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    Kalki [Vol. IX No. 4, Whole No. 36, 1991] ed. Paul Spencer (The James Branch Cabell Society, $10.00 for 4 issues, 109-144pp, cover by Frank C. Papé)
    Subtitled “Studies in James Branch Cabell”.
    • · Associate Editor · Dorys Crow Grover · el
    • · Associate Editor · Harlan L. Umansky · el
    • 110 · From the Third Window · Paul Spencer · ed
    • 111 · James Branch Cabell Comments · Dorys Crow Grover · ar [Ref. James Branch Cabell]
    • 115 · Remarks About the Round-Table · Paul Spencer · ar
    • _118 · How the People of Colophon Proposed to Do Honor to the Name of Cabell · [uncredited] · fa Colophon Club of Cleveland, 1923
    • _123 · James Branch Cabell Evening · [uncredited] · ms Colophon Club of Cleveland, 1923; program for a meeting of the Colophon Club at the Hanna Restaurant, December 4th, 1923.
    • 127 · The Storisende Edition: An Advance Look · [uncredited] · is
    • _129 · The Storisende Edition of the Works of James Branch Cabell · [uncredited] · ar (r)
    • 133 · Cabell and James Blish (1921-1975) · Desmond Tarrant · ar [Ref. James Branch Cabell & James Blish]
    • 137 · The James Branch Cabell Suite · [uncredited] · ms (r)
      published by the Special Collection and Srchives Department of the James Branch Cabell Library at Virginia Commonwealth University.
    • 140 · T. S. Eliot and Cabell · [uncredited] · ar
    • _140 · Letter to Henry Eliot, 11 October 22 · T. S. Eliot · lt from Letters of T.S. Eliot, Vol. 1, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988
    • 141 · The View from Mispec Moor · The Readers · lc
    • _141 · [letter] · Harlan Umansky · lt
    • 142 · Cabell in Print · Paul Spencer · ms

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