The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11771
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Letters of Fire, (ar) Modern Wonder April 16 1938
- * Letters of Romance, (cl) Ranch Love Stories March 1950
- * The Letters of William Green, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 15 1913
- * The Letters She Never Sent, (ms) The Novel Magazine September 1917
- * Letters to Alice Hockett, (ar) Esquire April 1958 [Ref. Bernard Shaw], as "The Love Letters of Bernard Shaw"
- * Letters to a Plutocrat :
* ___ On an Invitation to Dinner, (ar) Collier’s February 6 1909
- * Letters to Auntie, (ss)
- * Letters to a Young Writer, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine July 1903
- * Letters to My Son, (sl) (by Winifred James) Cosmopolitan Magazine Mar, Apr, May 1910, Jan, Feb 1912
- * Letters to the Children’s Department, (lc) Uncle Remus’s Home Magazine August 1910
- * Letters to Unsuccessful Men, (ss) (by George Horace Lorimer) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 10, Nov 24, Dec 8, Dec 15, Dec 29 1906
- * The Letter That Never Was, (ms) The Lost Club Journal #3, Spring 2004 [Ref. Mark Samuels, Arthur Machen & H. P. Lovecraft]
- * A Letter That Went Some, (ms) The Popular Magazine February 1 1914
- * A Letter That Will Live, (lt) Liberty May 22 1926
- * A Letter to a Friend, (vi) Haunts #7/8, Spring 1987
- * Letter to a June Bride, (ms) The Scrap Book June 1909
- * Letter to a P.O.W., (ms) The Rio Kid Western Winter 1943/1944
- * A Letter to a Saturday Reviewer, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine October 1863
- * Letter to a Young Man About to Enter Publishing, (ar) Harper’s Magazine October 1959
- * A Letter to Keep Forever, (ms) The Popular Magazine September 1908
- * Letter to Let ’Er Know, (??) Cloud-9 v1 #3, 1960
- * Letter to Louisa May Alcott from Her Publisher (Aug 11, 1866), (lt)
- * Letter to Louisa May Alcott from Her Publisher (Jan 21, 1865), (lt)
- * A Letter to My Love, (ts) True Story June 1923
- * A Letter to Ronald Reagan, (ar) Omni October 1981; adapted from the Omni Foundation’s “Prospectus for Space Development”.
- * Letter to the Editor, (lt) Ambit #25, 1965
- * Letter to the Editor, (pm) The Grand Magazine November 1907
- * Letter to the Editor, (ss) (by Scott Feldman) Fantastic Adventures February 1944
- * A Letter to the Editor: From a Chum in Sydney, (lt) Chums November 12 1921
- * Letter, Universal City to Ray Bradbury, October 3, 1952, (lt) It Came from Outer Space by Ray Bradbury, Gauntlet Press, 2004
- * Letter-Writing, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1886
- * Letter-Writing Can Be Fun!, (ex) from It’s Fun to Write Letters!,
- * Let the Buyer Beware, (ms) Manhunt November 1956
- * “Let the Chips Fall Where They May!”, (vi) Wild Cherries October 1933
- * “Let the Earth Stand in Awe of Him”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 21/December 28 1963
- * “Let the Fire Fall!”, (ms) Collier’s August 16 1952
- * Let the People Know, (ar)
- * Let the Prisoners Go Home, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 30 1930
- * Let the Southpaw Alone, (ar) Collier’s April 3 1920
- * Let This Be a Warning, (??) French Night Life March 1937
- * Let Those Laugh That Win [J. Smytthe, Jr.], (ss) (by J. Smytthe, Jr.) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1853
- * Lettice Lisle:
* ___ Chapter I. A Yeoman’s Estate, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine October 1868
* ___ Chapter II. Amyas Wynyate and His Home, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine October 1868
* ___ Chapter III. Fishing in the Heron’s Pool, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine October 1868
* ___ Chapter IV. Lettie’s Schoolmasters, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine October 1868
* ___ Chapter V. Father and Son, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine November 1868
* ___ Chapter VI. Pleasant Waters, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine November 1868
* ___ Chapter VII. A Summer’s Night, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine November 1868
* ___ Chapter VIII. A “Frost in June”, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine November 1868
* ___ Chapter IX. There’s No Smoke, but There’s Fire, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine December 1868
* ___ Chapter X. Notre Dame de Bon Secours, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine December 1868
* ___ Chapter XI. Troubles and Sympathy, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine December 1868
* ___ Chapter XII. Teasing and Quibbling, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine December 1868
* ___ Chapter XIII. The Witch-Clover, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine January 1869
* ___ Chapter XIV. Tangling in One’s Heart, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine January 1869
* ___ Chapter XV. Man Is a Hunting Animal, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine January 1869
* ___ Chapter XVI. An Appeal, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine January 1869
* ___ Chapter XVII. A Fight with the “Fair Traders”, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine February 1869
* ___ Chapter XVIII. Half a Gale in the Channel, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine February 1869
* ___ Chapter XIX. Waifs After a Storm, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine February 1869
* ___ Chapter XX. A Moonlight Drive, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine March 1869
* ___ Chapter XXI. “Single Misfortunes Never Come Alone”, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine March 1869
* ___ Chapter XXII. In the Aisle of Mapleford Minster, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine March 1869
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Night-Watching at the Pilot’s, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine April 1869
* ___ Chapter XXIV. An Opening for a Middle-aged Man, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine April 1869
* ___ Chapter XXV. Mapleford Gaol, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine April 1869
* ___ Chapter XXVI. Everhard and His Mother, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine April 1869
* ___ Chapter XXVII. Suspense, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. What Came of It, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
* ___ Chapter XXIX. Springtide, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
* ___ Chapter XXX. Aftermath, (sl) (by Frances Parthenope Verney) The Cornhill Magazine May 1869
- * Letting Folks Know, (ar) The Modern Boy July 13 1929
- * Letting Off Steam, (pi) Annual of Silk Stocking Stories Summer 1939
- * Letting Well Alone, (ss) Young Englishman’s Journal November 28 1868
- * Letty, (ss) (by Louisa Crow) Once a Week February 16 1867
- * Letty’s Proposal, (ss) (by Kate J. Neely) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1862
- * Let Us Be Content, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine October 1917
- * Let Us Eat Grapes, (pm) The Golden Book Magazine #32, August 1927; translated by Achmed Abdullah
- * Let Us Not Drift, (ed) Land & Water March 23 1916
- * Let Us Smile, (pm) Baltimore American
- * Let Us Smile: From a Mystic Shrine Pamphlet, (pm)
- * Let Well Alone, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 26 1884
- * The Levee at New Orleans, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1876
- * The Levelling Power of Rain, (ar) (by Richard A. Proctor) The Cornhill Magazine April 1877
- * Lev Grossman and the Magicians, (iv) Dark Horizons #55, September 2009 [Ref. Lev Grossman]
- * Levison’s Victim, (ss)
- * Levison’s Victim, (ss) (by M. E. Braddon) Belgravia January 1870
- * The Lewis and Clark Exposition, (ar) The Pacific Monthly January 1905
- * Lewis and the Rattlesnake, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1882
- * Lewis Carroll, Wise Words on Letter Writing, (ar) Collins Young Elizabethan September 1954
- * Lewis Stone, (ar) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 24 1926
- * Lewis Stone, (pi) The Royal Pictorial December 1932
- * Lewis Wetzel, (ar) The Open Road for Boys February 1937
- * The Lewis Woodpecker, (ms) Western Winners June 1936
- * Lew Lehr Tells All, (iv) Gay Book Magazine April 1936 [Ref. Lew Lehr]
- * Lexicon, (ms) The Beast Within ed. Stewart Wieck, White Wolf, 1994
- * Lexicon, (ms) When Will You Rage? ed. Stewart Wieck, White Wolf, 1994
- * Lexicon for 1955, (ed) Collier’s January 7 1955
- * Lex Talionis, (nv) Popular Tales and Romances by Mm. Erckmann-Chatrian, Ward, Lock, and Tyler, 1872, as by Erckmann-Chatrian
- * The Leyden Jar; and How to Make It, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper February 14 1885
- * Leyland Palace, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1892
- * L.F.G. Roland D.2, (ia) The Lone Eagle June 1941
- * Lhermitte Passes Away, (ms) Art Lovers’ Magazine September 1925
- * The Liaison Department of the British Fantasy Library, (ms) Operation Fantast #2, December 1947
- * Liar! Liar! Liar!, (ts) True Confessions March 1959
- * The Libel J.G. Whittier Wrote and Repented (“Skipper Ireson’s Ride”), (ar) The Scrap Book March 1911
- * Libel: The Word That Editors Fear, (ar) The Strand Magazine March 1948
- * Libel to Call You Dipsomaniac?, (ms) The Saint Detective Magazine July 1958
- * Liberalism, (ar) (by J. Fitzjames Stephen) The Cornhill Magazine January 1862
- * Liberals vs. the Bonus in Billions of Dollars, (ar) The American Autopsy January 1932
- * A Liberated Front, (ar) Man March 1972
- * Liberated Lesbians, (pi) Broadside March/April/May 1973
- * A Liberty Article That Was Heard Round the World, (ar) Liberty October 23 1937
- * The Liberty Bell, (pm) Philadelphia Ledger
- * Liberty Goes to the Movies, (mr) Liberty Sep 1, Sep 15, Oct 13, Oct 20, Nov 24, Dec 1 1945, Jan 12, Jan 26, Feb 9, Apr 27,
Jun 22 1946
- * Liberty Hall Writers: An Interview with Mike Munsil, (iv) Flash Fiction Online January 2008
- * The Liberty-Loving Turkey, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine September 1 1920
- * Liberty Offers $1,000 Weekly for Heroic and Kindly Deeds, (cn) Liberty September 26 1925
- * Liberty Opens Its Own Broadcasting Station, (ms) Liberty October 31 1925
- * Liberty—Properly Dressed [Queer Stories], (ss) (by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray ,[?]) Truth November 18 1880
- * Liberty’s $1,000 Short Short, (vi) Liberty February 27 1943
- * Liberty’s All-Players All-America Football Eleven, (ms) Liberty December 9 1933
- * Liberty’s Birthday, (ar) Liberty May 1950
- * Liberty’s Cover Girl, (ar) Liberty March 4 1944
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle—No. 1, (pz) Liberty November 8 1924
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 10, (pz) Liberty January 10 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 11, (pz) Liberty January 17 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 12, (pz) Liberty January 24 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 13, (pz) Liberty January 31 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 14, (pz) Liberty February 7 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 15, (pz) Liberty February 14 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 16, (pz) Liberty February 21 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 17, (pz) Liberty February 28 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 18, (pz) Liberty March 7 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 19, (pz) Liberty March 14 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 20, (pz) Liberty March 21 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 21, (pz) Liberty March 28 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 22, (pz) Liberty April 4 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 23, (pz) Liberty April 11 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 24, (pz) Liberty April 18 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 25, (pz) Liberty April 25 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 26, (pz) Liberty May 2 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 27, (pz) Liberty May 9 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 28, (pz) Liberty May 16 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 29, (pz) Liberty May 23 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 30, (pz) Liberty May 30 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 31, (pz) Liberty July 25 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 32, (pz) Liberty August 1 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 33, (pz) Liberty August 8 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 34, (pz) Liberty August 15 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 35, (pz) Liberty August 22 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 36, (pz) Liberty August 29 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 37, (pz) Liberty September 5 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 38, (pz) Liberty September 12 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 39, (pz) Liberty September 19 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 4, (pz) Liberty November 29 1924
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 40, (pz) Liberty September 26 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 41, (pz) Liberty October 3 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 42, (pz) Liberty October 10 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 43, (pz) Liberty October 17 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 44, (pz) Liberty November 21 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 45, (pz) Liberty December 5 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 46, (pz) Liberty December 12 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 47, (pz) Liberty December 19 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 48, (pz) Liberty December 26 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 49, (pz) Liberty January 2 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 5, (pz) Liberty December 6 1924
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 50, (pz) Liberty January 9 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 51, (pz) Liberty January 16 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 52, (pz) Liberty January 23 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 53, (pz) Liberty January 30 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 54, (pz) Liberty February 6 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 55, (pz) Liberty February 13 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word PuzzleNo. 56, (pz) Liberty February 20 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 57, (pz) Liberty February 27 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 58, (pz) Liberty March 6 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 59, (pz) Liberty March 13 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 6, (pz) Liberty December 13 1924
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 60, (pz) Liberty March 20 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 61, (pz) Liberty March 27 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 62, (pz) Liberty April 3 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 63, (pz) Liberty April 10 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 64, (pz) Liberty April 24 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 65, (pz) Liberty May 1 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 66, (pz) Liberty May 8 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 67, (pz) Liberty May 15 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 68, (pz) Liberty May 22 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 69, (pz) Liberty May 29 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word PuzzleNo. 7, (pz) Liberty December 20 1924
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle No. 9, (pz) Liberty January 3 1925
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzle of the Presidents, (pz) Liberty April 17 1926
- * Liberty’s Cross-Word Puzzles: No. 3, (pz) Liberty November 22 1924
- * Liberty’s First Editorial, (ar) Liberty January 1949
- * Liberty’s First Weekly $1,000 Reward for Bravery, (cn) Liberty October 3 1925
- * Liberty’s Flying Correspondent at Ethiopian Front, (ar) Liberty September 28 1935
- * Liberty’s Gibbet, (ar) Speed Detective July 1943
- * Liberty’s Nut-Cracker Contest, (cn) Liberty Jan 16, Jan 23 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States, (cn) Liberty Mar 28, Apr 4 1931
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Eighth Set), (cn) Liberty May 15 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Fifth Set), (cn) Liberty April 24 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Fourth Set), (ms) Liberty April 17 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Ninth Set), (cn) Liberty May 22 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Second Set), (cn) Liberty April 3 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Set No. 3), (cn) Liberty April 10 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Seventh Set), (cn) Liberty May 8 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Sixth Set), (cn) Liberty May 1 1926
- * Liberty’s Patriotic Game of States (Tenth Set), (ms) Liberty May 29 1926
- * Liberty Sponsors an All-Players All-America Football Team for 1933, (ms) Liberty November 18 1933
- * Liberty’s Radio Fans Make New and Helpful Suggestions, (cn) Liberty March 6 1926
- * Liberty’s Radio Listeners Direct Station WLIB, (cn) Liberty January 2 1926
- * Liberty’s Radio Listeners to Direct Its Station, (cn) Liberty December 5 1925
- * Liberty’s Radio Station WLIB Invites Your Suggestions, (cn) Liberty January 9 1926
- * Liberty’s Short Report, (ms) Liberty January 26 1946
- * Libido at the Lido, (pi) The Gent December 1956
- * Libido Chez Lido, (pi) Escapade April 1958
- * Libido…Love to the Roll of Dice, (ar) Man October 1971
- * The Librarian, (pi) Parade #1631, March 27 1971
- * Librarians Report, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #4, November 2 1942
- * The Librarian’s Story, (ss) (by Frederic Beecher Perkins) The Atlantic Monthly February 1858
- * Libraries of Europe, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1889
- * The Libraries of the Middle Ages and Their Contents, (ar) (by Patrick Kennedy) Dublin University Magazine April 1867
- * Library, (ms) British Fantasy Society Bulletin #10, August 14 1943
- * The Library, (rc) Weird Tales Nov/Dec 2007, Fll 2009, Spr 2010, Spr, Sum 2011
- * The Library and the Nursery, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1889
- * The Library at Queen’s College, Oxford, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1882
- * Library Lady, (ms) Collier’s July 14 1951
- * The Library of Congress, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1878
- * A Library of Fantasy, (ms) Scientifiction March 1938
- * Library of Late Robert E. Howard Is Given to Howard Payne College, (ms) Brownwood Bulletin June 29 1936
- * Library of the Quarter, (ms) The Yale Review Winter 1945
- * Library of War Planes, (ia) Sky Fighters Oct, Nov, Dec 1932, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Oct, Nov, Dec 1933
Jan, Feb, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1934
Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1935, Jan, Feb, Mar,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Nov, Dec 1936
Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Nov 1937, Jan, May, Sep 1938
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