The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11670
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Klamath Indian TImber Sold, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 29 1926
- * Kleptomaniac or Thief?, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 20 1921
- * Kley’s Creatures, (pi) Rogue January 1961
- * Kline Agency Brochure, (ms) OAK Leaves #5, Fall 1971
- * Klondike’s First Nugget, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 28 1936
- * Klondyke Deserter, (ms) North•West Stories 2nd November 1926
- * The Klu-Klux-Klan, (ia) Chums November 27 1928
- * KMOX Broadcasts Endurance, (ar) Radio Digest October 1929
- * KM Peyton, Doyenne of Pony Fiction Who Won the Carnegie Medal for Her Flambards Series, (ob) The Daily Telegraph December 27 2023 [Ref. Kathleen Wendy Peyton]
- * KM Peyton Obituary, (ob) The Times January 5 2024 [Ref. Kathleen Wendy Peyton]
- * The Knapsack in Spain, (ar) (by John Ormsby) The Cornhill Magazine Aug, Sep 1867
- * Knave About Town, (ms) Knave January 1959
- * Knee Trembler, (pm) Penthouse (UK)
- * Knew His Client, (hu) Short Stories November 1919
- * Knickerbocker’s Visit: A Poem of Ancient and Modern Times, (pm) (by Charles E. Chamberlaine) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1867
- * Knickers, (hu) Mayfair v26 #14, 1991
- * Knick-Knacks for the Knee-dy, (pi) Movie Monthly July 1926
- * The Knife, (vi) From Lilith’s Cave, 1986
- * Knifed Conversation, (ms) Manhunt December 1956
- * Knife-Eaters: The Story of a Singular Mania, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #5, May 1866
- * The Knife from Nowhere! [Dixon Hawke], (ss) Dixon Hawke’s Case Book #20, Spring 1953
- * Knife Licking Slut of the Month: Demonica de Morte, (pi) Red Scream Winter 2005
- * The Knife of Dread, (ms) Private Detective Stories March 1944
- * Knife Saves Convict at Trenton Prison, (ms) Detective Story Magazine August 26 1922
- * The Knight Club, (cl) Knight Jul, Sep, Nov 1975, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1976, Jan, Mar, Sep 1977
Jan, Mar, May, Jun, Sep 1978
- * A Knight Errant Bold [Fable of Our Time], (vi) Penthouse (UK) June/July 1967, as by Jonathan Clements
- * Knight Goes Shopping, (ms) Sir Knight v3 #2, v3 #7, v3 #8 1962, May 1963
- * Knight Goes to a Costume Party, (pi) Knight March 1978
- * The Knighting of the Black Prince, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1880
- * A Knight in Tin Trousers [Slick the Sleuth], (ss) The Buzzer #4, November 6 1937
- * Knight Knews, (ms) Knight Sep, Nov 1975, Jan, Mar 1976
- * Knight Laffs, (hu) Knight Sep 1977, Mar 1978
- * Knight Laughs, (hu) Knight September 1978
- * The Knight of Sheppy. A Kentish legend, (pm) The Young Englishman Christmas 1874
- * The Knight of Sherwood, (ss) The Young Englishman August 2 1873
- * Knight of the Bath, (hu) Snappy February 1938
- * Knight of the Cockpit, (ar) Bill Barnes Air Adventurer March 1934
- * A Knight of the Garter, (ss) The Wave August 1 1891
- * A Knight of the Rail, (ms) The Popular Magazine May 7 1923
- * A (K)night of the Road, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1924
- * A Knight of the Road, (ss) The Magnet Library December 27 1924
- * The Knight of the Scissors and Thimble, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1916
- * A Knight of the Sea, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper Summer 1895
- * The Knight of the Trowel, (ss) The Argosy (UK) January 1868
- * The Knight of Toggenburg, (pm) The Boy’s Own Paper July 15 1882
- * Knight on the Town, (cl) Knight September 1963
- * Knights, Ancient and Modern, (pm) The Grand Magazine July 1906
- * Knights Before Christmas, (ms) Nugget January 1957
- * The Knight’s Cellars, a German Legend, (ss) Reynolds’s Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art #195, April 3 1852
- * Knight’s Courier, (hu) Sir Knight v3 #8, 1962
- * Knight’s Cover Girl, (bg) Knight Mar 1968, Jan, Oct 1969
- * Knights Errant of the Atlantic, (ar) Chums July 14 1931
- * Knight’s Gambit, (hu) Sir Knight v1 #1, v1 #2, v1 #3, v1 #4, v1 #5 1958, v1 #6, v1 #7, v1 #8, v1 #9, v1 #11, 1959,
v1 #12 1960
v2 #11, v2 #12 1961, v3 #4, v3 #7, v3 #8, v3 #9, v3 #10 1962, Mar, May, Sep, Nov 1963
Jan, Apr 1964, Nov 1966, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1967, Jan, Mar, May,
Jul, Sep 1968
Jan, Jun 1969
- * Knight’s Guide to Contraceptives, (ar) Knight October 1970
- * The Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1908
- * Knight’s Liquor Locker: Fruit Brandies, (ar) Knight January 1978
- * Knight’s Liquor Locker: Rum, (ar) Knight September 1977
- * Knight’s Move Puzzles: Four Quotations from Shakespeare, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper September 14 1889
- * Knight’s Move Puzzles: Solutions, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper September 21 1889
- * The Knights of St. John, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Christmas 1905
- * Knights of the Air!, (ms) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1933, 1932
- * Knights of the Crash Helmet!, (ia) Chums July 1934
- * Knights of the Field and Track, (ia) Chums May 1934
- * The Knights of the Road: An Adventure in Texas, (ss) Chums May 17 1893
- * Knights of the Round Table, (mr) Cosmopolitan Jan, Feb 1954
- * Knights of the Round Table, (mr) McCall’s January 1954
- * Knights of the Scarlet Cross, (ia) Rover and Wizard #222, April 17 1965
- * Knights of the Speedway!, (pi) The Modern Boy July 21 1934
- * The Knightstand, (br) Knight May 1978
- * The Knightstand, (rc) Knight Jul, Sep, Nov 1975, Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov 1976
- * Knights Templar Coming, (ar) Sunset April 1904
- * The Knight’s Tour, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper Dec 6, Dec 13 1879
- * Knight Visits Nude Beach Day, (pi) Knight January 1978
- * Knight Who Battled in the Sky, (ar) Look and Learn #15, April 28 1962
- * Knight Without Armour, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #922, August 14 1937; adapted from the movie (Robert Donat, Marlene Dietrich).
- * Knitted Clothes for Baby, (ms) Today’s Woman #123, January 1950
- * A Knitted Coat with Brushed Wool Collar, (ms) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine December 1921
- * Knitted Jackets to Wear under Coats, (ar) The Girl’s Own Paper and Woman’s Magazine May 1917
- * Knit This Pullover, (ms) Peg’s Paper #926, February 13 1937
- * Knit This Swim Suit, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #40, 1947
- * Knitting, (cl) Britannia and Eve January 1947
- * Knitting and Crocheting, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal August 1892
- * Knitting for the Family, (ms) Home Notes August 8 1957
- * Knitting in a Small Way, (ar) Woman’s Home Companion May 1943
- * “Knitting Needles”, (ar) Colour February 1915
- * Knitting Sale-Socks, (ss) (by Harriet Elizabeth Prescott) The Atlantic Monthly February 1861
- * A Knock at the Door, (vi) The London Magazine May 1905
- * Knock-Down Table Is Ideal for Car, (ia) The Silver Jacket #7, 1954
- * Knocked Down to Maudie, (cl) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1926
- * Knockers Up, (pi) Swank May 1965
- * Knocking a Grab-Bag, (vi) Mystery Magazine #96, November 1 1921
- * Knocking Chunks Off the Atom, (ar) Modern Wonder March 4 1939
- * “Knocking Down” His Check, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine April 1901
- * Knock, Knocks, (hu) Girl’s Detective Mysteries October 1936
- * “The Knock-Out!”, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #583, February 14 1931; adapted from the movie (Kane Richmond and Nora Lane).
- * The Knock-Out Blow, (ar) Jack’s Paper #3, November 14 1922
- * A Knock-Out Phrase, (ms) The Popular Magazine April 7 1924
- * Knots and Cordage, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 19 1884
- * Knots and Cordage, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper Apr 3, Apr 10, Apr 17, May 15, May 22, Jul 17, Aug 21, Aug 28 1880
- * Knots and How to Tie Them, (sl) The American Boy September 1902
- * Knots for Anglers, (ar) Chums July 4 1926
- * “Knots to Untie”: Railway Regulations, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine (US) March 1884
- * Knots Unravelled, (cl) The Sunday Strand Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1901, Oct, Nov, Dec 1902
- * Knots Unravelled, (cl) (by George Clarke ,[?]) The Sunday Strand September 1902
- * Knots Worth Knowing, (cl) Boys’ Life Mar 1, Mar 15, Apr 1 1911
- * Knotting and Splicing, (ar) Chums February 5 1916
- * A Knotty Problem, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 26 1884
- * A Knotty Problem [Sexton Blake], (ss) (by John William Staniforth) Answers November 28 1908, uncredited.
- * Know America’s Planes, (ia) Flying Aces Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1941, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1942
Feb 1943
- * Knoware, (ss) (by Rose Terry Cooke) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1878
- * A Knowing Bird, (ms) TipTop Semi-Monthly July 10 1915
- * A Knowing Customer, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper September 7 1901
- * A Knowing Dog, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1878
- * Knowing You Was Enough, (pm) The Banshee #3, April 1993
- * Knowledge and Understanding, (ar) The Half-Century Magazine September 1917
- * “Knowledge” Involves Gas Company, (ms) Detective Story Magazine November 1 1930
- * Knowledge Is Power, (qz) John Bull November 30 1946
- * Knowledge Without Wisdom, (ss) The Strand Magazine August 1898; translated from the Sanskrit by T. R. Edwards.
- * Known as Lou, (pi) Dude July 1962
- * Known to the Police, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine June 1875
- * Know the Enemy’s Planes, (ia) Flying Aces Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1942, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1943
Jan, Feb, Mar 1944
- * Know Ye, (ms)
- * Know Your Favourite Author—Georges Simenon, (bg) MacKill’s Mystery Magazine August 1953 [Ref. Georges Simenon]
- * Know Your Favourite Author—John Creasey, (bg) MacKill’s Mystery Magazine June 1953 [Ref. John Creasey]
- * Know Your Favourite Author—Mary Roberts Rinehart, (bg) MacKill’s Mystery Magazine January 1953 [Ref. Mary Roberts Rinehart]
- * Know Your Favourite Author—Nigel Morland, (bg) MacKill’s Mystery Magazine July 1953 [Ref. Nigel Morland]
- * Know Your Favourite Author—Roy Vickers, (bg) MacKill’s Mystery Magazine December 1952 [Ref. Roy Vickers]
- * Know Your Money, (ar) The Shadow November 1 1940
- * Know Your Road Signs, (qz) Argosy (UK) September 1970
- * Know Your West, (qz) Ranch Romances 1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 1st Mar, 1st Apr, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st Jun, 2nd Jun, 1st Aug, 1st Sep,
1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 3rd Oct, 1st Nov, 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1944
1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 1st Feb, 2nd Feb, 1st Mar, 1st Apr, 2nd Apr, 3rd Apr, 2nd May, 1st Jul, 2nd Jul,
1st Aug, 2nd Aug, 1st Sep, 1st Oct, 2nd Oct, 3rd Oct, 1st Nov, 2nd Nov, 1st Dec, 2nd Dec 1945
2nd Dec 1947
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