The FictionMags Index
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Miller, Sandy (chron.) (continued)
- * A Meadow Yields a Miracle, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1946
- * Mississippi Wrangler, (ms) Mammoth Western December 1949
- * The Mummy Doctor, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1946
- * The Myth-Maker, (ar) Fantastic Adventures March 1949
- * Newgate Prison, (ms) Mammoth Mystery June 1947
- * Nothing but the “Tooth”, (ms) Mammoth Detective January 1947
- * A Paper for Your Thoughts…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1951
- * Physical Courage: Has the Indian the Most?, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1946
- * Pillar of Salt, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1949
- * Possibilities Unlimited, (ar) Fantastic Adventures February 1946
- * Refuge!, (vi) Amazing Stories March 1950
- * Saddlehorn, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1950
- * Safe-Makers Beat Safe-Breakers, (ms) Mammoth Mystery June 1946
- * Salty Solarium, (ms) Fantastic Adventures September 1949
- * Savage Decorations, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1949
- * The Scottish Festival of Bealltainn, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1948
- * Sea Gold, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
- * Shimmering Bridge, (ms) Fantastic Adventures February 1951
- * Siamese Watchcats, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1947
- * Silver Strength, (ar) Mammoth Western September 1949
- * Sorry, No Uranium…, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1950
- * The Spectral Nun, (ms) Fantastic Adventures December 1948
- * Steel-Age Rockhounds, (ms) Amazing Stories January 1951
- * Strange Cults, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1948
- * The Sunken Treasure, (ms) Fantastic Adventures March 1947
- * Swindlers in Shirt Sleeves, (ms) Mammoth Detective April 1947
- * Talgo Train, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1951
- * Telephone Robot, (ms) Fantastic Adventures April 1949
- * Texas Longhorn Fight, (ar) Mammoth Western March 1949
- * That One Mistake, (ms) Mammoth Detective June 1947
- * This Baby’s Got Brains!, (ms) Amazing Stories April 1952
- * “Tiny Tim” Comes Through, (vi) Fantastic Adventures February 1953
- * A Ton of Star, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1951
- * Tracing Ocean Currents, (ms) Fantastic Adventures November 1948
- * The Train Wrecker, (ms) Mammoth Mystery August 1947
- * The Truth About Hypnotism, (ms) Mammoth Detective May 1946
- * Unsung Hero, (ms) Mammoth Western November 1948
- * The Vanishing Smokestack!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures October 1950
- * Warfare by the Sun!, (ms) Fantastic Adventures August 1950
- * Warnings of Death, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1947
- * Wave Plotter!, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1950
- * Werewolves, (ar) Fantastic Adventures December 1947
- * What Lies Ahead, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1950
- * What’s Under an Ant Hill?, (ms) Fantastic Adventures January 1948
- * Who’s Who?, (ms) Mammoth Detective November 1945
- * Wings of Wax, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1948
- * Women of the Range, (ms) Mammoth Western December 1948
- * The World of Dreams, (ar) Amazing Stories January 1947
- * “You’re Crazy, Doc!”, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1951
- * Zippy Zirconium, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1950
[]Miller, Sasha; pseudonym of Georgia M. Miller (1933- ) (chron.)
- * Bottle-Hadj, (ss) Amazing Stories July 1993
- * Dark Glass (with Steven Gross), (ss) Amazing Stories February 1993
- * Ede’s Rarrings, (ss) Catfantastic II ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1991
- * Jamie Burke and the Queen of England, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction June 1987
- * King’s Man, (ss) The Pendragon Chronicles ed. Mike Ashley, Peter Bedrick, 1990
- * Kitten Claws, (ss) Catfantastic V ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1999
- * One Too Many Cats, (ss) Catfantastic III ed. Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- * To Rebuild the Eyrie [Witch World], (nv) Tales of the Witch World ed. Andre Norton, Tor, 1987
[]Miller, Stephen T. (fl. 1970s-2010s) (chron.)
- * An Index to Tropical Adventures (with Victor A. Berch), (ix) The Pulp Collector Winter 1986
- * Pulp Information, (cl) Echoes #18, April 1985
- * Pulp Information Center, (cl) Echoes #9 Oct 1983, #15 Oct 1984, #20 Aug 1985
- * The Stories and Fables of Ambrose Bierce, (br) Thrust #11, Fall 1978 [Ref. Ambrose Bierce]
- * Ten Stories Every Writer Must Write, (ar) Thrust #10, Spring 1978
_____, [ref.]
[]Miller, Steve(n R.) (1950-2024) (about) (chron.)
- * Anvil of the Heart, (br) Science Fiction Review #57, Winter 1985 [Ref. Bruce T. Holmes]
- * Balance of Trade (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Absolute Magnitude #11, Summer 1999
- * Candelight (with Sharon Lee), (nv) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine #19, 1995
- * Changeling (with Sharon Lee), (nv) Absolute Magnitude #14, Fall 2000
- * Charioteer, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories May 1978
- * Chimera (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Baen Books: Free Stories 2015, Baen, 2015
- * A Choice of Weapons [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Absolute Magnitude #12, Winter 1999
- * Choices, (pm) Amazing Science Fiction Stories Combined with Fantastic September 1981
- * The Colors of Space, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983 [Ref. Marion Zimmer Bradley]
- * Eleutherios [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (nv) Free Stories 2013, Baen, 2013
- * Excerpts from Two Lives [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (nv) Star Destroyers ed. Tony Daniel & Christopher Ruocchio, Baen, 2018
- * The Futurians, (br) Science Fiction Review #23, November 1977 [Ref. Damon Knight]
- * Game Space: Roleplaying in Battlefield Earth, (ar) Amazing Stories Spring 2000
- * The Gathering Edge (with Sharon Lee), (ex) Baen, 2017
- * Homecoming, (br) Science Fiction Review #56, Fall 1985 [Ref. John Dalmas]
- * The Inheritor, (br) Science Fiction Review #55, Summer 1985 [Ref. Marion Zimmer Bradley]
- * Interview with Mildred Broxon, (iv) The Diversifier January 1978 [Ref. Mildred Downey Broxon]
- * The Inventoried, (vi) Worlds Lost…Time Forgotten #3, 1981
- * Landed Alien [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Baen Books: Free Stories 2012, Baen, 2012
- * Misfits (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe December 2007
- * The Naming of Kinzel: The Foolish [Kinzel] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Fantasy Book June 1984
- * The Naming of Kinzel: The Innocent [Kinzel] (with Sharon Lee), (nv) Fantasy Book December 1984
- * Naratha’s Shadow [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Such a Pretty Face ed. Lee Martindale, Meisha Merlin, 2000
- * A Night at the Opera (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Murder by Magic ed. Rosemary Edghill, Warner Aspect, 2004
- * On the Good Ship Enterprise: My Fifteen Years with Star Trek, (br) Science Fiction Review #47, Summer 1983 [Ref. Bjo Trimble]
- * Out of True [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Free Stories 2013, Baen, 2013
- * Peril in the Ionosphere [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars Gamer #1, 2000
- * Rain Day, (ss) Owlflight #1, 1981
- * Revolutionists [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) The Razor’s Edge ed. Troy Carrol Bucher & Joshua Palmatier, Zombies Need Brains, 2018
- * Searching for the Magic: Workshops, (ar) The Diversifier September 1977
- * The Solution, (ss) Amazing Science Fiction Stories November 1978
- * The Starfighter Trap [Star Wars], (ss) Star Wars Gamer #1, 2000
- * Sweet Waters (with Sharon Lee), (ss) 3SF #1, October 2002
- * This House (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Stars ed. Janis Ian, Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 2003
- * Time Cycle, (vi) Amazing Stories February 1980
- * Veil of the Dancer [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (ss) Absolute Magnitude & Aboriginal Science Fiction #19, Summer/Fall 2002
- * A Vision of Beasts: Creation Descending, (br) Science Fiction Review #58, Spring 1986 [Ref. Jack Lovejoy]
- * Wise Child [Liaden] (with Sharon Lee), (nv) June 2016
- * The Wolf Worlds, (br) Science Fiction Review #57, Winter 1985 [Ref. Allan Cole & Chris Bunch]
_____, [ref.]
- * Accepting the Lance (with Sharon Lee) by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2020
- * Alliance of Equals (with Sharon Lee) by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2017
- * The Gathering Edge (with Sharon Lee) by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2017
- * Ghost Ship (with Sharon Lee) by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2011
- * I Dare (with Sharon Lee) by Michael M. Levy, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #169, September 2002
- * InterGalactic Interview with Sharon Lee and Steve Miller by Lawrence M. Schoen, (iv) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #56, April 2017
- * Local Custom (with Sharon Lee) by David Mead, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #166, June 2002
- * Neogenesis (with Sharon Lee) by Don Sakers, (br) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2018
- * Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, Crystal Soldier (Meisha Merlin) (with Sharon Lee) by Michael D. Pederson, (br) Nth Degree #14, September 2005
- * The Talebones Interview: Sharon Lee & Steve Miller by Ken Rand, (iv) Talebones #31, Winter 2005
[]Miller, Sue (1943- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Appropriate Affect, (ss)
- * Expensive Gifts, (ss) Ploughshares Fall 1980
- * Family Pictures, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal June 1990
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Given Names, (ss) The Henfield Prize Stories ed. John Birmingham, Laura Gilpin & Joseph F. McCrindle, Warner, 1992
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction to “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”, (is) You’ve Got to Read This ed. Ron Hansen & Jim Shepard, HarperPerennial, 1994
- * Inventing the Abbotts, (nv) Mademoiselle 1987
- * Leaving Home, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly June 1982
- * The Lover of Women, (nv) Mademoiselle March 1986
- * The Quality of Life, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly November 1986
- * Travel, (ss)
- * Tyler and Brina, (ss) The Atlantic Monthly May 1985
- * Waiting for the Party, (ss) McCall’s January 1991
_____, ed.
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