The FictionMags Index
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Clue Words, (cn) Pearson’s Weekly #2153 Oct 31, #2155 Nov 14 1931
- * The Clumsy Giant, (ss) Playtime Stories, Dean & Son, 1937
- * Clune Beams, (cl) Frank Clune’s Adventure Magazine Feb, Mar, Apr 1948
- * The Cluricaun, (pm) Dublin University Magazine June 1864
- * Cluster Four: Thinking on Your Own, (si)
- * A Cluster of Masterpieces, (pi) The Strand Magazine February 1907
- * Cluster One: What Is Our Relationship with Nature?, (si)
- * Cluster Three: How Can We Live in Harmony with Nature?, (si)
- * Cluster Two: What Happens When Humanity and Nature Collide?, (si)
- * A Clutch for Dear Life, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1878
- * Clyde Pangborn, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer May 1935
- * Clyde Pangborn’s New Flying Wing, (ms) Bill Barnes Air Trails August 1936
- * C.M. Kornbluth, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #28, October 1954 [Ref. C. M. Kornbluth]
- * The C.M.T. Album, (mr) Cowboy Movie Thrillers January 1942
- * The C.M.T. Fan Club, (ms) Cowboy Movie Thrillers Jan, Feb, Mar 1942
- * CNN: Cthulhu News Network, (ss) The World of H.P. Lovecraft #3, Summer/Fall 1995
- * A Coach Drive at the Lakes: Part I. From Windermere to Rydal Water, (ar) (by H. D. Rawnsley) The Cornhill Magazine September 1888
- * A Coach Drive at the Lakes: Part II. From Rydal to Thirlmere, (ar) (by H. D. Rawnsley) The Cornhill Magazine October 1888
- * A Coach Drive at the Lakes: Part III. From Thirlmere to Keswick, (ar) (by H. D. Rawnsley) The Cornhill Magazine November 1888
- * Coaches and Coaching. Past and Present, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1876
- * A Coachful of Ghosts, (nv) (by Eleanor C. Price)
- * A Coachful of Ghosts, (ss) London Society Christmas 1877
- * A Coaching Holiday Was Not So Jolly, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1955
- * Coal 59 Cents a Ton, (pi) Railroad Magazine May 1940
- * The Coal Barge-Train, (ia) Modern Wonder March 11 1939
- * The Coal Fields of Wyoming, (ms) Far West Illustrated February 1928
- * Coaling a Battleship, (ms) The Captain #171, June 1913
- * Coalition of Writers’ Groups Draft Authors Bill of Rights, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #159, Fall 2003
- * Coal Jimmy, (ar) Railroad Magazine April 1949
- * The Coalman’s Wife, (ss)
- * Coal Proves Poor Hiding Place, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 4 1919
- * Coals of Fire, (ss) Cassell’s Saturday Journal August 15 1913
- * A Coal Strike Gave Him His Chance, (ar) Tit-Bits #2830, January 25 1936
- * The Coastal Patrol, (ar) The Modern Boy November 23 1929
- * The Coast Artillery Song, (pm) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #27, November 1929
- * Coast Defence, (ar) (by Vivian Dering Majendie) The Cornhill Magazine August 1868
- * The Coast Guard, (ms) The Popular Magazine August 20 1917
- * Coast Guard in the Air, (ms) Doc Savage Magazine April 1936
- * The Coastguard of England, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1898
- * The Coast-Guardsman’s Yarn, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Jul 12, Jul 19 1879
- * Coast Guides, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine Dec 10, Dec 17 1870
- * Coasting, (ar) The Argosy #523, December 10 1892
- * Coasting and the Toboggan, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 5 1881
- * Coasting on Air, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Trails August 1936
- * Coasting on Electric Cars, (ms) Railroad Man’s Magazine July 1911
- * Coast League Makes Good, (ms) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine August 25 1931
- * The Coast of Coral, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #75, December 1956 [Ref. Arthur C. Clarke]
- * The Coast Raiders, (na) Treasure-Trove Library #29, 1921
- * Coat Convicts Murderer, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 28 1921
- * ’The Coat-hanger’ Sydney Harbour Bride, (ar) Look and Learn #5, February 17 1962
- * A Coat of Arms - Can You Design One?, (pz) The Silver Jacket #27, 1955
- * Coats Are Top-Heavy with Fur, (ms) The Home Magazine January 1932
- * Coats for Christmas Morning, (ms) Miss Modern December 1931
- * Coat & Shirt Tales, (ar) Penthouse (US) April 1995
- * Coats of Arms of Famous Public Schools, (il) Chums November 19 1921
- * The Coats of Arms of the Nations, (il) Chums May 27 1916
- * Coats of Camouflage, (ar) Look and Learn #38, October 6 1962
- * Coats of Many Colors, (pi) Collier’s June 15 1918
- * Coats On? Coats Off?, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion July 1947
- * Coats That Laugh at the Weather, (ar) Cosmopolitan October 1951
- * Cobbett, (ar) (by Thomas E. Kebbel) The Cornhill Magazine April 1879
- * Cobbler Keezar’s Vision, (pm) (by John Greenleaf Whittier) The Atlantic Monthly February 1861
- * The Cobbler of Bagdad, (ss)
- * A Cobra Accomplice, (ms) Best Detective Magazine March 1931
- * Cobra King, (pi) Cavalier May 1953
- * The Cobra Strikes [Dixon Hawke], (n.) Dixon Hawke Library #441, 1936
- * The Cobweb of a Lonely Spider, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1888
- * Cobwebs Cause Man’s Arrest, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 9 1922
- * Coca, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1889
- * Cocardes of Treachery, (ar) Sky Birds January 1932
- * Coccinelle, (pi) Venus v1 #7, 1959
- * Cochineal and Carmine, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1885
- * The Cochineal, a Useful Plant-Bug, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1884
- * Cochise, (ia) The Rio Kid Western February 1945
- * Cochise the Avenging Apache, (ar) School Cap #9, November 28 1953
- * The Cochituate Water-Works, (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1861
- * Cock-a-Doodle-Doo! or, the Crowing of the Noble Cock Beneventano, (ss) (by Herman Melville) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1853
- * The Cock and the Dragon, (ss)
- * Cockburn Channel from the Side of Mount Sarmiento, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * Cock Crow, (pm) Penthouse (UK)
- * The Cock-Eye Chef [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #4, November 6 1937
- * Cock-Eyed Camera, (ed) The Strand Magazine October 1945
- * Cockeyed Capers, (cl) Swank Oct, Nov 1971, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1972
- * The Cock-Eyed Casebook, (ms) New Detective Magazine Aug 1951, Feb 1953
- * Cockeyed Cavaliers!, (sa) The Modern Boy February 16 1935
- * Cockeyed Crossword, (pz) Liberty July 1950
- * The Cock-Eyed President [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #21, March 5 1938
- * Cock-Eye Gets the Bird [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #30, May 7 1938
- * Cock-Eye joins the Navy [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #26, April 9 1938
- * Cock-Eye on the Spot [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #34, June 4 1938
- * Cockeye’s Castaway [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #9, December 11 1937
- * Cock-Eye’s Concertina [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #28, April 23 1938
- * Cock-Eye’s One Man War [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #14, January 15 1938
- * Cockeye’s Treasure Hunt [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #10, December 18 1937
- * Cock-Eye the Detective [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #16, January 29 1938
- * Cock-Eye the Sailor [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #1, October 16 1937
- * Cock-Eye the Whaler [Young Cock-Eye], (ss) The Buzzer #13, January 8 1938
- * Cock Fight, (pi) Argosy December 1955
- * A Cock-Fight in Havana, (ss)
- * The Cock Lane Ghost: A Legend of Snow-Hill [Ptolemy Horoscope; Titus Parable], (na) (by Richard Thomson) Tales of an Antiquary: Vol. III, Henry Colburn, 1828
- * Cockle Gatherers, (ar) The Dollar Monthly Magazine August 1863
- * Cockleshell Heroes, (mr) Argosy March 1956
- * A Cockney Wail, (pm) London Figaro
- * Cock of the Rock, (ar) Look and Learn Incorporating Ranger Magazine #304, November 11 1967
- * The Cock of the School, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 25 1883
- * The Cock o’ the North!, (pi) The Modern Boy September 29 1934
- * Cockpit Development, (pi) Air Trails August 1937
- * The Cockpit Ghost, (??) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1894
- * Cockroachin’, (ms) Adam Apr, May, Jun 1975
- * A Cock’s Kermesse [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth August 14 1879
- * Cocktail Cut-Ups, (hu) Cocktail v4 #1, 1964
- * The Cocktail Hour, (??) Cocktail v1 #1, 1958
- * Cocktail Party Lines, (hu) Cocktail v5 #4 1966, v8 #1 1968
- * “Cocktail-Pickup” Wives, (ts) Modern Romances September 1941
- * Cocktails Anonymous, (??) Cocktail v1 #2, 1958
- * Cocktails Are a Woman’s Weapon, (??) Cocktail v1 #1, 1958
- * Cocktail’s “Cocktail Calendar”, (ms) Cocktail v1 #2, 1958
- * Cocktail’s Dictionary:
* ___ Drinking Damsels, (hu) Cocktail v1 #3, 1958
- * Cocktail’s Mixing Maids, (pi) Cocktail v2 #1, 1961
- * Cocktail’s Poolside Pleasure, (pi) Cocktail v3 #2, 1962
- * Cocktails with Cole, (iv) Fear #36, December 2015 [Ref. Adrian Cole]
- * Cocktail:
* ___ Sex on Mars, (ms) Sexy Fantastic #1, 2021
- * Cocoa and Oil in the West Indies, (ar) The Strand Magazine June 1910
- * Cocoanuts Are Hard to Produce, (ms) Mystery Magazine #118, October 1 1922
- * The Coco de Mer of the Seychelles Islands, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1876
- * Coconut Palm, the Javanese Stuff of Life, (ms) Mystery Magazine #32, March 1 1919
- * Cocos Island Treasure, Ltd., (ms) Action Novels December 1932/January 1933
- * Coda (adapted from the Corsican), (pm) The Double Dealer January 1921
- * Cod and Canvas, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post August 5 1939
- * The Coddling of Crooks Breeds Crime, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 15 1922
- * The Code at West Point and Annapolis, (ar) Appleton’s Booklovers Magazine May 1906
- * Coded in Earnest [Sob Sister Sue], (cs) (by Rex Hayden Maxon) Private Detective Stories June 1937
- * A Code in the Head Is Better Than None [Colonel Stoopnagle], (ss) The Illustrated Detective Magazine June 1932
- * The Code of Honour, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #608, August 8 1931; adapted from the movie (Mahlon Hamilton, Doris Hill).
- * Code of the Texas Trail, (ed) .44 Western Magazine February 1941
- * Codes and Ciphers, (cl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Oct, Nov 1931
- * Codes for Daily Life, (ms) The Scrap Book November 1910
- * A Code Which No One Can Solve, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 4 1928
- * The Codex Zacynthius, (ar) (by Orlando Thomas Dobbin) Dublin University Magazine March 1862
- * Codric: The First Export Tycoon, (ar) Look and Learn #174, May 15 1965
- * Co-Ed, (ts) The Illustrated Love Magazine January 1933
- * A Co-Ed’s Escapade, (pi)
- * Coeds in the Cockpit, (pi) Nightline v2 #1, 1970
- * The Coercion of Major Guff, (pm) New Orleans Times-Democrat
- * Coffee, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly June 1882
- * Coffee, (ar) Sunshine August 1889
- * Coffee and the Plague, (ms) The Youth’s Companion January 4 1900
- * Coffee Break, (ms) Manhunt September 1956
- * Coffee Came First from Abyssinia, (ms) Mystery Magazine #14, June 1 1918
- * Coffee, Can-Can, and Marsha, (pi) The Dude September 1957
- * Coffee Culture, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1880
- * Coffee Shop:
* ___ Mort Castle Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1990 [Ref. Mort Castle]
* ___ Deidra Cox Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1992 [Ref. Deidra Cox]
* ___ Elvira, Mistress of the Dark Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1990 [Ref. Elvira]
* ___ Nina Kiriki Hoffman Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1991 [Ref. Nina Kiriki Hoffman]
* ___ Nancy Holder Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1992 [Ref. Nancy Holder]
* ___ An Interview with Alan Rodgers, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1992 [Ref. Alan Rodgers]
* ___ Nancy Kilpatrick Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1993 [Ref. Nancy Kilpatrick]
* ___ Roberta Lannes Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1993 [Ref. Roberta Lannes]
* ___ Joe R. Lansdale Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1991 [Ref. Joe R. Lansdale]
* ___ Elizabeth Massie Interview, (iv) After Hours Summer 1994 [Ref. Elizabeth Massie]
* ___ Richard Christian Matheson Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1989 [Ref. Richard Christian Matheson]
* ___ William F. Nolan Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1991 [Ref. William F. Nolan]
* ___ Wayne Allen Sallee Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1991 [Ref. Wayne Allen Sallee]
* ___ David B. Silva Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1993 [Ref. David B. Silva]
* ___ Tanith Lee Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1995 [Ref. Tanith Lee]
* ___ Ruth Thompson Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1992 [Ref. Ruth Thompson]
* ___ Steve Tymon Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1994 [Ref. Steve Tymon]
* ___ Lawrence Watt-Evans Interview, (iv) After Hours Winter 1993 [Ref. Lawrence Watt-Evans]
* ___ Elayne Wechsler-Chaput Interview, (iv) After Hours Autumn 1994 [Ref. Elayne Wechsler-Chaput]
* ___ J. N. Williamson Interview, (iv) After Hours Spring 1994 [Ref. J. N. Williamson]
- * Coffee Taverns and the Temperance Movement, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine November 1879
- * Coffee, Tea or Me?, (ar) Rex #27, 1971
- * Coffin a Prized Article, (ms) Mystery Magazine #108, May 1 1922
- * The Coffin Bird, (pm)
- * Coffin Corner [Sob Sister Sue], (cs) (by Rex Hayden Maxon) Private Detective Stories November 1937
- * Coffined Alive, (vi) Atkinson’s Casket October 1832; from the New York Constellation.
- * A Coffin Full of Questions, (iv) Dark Tales #10 2007, #8 Spr 2006 [Ref. David Brin]
- * A Coffin Full of Questions with Piers Anthony, (iv) Dark Tales #9, Autumn 2006 [Ref. Piers Anthony]
- * The Coffin-Maker of Drogheda, (ss) The Library of Fiction, or Family Story-Teller v2, 1837
- * The Coffin Ship, (n.) Aldine Adventure Library #12, 1928
- * Cognac, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1889
- * Cognac Carols, (hu) Cocktail v2 #3, 1961
- * Cohasset, Mass., (ar) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine December 1861
- * Coherence, (ar)
- * The Coiffing of Karen, (pi) Private Club 82 July/August/September 1971
- * Coiffures, Curls and Curves, (ms) Affair v1 #3, 1964
- * A Coincidence, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper August 9 1879
- * Coincidence?, (ms) Astounding Stories October 1933
- * Coincidence Is Hard to Explain!, (cs) The Silver Jacket #17, 1955
- * Coincidences, (ss) (by Alanson J. Prime) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1855
- * Coincidences and Superstitions, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine December 1872
- * Coincidences of Dates, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1879
- * Coincidentally Aligned Spiral Galaxies, (pi)
- * Coin Discovery at Aberdeen, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper July 31 1886
- * Coining Precious Metals, (ar) Mystery Magazine #101, January 15 1922
- * A Coin Purse in Irish Crochet, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine March 1917
- * Coins and Coin Collecting, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 20 1913
- * Coins and How They Are Found, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 13, Feb 20, Feb 27 1886
- * A Coin-Scattering Record, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1903
- * Coins of All Nations, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1888
- * Coins of the Caesars, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1930
- * Coins, Old and New, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine October 1890
- * Coins Weigh 100 Pounds, (ms) Grit Story Section August 10 1941
- * Coke-Burning Buses, (ia) Modern Wonder June 4 1938
- * Coker Plays Football!, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1928, 1927
- * Coker’s Lament!, (pm) (by G. R. Samways) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1934, 1933
- * Col. Andre Malraux, (ar) Collier’s December 23 1944
- * Colbert, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1880
- * Col. Charles Young, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine February 1922
- * Cold, (ar) (by Henry Harries) The Cornhill Magazine January 1892
- * Cold, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine March 1932
- * A Cold-Blooded Murder in Cleveland Streets, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 26 1921
- * Cold Blows the Wind, (qz) Argosy (UK) February 1957
- * Cold Comfort, (ar) Cassell’s Magazine February 4 1871
- * A Cold Day in Mid-Canada, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #1011, January 1900
- * The Coldest Town in the World, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1880
- * The Cold Hand, (ss)
- * Cold Leg of Mutton, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1875
- * Cold Lies the Dew, (pm)
- * Cold Light?, (ms) Authentic Science Fiction #80, May 1957
- * Cold Mountain, (mr) Paradox #4, January 1 2004
- * Cold Nerve, (ar) Flynn’s November 14 1925
- * Cold Poison, (lt) Dime Detective Magazine June 1938
- * A Cold Ride on the Stagecoach, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly July 25 1931
- * Colds, (cl) The Rexall Magazine January 1927
- * The Cold Snap, (ss) (by Edward Bellamy) Scribner’s Monthly September 1875
- * Cold Storage for Grocers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1928
- * Cold-Storage Ladybugs, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine July 11 1931
- * The Cold Summer of 1816, (ar) The Scrap Book July 1910
- * The Cold Truth About a Cryonic Canine, (ar) Read January 8 1988
- * Cold Truths About the Arctic, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 26 1928
- * The Cold Tub, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper August 6 1904
- * Cold Weather Beauty, (ms) Ten-Story Love Magazine March 1947
- * Cold-Weather Camping, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 19 1910
- * Cold Winters, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1885
- * Coleridge as a Reporter, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1888
- * Coleridge Marginalia, (ar) Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine #795, January 1882
- * Cole Younger, (ia) Thrilling Western September 1934
- * Cole Younger, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910
- * Cole Younger, James Bandit Dies Reformed, (ms)
- * Eoin Colfer, (iv) Amazing Stories January 2005 [Ref. Eoin Colfer]
- * Col. Henry Watterson: Editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, (bg) The Argosy #491, April 30 1892
- * Colin and His Little Wife, (ex) (by Voltaire) The Edinburgh Literary Journal June 11 1831, as "Jeannot and Colin"
- * Colin Armstrong, (ar) Crime Time #23, 2001
- * Colin Clout, (ss) The Argosy (UK) November 1881
- * Colin Cotterill interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #15, November/December 2006 [Ref. Colin Cotterill]
- * Colin Dexter, (iv) Crime Time #11, 1998 [Ref. Colin Dexter]
- * Colin Greenland: Publications and Awards, (bi) Novacon 21 Programme Book ed. Alice & Steve Lawson, Birmingham Science Fiction Group, 1991 [Ref. Colin Greenland]
- * Colin Kapp, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #82, April 1959 [Ref. Colin Kapp]
- * Colin’s Shorthand, (pz) Chatterbox Annual 1949
- * Colin Wilson, (ar) (by August Derleth) The Arkham Collector #1, Summer 1967 [Ref. Colin Wilson]
- * The Coliseum at Rome, (ar) The Boys’ Leisure Hour #29, March 7 1885
- * Col. Jacob Ruppert, Jr., (bg) Blue Pencil Magazine April 1900
- * Col James Wharton, (ms) The Magnet Library April 20 1918
- * Colkittoch, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly December 1876
- * The Collaborations of Bill Pronzini and Barry N. Malzberg, (bi) Problems Solved by Bill Pronzini & Barry N. Malzberg, Crippen & Landru, 2003 [Ref. Bill Pronzini & Barry N. Malzberg]
- * Collaborative Interview with the Ladies of The Sirens Call—Issue #25, (iv) The Sirens Call #25, February 2016 [Ref. Alison Armstrong, Miracle Austin, H. R. Boldwood, Peggy Christie, Hannah Clark, C. Cooch, Donna Cuttress, Betty Gabriel, Victoria Griffin, Kellie Honaker, Rivka Jacobs, Debbie Manber Kupfer, Lori R. Lopez, Kenya Moss-Dyme, E. H. Qin, Emerian Rich, Lori Safranek, B. E. Seidl, A. F. Stewart, Renee L. Tennis-McKinley, Winnona Vincent & Jessica Walsh]
- * Collapsed of England!, (ar) Printers’ Pie #1, 1950
- * Collapse of the Hanseatic League, (ar) Look and Learn #175, May 22 1965
- * Collapsing Cosmoses, (uw) (by Robert H. Barlow & H. P. Lovecraft) Leaves #2, 1938
- * Collars Add New Width to These Easy-to-Make Frocks, (ar) Pictorial Review October 1931
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