The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
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Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836-1907) (about) (items)
- Ghosts, (pm) The Ballad of Babie Bell, and Other Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Rudd & Carleton, 1859
- Haunted, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1861
- The Poet, (pm) Poems by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Carleton, Publisher, 1863
- Glamourie, (pm) The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Ticknor & Fields, 1865
- Phantoms, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1875
- Prescience, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1881
- Apparitions, (pm) Mercedes, and Later Lyrics by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1883
- A Preacher, (pm) Mercedes, and Later Lyrics by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1883
- Romeo and Juliet, (pm) Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich (var. 1) by Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1885
Aldridge, Ray(mon Huebert) (1948- ) (about) (items)
- The Flesh Tinker and the Loneliest Man [Flesh Tinker], (ss) Amazing Stories July 1987
- Boneflower, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction January/February 1988
- The Touch of the Hook, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1988
- Floating Castles, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1988
- Blue Skin, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1989
- Eyebright, (ss) Amazing Stories May 1989
- The Flesh Tinker and the Fashion Goddess [Flesh Tinker], (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine #4, Summer 1989
- Chump Change, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1989
- Her Virtues, (ss) Amazing Stories September 1989
- Steel Dogs, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction September 1989
- The Cold Cage, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1990
- Hyena Eyes, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1990
- We Were Butterflies, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1990
- The Beastbreaker, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction February 1991
- Gate of Faces, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction April 1991
- The Fabularium, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 1991
- The Love Farmer, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction March 1992
- Winedark, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction August 1992
- Somatoys, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 1993
- Filter Feeders, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction January 1994
- The Biomantic’s Last Husband, (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1994
- Stolen Faces, Stolen Names, (ss) Science Fiction Age March 1995
- The Spine Divers, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1995
- Soul Pipes, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction December 2002
Alemanno, Andrea (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Bards and Sages Quarterly January 2016
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
- [illustration(s)], (il) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #49, 2021
- [illustration(s)], (il) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #50, 2021
- [illustration(s)], (il) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #52, 2022
- [illustration(s)], (il) Heroic Fantasy Quarterly #57, 2023
Alene, Kirsten (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (items)
- Artichoke, (ss) Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #10, Fall 2011
- Earl, (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #5, 2011
- The Life of a Slow Poisoner: Author Spotlight on Andrew Goldfarb (with Troy Chambers), (ar) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #5, 2011 [Ref. Andrew Goldfarb]
- Thinking Distant Thoughts: Author Spotlight on Kris Saknussemm (with Cameron Pierce), (ar) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #6, Summer 2012 [Ref. Kristopher Saknussemm]
- L. Ron Hubbard: Scientology and Me, (ar) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #7, Winter 2012
- The Salmon Men, (ss) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #8, Spring 2013
- You Don’t Know Sam: Author Spotlight on Sam Pink (with Cameron Pierce), (ar) The Magazine of Bizarro Fiction #10, Fall 2013
Alering, Alisa (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Christopher Barzak, (iv) Waylines #1, January 2013 [Ref. Christopher Barzak]
- Keith Crust’s Lucky Number, (vi) Flash Fiction Online March 2013
- Marly Youmans, (iv) Waylines #2, March 2013 [Ref. Marly Youmans]
- Aliette de Bodard, (iv) Waylines #3, May 2013 [Ref. Aliette de Bodard]
- Nina Kiriki Hoffman, (iv) Waylines #4, July 2013 [Ref. Nina Kiriki Hoffman]
- Ken Liu, (iv) Waylines #5, September 2013 [Ref. Ken Liu]
- Wesley Chu, (iv) Waylines #6, November 2013 [Ref. Wesley Chu]
- Absolute Pony, (ss) Perihelion January 12 2014
- We Will Hold, (ss) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2016
- That Time I Found a Phone Booth Where I Can Talk to My (Dead) Dad, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Fall 2020
- The Night Farmers’ Museum, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #43, June 2021
Aletti, Steffan B. (1943- ) (items)
- The Castle in the Window, (ss) Magazine of Horror July 1968
- [letter], (lt) Magazine of Horror September 1968
- The Eye of Horus, (ss) Magazine of Horror November 1968
- The Last Work of Pietro of Apono, (ss) Magazine of Horror May 1969
- The Cellar Room, (ss) Weird Terror Tales Fall 1970
- Yellow Shadows, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror #8, 2003
- Chat, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #4, 2018
- The Glade by the Lake, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #3, 2018
- Stereopticon, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #5, 2019
Alexa, Camille; pseudonym of A. Camille Renwick (fl. 2000s-2020s) (items)
- Night Vaulting, (vi) Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic ed. Karen A. Romanko, Raven Electrick Ink, 2007
- Outward Bound, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2008
- The Green Infinity, (ss) Abyss & Apex #27, 3rd Quarter 2008
- I Consider My Cadaver, (pm) ChiZine #38, October/December 2008
- Virgin Soil, (pm) OG’s Speculative Fiction #15, November 2008
- Shades of White and Road, (ss) Fantasy Magazine (online) #25, April 2009
- Dear Zombie, (pm) Semaphore Magazine #8, September 2009
- The Good Old-Fashioned Kind of Water, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #10, September 2009
- Things Never Change, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly October 2009
- Sarah 87, (ss) Murky Depths #11, March 2010
- Three Limericks, (pm) Kaleidotrope #8, April 2010
- untitled (“Solo missions, I do all I can…”), (pm) Kaleidotrope #8, April 2010
- A Lady’s Guide to First Contact Etiquette, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v6 #1, 2010
- The Flatwoods Monster, (ss) Beyond Centauri October 2010
- A Proposal for Perspective, (pm) Semaphore Magazine #13, December 2010
- Over a Narrow Sea, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #60, January 13 2011
- Young Miss Frankenstein Regrets, (pm) ChiZine #47, April/June 2011
- The Girl-Shaped Jar, (vi) Flash Fiction Online May 2011
- All Them Pretty Babies, (ss) On Spec Fall 2012
- Repair Parts, (ss) On Spec Summer 2013
- All the Layers of the World (with Steven Utley), (ss) Breakout ed. Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2015
Alexander, Alma; pseudonym of Alma A. Hromic (1963- ) (items)
- Hourglass, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe February 2008
- To Remember Riobarre, (ss) Space and Time #109, Winter 2009
- The Butterfly Collection of Miss Letitia Willoughby Forbes, (ss) Fantastique Unfettered #4, December 2011
- The Bones of Our Ancestors, the Blood of Our Flowers, (ss) Phantom Drift #2, October 2012
- Go Through, (ss) Unlikely Story #6, August 2013
Alexander, Dave (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #1, Summer 2015
- [front cover], (cv) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #4, Summer 2016
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #7, Spring 2017
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #8^12, Summer 2017 (EIBF Edition)
- [front cover], (cv) Shoreline of Infinity #10, Winter 2017/2018
- [illustration(s)], (il) Shoreline of Infinity #16, Autumn 2019
Alexander, David M(ichael) (1945- ); used pseudonym David Grace (about) (items)
- [letter], (lt) Interzone #75, September 1993, etc.
- Best of Breed (with Hayford Peirce), (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact mid December 1994
- Finder’s Fee [Isaiah Howe] (with Hayford Peirce), (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1997
- Felony Stupid, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 1997
- Tramp, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 1998
- Shrink Wrapped, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 1998
- Elephants’ Graveyard [Isaiah Howe] (with Hayford Peirce), (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 1999
- The Human Dress, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2003
- Forever Mommy, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2008, as by David Grace
Alexander, Francis Wesley (fl. 1990s-2020s) (items)
- [haiku], (pm) Beyond #20, 1991
- [untitled], (pm) Star*Line July/August 1992, etc.
- untitled (“ten months of blue sun…”), (pm) Star*Line November/December 1992
- Math Lesson, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1993
- What I Did on My Vacation, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1993
- Alien Physics Lab, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1994
- Super Nova, (pm) Star*Line January/February 1994
- Forty Year Life, (ss) The Rejected Quarterly Winter 1999
- Well Done, (pm) Space and Time #96, Fall 2002
- This Space Available, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #14, 2004
- The Blood Center, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss March 2005
- Box Within a Box, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2005
- Anastasia, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #15, 2005
- Class Show and Tell, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2005
- Bone, (ss) Creative Brother’s Sci-Fi Magazine #7, May 2006
- Premature, (ss) Creative Brother’s Sci-Fi Magazine #7, May 2006
- Roomate, (ss) Creative Brother’s Sci-Fi Magazine #9, May 2007
- So Far from Home at Spaceport Nine, (vi) The Drabbler #10, February 2008
- Ivory Scam, (pm) Aphelion #119, March 2008
- Losers Weepers at the Red Sands Amusement Park, (pm) Star*Line March/April 2008
- He-Man Superheroes Club, (ss) Creative Brother’s Sci-Fi Magazine #11, May 2008
- The Boy Who Cried: A Modern Fable, (vi) The Drabbler #11, June 2008
- Don’t Get Too Close to the Baby, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2008
- Two Haiku, (pm) Abyss & Apex #27, 3rd Quarter 2008
- Dark Flow, (pm) Abyss & Apex #28, 4th Quarter 2008
- The Conversion, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #21, 2008
- Grandfather Paradox, (pm) Star*Line July/August 2009
- Changeling, (pm) Star*Line September/October 2009
- Feet!, (vi) Necrotic Tissue #8, October 2009
- Chaos, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #24, 2009
- [scifaiku], (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2010
- Vaccination Scifaiku, (pm) Space and Time #110, Spring 2010
- Moonless Night Haiku, (pm) Dark Moon Digest #1, October 2010
- The Lone Star, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #26, 2010
- Winter on Paradise One, (pm) Star*Line July/September 2012
- Sweet Nothings, (vi) Hungur Magazine #16, Summer 2013
- Our Find, (pm) The Martian Wave 2013
- Meanwhile, on Kepler 62e, (pm) Bloodbond #2, May 2014
- What Use Is Immortality, (pm) Bloodbond #2, May 2014
- Their Nature, (pm) Space and Time #122, Fall/Winter 2014
- Shapeshifting (Sort of) from Earthling to Martianling, (pm) The Martian Wave 2014
- The Genealogy of the Waterbobbejaan, (pm) Devolution Z Bigfoot Special 2015
- When Their Big War Came, (pm) Devolution Z Bigfoot Special 2015
- I, Id, (ss) Nova Science Fiction #31, 2015
- untitled (“big bang’s edge”), (pm) Star*Line Winter 2016
- In This Dark House, (pm) Devolution Z #10, May 2016
- False Witness, (pm) Disturbed Digest #13, June 2016
- The Francis W. Alexander Page, (cl) Trysts of Fate #6, August 2016
- The Last Zombie, (pm) Devolution Z #15, October 2016
- untitled (“full moon”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2016
- Conspiracy of Silence, (ss) The Martian Wave 2016
- Strange Foreign Transmissions, (pm) Star*Line Spring 2017
- untitled (“neighbors upstairs”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2017
- untitled (“photoshopping poltergeist”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2017
- The Uniondale Hitchhiker (South Africa), (pm) Disturbed Digest #18, September 2017
- Home, (pm) Alien Dimensions #15, 2018
- More Spacious Inside Than the TARDIS, (pm) Space and Time #131, Spring 2018
- Family Reunion of the Fourth Kind, (ss) The Martian Wave 2018
- Discoveries, (pm) Outposts of Beyond October 2018
- Piano Recital, (ss) Outposts of Beyond October 2018
- The Ghoul Man Keeps Running All Night Long, (ss) Disturbed Digest #23, December 2018
- Pests, (ss) Alien Dimensions #17, 2019
- Salvation, (ss) Outposts of Beyond July 2019
- The Achilles Heel, (pm) Space and Time #137, Summer 2020
- Ain’t a Thing but a Chicken Wing, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2020
- The Missing Link, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2020
- untitled (“ghost moon—”), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2020
- Penthus, (ss) Alien Dimensions #20/21, 2021
- A Peek, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- Surprise: What the Aliens Found, (pm) The Martian Wave March 2022
- Virginia Dare Brooks, (pm) The Martian Wave March 2022
- Forbidden Haibun: The Wanderers, (pm) The Hungur Chronicles Walpurgisnach 2022
- Haiku, (pm) Space and Time #142, Fall/Winter 2022
- That Marvelous Music, (ss) Alien Dimensions #23, 2022
- 4-D Mirror, (pm) Star*Line Fall 2023
- I Wear Shades Everywhere I Go Is Not Because I Think I’m Cool, (ar) The Hungur Chronicles Samhain 2023
- untitled (“multiverse lottery”), (pm) Star*Line Spring 2024
- Lamia, (ss) The Hungur Chronicles Walpurgisnacht 2024
- Stood Still, (vi) Flash Digest October 2024
- Prosperity Rick, (ss) The Hungur Chronicles Samhain 2024
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