The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Date: Page 1567
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Yasuda, Hisaki (1956- ) (about) (items)
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1984
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1984
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1985
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1986
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1986
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine May 1987
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1988
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1988
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1988
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1989
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1990
- [front cover], (cv) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1992
- [front cover], (cv) Asimov’s Science Fiction October/November 2014
Yates, Alan Geoffrey (1923-1985); used pseudonyms Raymond Glenning, Art Hayman & Paul Valdez (about) (items)
- Hypnotic Death, (na) Scientific Thrillers January 1949, as by Paul Valdez
- The Fatal Focus, (na) Scientific Thrillers November 1950, as by Paul Valdez
- Escape to Paradise, (nv) Thrills Incorporated #10, 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- The Time Thief, (na) Scientific Thrillers January 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Flight Into Horror, (na) Scientific Thrillers March 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Fugitives from the Flame World, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #11, 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Murder Gives Notice, (na) Scientific Thrillers April 1951, as by Art Hayman
- Kidnapped in Chaos, (nv) Thrills Incorporated #12, 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Seven for Murder, (na) Scientific Thrillers May 1951, as by Raymond Glenning
- The Corpse Sat Up, (na) Scientific Thrillers June 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Suicide Sattelite, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #13, 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Killer by Night, (na) Scientific Thrillers July 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Genie from Jupiter, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #14, 1951
- “Ghosts Don’t Kill”, (na) Scientific Thrillers August 1951, as by Raymond Glenning
- Satan’s Sabbath, (na) Scientific Thrillers September 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- A Space Ship Is Missing, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #16, 1951
- You Can’t Keep Murder Out, (na) Scientific Thrillers October 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Kill Him Gently, (na) Scientific Thrillers November 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- Planet of the Lost, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #17, 1951
- Celluloid Suicide, (na) Scientific Thrillers December 1951, as by Paul Valdez
- The Mad Meteor, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #18, 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- The Murder I Don’t Remember, (na) Scientific Thrillers January 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- There’s No Future in Murder, (na) Scientific Thrillers February 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- The Crook Who Wasn’t There, (na) Scientific Thrillers March 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- Goddess of Space, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #20, 1952
- Maniac Murders, (na) Scientific Thrillers April 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- Operation Satellite, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #21, 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- Feline Frame-Up, (na) Scientific Thrillers May 1952, as by Paul Valdez
- No Pixies on Pluto, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #22, 1952
- Spacemen Spoofed, (ss) Thrills Incorporated #23, 1952
Yates, C. A. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Emmelina in Love, (vi) The Sirens Call #38, April 2018
- Emmelina Goes Trick-or-Treating, (vi) The Sirens Call #41, October 2018
- Emmelina Tastes the Bitter End, (vi) The Sirens Call #42, December 2018
- Emmelina Should Like to Dance, (vi) The Sirens Call #43, February 2019
- Disenchantment, (vi) The Sirens Call #49, Spring 2020
- For Mercy Has a Human Heart, (vi) The Sirens Call #49, Spring 2020
- The Glooms, (vi) The Sirens Call #49, Spring 2020
- We All Have Teeth, (vi) The Sirens Call #49, Spring 2020
Yates, Pauline (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- An Aftertaste of Earth, (ss) Metaphorosis August 2017
- Replica, (vi) Abyss & Apex #67, 3rd Quarter 2018
- Ranascent, (ss) Aurealis #123, August 2019
- Rock Bottom, (vi) The Sirens Call #46, August 2019
- Trick or Treat, (vi) The Sirens Call #47, October 2019
- Drop Zone, (vi) The Sirens Call #48, December 2019
- Embracing Fate, (vi) The Sirens Call #49, Spring 2020
- The Secret Keeper, (ss) Metaphorosis June 2021
- The Best Medicine, (ss) Midnight Echo #16, December 2021
- The Now Effect, (ss) Etherea Magazine #11, June 2022
- Reluctantly Kindred, (pm) The Stygian Lepus #3, 2023
- Blood Born, (ss) Midnight Echo #18, October 2023
- Where My Fear Dies, (ss) Midnight Echo #19, December 2024
Yeager, Steve R. (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Rain Dance, (ss) Deep Magic #50, June 2016
- It’s Never Too Late to Start Writing Fiction, (ar) Deep Magic #51, August 2016
- The Novice, (ss) Deep Magic #58, October 2017
- Editor’s Note, (ed) Deep Magic #61, Summer 2018
- The Wizard’s Hat, (ss) Deep Magic #61, Summer 2018
- Raven’s Knight, (ex) Zardog Press, July 31 2019
- Avocadopocalypse, (ss) Deep Magic #66, Fall 2019
- Basket of Strawberries (with Dan Hilton), (ss) Deep Magic #66, Fall 2019
Yeatts, Anna (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- A New Perspective, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #1, October 2013
- Outside In, (ss) Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume IV ed. Brian Lewis, Empire & Great Jones Little Press, 2014
- It’s Complicated, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #10, July 2014
- Strength in Numbers, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #11, August 2014
- Missing Tessa, (ss) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #3, September 2014
- When I Had Eyes, I Didn’t See, (ss) Penumbra (online) October 2014
- Say Hello To…, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #17, February 2015
- Rebecca Birch, (iv) Flash Fiction Online #20, May 2015
- Brontë Wieland, (iv) Flash Fiction Online #21, June 2015
- C. L. Holland, (iv) Flash Fiction Online #22, July 2015
- There’s Something in the Air, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #23, August 2015
- A Love Story, Told in My Monstrosity, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #49, January 2016
- Boo Daddy’s, (ss) Fantasy Scroll Magazine #12, April 2016
- Laurie Tom, (iv) Flash Fiction Online #31, April 2016
- White Petaled Wings, (ss) New Myths #35, June 2016
- Finding Hope, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #35, August 2016
- The Fragile Things, I Keep, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #36, September 2016
- Coming Soon to Flash Fiction Online, (ms) Flash Fiction Online #40, January 2017
- Flash Fiction Online 2016 Anthology: Volume I—Science Fiction, (ms) Flash Fiction Online #41, February 2017
- Flash Fiction Online 2016 Anthology Volume II: Fantasy Available Now, (ms) Flash Fiction Online #42, March 2017
- Dread, Dread, Gory Details, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #43, April 2017
- Revive the Drive: Flash Fiction Online + Apex Magazine Subscription Bundle, (ms) Flash Fiction Online #43, April 2017
- Volume III: Horror, (ms) Flash Fiction Online #43, April 2017
- A Quick Jaunt Through Space and Time, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #47, August 2017
- A Different Kind of December, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #51, December 2017
- 5 Lessons Learned from Fairy Tales, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #78, March 2020
- Holiday Season, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #99, December 2021
- Thank You to Wendy Nikel, (ar) Flash Fiction Online #99, December 2021 [Ref. Wendy Nikel]
- Green and Growing Things, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #108, September 2022
- A Bittersweet October, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #109, October 2022
- Resilience (& Wings), (ed) Flash Fiction Online #110, November 2022
- December 2022, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #111, December 2022
- The Reprint Issue, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #113, February 2023
- The Allure of Dark Fantasy, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #114, March 2023
- The Horror Issue, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #116, May 2023
- Fantastical Flash, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #117, June 2023
- The Realms Left Unseen, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #118, July 2023
- Stories of Change, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #119, August 2023
- The Complexity of Connection, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #120, September 2023
- The Veil of Shadows—Redefining Monsters in Dark Fantasy, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #121, October 2023
- Season’s Change, (ed) Flash Fiction Online #122, November 2023
Yee, Kenton K. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (items)
- Erasers, (vi) Liquid Imagination #10, August 2011
- Swan Egg, (vi) Liquid Imagination #10, August 2011
- Wholly Matrimony, (vi) Liquid Imagination #10, August 2011
- The Oldest Game in Town, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #45, February 2013
- Shooting Stars, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #11, Fall 2013
- Self Driven Taxi, (pm) Strange Horizons October 9 2017
- Dandelion Seeds Swirling Over a Manhole, (pm) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2023
- Sleepworking, (pm) Strange Horizons August 14 2023
- When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January/February 2025
Yeh, David K. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (items)
- Suit Man, (ss) On Spec Fall 2002
- Sea Change, (ss) On Spec Winter 2007
- At the End of the World, (ss) On Spec Winter 2011/2012
- The Bog Man, (ss) Electric Spec August 31 2014
- The Selkie, (ss) Lackington’s #6, Spring 2015
- Vertebrae and Moss, (ss) Pantheon Magazine #8, June 2015
- Cottage Country, (ss) Apex Magazine #84, May 2016
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