The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Crawford, Gary William (1953-2020) (about) (items)
- The 1978 Bibliography of Gothic Studies (with Benjamin Franklin Fisher, IV & Frederick S. Frank), (bi) Gothic December 1979
- The 1979 Bibliography of Gothic Studies (with Benjamin Franklin Fisher, IV & Frederick S. Frank), (bi) Gothic December 1980
- Bodkins, (vi) Dark Horizons #25, Summer 1982
- Love and Death in the Tales of Robert Aickman, (ar) Nyctalops #18, April 1983
- Robert Aickman: A Preliminary Checklist, (bi) Nyctalops #18, April 1983 [Ref. Robert Aickman]
- Vigilance, (ss) Fantasy Tales #13, Winter 1984
- Snow Ghost, (pm) Star*Line March/April 1985
- Collapsing, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- Crystal Future, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- The Dream Stone, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- I Remember Their Honeymoon, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- A Red-Smeared Lover, (pm) The Arkham Sampler v3 #4, 1986
- Robert Aickman: Notes for a Biography, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1986 [Ref. Robert Aickman]
- My First and Only Day, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #9, 1986
- Psychic Warrior, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #8, 1986
- A Poet for the Others, (pm) Doppelgänger #8, May 1987
- South Louisiana Memory, (pm) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- One Night, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #18, September 1987
- Craving, (pm) Grue #5, 1987
- A Dream of Theobald, (pm) Eldritch Tales #13, 1987
- Communion, (pm) Midnight Shambler #1, February 1988
- Destination, (pm) 2AM Spring 1988
- Reflecting in the Heat of the Day, (pm) Midnight Shambler #1, February 1988
- The Light in the Room, (vi) Fantasy Macabre #10, 1988
- Brain Dead, (pm) 2AM Spring 1989
- Possessed by Demons and then by Light, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- New Worlds, (pm) Haunts #17, Fall/Winter 1989
- Nightmare Poem Three, (pm) Grue #10, Fall 1989
- Infected with the Night, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #28, October 1989
- A World of Darkness, (pm) Terror Time Again #3, November 1989
- On Marston’s Hill, (vi) Eldritch Tales #19, 1989
- The Cabinets, (ss) Fantasy Tales, #5 ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson, 1990
- A Winter Nap, (pm) Thin Ice #6, 1990
- Star Ruler, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #33, February 1991
- Half Light, (pm) Haunts #21, Spring 1991
- In the Realm of Strange Symbols, (ss) Eldritch Tales #25, Spring 1991
- My Thoughts Conceive, (pm) 2AM Spring 1991
- Metamorphosis Devoured, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1992
- A Cappella, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1992
- Arrival, (pm) Star*Line May/June 1992
- Far Away to the West, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #38, June 1992
- Early Morning Storm, (pm) Haunts #24, Fall/Winter 1992
- Nightmare Poem Four, (pm) Palace Corbie v1 #2, 1992
- untitled (“Spiralling downward…”), (pm) Star*Line January/February 1993
- [untitled], (pm) Black Lotus v1 #2, 1993, etc.
- Cotton Land, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #40, 1993
- The Gothic Quest, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #41, 1993
- Reincarnation, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1994
- for L.S., (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #43, December 1994
- Halloween, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1995
- Dark Passion, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #4, 1995
- Death Seeker, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #4, 1995
- Songs of the Stars: The Poetry of Bruce Boston, (ar) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1996 [Ref. Bruce Boston]
- November, (pm) Black Lotus v1 #5, 1996
- Robert Aickman: a Bibliography, (bi) Fantasy Commentator Fall 1997 [Ref. Robert Aickman]
- The Demon Poet and His Wife, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #68, 2004
- Kaleidoscope, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2004
- Small Press Reviews (with David C. Kopaska-Merkel), (rc) Star*Line November/December 2004
- Last Things in the Shadow City, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #70, 2005
- From the Small Press, (rc) Star*Line May/June 2006, etc.
- Death Studies, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2006
- Sexual Transfusion, (pm) Star*Line November/December 2006
- The Literati, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2007
- Love Letters, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2007
- Connect the Dots, (pm) Star*Line January/February 2008
- Love at the Moment, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #79, 2008
- The Dream of Joe, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #80, 2008
- Have a System in my Head, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2008
- Hereditary Guilt, (pm) Star*Line May/June 2009
- Garden of Phantom Delights, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v5 #3, 2009
- The Dualities, (pm) Star*Line January/March 2011
- Sign Language, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #88, 2011
Crawford, Meriah L. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- The Persistence of Dreams [1632] (with Robert E. Waters), (ss) Grantville Gazette v46, 2013
- The Multi-Colored King [1632] (with Robert E. Waters), (ss) Grantville Gazette v50, 2013
- Painted Into a Corner [1632] (with Robert E. Waters), (sl) Grantville Gazette v60, 2015, etc.
- The Winter Canvas [1632] (with Robert E. Waters), (ss) Grantville Gazette v67, 2016
- Broken Strings [1632] (with Robert E. Waters), (ss) Grantville Gazette v86, 2019
Crayon, Geoffrey; pseudonym of Washington Irving (1783-1859) (items)
- The Spectre Bridegroom, (ss) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent November 10 1819, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, (nv) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent March 15 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- The Adventure of the German Student, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- The Bold Dragoon; or, The Adventure of My Grandfather, (ss) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- Wolfert Webber; or, Golden Dreams, (nv) Tales of a Traveller by Geoffrey Crayon & Gent., John Murray, 1824, as by Geoffrey Crayon
- Legend of the Moor’s Legacy, (ss) The Alhambra by Washington Irving, Colburn & Bentley, 1832, as by Geoffrey Crayon
Crazy Alien, A; pseudonym of Floyd Kemske (1947- ) (items)
- Report from Our Alien Publisher, (ed) Aboriginal SF October 1986
- A Peculiar Habit Called ‘Humor’, (ed) Aboriginal SF December 1986
- Narrow Escape from a Sauna, (ed) Aboriginal SF February/March 1987
- A Statistical Proposition, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1987
- The Drones Are Willing…, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1987
- Clean Up Your Own Mess, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1987
- A Matter of Trust, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1987
- Eh?, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1988
- The Wilkes-Barre Encounter, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1988
- The Selling My Good Name, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1988
- Our Illegal Alien, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1988
- Red or Gray?, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1988
- It’s Testable, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1989
- Derek Sean Patent-Pending Wilkerson, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1989
- To Serve Man?, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1989
- Our Publisher Goes Native, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1989
- You’ll Hear from My Lawyer, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1989
- This Old Den, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1989
- Arrival Delayed, Departure Delayed, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1990
- 1,318,416 Species to Go, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1990
- The Mass Transit Theory of Schizophrenia, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1990
- Human Beings Want to Be Free, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction July/August 1990
- The Reversal of Planetary Cooling, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction September/October 1990
- As Funny As a Dog in Shorts, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction November/December 1990
- The Most Common Human Activity, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1991
- Guns or Butter, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction March/April 1991
- A Matter of Faith, (ar) Aboriginal Science Fiction May/June 1991
- Life in a Tree, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction December 1991
- We Were Wrong About Congress, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction December 1991
- Happy Days Are Here Again, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1992
- For the Good of the Children, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1992
- Omnivorous Believers, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1992
- To Be Drunk Is To Be Human, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1993
- Rejection As a Way of Life, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1993
- Rejection, Part 2, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1993
- Beyond Thunderdome, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1993
- Weight Loss Is the Whole Point, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1994
- Taking Life Four Years at a Time, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1996
- Life as a White Male, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Summer 1996
- Noise… lights… confusion…, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Fall 1996
- Our Alien Publisher, (ed) Aboriginal Science Fiction Winter 1997, etc.
Creasey, Ian (1969- ) (items)
- Successful Delegation, (ss) Noesis #3, June 1999
- The Sounds That Come After Screaming, (ss) On Spec Spring 2002
- Proper Names, (nv) Challenging Destiny #15, December 2002
- Waiting for the Big Freeze, (ss) Abyss & Apex #1, January/February 2003
- The Adventures of Captain Contempt in Mixed Media Installations, (ss) Alternate Species February 2003
- The Chalk Giant, (ss) Paradox #1, Spring 2003
- Mr Tastee, (ss) Scheherazade #25, 2003
- Night Shift on the Support Line, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #8, August 2003
- Demonstration Day, (ss) Oceans of the Mind #9, Fall 2003
- Best in Show, (ss) Oceans of the Mind #13, Fall 2004
- Reality 2.0, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #15, October/November 2004
- The Scaffold, (ss) On Spec Winter 2004/2005
- Lonesome Cosmogonist, (ss) Challenging Destiny #20, May 2005
- Infestation, (ss) Deep Magic #43, December 2005
- A Sordid Boon, (ss) Here & Now #7, Winter 2005
- The Goldsmith, (ss) Shimmer v1 #2, 2006
- The Hastillan Weed, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2006
- The Edge of the Map [Susanna Munro], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2006
- The Fisherman of Northolt, (ss) Postscripts #7, Summer 2006
- Heart of the Forest, (ss) Aberrant Dreams #8, Summer 2006
- Silence in Florence, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2006
- The Golden Record, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2006
- Memories of the Knacker’s Yard, (ss) Apex Science Fiction & Horror Digest #10, 2007
- Strawberry Thief, (na) Weird Tales June/July 2007
- This Is How It Feels, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2008
- Cut Loose the Bonds of Flesh and Bone [Susanna Munro], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2008
- Digging for Paradise, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2009
- How to Build an Open-Source Deity, (pm) Ideomancer September 2009
- Erosion, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2009
- The Report of a Doubtful Creature, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #15, November 2009
- Crimes, Follies, Misfortunes, and Love, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2010
- The Prize Beyond Gold [Enhanced Humans], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2010
- “I Was Nearly Your Mother”, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction March 2011
- How I Lost Eleven Stone and Found Love, (ss) First Contact ed. Jessi Hoffman, Digital Science Fiction, 2011
- The Odor of Sanctity, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2011
- Joining the High Flyers [Enhanced Humans], (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2012
- Winning Veronica’s Heart, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #32, February 2013
- The Unparallel’d Death-Defying Feats of Astoundio, Escape Artist Extraordinaire, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction September 2013
- Within These Well-Scrubbed Walls, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2013
- Escape from the Andromedan Empire, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #36, November 2013
- You Are Not the First Minion to Disappoint Me, (vi) Nature #7481, January 2 2014
- Ormonde and Chase [Harriet Ormonde & Travis Chase], (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2014
- An Exercise in Motivation, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2014
- Pincushion Pete, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2015
- My Time on Earth, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2015
- The Language of Flowers [Harriet Ormonde & Travis Chase], (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May 2016
- No Strangers Any More, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2016
- A Melancholy Apparition, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September/October 2016
- After the Atrocity, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction March/April 2017
- And Then They Were Gone, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2017
- The Equalizers, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2018
- Shooting Grouse, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2018
- The Final Ascent, (nv) Clarkesworld #149, February 2019
- Super Sprouts [Harriet Ormonde & Travis Chase], (na) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
- Fasterpiece, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2022
- Self-Regulation, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2022
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