The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Jackie Is the Most, (pi) Fling v1 #1, 1957
- * Jackie Jones, (pi) Mayfair v18 #8, 1983
- * Jackie, Naked with Snakes, (pi) Mayfair v4 #5, 1969
- * Jackie Stewart, (iv) King (UK) October 1965
- * Jack-in-the-Pulpit, (pm) American Cultivator
- * Jack, Jim, Joe, (sl) The Halfpenny Marvel #197, August 14 1897
- * Jack Karney: “East Side Hood Turned Good”, (ar) Rumble #2, 1990 [Ref. Jack Karney]
- * Jack Ketch and His Wages, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1877
- * Jack Kilborn Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #30, May/June 2009 [Ref. Jack Kilborn]
- * Jack Knife and Map of Dreams, (br) Subterranean (online) Spring 2007
- * Jackleg Lawyer, (hu) Here! Is America’s Humor February 1952
- * Jack London, (ms) Presenting Moonshine #14, April 6 1971 [Ref. Jack London]
- * Jack London: A Chronology, (bg) The Science Fiction Stories of Jack London by Jack London, Citadel Twilight, 1993
- * Jack London and The Black Cat, (ar) The Black Cat January 1917, as "Jack London—The Story of a Story"
- * Jack London—Farmer, (ar) MacLean’s Magazine October 1913 [Ref. Jack London]
- * Jack London’s Great Novel, “Martin Eden”, (rv) The Pacific Monthly August 1908 [Ref. Jack London]
- * Jack London—The Story of a Story, (ar) The Black Cat January 1917
- * Jack Long, (ss) (by Charles Wilkins Webber) American Review February 1845; at least slightly abridged.
- * Jack Long, or Shot in the Eye, (ss) American Whig Review
- * Jack McClure’s Alter Ego, (iv) Suspense Magazine August 2011 [Ref. Eric Lustbader]
- * Jack McDevitt, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #134 Sum 1997, #150 Sum 2001, #165 Spr 2005, #169 Spr 2006, #182 Apr/May 2009 [Ref. Jack McDevitt]
- * Jack McDevitt & Stanley Schmidt, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #146, Summer 2000 [Ref. Jack McDevitt & Stanley Schmidt]
- * Jack Nelson: “Men of Boru”, (bg) If November 1954 [Ref. Jack A. Nelson]
- * Jacknife Elects a Sheriff [Tex Granger], (cs) Tex Granger #24, September 1949
- * Jack o’ Diamonds, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * Jack o’ Diamonds, (sg) Thrilling Ranch Stories August 1935
- * Jack of All Trades, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1933, 1932
- * Jack of All Trades, (iv) Suspense Magazine August 2011 [Ref. Aaron Patterson]
- * Jack of All Trades, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1941
- * Jack-of-All-Trades: Policemen, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1966
- * Jack-of-all-Work Planes, (ar) The Modern Boy September 5 1931
- * Jack of Clubs, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1881
- * Jack of the Wagon Trail, (n.) Aldine Wild West Yarns #21, August 1932
- * Jack-O’Lanterns, (vi) Chicago Ledger November 30 1912
- * Jack o Lanterns: Carving vs. Painting, (ms) Blood Moon Rising #24, 2004
- * Jack, or the Golden Snuffbox, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1915
- * Jack Pickford, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly June 19 1920
- * Jack Rabbits Help One Another to Peel Trees, (ms) Western Story Magazine September 16 1922
- * Jackrabbits May Help Win the War, (ms) Mystery Magazine #17, July 15 1918
- * Jack Ritchie, (ob) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine August 1983 [Ref. Jack Ritchie]
- * A Jack Ritchie Bibliography, (bi) The Best of Manhunt 4 by Jack Ritchie, Stark House Press, 2022 [Ref. Jack Ritchie]
- * Jack’s Dinners, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1911
- * Jack’s First Stilts, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper April 5 1879
- * Jack’s Funny Friend, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1878
- * Jack Shepard, (ar)
- * Jack’s Jokes, (hu) Yes or No May 26, Jun 2 1917
- * Jack Slack’s Backhand Punch, (ms) Fight Stories September 1930
- * Jack’s Niece, (ss) The Argosy (UK) February 1889
- * Jackson Johnson, (il) The American Magazine August 1923
- * Jackson of Paul’s, (sl) (by Henry Kingsley) The Dark Blue #4, June 1871
- * Jackson’s Hole, (ms)
- * Jacksons v. Dabbers [Cornelius Dabber], (ss) (by Alfred S. Burrage) The Young Englishman December 6 1875
- * “Jack Spratt adored the opera…”, (pm) The Motion Picture Story Magazine January 1912
- * Jack Spurlock—Prodigal, (sl) (by George Horace Lorimer) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 6, Apr 20, May 4, May 18, Oct 5, Oct 26, Nov 23 1907, Feb 22, May 23 1908
- * Jacks the Boy, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1936, 1935
- * Jack Stuart’s Million Dollar Seance, (ss) Ghost Stories December 1926
- * Jack’s Yarns, (ms) Yes or No Jun 9, Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 21, Aug 11 1917
- * Jack Tar’s Puzzle Letter, (cn) Horner’s Penny Stories #1102, October 31 1914
- * “Jack, the Borer”, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1925
- * Jack the Giant-Killer:
* ___ Chapter I. On Monsters, etc, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine November 1867
* ___ Chapter II. Cormoran, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine November 1867
* ___ Chapter III. An Ogress, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine November 1867
* ___ Chapter IV. Jack Goes to Sleep in the Wood, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867
* ___ Chapter V. Blunderbore and His Two Heads, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867
* ___ Chapter VI. The Parcæ Cut a Thread of Mrs. Trevithic’s Knitting, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine December 1867
* ___ Chapter VII. In Blunderbore’s Castle, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868
* ___ Chapter VIII. Hasty Pudding and Blows from a Club, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868
* ___ Chapter IX. Jack Helps to Disenchant the Beautiful Lady, (sl) (by Anne Isabella Thackeray) The Cornhill Magazine January 1868
- * Jack the Ripper in Glasgow?, (ms) The Saint Mystery Magazine April 1959
- * Jack, the Telephone Swindler, (ms) Clues October 1927
- * Jack the Weakling, (cs) Out of the Gutter #1, February 2007
- * Jack Traverse; or, The Heart of a True British Tar, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal February 27 1869
- * The Jack Trevor Story Story, (br) Jack on the Box by Jack Trevor Story, Savoy Books Ltd., 1979 [Ref. Jack Trevor Story]
- * Jack Vivian’s Vow, (ss) The Wave December 5 1891
- * Jack Was Ev’ry Inch a Sailor, (sg) Story Parade April 1936
- * Jack Williams, (pm) Flynn’s November 28 1925
- * Jack Williamson (1908-2006), (ob) Locus December 2006
- * Jack Williamson, 1908-2006, (ob) Thrilling Wonder Stories Summer 2007
- * Jacob Abbott, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * Jacobean Border, (ms) Good Housekeeping (UK) March 1946
- * Jacobean Embroideries, (ar) The Lady’s Realm February 1910
- * Jacob Flint’s Journey, (ss) (by Bayard Taylor) The Atlantic Monthly September 1869
- * The Jacobite Ladies of Murrayshall, (ar) (by C. Henrietta Callander) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
- * The Jacobites and the Union, (br) John o’ London’s Weekly January 13 1923 [Ref. Charles Sandford Terry]
- * Jacob M. Dickinson of Tennessee, Secretary of War, (pi) Munsey’s Magazine May 1909
- * Jacob Omnium, (ob) (by Frederick Greenwood) The Cornhill Magazine October 1868 [Ref. Matthew James Higgins]
- * Jacqueline, (pi) Dude January 1964
- * Jacqueline, (pi) Mayfair v22 #5, 1987
- * Jacqueline Nicole Harris Interview, (iv) Black Girl Magic Lit Mag #2, April 2016 [Ref. Jacqueline Nicole Harris]
- * Jacques Carter and the Indians, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #301, October 21 1967
- * Jacques Cartier, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1901
- * Jacques Doriot, (ar) Collier’s May 13 1944
- * Jacques Futrelle, (bg) Cassell’s Magazine January 1908 [Ref. Jacques Futrelle]
- * Jacques Girard’s Newspaper; or, The Trials of a French Journalist, (ar) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray) The Cornhill Magazine December 1875
- * Jacques in the Forest, (ss) (by William H. Russell) The Cornhill Magazine March 1866
- * Jacqui Bell, (pi) Mayfair v23 #2, 1988
- * The Jacquier Tree, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1877
- * The Jade Box, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #554 Jul 26, #559 Aug 30, #560 Sep 6, #561 Sep 13 1930; adapted from the movie (Jack Perrin and Louise Lorraine).
- * The Jade Talisman, (ss) Chums October 9 1928
- * Jaël, (ex) from Book of Judges,
- * Jagger—The Money Where the Mouth Is, (iv) Penthouse (UK) September 1983 [Ref. Mick Jagger]
- * The Jaguar, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1877
- * A Jaguar Adventure, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1877
- * Jaguar Bond, (cs) Jaguar Jul 1967, Jun, Jul, Nov 1968, Mar 1969
- * Jaguar Bond: Secret Agent 0069, (cs) Jaguar May 1969, Dec 1970
- * The Jaguar Hunt, (pm) (by J. T. Trowbridge) The Atlantic Monthly June 1865
- * A Jaguar-Hunt Under a Giant of the Forest, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1883
- * Jai Alai, (ms) Sport Story Magazine 1st December 1930
- * Jai Alai, (pi) Debonair December 1960
- * Jail a Habit, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 12 1929
- * Jail Bait, (ar) Rex #31, 1972
- * Jail Birds Get a Break, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 30 1932
- * Jail Breaker Returns to Sing Sing, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * Jail Breakers Frustrated, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1928
- * Jail Breaker’s Hard Luck, (ms) Wild West Weekly March 1 1930
- * Jailbreakers’ Jinx, (ms) The American Weekly August 26 1945
- * A Jail Break for Maverick Wade [Maverick Wade], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly March 5 1938
- * Jail Breaks Stopped by Science, (ms) Detective-Dragnet Magazine August 1930
- * Jail by Proxy, (ms) Clues 2nd July 1928
- * Jail Closed; Police Discharged, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1917
- * A Jail Credit Awaits Them, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 6 1932
- * Jail Disguise Discovered, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 25 1932
- * Jailed After Starting Mule, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1917
- * Jailed After Two Months’ Hunt, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 5 1917
- * Jailed for Chivalry, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 25 1933
- * Jailed for Cruelty to Dog, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 2 1921
- * Jailed for Dotting an I, (ms) Flynn’s May 30 1925
- * Jailed for Speaking to Girl, (ms) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1920
- * Jailed for Stealing Food for Hungry, (ms) Clues Detective Stories May 1939
- * Jailers Threaten Strike, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919
- * Jail Escape Foiled by Fat Convict, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923
- * Jail in Borneo Is a Charity, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 16 1920
- * Jail Is Robbed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 6 1920
- * Jail Keeper Indicted for Aiding Escape, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1922
- * Jail Limits Are Outside of Walls, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * Jail Prisoners Get Narcotics, (ms) Mystery Magazine #156, May 15 1924
- * Jails Crowded, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1938
- * Jail Sentences—1931 Style, (ms) The Popular Magazine June 1931
- * Jails Too Comfortable, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1934
- * Jail Term for Quick-Tempered Beggar, (ms) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1923
- * A Jail Without Walls, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1926
- * Jake Kerr, (iv) Waylines #4, July 2013 [Ref. Jake Kerr]
- * Jake’s Wake, (br) Shroud #5, Winter 2009 [Ref. John Skipp & Cody Goodfellow]
- * Jake, the Barber, Shears $6,000,000 from Suckers, (pi) Real Detective August 1931
- * Jake the Gyp, (ms) Flynn’s March 6 1926
- * J. A. Konrath (with J. A. Konrath), (iv) Twisted Tongue #2, May 2006
- * Jamaica’s Rat War, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1883
- * A Jamboree of Books, (ar) Boys’ Life June 1929
- * James A. Garfield, (pi) McClure’s Magazine August 1894
- * James Alan Gardner, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #182, April/May 2009 [Ref. James Alan Gardner]
- * James and Cole Younger, (ia) The Rio Kid Western December 1942
- * James Anthony Froude, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine July 1892
- * James B. Gillett, (ia) The Rio Kid Western May 1952
- * James Blair, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1901
- * James Blish (1921-1975), (ob) SFWA Bulletin #55, October 1975 [Ref. James Blish]
- * A James Bond Fantasy, (pi) Jaguar September 1965
- * James Bond’s Newest Bedmate, (ar) Best for Men June 1966
- * James Bond Spoof Girl, (pi) Men’s Digest June 1966
- * James Bowie, (vi) Complete Stories February 1928
- * James Branch Cabell Evening, (ms) Colophon Club of Cleveland, 1923
- * The James Branch Cabell Suite, (ms)
- Kalki #36, 1991; published by the Special Collection and Srchives Department of the James Branch Cabell Library at Virginia Commonwealth University.
- * James B. Starr, (bg) Brief Stories May 1922
- * James Butler Hickok (Wild Bill), (ia) The Rio Kid Western April 1950
- * James Butler (“Wild Bill”) Hickok, (ia) The Rio Kid Western June 1948
- * James Cagney & Sylvia Sidney, (pi) Screen Romances #193, June 1945 [Ref. James Cagney & Sylvia Sidney]
- * James C. Flood, (bg) The Golden Argosy June 5 1886
- * James Clark Maxwell, (bg) The British Science Fiction Magazine v1 #7, 1954
- * James Cole, (iv) Lighthouse Magazine #4, 2005 [Ref. James Cole]
- * James Dean, (ar) Rumble #5, 1992 [Ref. James Dean]
- * James Ellroy: An Interview, (iv) A Matter of Crime, Vol. 1 ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli & Richard Layman, Harvest, 1987 [Ref. James Ellroy]
- * James Ferguson, the “Astronomer”, (bg) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #814, August 1883
- * James Gang Update, (bi) Ghosts & Scholars #16 1993, #25 1997
- * James G. Fair, (ia) The Rio Kid Western July 1946
- * James Gillray, the Caricaturist: His Works, with the History of His Life and Times, (br) The Mirror #59, December 13 1873 [Ref. Thomas Wright & James Gillray]
- * James Gordon Bennett, (pi) Metropolitan Magazine Mar, Sep 1895
- * James Graham Ballard: 1930— (Preliminary Checklist), (bi) Presenting Moonshine #27, December 1972 [Ref. J. G. Ballard]
- * James Gunn Elected New President, (ms) SFWA Bulletin #33, 1971
- * James Hadley Chase, (ar) Crime Time #24, 2001 [Ref. James Hadley Chase]
- * James Harper (Head-piece), (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine May 1900
- * James H. Blount: A Preeminent Southern Congressman, (bg) The Argosy December 20 1890
- * James Herbert: A Primary Bibliography, (bi) Brighton Shock! ed. Stephen Jones, PS Publishing, 2010 [Ref. James Herbert]
- * James Herbert Retro, (ms) Terror Tales #2, 2004
- * Jamesian News, (cl) (by Helen Grant) Ghosts & Scholars #43, 2022
- * Jamesian News, (cl) (by António Monteiro) Ghosts & Scholars #39, 2020
- * Jamesian News, (ms) Ghosts & Scholars #24, #25 1997, #26, #27 1998, #45 2023, #46, #47 2024
- * James J. Corbett, (ms) The Bohemian March 1906
- * James Kisner, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990 [Ref. James Kisner]
- * James List (Additions), (bi) Ghosts & Scholars #2, 1980
- * James Magoffin’s Bloodless Coup, (ar) Western Digest November 1969
- * James M. Ashley, (ia) The Rio Kid Western August 1947
- * James Morrow, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #188, April/May 2010 [Ref. James Morrow]
- * James Morrow Interview, (iv) Liquid Imagination #2, Winter 2009 [Ref. James Morrow]
- * James Patrick Kelly, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #169 Spr 2006, #173 Spr 2007, #182 Apr/May 2009, #188 Apr/May 2010 [Ref. James Patrick Kelly]
- * James Payn’s French, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1890
- * James R. Barnhard, (iv) Nocturne #3.5, 2006 [Ref. James R. Barnhard]
- * James Reasoner, (pi) Books Are Everything Winter 1993 [Ref. James Reasoner]
- * James Reasoner: Editor and Writer, (iv) The Digest Enthusiast #10, June 2019 [Ref. James Reasoner]
- * James Reuss Id #5, (fr) Amazing Stories May 1970
- * James Russell Lowell, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1891
- * James Russell Lowell, (bg) The Golden Argosy July 4 1885
- * James Smith, (ar) Temple Bar March 1889
- * James S. Reynolds, (ia) The Rio Kid Western February 1947
- * The James Tiptree Jr. Awards, 2002, (bi) The New York Review of Science Fiction #180, August 2003
- * James Tiptree, Jr. Memorial Award Presented, (ms) The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Bulletin #116, Summer 1992
- * Jamestown, 1622, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine January 1901
- * James Walker, (il) The Magnet Library November 21 1925
- * James Watt, Inventor, (ar) The Modern Boy January 19 1929
- * James Whitcomb Riley, (pm) The Bellman #524, July 29 1916
- * James White, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #24 Jun 1954, #52 Oct 1956, #87 Oct 1959, #95 Jun 1960, #127 Feb 1963 [Ref. James White]
- * James White, 1928-99, (ob) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2000 [Ref. James White]
- * James White Award Winner, (ms) Interzone #174, December 2001 [Ref. James White]
- * Jam for the Sand-Witch, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1927
- * Jam for Two, (ts) Mystery August 1934
- * Jami, (ar) The Dude November 1957
- * Jamie Loon, (ss)
- * Jamie Lynn, (pi) Penthouse (US) January 2006
- * Jamie’s Rabbits, (vi) St. Nicholas July 1877
- * The Jam on Gerry’s Rock, (sg) The American Songbag ed. Carl Sandburg, Harcourt, Brace, World, 1927
- * Jamrach’s, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1891
- * Jam Roley-Poleys; or, Apsley Feast Day, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Aug 7, Aug 21 1880
- * Jana, (pi) Mayfair v11 #2, 1976
- * Jan Barentz, Shoemaker and Naval Hero, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1877
- * Jan Cruze, Author, (bg) Big Story Magazine April 1929 [Ref. Jan Cruze]
- * Jan de Clerck, (ar) Colour June 1915 [Ref. Jan de Clerck]
- * Jane, (pi) Penthouse (UK) August 1966
- * Jane, (pi) Mayfair v7 #2 1972, v11 #10 1976, v21 #4 1986, v23 #8 1988, v26 #13 1991
- * Jane and Eliza, (vi) St. Nicholas June 1882
- * Jane Andrews, (pi) Dude November 1967
- * Jane Austen, (bg) (by S. S. Conant) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine July 1870 [Ref. Jane Austen]
- * Jane Avoids the Rain, (pi) Mayfair v4 #8, 1969
- * Jane Eccles; or, Confessions of an Attorney [Flint and Sharp], (ss) Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal February 22 1851
- * Jane Eyre, (ar) Munsey’s Magazine December 1907
- * Jane Greer, A Part from the Past, 1924-2001, (ob) Crime Factory #4, November 2001
- * Jane Harvey, (pi) Argosy July 1949 [Ref. Jane Harvey]
- * Jane Marple: Spinster of St. Mary Mead, (si) 13 for Luck! by Agatha Christie, Dodd, Mead, 1961
- * Jane Morrison, (ss) (by Alice Cary) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1867
- * Jane Puts Forward Bold Challenge for Dad’s Army, (ar) Parade #1634, April 17 1971
- * Jane Situations: Thro’ the Ages: A Hysterical Retrospect [Jane], (pm) Jane’s Journal #3, 1946
- * Janet, (pi) Mayfair v14 #4 1979, v20 #12 1985
- * Janet Dawson: Author Profile, (bg) Over My Dead Body! #1, Summer 1993 [Ref. Janet Dawson]
- * Janet Fox, (iv) Cemetery Dance #4, Spring 1990 [Ref. Janet Fox]
- * Janet Fox: A Bibliography, (bi) After Hours Spring 1989 [Ref. Janet Fox]
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