The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 1651
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Canning, Victor (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * A Matter of Timing, (ss) The Evening Standard August 16 1950, as "A Matter of Time"
- * Menace at the Casino, (ss) This Week October 24 1954
- * Message from the Mainland, (ss) This Week October 7 1956, as "Terror at the Lighthouse"
- * Message to the Mainland, (ss) John Bull November 3 1956
- * Midnight on the Lagoon, (ss) John Bull January 28 1956
- * The Minerva Club, (co) Crippen & Landru, February 2009 ; edited by John Higgins
- * The Minerva Club (var. 1), (co) Farrago Books, July 2020 ; edited by John Higgins
- * The Missing Tins of Chicken Breasts [Department of Patterns], (ss) Argosy (UK) July 1961, as "Chicken Breast Pattern"
- * Mr. Flynn Finds Out, (ss) This Week October 3 1954, as "Who Stole Milady’s Ring?"
- * Monkey Tricks, (ss) The (London) Evening News January 8 1962
- * Murder at the Sixth Green [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard November 19 1956
- * Murder on Holiday:
* ___ Quarrel at Sea, (ss) The Evening Standard July 26 1956
- * Murder on the 7.16:
* ___ Death in the Tunnel, (ss) The Evening Standard September 29 1955
- * Mystery of Kela Ouai, (ss) The Evening Standard November 29 1951, as "Death of a Brother"
- * My View of Things, (ar) The Daily Mail February 29 1936
- * The Napoleonic Clue, (ss) The Evening Standard August 22 1955, as "Vacation with Violence"
- * Never Trust a Lady, (ss) Chambers’s Journal March 1953
- * The Nigger Boy Pattern [Department of Patterns], (ss) Suspense (UK) April 1961
- Ellery Queen’s to Be Read Before Midnight ed. Ellery Queen, Random House, 1962, as "The Sunday Fishing Club"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1962, as "The Sunday Fishing Club"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #113, June 1962, as "The Sunday Fishing Club"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) August 1962, as "The Sunday Fishing Club"
- Argosy (UK) May 1971, as "The Nine Little Fishermen"
- Masterpieces of Mystery: The Sixties ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1978, as "The Sunday Fishing Club"
- The Minerva Club, Crippen & Landru, 2009, as "The Nine Little Fishermen"
- * The Nine Little Fishermen [Department of Patterns], (ss) Suspense (UK) April 1961, as "The Nigger Boy Pattern"
- * Oasis Nine, (na) Everybody’s March 1956
- * The Past and Its Treasures, (ar) British Weekly November 12 1936
- * The Pawn, (ss) The (London) Evening News May 7 1934
- * Portrait of a Leader, (ss) Magpie January 1952
- * Possessed by a Dream, (ss) The Australian Women’s Weekly August 18 1965
- * The Prisoner in the Embassy [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard November 22 1956
- * Quarrel at Sea, (ss) The Evening Standard July 26 1956
- * Queen’s Pawn, (n.) Heinemann, 1969
- * A Question of Character, (ss) Suspense (UK) July 1960
- * A Question of Tailoring [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard November 20 1956
- * A Question of Trust, (ss) Chambers’s Journal March 1953, as "Never Trust a Lady"
- * The Ransom of Angelo [Minerva Club], (ss) Argosy (UK) November 1961, as "Twinkle, Twinkle"
- * The Rocket Racer, (ss) Boys’ Magazine July 16 1932
- * Runaway Redhead, (ss) Weekend February 5 1958
- * The Safecracker and the Heavenly Twins, (ss) This Week October 13 1963
- * Sanctuary for the General, (ss) Argosy (UK) August 1962
- * Shadow in the Dark [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 21 1956
- * She Knew What She Wanted, (ss) Woman’s Own February 13 1965
- * Sitting Pretty, (ss) This Week July 4 1954, as "The Cautious Safe-Cracker"
- * The Six Deaths of Dr. Kang [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 20 1956
* ___ Shadow in the Dark [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 21 1956
* ___ The Six Deaths of Dr. Kang [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 20 1956
* ___ Stranger Who Called at Room Twelve [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 22 1956
* ___ A Toast to Treachery [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 24 1956
* ___ A Voice from the Past [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 25 1956
* ___ The Voyage of Fear [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 23 1956
- * The Slasher Slips Up [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard November 21 1956
- * The Sleeping Man, (nv) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1952
- * The Sleigman Letter, (ss) John Bull May 24 1958
- * The Smuggler, (ss) Lilliput June/July 1951, as "Dialogue Behind a Curtain"
- * A Son for M’Lassa, (ss) John Bull October 19 1957
- * Spotting the Winner, (ss) Argosy (UK) January 1962
- * Star Stuff, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1962
- * Stories and Novellas: The Exotics, (co) Lulu, September 2011 ; edited by John Higgins
- * Stories of Crime and Detection, (co) Shaftesbury, June 2010 ; edited by John Higgins
- * Stranger Who Called at Room Twelve [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 22 1956
- * A Stroke of Genius [Minerva Club], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 1965
- * The Sunday Fishing Club [Department of Patterns], (ss) Suspense (UK) April 1961, as "The Nigger Boy Pattern"
- * The Survival Man, (nv) The Evening Standard Aug 31, Sep 1, Sep 2, Sep 3, Sep 4, Sep 5, Sep 7, Sep 8, Sep 9, Sep 10,
Sep 11 1959
- * Take a Second Look, (ss) The (London) Evening News October 19 1961
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1963, as "Through the Wall"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #127, August 1963, as "Through the Wall"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) October 1963, as "Through the Wall"
- Ellery Queen’s Minimysteries ed. Ellery Queen, World, 1969, as "Through the Wall"
- Comedies and Whimsies, Shaftesbury, 2007, as "Through the Wall"
- * Tattoo Pattern [Department of Patterns], (ss) Argosy (UK) May 1961
- * Terror at the Lighthouse, (ss) This Week October 7 1956
- * This Bride Is Dangerous, (nv) Suspense (UK) Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 1960
- * Three Heads Are Better Than One [Minerva Club], (ss) Today April 6 1963, as "With Love from the Boys"
- * The Three Musketeers [Department of Patterns], (ss) Argosy (UK) May 1961, as "Tattoo Pattern"
- * Through the Eyes of Love, (ss) Comedies and Whimsies, Shaftesbury, 2007
- * Through the Wall, (ss) The (London) Evening News October 19 1961, as "Take a Second Look"
- * Time Piece, (ss) The Evening Standard August 16 1950, as "A Matter of Time"
- * A Toast to Treachery [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 24 1956
- * To Lottie with Love [Minerva Club], (ss) Today January 5 1963
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1963, as "Flint’s Diamonds"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #131, December 1963, as "Flint’s Diamonds"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) February 1964, as "Flint’s Diamonds"
- Ellery Queen’s Double Dozen ed. Ellery Queen, Popular Library, 1964, as "Flint’s Diamonds"
- The Minerva Club, Crippen & Landru, 2009, as "Flint’s Diamonds"
- The Minerva Club (var. 1), Farrago Books, 2020, as "Flint’s Diamonds"
- * To Whoever Finds This, (ss) The (London) Evening News February 5 1962, as "The Boat Was Handy"
- * Treason Rock, (n.) John Bull Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 21, Dec 28 1957, Jan 4 1958
- * Trial by Water, (n.) Star Weekly November 14 1953
- * The Trojan Crate [Minerva Club], (ss) Today March 16 1963, as "Escape for a Lucky Dog"
- * Trouble in Limoy, (na) Star Weekly May 17 1958
- * Trouble in the City, (ss) Argosy (UK) May 1962
- * The Trouble with Heroes, (ar) Suspense (UK) August 1960
- * Twinkle, Twinkle [Minerva Club], (ss) Argosy (UK) November 1961
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1963, as "The Ransom of Angelo"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #130, November 1963, as "The Ransom of Angelo"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) January 1964, as "The Ransom of Angelo"
- Ellery Queen’s Anthology #17, 1969, as "The Ransom of Angelo"
- The Minerva Club, Crippen & Landru, 2009, as "The Ransom of Angelo"
- The Minerva Club (var. 1), Farrago Books, 2020, as "The Ransom of Angelo"
- * The Two Deaths of Dr. Kang, (gp)
- * Two Good Men Come to the Aid of the Party [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard November 4 1957
- * Undiscovered Kent, (ar) The Daily Mail January 6 1936
- * Vacation with Violence, (ss) The Evening Standard August 22 1955
- * The Vanishing Victim, (ss) Today April 15 1961
- * Venetian Bird, (sl) John Bull Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28 1951
- * Vintage Vendetta, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1962
- * A Voice from the Past [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 25 1956
- * The Voyage of Fear [Dr. Kang], (ss) The Evening Standard February 23 1956
- * The Wall of Death [Did It Happen?], (ar) The Evening Standard July 20 1957
- * Watch Your Step, (ss) Star Weekly November 27 1953, as "Wet Stepping Stones"
- * Wet Stepping Stones, (ss) Star Weekly November 27 1953
- * The White Spell, (ss) Lilliput May 1956
- * Who Murdered Grogan the Poet?, (ss) The Evening Standard April 2 1956
- * Who Stole Milady’s Ring?, (ss) This Week October 3 1954
- * With Love from a Bad Man, (ss) Weekend March 29 1959
- * With Love from the Boys [Minerva Club], (ss) Today April 6 1963
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1964, as "Three Heads Are Better Than One"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (UK) #136, May 1964, as "Three Heads Are Better Than One"
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) July 1964, as "Three Heads Are Better Than One"
- Best Underworld Stories ed. Douglas Rutherford, Faber and Faber, 1968, as "Head of the Family"
- The Minerva Club, Crippen & Landru, 2009, as "Three Heads Are Better Than One"
- The Minerva Club (var. 1), Farrago Books, 2020, as "Three Heads Are Better Than One"
- * The Woman in Suite 47, (ss) This Week September 1960
- * The Yellow-Green Tassel, (ss) Suspense (UK) October 1960, as "Exit for an Eccentric"
- * Yorkshire Dales, (ar) The Daily Mail February 1 1936
- * You Are a Spy, Said the Reds [Did It Happen?], (ss) The Evening Standard March 28 1959
- * Young Man on a Bicycle, (na) Cosmopolitan October 1955
- * Young Man on a Bicycle and Other Stories, (co) Hodder & Stoughton, 1958
- * Young Man on a Bicycle and the Goldini Bath, (co) Farrago Books, October 2020
_____, [ref.]
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