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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 8503

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    Quest Detective News   (about)
    One-shot magazine/anthology of original stories by South African authors.

    • Publishers:
      • Dolphin Press (Pty.) Ltd.; 16 Hans Street, Jeppe, Johannesburg, South Africa: Quest Detective News.
    • Editors:

    A comics and media fan magazine with newsstand distribution. Most issues contain some amounts of fiction. Many changes took place in the last issue, including an increased fiction content. Only the fiction is listed here.

    Questar [v1 #4, #4, August 1979] ($2.00, 64pp, quarto) []
    No fiction.

    Question Mark [#1, August 1953] ed. Bruce F. Heron (Amateur Fantasy Publications of Australia, 1/-, 31pp, digest) []
    technical editor: Kevin Wheelahan, published by Mervyn R. Binns. Subtitled “Science, Fiction, Fantasy”.
    Details supplied by James Doig.

    Question Mark [#4, no date (1954?)] ed. Kevin Wheelahan (Amateur Fantasy Publications of Australia, 1/-, 35pp, digest) []
    production by Mervyn R. Binns, published by Ian J. Crozier, art editor: Keith McClelland. Subtitled “A Digest of Science Fiction, Fact, Fantasy”.
    Details supplied by James Doig.

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