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Disch, Thomas M(ichael) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The New Me, (ss) Changes ed. Michael Bishop & Ian Watson, Ace, 1983
- * Newt’s Futurist Brain Trust, (ar) The Nation February 27 1995
- * The New World: An Epic Poem, (br) Foundation #36, Summer 1986 [Ref. Frederick Turner]
- * New York City Counting Rhyme, (pm) Light Winter 2000/2001
- * Nightmare on Elm Street, (pm) The New Republic May 11 1987
- * Nights in the Gardens of the Kerhonkson Prison for the Aged and Infirm, (ss) Interzone #116, February 1997
- * No Form, No Content, (pm) Contact II Spring 1981
- * No Message, (pm) Endzone June 3 2007
- * No More Prisons: A Memoir of the Millennium, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 2002
- * North American Addresses, (br) The Hudson Review Summer 1996 [Ref. David Mason & Robert McDowell]
- * The North Wind’s Song, (pm) Endzone July 3 2006
- * Not, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 1992
- * Notebooks of Exercise, (pm) Lake Street Review Winter 1978
- * A Note from Your Jailer, (pm) The Paris Review #59, Fall 1974
- * A Note on the Poems, (in) The Dark Old House, RLB, 1996
- * A Note to Romeo, (pm) Transatlantic Review #60, June 1977
- * Not Quite a Sonnet but I Love You Just the Same, (pm) Boulevard #15/16, Spring 1991
- * Nouns, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
- * The Novel: A Sonnet, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement February 10 1978
- * A Novel in the Present Tense, (vi) Inside Spring 1996
- * The Novelist’s Wife (with Charles Naylor), (ss) The American Poetry Review September 1980
- * The Novelist with Wooden Character, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * Now Is Forever, (ss) Amazing Stories March 1964, as by Dobbin Thorpe
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1965 ed. Donald A. Wollheim & Terry Carr, Ace, 1965
- The Traps of Time ed. Michael Moorcock, Rapp & Whiting, 1968
- Under Compulsion, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968
- Fun with Your New Head, Doubleday, 1970
- Thrilling Science Fiction April 1973, as by Dobbin Thorpe
- Fantastic Science Fiction July 1979, as by Dobbin Thorpe
- What If? Volume 2 ed. Richard A. Lupoff, Pocket, 1981
- * The Number You Have Reached, (ss) sf Impulse February 1967
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1968 ed. Donald A. Wollheim & Terry Carr, Ace, 1968
- Under Compulsion, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968
- Fun with Your New Head, Doubleday, 1970
- Social Problems Through Science Fiction ed. Martin Harry Greenberg, John W. Milstead, Joseph D. Olander & Patricia S. Warrick, St. Martin's, 1975
- * Nuts in May, (pm) Light Spring 2000
- * The Object, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
- * The Object of the Preposition, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 1993
- * The Occasion of the Poem, (rv) Poetry May 1992
- * The Ocean, (pm) The Paris Review #73, Spring 1978
- * October, (pm) Boulevard Fall 1988
- * Ode on the Death of Philip K Dick, (pm) The Washington Post Book World May 23 1982
- * Ode on the Source of the Clitumnus, (pm) Poetry January 1973
- * Ode on the Source of the Foux, (pm) Here I Am, There You Are, Where Were We, Hutchinson, 1984
- * Ode on the Source of the Mississippi, (pm) The Yale Review October 1998
- * Ode to a Blizzard, (pm) Poetry December 2001
- * Ode to Equanimity, (pm) Salmagundi Spring/Summer 1988
- * Ode to the New Prices, (pm) The Little Magazine v9 #1, 1974/75
- * Odious Comparisons, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction May 1993
- * The Ogre’s Manifesto, (pm) Light Winter 2000/2001
- * Old Friends, (pm) Tribune October 14 1977
- * The Omalous, (pm) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction June 1980
- * On Celia’s Ill Humor, (pm) Epigrammatist April 1993
- * On Depositing the Check for a Legacy, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement October 1 1982
- * 1-A, (ss) New Worlds #181, April 1968
- * Onegin’s Children: Poems in the Form of a Novel, (rv) Parnassus v17 #2/v18 #1, 1993
- * One Hundred and Two H-Bombs, (co) Compact, January 1967
- * One Hundred and Two H-Bombs (var. 1), (co) Berkley Medallion, August 1971
- * 102 H-Bombs, (nv) Fantastic Stories of Imagination March 1965
- One Hundred and Two H-Bombs, Compact, 1967
- White Fang Goes Dingo, Arrow, 1971
- One Hundred and Two H-Bombs (var. 1), Berkley Medallion, 1971
- The Early Science Fiction Stories of Thomas M. Disch, Gregg Press, 1977
- Fundamental Disch, Bantam, 1980
- Fundamental Disch (var. 1), Gollancz, 1981
- * One Night, or Scheherazade’s Bare Minimum, (ss) Omni Best Science Fiction Three ed. Ellen Datlow, Omni, 1993
- * One’s Gender Problems, (pm) A Child’s Garden of Grammar, University Press of New England, 1997
- * On Hearing Rumours of the Empire’s Collapse, (pm) Ronald Reagan: The Magazine of Poetry #1, Summer 1968
- * On Reading Shelley, (pm) The Paris Review #59, Fall 1974
- * On Re-Reading George Macbeth’s Penguin Book of Sick Verse (1963), (pm) Light Autumn 2001
- * On Returning to The Golden Treasury, (pm) Light Spring 1992
- * On Saving the World, (in) The Ruins of Earth ed. Thomas M. Disch, Putnam, 1971
- * On Science Fiction, (pm) TriQuarterly #49, Fall 1980
- Star*Line July/August 1981
- Burn This, Hutchinson, 1982
- The Umbral Anthology of Science Fiction Poetry ed. Steve Rasnic Tem, Umbral Press, 1982
- Nebula Award Stories Seventeen ed. Joe Haldeman, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1983
- Burning with a Vision ed. Robert Frazier, Owlswick, 1984
- Burn This (var. 1), Wiseacre Books, 1995
- * On SF, (nf) University of Michigan Press, June 2005
- * On the Anniversary of a Death, (pm) Endzone September 6 2006
- * On the Avenue of Blasted Hopes, (pm) Epigrammatist December 1992
- * On the Disposal of My Body, (pm) The New Statesman April 27 1979
- * On the Extravagance of Princes: A Letter of Advice, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement May 30 1980
- * On the Occasion of Passing My Old Address and Finding It Had Become a Punk Art Gallery, (pm) Chronicles August 1994
- * On the Origins of This and That, (pm) Epigrammatist December 1992
- * On the Reviewers of Science-Fiction, (pm) Science Fiction Review #37, April 1970
- * On the Road, (sl) The Word of God, or, Holy Writ Rewritten, Tachyon, 2008 [Ref. Philip K. Dick]
- * On the Road to 1984, (in) Bad Moon Rising ed. Thomas M. Disch, Harper & Row, 1973
- * On the Rondeau, (pm) The Hudson Review Spring 1996
- * On the Rondeau, (ar) An Exaltation of Forms: Contemporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of Their Art ed. Annie Finch & Kathrine Varnes, University of Michigan Press, 2002, as "Rondeaus and Roundels"
- * On the Use of the Masculine-Preferred, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement January 23 1981
- * On the Walls of the Cave: Epics Old and New, (br) Parnassus v23 #1, 1998 [Ref. Robert Fagle & Michael Lind]
- * On Wings of Song, (n.) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Feb, Mar, Apr 1979
- * Opening the Heart, (pm) New Worlds #195, November 1969
- * Orders of the Retina, (co) Toothpaste, April 1982
- * Orientating Mr. Blank, (pm) The Paris Review #91, Spring 1984
- * O Terra, Addio, (pm) Endzone September 30 2006
- * Other Predictions (with Marilyn Hacker), (pm) Just Friends #1, 1969
- * Our Lands, (pm) Endzone March 5 2008
- * Our Relationship to God, (pm) Ronald Reagan: The Magazine of Poetry #1, Summer 1968
- * Outer Space Haiku, (pm) Yorcon 2 Programme Book ed. Alan Dorey, Yorcon, 1981
- * Out of the Murk Plectrum, (br) The Washington Post Book World July 14 1991 [Ref. John Ashbery]
- * Over the River and Through the Wood, (br) Wall Street Journal January 15 1995 [Ref. Doris Lessing]
- * The Owl and the Pussycat, (ss) 999 ed. Al Sarrantonio, Avon, 1999
- * The Page for October Has Been Torn Off, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * Painting 1/11/80, (pm) Orders of the Retina, Toothpaste, 1982
- * Painting 1/13/80, (pm) Orders of the Retina, Toothpaste, 1982
- * Painting 1/8/80, (pm) Orders of the Retina, Toothpaste, 1982
- * Painting Eggplants, (ss) New York Press July 30 2002
- * The Pair of Them, (pm) Night Cry Fall 1987
- * Palindrome, (nv) Omni September 1987
- * Parable, (pm) Pandora #7, 1981
- * Paradise, (pm) Asimov’s Science Fiction January 2007
- * The Patent-Leather Patriot, (ss) Penthouse (US) January 1976
- * Peanut and Buster, (uw) New Worlds #224, September 2024; the beginning chapters of an unfinished comic novel.
- * The Pearl Necklace, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * The Pentagon, (pm) The Right Way to Figure Plumbing, The Basilisk Press, 1972
- * Pentheus, (pm) Ronald Reagan: The Magazine of Poetry #2, 1970
- * The People Who Worked, (pm) Lake Street Review Summer 1977
- * Perilous Cargo (with Marilyn Hacker), (pm) Just Friends #1, 1969
- * The Persistence of Desire, (ss) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * Perspectives, (pm) Bones Winter 1968
- * Pervigilium Veneris, 1991, (pm) Boulevard #19, Spring 1992
- * The Pet Shop After Dark, (pm) Light Spring 1992
- * Phaedra, (pm) Poetry July 1971
- * Pieter Schjedahl, (pm) Just Friends #2, 1970
- * A Pirate Crew, (pm) Endzone May 20 2007
- * The Planet Arcadia, (ss) Quark/2 ed. Samuel R. Delany & Marilyn Hacker, Paperback Library, 1971, as "Et in Arcadia Ego"
- * Planet of the Rapes, (nv) Penthouse (UK) December 1977
- * A Plea on Behalf of the White House Lawn Eleven, (pm) Burn This, Hutchinson, 1982
- * Pleasures of Hanging, (br) The New York Times March 15 1981 [Ref. William S. Burroughs]
- * A Plea That the Spring Might Return, (pm) Tribune February 16 1968
- * The Pocket from Brooks Brothers, (vi) Getting Into Death, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1974
- * A Poem Advertising John Sladek, (pm) World October 1967
- * Poem from the Pen, (pm) The Times Literary Supplement June 16/June 22 1989
- * Poems (for Joyce Kilmer), (pm) Poetry December 1978
- * Poe’s Appalling Life, (br) The Washington Post November 24 1991 [Ref. Edgar Allan Poe], as "Master of the Macabre"
- * Poetry Chronicle, (rc) The Hudson Review Summer 1995
- * Poetry Roundup, (rc) The Hudson Review Autumn 1997
- * Poetry Roundup, (rc) The Hudson Review Summer 1995, as "Poetry Chronicle"
- * Poets as Friends and Neighbors, (br) The Washington Post Book World May 22 1988
- * The Poet’s Epitaph, (pm) Burn This (var. 1), Wiseacre Books, 1995
- * Poets of Exile, (br) The Washington Post Book World August 24 1980
- * The Politics of Darkness, (pm) Saving Worlds ed. Roger Elwood & Virginia Kidd, Doubleday, 1973
- * The Poltergeist, (pm) Poetry September 1974
- * Pompes Postmoderne, (br) Los Angeles Times May 27 1990 [Ref. Marjorie Perloff], as "Caution: Deconstruction Ahead"
- * Portrait of a Tourist, (pm) Tribune October 6 1967
- * The Posthumous Life, (pm) Endzone July 31 2006
- * Praise, (pm) The Little Magazine v10 #1/2, 1976
- * A Prayer for the Harvest, (pm) New Worlds #195, November 1969
- * Prayer of Investments, (pm) If April 1965, as "White Fang Goes Dingo"
- * Prayer to Diligence, (pm) Yorcon 2 Programme Book ed. Alan Dorey, Yorcon, 1981
- * Prayer to Pleasure, (pm) American Review #21, October 1974
- * The Present Tense, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
- * The Pressure of Time, (nv) Orbit 7 ed. Damon Knight, Putnam, 1970
- * The Pressure of Time, (na) TriQuarterly #49, Fall 1980
- * Primal Hooting, (br) The Nation November 14 1988 [Ref. Whitley Strieber]
- * The Princess’ Carillon, (vi) Fantastic Stories of Imagination August 1963, as "The Enchanted Prince, 1963"
- * The Prisoners, (pm) The Paris Review #59, Fall 1974
- * The Prisoners of War, (pm) Poetry September 1971
- * Probabilities of the Good Life (with Marilyn Hacker), (pm) Highway Sandwiches with Marilyn Hacker & Charles Platt, self-published, 1970
- * The Problem of Safety: A Manifesto, (pm) The Paris Review #73, Spring 1978
- * Problems of Creativeness (with Brian W. Aldiss & John Middleton Murry), (ar) Foundation #13, May 1978, as by Brian W. Aldiss, Richard Cowper & Thomas M. Disch
- * Problems of Creativeness [334], (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1967
- * Problems of Postwar Readjustment, (pm) The Anthology of Speculative Poetry #4 ed. Robert A. Frazier, Robert Frazier, 1980
- * Products of the Workshop, (br) The Nation November 27 1989
- * Proles and Prom Kings, (rv) The Nation April 12 1986 [Ref. Raymond Carver & Brad Leithauser]
- * Pronouns, (pm) Orders of the Retina, Toothpaste, 1982
- * Pronouns, (pm) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 1991
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