, as by Amos Salmonson
- Suzanne, (pm) Nyctalops #11, 1976
- Carmanda, (ss) Equinox #3, May 1976
- The Black Desert of Gomba-mo, (ss) New Fantasy Journal #1, Summer 1976
- The Stomping Grounds of the Gods, (ss) Anduril #6, August 1976, as by Amos Salmonson
- Wrath of the Ebon Knight, (ss) Space and Time #41, March 1977
- Nightmare Circus, (vi) Astral Dimensions #6, August 1977
- Dis Can’t Be Da Unnerground—Ah Feels Too Respekkable, (rc) Windhaven #2, 1977
- The Goddess Slept, (pm) Windhaven #2, 1977
- Winged Woman, (cl) Windhaven #2, 1977, etc.
- The Black Crusader, (pm) Beyond the Fields We Know #1, Autumn 1978
- Booksmoviesfanzines, (rc) Windhaven #3, 1978
- O Christmas Tree (with Wilum H. Pugmire), (ss) Space and Time #50, January 1979
- The Making of Amazons, (ar) Thrust #12, Summer 1979
- The Golden Age of Sexism, (ar) Windhaven #5, 1979
- Moscon Fan Guest of Honor Speech, (ar) Thrust #16, Fall 1980
- The One Great Achievement of Padinre Luil, (ss) Night Flights #1, 1980/81
- Specter in the Buried Chambers, (ss) Wax Dragon #2, 1980
- The Winged Llama of the Mesa, (vi) Eerie Country #3, 1980
- Blessing, (pm) Night Voyages #7, Spring 1981
- The Lock Box and the Magic Monger, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic May 1981
- The Evil Jinn, (vi) Owlflight #2, 1981
- Iodonis and the Twin Titans, (vi) Weirdbook #15, 1981
- The Piebald Man, (ss) Room of One’s Own v6 #1/2, 1981
- Voice, (ss) Owlflight #1, 1981
- The Night They Came, (pm) Threshold of Fantasy #1, Spring 1982
- Meadow Silence, (ss) Fantasy Book May 1982
- The Fabulous Sea Below, (ss) Oracle v1 #1, 1982
- The Ghastly Pond, (ss) Fantasy Book February 1983
- The Sagittarian, (ss) Dragon May 1983
- Street Corner Park’s Ghost, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1983
- Cafe Fantastique, (pm) Grimoire #5, Summer 1983
- Nitimandry and the Cabinet-Makers Vision, (ss) Ares Special Edition #1, Summer 1983
- Come the Eaters, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #4, 1983
- From a New Member, (lt) Star*Line July/August 1983
- The Apple Boy, (vi) Fantasy Book August 1983
- For the Biographer of Goblins, (pm) Grimoire #6, Fall 1983
- The Impossible Cow, (nv) Last Wave v1 #1, 1983
- Waiting for Rabbi Godot, (vi) Grimoire #6, Fall 1983
- The Rare Rains, (ss) Moonscape Winter 1983
- A Rock That Loved, (vi) Fantasy Tales #12, Winter 1983
- The Entity from Before Creation, (vi) Weirdbook #17, 1983
- The Ghost Upon the Staircase, (pm) 1983
- I Can’t Lose!, (ss) Whispered Legends ed. Joey Froehlich, Froehlich, 1983
- Lost Secrets, (pm) Owlflight #4, 1983
- Plowman’s Furrow, (pm) Bloodrake #6, 1983
- Open Reading: Poetraffic, (br) Star*Line January/February 1984
- The Demon Unise Loved, (ss) Fantasy Book March 1984
- Five Cents a Look, (vi) Night Voyages #10, 1984
- Time-Slit Through a Rice Paper Window, (ss) Last Wave v1 #3, 1984
- The Last Dream of Arza Bulan, (pm) Footsteps #4, Summer 1984
- The Garbage Man’s Dumb Prattle, (pm) Doppelgänger #1, September 1984
- The Romance of Tcheska and Provetsko, (ss) Fantasy Book December 1984
- Book Monster, (pm) Random Weirdness #4, 1984
- The Dream, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #3, 1984
- Jolly Boy, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #3, 1984
- Loovly House, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #4, 1984
- The Master Ventriloquist, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #2, 1984
- The Patriotic Harlot, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #1, 1984
- Sad Lady Death, (pm) 1984
- The Tenant Who Frightened a Ghost, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #4, 1984
- The Truth About Mrs. Chauncy and Her TV Set, (ss) Eldritch Tales #10, 1984
- Under the House, (ss) Borderland #1, 1984
- With a Bat, (ss) Weirdbook #19, Spring 1984
- Nightfall, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1985
- The Non Existence of “Poetry of the Fantastic”: Commentary of a Theory, (ar) Star*Line January/February 1985
- The Clown, (ss) Potboiler Spring/Summer 1985
- Introduction to “The Golden Fleece”, (is) Fantasy Book March 1985
- Searchers after Horror: Paraphrasing Lovecraft, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1985
- No Help for the Kind, (vi) Footsteps #5, April 1985
- Introduction to “The Black Dwarf”, (is) Fantasy Book June 1985
- The Sage’s Tree, (pm) Bifrost #1, Summer 1985
- The Hungering Lass; A Little Legend of the Rhine, (vi) Weirdbook #21, Autumn 1985
- A Haunted Tale of Justice, (vi) Fantasy Book December 1985
- Hecate, (pm) Dark Dreams #3, December 1985
- Song of Nova Scotia’s Fisher Folk, (pm) Threshold of Fantasy #2, Winter 1985/1986
- The Anguished Ghost, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #6, 1985
- The Assassin, (ss) Spectrum Stories #1, 1985
- An Astral Story, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- Cats, (ms) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- Chance Meetings, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- Coming Home, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- Dancers: A Prose Fancy, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #5, 1985
- Epitaph, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- The Fate of de Maupassant, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #6, 1985
- Hannah, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #7, 1985
- In the Red House, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #5, 1985
- The Kissing Gourami, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- Lady Nobu’s Poem; or Leaf from an Anonymous Diary, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #6, 1985
- No Teeth, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #5, 1985
- Oh, Familiar Man, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #7, 1985
- Pets Given in Evidence of Old English Witchcraft 1500s-1600s, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #6, 1985
- Pit, (ss) Etchings & Odysseys #7, 1985
- Play Dead, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #7, 1985
- A Saint’s Repose, (pm) A Walk in the Dark, Running Dinosaur Press, 1985
- Soldier! Soldier!, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #6, 1985
- The Tree’s Ornaments, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #5, 1985
- Visitation, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #5, 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Fantasy and Terror #6, 1985
- A Medieval Romance, (pm) All the Devils Are Here ed. David D. Deyo, Jr., Unnameable Press, 1986
- Nocturne, (pm) American Fantasy Fall 1986
- Samurai Fugue, (ss) Worlds of If September/November 1986
- Sick Gentlemen: A Fugue, (vi) Grue #3, 1986
- These Four Dreams, (vi) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy September 1986
- Fine Fettered Friends, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- The Ghastly, Ghastly Man, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #8, 1986
- The Ghost Garden, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- The Ghost of the Queen, (pm) The Australian Horror and Fantasy Magazine #5/6, 1986
- Munis Est Fabula at Cabaret Voltaire, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- The Portrait, (pm) Grue #2, 1986
- Sarah’s Dream, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- Silent Snow, Secret Snow, (pm) The Australian Horror and Fantasy Magazine #5/6, 1986
- Swift Arthur, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- Tina and Maria, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #8, 1986
- Under Draco, (pm) The Australian Horror and Fantasy Magazine #5/6, 1986
- Strange Doings in Viktor’s Village, (vi) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy January/February 1987
- Wilum, (pm) Deathrealm #1, Spring 1987
- The Gorgeous Beast, (pm) Deathrealm #2, Summer 1987
- For E.D., (pm) 2AM Winter 1987
- Beyond the Reef, (pm) Grue #6, 1987
- The Boy Who Lifted Weights, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #10, 1987
- The Girl Who Slept When Stories Were Read to Her, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #10, 1987
- The Girl Who Wrote Fables, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #10, 1987
- The Mistreated Fellow, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #9, 1987
- The Night of the Fowl, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #9, 1987
- Puppet, (pm) Dark Dreams #5, 1987
- Mad Little Girl, (pm) Nøctulpa #2, Spring 1988
- The Singing Dead, (pm) Revelations from Yuggoth #2, May 1988
- The Poplars, (pm) Nocturne #1, Autumn 1988
- Skeleton, (vi) MosCon X Program Book ed. Jon Gustafson, Moscow SF Conv. Inc., 1988
- How to Be a Surrealist, (ar) New Pathways Into Science Fiction and Fantasy #13, December 1988
- The Boon Companion, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #10, 1988
- The Crone, (pm) Eldritch Tales #15, 1988
- Doves, (vi) Asylum 1988
- The Haunted Bale of Rice, (vi) Grue #7, 1988
- Oath of an Honorable Gentleman, (vi) The Weirdbook Sampler ed. W. Paul Ganley, Ganley, 1988
- The Santa, (vi) Weirdbook #23/24, 1988
- Sister Fox, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #10, 1988
- Story with Story, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #11, 1988
- The Sins of Our Tastes; The Sins of Our Trade, (ar) Thrust #34, Summer 1989
- The Cheated Corpse, (pm) 2AM Fall 1989
- John and the Magic Skillet, (ss) Fantasy Tales, v.11 #3 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1989
- Granny Obia, (pm) University of Washington Daily literary supplement November 1989
- Beckford’s Mind, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- Death of Elveron, (pm) Fantasy Macabre #12, 1989
- First Contact/Culture Clash, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- Napoleon’s Army, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- Now Is the Night, (pm) Fantasy & Terror #12, 1989
- Prayer of the Fat Saint, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- Tomorrow I Will Slink Away, (pm) Eldritch Tales #18, 1989
- Weird Abbey, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- The Woman Whose Nose Fell Into the Drain and That Was the End of It, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #11, 1989
- Jekyll Reflects, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine March 1990
- Bone Wings, (pm) Not One of Us #6, April 1990
- Alone, (pm) Weird Tales Fall 1990
- Haggardly Beth and the Black Hour, (vi) Weirdbook #25, Autumn 1990
- Why Write, White Rye?, (ar) New Pathways #17, September 1990
- Black the Water, (pm) Fantasy Tales, #5 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1990
- The Clone Anthologies of Horror, (ar) Carnage Hall #2, 1990
- Night Edged in Silver, (pm) Dagger of the Mind #1, 1990
- Parakeet, (vi) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- Sheeted Traveler, (pm) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- Fisher Death, (pm) Weird Tales Spring 1991
- The Imperialist Mythos, (ar) Nyctalops #19, April 1991
- Small Repulsive Man, (pm) Nyctalops #19, April 1991
- How Death Came to Inyar the Shepherd, (vi) Weirdbook #26, Autumn 1991
- The Only Path, (pm) Tekeli-li! #3, Fall 1991
- Walk in Sable, (pm) Haunts #22, Fall/Winter 1991
- Gladness Seen Through a Chink in the Marble, (pm) Grue #13, Fall 1991
- The Toad Witch, (ss) Tales of Witchcraft ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1991
- A Celestial Occurrence, (vi) Waysgoose Anthology 1991
- A Dream of Love Unwilling, (vi) The Year in Darkness #2 ed. Bucky Montgomery, Montgomery Publishing, 1991
- Letter to a Friend on the Pursuit of Writing, (ar) Quantum #41, Winter/Spring 1992
- Dancer of Elveron, (vi) Weirdbook #27, Spring 1992
- Lute, (pm) Deathrealm #16, Spring 1992
- The Grey Sister, (pm) Space & Time #80, Summer 1992
- A True Tale of Horror: Striving to Break the Rules in the Genre Game, (ar) Quantum #42, Summer/Fall 1992
- In the Looking Glass, Life Is Death, (pm) Deathrealm #17, Fall/Winter 1992
- City, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #13, 1992
- Folk Tales from the City, (ss) Fantasy Macabre #14, 1992
- Harvestman, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #13, 1992
- Hesperides, (vi) The Goddess Under Siege by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, 1992
- The Queen Mum [Penelope Pettiweather], (ss) Fantasy Macabre #15, 1992
- The Sky Without Orion, (vi) The Goddess Under Siege by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, 1992
- Suphlatus, (vi) Fantasy & Terror #13, 1992
- Journal Notes on Censorship, (ar) Quantum #43/44, Spring/Summer 1993
- Tide Runes, (pm) Haunts #25, Spring 1993
- Islands, (vi) Magic Realism Summer 1993
- The Magnificent Transmogrification, (vi) Magic Realism Summer 1993
- Explanation of a Ghost, (ss) Eldritch Tales #29, Fall 1993
- Beauty Into Beast, (pm) The Silver Web #10, Fall/Winter 1993
- The Night It Came, (ss) Weirdbook #28, Autumn 1993
- Year Lost, (pm) The Silver Web #10, Fall/Winter 1993
- Fanciful Dreams of the Author, (ar) Science Fiction Eye #13, Spring 1994
- Lilacs at a Windy Wall, (pm) Deathrealm #21, Spring 1994
- Princess of Shades, (pm) Weird Tales Spring 1994
- The Remembering Soul, (pm) Deathrealm #21, Spring 1994
- When the Woman Chief Was Young, (ss) Pirate Writings #4, Summer 1994
- Beastly Beauties and Beautiful Beasts, (ar) Carnage Hall #5, 1994
- The Shinbone Staff, (vi) The Urbanite #4, 1994
- The Door to the Rainmaker’s Lodge, (ss) Pirate Writings #6, Spring 1995
- Polarion, (pm) Space & Time #85, Spring 1995
- The Strangeness of Lovers, (pm) Grue #17, Spring 1995
- The Strange Voyage of Doctor Morbid, (ss) Deathrealm #23, Spring 1995
- Young Man Who Became Weary, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 1995
- The Watcher, (pm) Deathrealm #24, Summer 1995
- The Novitiate, (vi) Weirdbook #29, Autumn 1995
- Toyomo and the Dragon, (vi) Space & Time #86, Fall 1995
- Black Rainbow, (pm) Deathrealm #26, Winter 1995/1996
- Ghoul John and the Corpse, (ss) Phantom Waters by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sasquatch Press, 1995
- The Spirit Elk, (ss) Phantom Waters by Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Sasquatch Press, 1995
- The Uselessness of Senses, (vi) Century #4, January/February 1996
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