The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 95
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Bennardo, Matthew (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Gadsden Tunnel, 1959, (ss) EOTU Ezine February 2003
- A Chromepunk Anthology, (ss) Strange Horizons April 7 2003
- Nightmare, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2005
- Imagine Cows on Mars, (ss) Redstone Science Fiction #24, May 2012
- Kakitsu, (ss) New Myths #19, June 2012
- The Book in Dutch, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #22, October 2012
- After Compline, Silence Falls, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #107, November 1 2012
- The Famous Fabre Fly Caper, (ss) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #4, November 2012
- The Desert of Trees, (ss) New Myths #21, December 2012
- All the Things You Should Have Said, (ss) Kzine #5, January 2013
- The Herons of Mer de l’Ouest, (ss) Lightspeed #33, February 2013
- Outbound from Put-in-Bay, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2013
- Scarlet Fever, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2013
- The Penitent, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #122, May 30 2013
- Water Finds Its Level, (ss) Lightspeed #36, May 2013
- Thing in a Bag, (ss) Shock Totem #7, August 2013
- The Black Veil, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #130, September 19 2013
- The Haunted Jalopy Races, (ss) Shimmer #16, 2013
- Last Day at the Ice Man Café, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction February 2014
- Slowly Upward, the Coelacanth, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction April/May 2014
- The Use and the Need, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #148, May 29 2014
- How Do I Get to Last Summer from Here?, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2014
- Sun Tea, (ss) Fireside Magazine #15, July 2014
- A Guest of the Cockroach Club, (nv) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #160, November 13 2014
- Now Dress Me in My Finest Suit and Lay Me in My Casket, (ss) Clarkesworld #99, December 2014
- Fighting Fair in Lobstertown, (ss) Kzine #11, January 2015
- Ghosts of the Savannah, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2015
- Transatlantic, (ss) New Myths #31, June 2015
- The Skinner of the Sky, (ss) Lackington’s #7, Summer 2015
- We Jump Down Into the Dark, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction December 2015
- The Orchids of Lethe, (nv) The Future Fire #36, 2016
- The Bat House, (ss) The Dark #13, June 2016
- The Wine on Your Lips Is Ash on Your Tongue, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #55, February 2017
- O Judge! O Jury! O Executioner!, (ss) Phobos Magazine #4, 2017
- Low Bridge! or, The Dark Obstructions, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #240, December 7 2017
- Here’s Looking at You, Cud, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2018
- The Devil Buys Us Cheap and the Devil Buys in Bulk, (ss) Mithila Review #11, September 2019
- Paris in Love, (ss) Syntax & Salt Magazine January 2020
- The Ordeal, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #297, February 13 2020
- Some Distant Waterholes of Note, (ss) Mirror Dance #46, Spring 2020
- The Night Nurse, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #31, June 2020
- The Facts Are These, (ss) The Future Fire #54, 2020
- A Vengeful Revenant, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction September/October 2020
- The Polar Bear Sleeps On, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2020
- A Little Private Room, (ss) The Colored Lens #40, Summer 2021
- The Bumblebee and the Berry, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2022
- The Sea Breeze Comes, the Land Breeze Goes, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2022
- A Prayer to St Jude, (ss) The Future Fire #61, 2022
- Forty-Eight Minutes at the Trainview Café, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction November/December 2022
- A Real Snow Day, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2023
- The Number of the Ghosts, (ss) Kaleidotrope Spring 2023
- The Shadow Box, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2024
Bennett, A. G. (items)
- The Mission, (ss) Ripples #6, 2006
- ’Till Death Us Do Part, (ss) Ripples #7, January 2007
- Strange Visitor, (ss) Ripples #9, July 2007
- The Funeral Inspector, (ss) Ripples #10, November 2007
- Memoirs of a Star Child, (ss) Ripples #12, 2008
Bennett, Christopher L. (fl. 1990s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Aggravated Vehicular Genocide, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 1998
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1999
- Among the Wold Cybers of Cybele, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2000
- The Hub of the Matter [Nashira, David, & Rynyan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2010
- Home Is Where the Hub Is [Nashira, David, & Rynyan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2010
- Make Hub, Not War [Nashira, David, & Rynyan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2013
- Murder on the Cislunar Railroad, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2016
- Twilight’s Captives, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2017
- Abductive Reasoning, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2017
- Hubpoint of No Return [Nashira, David, & Rynyan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2018
- …And He Built a Crooked Hub [Nashira, David, & Rynyan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2018
- Hubstitute Creatures [Nashira, David, & Rynyan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2018
- The Melody Lingers, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #39, July 2019
- Conventional Powers [Troubleshooters], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2019
- Aleyara’s Descent [Troubleshooters], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2023
Bennett, Daniel (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (items)
- Acton Undream, (ss) Black Static #1, September 2007
- The Absence Club, (ss) New Horizons #1, 2008
- When You Decided to Call, (ss) Black Static #69, May/June 2019
- A Pressed Red Flower in the Abandoned Archive, (ss) Black Static #71, September/October 2019
- Dream of the High Mountain, (ss) Interzone #284, November/December 2019
- Frankie, (ss) Interzone #285, January/February 2020
- Captured Dreams of the Dead Machine, (ss) Interzone #288, September/October 2020
- An Island for Lost Astronauts, (ss) Interzone #290/291, 2021
- The Coming of the Extroverts, (ss) Interzone #294, January 2023
- Drink the Kombucha!, (ss) Interzone #297, January 2024
Bennett, Debbie (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- Carousel, (ss) Xenos June 1992
- The Dream Seller, (vi) Dark Horizons #36, 1995
- Editorial, (ed) Dark Horizons #39, Spring 2001, etc.
- Masquerade, (ss) Dark Horizons #48, Spring 2006
- 21st Century Horizons, (ar) Dark Horizons #50, Spring 2007
- Hunt, (ss) New Horizons #3, 2009
Bennett, Eleanor Leonne (fl. 2010s) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) New Myths #17, December 2011
- [front cover], (cv) Kaleidotrope Spring 2012
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #3, May 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Kaleidotrope Summer 2012
- Hidden Under, (il) Star*Line October/December 2012
- kidswithguns, (il) Star*Line October/December 2012
- Woodlice, (il) Star*Line October/December 2012
- [front cover], (cv) Perihelion July 12 2013
- [illustration(s)], (il) Beware the Dark #1, October 2013
- [front cover], (cv) New Myths #25, December 2013
- Panels Have Shone, (il) Strangelet July 2015
Bennett, Gregory R. (1950- ) (about) (items)
- Protocol, (vi) Analog Science Fiction & Fact mid December 1992
- Tinker’s Spectacles, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1993
- Swan Song, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact August 1993
- The Last Plague, (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1994
- [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction and Fact mid December 1994, etc.
- The Artemis Project: Selling the Moon, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1995
- Fish Tank, (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1995
- Spelunking the Moon, (ar) Artemis #3, Autumn 2000
Bennett, James (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- A Portrait by a Peculiar Light, (ss) Icarus #10, Fall 2011
- Half Light House, (ss) Icarus #12, Spring 2012
- In Hades, He Lifted Up His Eyes, (ss) The Dark #85, June 2022
- Idolo, (ss) The Dark #86, July 2022
- Last Train to Glory, (ss) The Dark #88, September 2022
- Changeling, (ss) BFS Horizons #14, 2022
- Sulta, (ss) The Dark #91, December 2022
- Of Gentle Wolves, (ss) The Dark #93, February 2023
- The Changing Dust, (ss) The Dark #99, August 2023
- The Facts Concerning the First Annual Arkham Parade, (nv) Occult Detective Magazine Mythos Special #1 2023
- Some There Be That Shadows Kiss, (ss) The Dark #103, December 2023
- Familiar Flames, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- Vivisepulture, (ss) The Dark #107, April 2024
- The Terms & Conditions of Kindness, (ss) The Dark #110, July 2024
- The Apostle, (ss) The Dark #113, October 2024
Bennett, James W. (fl. 2000s) (items)
- Lost Chapters, (ss) The Future Fire #4, 2005
- The Lowlands, (pm) Twisted Tongue #2, May 2006
- Under the Scarecrows Watchful Eye, (ss) Twisted Tongue #2, May 2006
- Half Light House, (ss) The Future Fire #6, 2006
- No Ball Games, (ss) Twisted Tongue #5, February 2007
- Oota’s Tale, (ss) Aphelion #108, February 2007
- Always Something There to Remind Me, (ss) Twisted Tongue #6, May 2007
- Unrequited, (ex) Twisted Tongue #7, August 2007
- Beneath a Weeping Willow, (sl) Twisted Tongue #8, November 2007, etc.
- [unknown story], (ss) Nocturne #6, 2007
Bennett, John M. (fl. 1980s-1990s) (items)
- Escape Entry, (pm) Ice River #5, October 1989
- Enarmoured from Death, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #32, November 1990
- Like a House Afire, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #33, February 1991
- Delta, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #34, May 1991
- Interring I, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #34, May 1991
- Entre Muros, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #35, September 1991
- Bell, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #38, June 1992
- Not Another Word, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #38, June 1992
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