The FictionMags Index
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[]Wallace, Francis (John) (1894-1977) (about) (chron.)
- * Alma Mayter, (ss) The Red Book Magazine September 1928
- * Are Football Coaches Worms?, (??) Collier’s November 26 1949
- * Are the Major Leagues Strangling Baseball?, (??) Collier’s March 10 1951
- * The Army-Navy Football Dispute, (ar) Liberty November 24 1928
- * Broken Toy, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1935
- * Credo for War, (ms) Black Book Detective Summer 1943
- * Dad’s Day, (ss) Redbook Magazine October 1934
- * The Double Ride, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Oct 3, Oct 10, Oct 17, Oct 24, Oct 31, Nov 7 1936
- * The Football Laboratory Explodes, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 4 1939
- * Football’s Black Market, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post November 9 1946
- * For the “Little Woman”, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1929
- * The Fortunes of War, (ss) Liberty July 7 1928
- * Francis Wallace’s 14th Football Preview, (ar) Collier’s September 18 1953
- * Francis Wallace’s 15th Football Preview, (ar) Collier’s September 17 1954
- * Francis Wallace’s 16th Football Preview, (ar) Collier’s September 16 1955
- * Gridiron Galahad, (??) Collier’s October 14 1950
- * Gridiron Hot Spot, (na) The Blue Book Magazine September 1947
- * How to Watch a Football Game, (ar) Redbook Magazine November 1934
- * I Am a Football “Fixer”, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 31 1936
- * Kid Galahad, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Apr 11, Apr 18, Apr 25, May 2, May 9, May 16 1936
- * Little Fellow, (ss) Liberty November 10 1934
- * The Man from Changersville, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1946
- * A Medal for Joe, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine May 1945
- * The Odds Against Honor, (sl) Collier’s Oct 26, Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 7, Dec 14 1935
- * A One-Woman Man, (sl) Redbook Magazine Dec 1937, Jan, Feb 1938
- * The Other Ten, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1940
- * Pig Iron Dugan, (ss) Collier’s September 28 1929
- * Pigskin Preview, (cl) The Saturday Evening Post Sep 25 1937, Sep 20 1941, Sep 19 1942, Sep 21 1946, Sep 13 1947
- * Pigskin Preview of 1938, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 24 1938
- * Pigskin Preview of 1939, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 23 1939
- * Pigskin Preview of 1940, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 21 1940
- * The Power of Love, (ss) Redbook Magazine May 1931
- * Razzle Dazzle, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Nov 6, Nov 13, Nov 20, Nov 27 1937
- * Rockne—Coachmaker, (ar) Liberty January 21 1928
- * Rough Going, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine November 1932
- * Test Case at Pitt—The Facts About College Football, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1939
- * This Football Business, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 28 1929
- * Voices to Remember, (ss) Liberty September 19 1942
_____, [ref.]
[]Wallace, Frederick William (1886-1958) (about) (chron.)
- * Clearing a Snarl, (ss) Adventure December 1913
- * Deepwater Strategy, (ss) Adventure December 1911
- * Dory-Mates, (ss) Adventure April 1916
- * The Education of Billy Stream, (ss) Adventure July 1916
- * The Experimenters, (ss) Short Stories December 1911
- * Hard-Luck Finnegan, (ss) Adventure February 1914
- * “He Who Laughs Last—!”, (ss) MacLean’s May 15 1921
- * In the Bank Fog [Harry Winslow], (ss) Adventure October 1912
- * In the Grip of Juju, (ss) Ghost Stories November 1926; as told to Ed Gorman
- * Loot and Laundry, (ss) Adventure July 1913
- * The Luck of the Annie Crosby, (ss) Adventure December 1912
- * The Making Good of Skipper Winslow [Harry Winslow], (ss) Adventure July 1912
- * The Mate of the Androsina, (ss) Adventure mid July 1921
- * Off Decker’s Island, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 12 1916
- * Out for Business, (ss) Short Stories January 1914
- * Running a Cargo, (ss) Adventure September 1914
- * The Sail Dragger, (nv) People’s Story Magazine January 10 1922
- * Sailing Ships and Sailor Men, (ar) MacLean’s September 15 1921
- * A Skin Game at Deception Island, (ss) Adventure April 1912
- * Some Fishing, (ss) Adventure August 1916
- * Stray Sheep [Harry Winslow], (ss) Adventure September 1912
- * Tea from China, (ss) MacLean’s July 15 1922
- * Tommy Decker’s Tartar, (ss) All-Story Weekly July 29 1916
- * The Whaler, (nv) Adventure October 1915
- * Winter Fishing [Harry Winslow], (ss) Adventure March 1913
- * [untitled letter], (lt) Adventure October 1912
_____, [ref.]
[]Wallace, G. E. (fl. 1920s-1930s) (chron.)
- * “Aw, Hon!”, (vi) Breezy Stories October 1929
- * Baa Baa Black Sheep, (ss) Boys’ Life June 1937
- * The Canvas Corpse, (ss) 12 Sports Aces December 1938
- * Cited for Courage, (ss) Boys’ Life December 1934
- * The Fightin’est Breed, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1939
- * Glory Gone, (ss) Ace Sports August 1939
- * Head Held High, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories February 1930
- * Horseshoe for Bad Luck, (ss) 12 Sports Aces September 1939
- * The Mouse—Forgot, (vi) Breezy Stories 1st September 1925
- * A Nose for Trouble, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March/April 1939
- * One-Shot Basketeer, (ss) Champion Sports Magazine March 1939
- * On the Cuff, (ss) Street & Smith’s Sport Story Magazine 2nd June 1939
- * On the Levee, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine December 1927
- * The Other Woman, (ss) Young’s Magazine Snappy Stories September 1929
- * The Past—Stamped Out, (vi) Breezy Stories 2nd August 1925
- * The Payment, (vi) Breezy Stories 2nd July 1925
- * Phantom Scoop, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1939
- * Pretty Boy Pug, (ss) Ace Sports April 1939
- * Say It with Flowers, (vi) Top-Notch August 1933
- * The Song’s Ending, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine January 1927
- * The Stroke of Fate, (vi) Breezy Stories 1st May 1926
- * The Test, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine November 1927
- * Tip Tells It, (ss) The Open Road for Boys October 1935
- * Two-Way Quarterback, (ss) Ace Sports December 1938
- * The Wrong Turn, (vi) Breezy Stories August 1927
[]Wallace, Gordon; pseudonym of Stanley Gordon Shaw (1884-1938) (chron.)
- * All Square! [Frank Liversedge; Slim Danvers], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1143, May 5 1923
- * Arizona Jim’s New Pard! [Arizona Jim], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1241, March 21 1925
- * The Border Raiders!, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1925, 1924
- * The Bridge Wreckers [Arizona Jim], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1248, May 9 1925
- * The Chance of His Life, (ss) Chums January 27 1923
- * The Deserter! [Arizona Jim], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1164, September 29 1923
- * The Double-Horseshoe Ranch, (sl) The Boys’ Friend #963 Nov 22, #964 Nov 29, #965 Dec 6, #966 Dec 13, #967 Dec 20, #968 Dec 27 1919, #969 Jan 3, #971 Jan 17, #973 Jan 31,
#974 Feb 7, #975 Feb 14, #976 Feb 21, #977 Feb 28, #978 Mar 7 1920
- * Home-Made Inspiration, (ss) Chums January 14 1922
- * Home Town, (pm) The Smart Set November 1922
- * Knockouts - 5 Pounds Each!, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1931, 1930
- * A Leg-Up from Arizona Jim!, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1926, 1925
- * Nicely Hoaxed, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #49, April 26 1913
- * Only a Boxer, (sl) Chums Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5, Aug 12, Aug 19, Aug 26, Sep 2 1922
- * The Prairie Fire-Fighters!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1117, November 4 1922
- * The Rancher’s Christmas, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #26, November 16 1912
- * Saving the Sheriff! [Frank Liversedge; Slim Danvers], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1136, March 17 1923
- * A Scoop for Tony!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1100, July 8 1922
- * The Tenderfoot’s Triumph!, (ss) The Greyfriars Holiday Annual 1924, 1923
- * Thanks to Arizona Jim!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1149, June 16 1923
- * That Queer Tenderfoot, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1105, August 12 1922
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #36, January 26 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: At the Revolver’s Point, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #37, February 1 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: She Called Him a Hero!, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #38, February 8 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: The Child Stealers, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #41, March 1 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: The Cunning of Reuben Meyer, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #42, March 8 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: The Mounted Policeman’s Deputy, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #40, February 22 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: The Peril of the Pay-Car!, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #44, March 22 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: The Righting of Hal Chester, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #45, March 29 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: The Shadow of Shame!, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #39, February 15 1913
- * “They Called Him a Coward!”: To Save the Mails!, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #43, March 15 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #53, May 24 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: A Duel in the Dark [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #56, June 14 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: Clem Hardy’s Despair [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #59, July 5 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: Clem Hardy’s Dilemma [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #54, May 31 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: Clem Hardy’s Temmptation [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #55, June 7 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: Dearer than Riches [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #57, June 21 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: Out in the Wilds [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #58, June 28 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: The Reward for Grit [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #61, July 19 1913
- * Through Canada for a Fortune: The Stolen Nugget [Clement Hardy], (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #60, July 12 1913
- * The Trailing of ’Quick-Draw’ Peters!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1120, November 25 1922
- * Trooper Browning’s Christmas, (ss) Cheer Boys Cheer #32, December 28 1912
- * The Way of the West [Arizona Jim], (nv) The Boys’ Friend #1244, April 11 1925
- * The Wrong side of the Law!, (ss) The Boys’ Friend #1131, February 10 1923
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