The FictionMags Index
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[]Urner, Nathan D(ane) (1839-1893) (about) (chron.)
- * The Archery Meeting, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly September 1880
- * Assassins and their Work:
* ___ Rienzi, (cl) Beadle’s Monthly #1, January 1866
- * The Fatal Chamber, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1884
- * Rienzi, (ar) Beadle’s Monthly #1, January 1866
- * Scorpion Gulch, (ss) Beadle’s Monthly #1, January 1866
- * The Singer’s Ghost, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1882
- * A Woman’s Nerve. An Unpublished Incident in the Life of Madame Vestris, (ar) Young Ireland: An Irish Magazine of Entertainment and Instruction October 2 1880
[]Urquart, Fred (chron.)
- * The Christ Child, (nv) Penguin Parade #2, 1938
- * An Easter Egg for Hector, (ss) New-Story #8, November 1951
- * Timelessness and Time Wasted, (rv) The Windmill v2 #8, 1947
- * Washed in the Blood, (ss) Penguin Parade #10, 1943
- * We Never Died in Winter, (ss) Penguin Parade #4, 1938
[]Urquhart, Fred(erick Burrows) (1912-1995) (chron.)
- * Alice, The Baby and Bonnie Dundee, (ss) Stories of Haunted Inns ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1983
- * Dirty Linen, (ss)
- * Dirty Minute, (ss) Story #100, March/April 1943
- * A Diver in China Seas, (ss) The Scottish Review 1967
- * Dust Fills Helen’s Eyes, (ss) Phantom Lovers ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1984
- * The Dying Stallion, (ss) Story #118, March/April 1946
- * The Ghostess with the Mostest, (ss) Unlikely Ghosts ed. James Turner, Cassell, 1967
- * Introduction, (in) Creepy Stories, Bracken Books, 1994
- * The Lady of Sweetheart Abbey, (ss) Stories of the Night ed. Denys Val Baker, William Kimber, 1976
- * Lillie Langtry’s Silver Cup, (ss) The Fourth Book of After Midnight Stories ed. Amy Myers, Kimber, 1988
- * Local Boy Makes Good, (ss) A Diver in China Seas by Fred Urquhart, Quartet, 1980
- * The Loony, (ss) The Clouds Are Big With Mercy by Fred Urquhart, McClellan, 1946
- * The Prisoner’s Bike, (ss) Story #104, November/December 1943
- * Proud Lady in a Cage, (ss) Prevailing Spirits ed. Giles Gordon, Hamish Hamilton, 1976
- * Sailors, Beware of Witches, (ss) At Close of Eve ed. Jeremy Scott, Jarrolds, 1947
- * The Saracen’s Stick, (ss) The Twilight Book ed. James Hale, Gollancz, 1981
- * The Secretest Man of Blood, (ss) Shakespeare Stories ed. Giles Gordon, Hamish Hamilton, 1982
- * Seven Ghosts in Search, (ss) Blackwood’s Magazine May 1980
- * Shuggie Buchan, Student, (ss) Short Story Monthly #9, June 1982
- * The Straitened Cry, (ss) After Midnight Stories ed. Amy Myers, Kimber, 1985
- * Swing High, Willie Brodie, (ss) The Third Book of After Midnight Stories ed. Amy Myers, Kimber, 1987
- * They Foreigners!, (ss) The London Mercury August 1937
- * Water Water Wallflower, (ss) The Fourth Ghost Book ed. James Turner, Barrie & Rockliff, 1965
- * What’s to Become of Us All?, (ss) Spring Pie Spring 1945
- * Witch’s Kitten, (ss) The Midnight Ghost Book ed. James Hale, Barrie & Jenkins, 1978
[]Urquhart, (William) Macgregor (1916-1967) (about) (chron.)
- * Dodge That Dame, (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #3, Autumn 1946
- * First—Court the Cat, (ar) Stag Magazine: The Popular Male Miscellany Autumn 1948
- * Is Your Wife Really Necessary?, (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #1, Spring 1946
- * Love in Gloom!, (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #2, Summer 1946
- * The Perils of Paternity, (ar) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #4, Spring 1947
- * Puss in Galoshes, (ar) Stag Magazine: The Popular Male Miscellany Spring 1948
_____, [ref.]
[]Urquhart, Paul; joint pseudonym of Ladbroke Black & Thomas Cox Meech (fl. 1900s-1930s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Bathing Pool Mystery [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #120, June 8 1935
- * The Borough Council Ramp [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #593, October 1937
- * The Brooklands Mystery [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #336, May 1932
- * The Building Estate Murder [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #427, April 1934
- * The Bungalow Crime [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #348, August 1932
- * A Classical Catastrophe [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1910
- * Coverley Gutch of the Stock Exchange, London:
* ___ I: The Invigorator “Rig” [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1909
* ___ II: A Deal in Clay [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine October 1909
- * The Crime at the Cross Roads [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #457, December 1934
- * The Crime of Count Dureen [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #468, February 1935
- * The Dead Control [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine April 1910
- * A Deal in Clay [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine October 1909
- * The Double Cross [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #379, April 1933
- * Due for Sentence [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #95, December 15 1934
- * The Exploits of a Dead Man, (n.) Thriller Library #2, July 1934
- * Found in Possession, (n.) Thriller Library #23, June 1935
- * Gun Rule [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #305, October 1931
- * Gutch of the Stock Exchange [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1909, as "The Invigorator “Rig”"
- * Here Is a Police Message_, (ss) Detective Weekly #113, April 20 1935
- * High Finance [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine December 1910
- * The Invigorator “Rig” [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine September 1909
- * The Legacy of Doom [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #45, December 30 1933
- * The Legacy of Terror, (ss) Detective Weekly #130, August 17 1935
- * Love Must Decide, (sl) Eve’s Own Stories November 24 1923
- * The Man on the Dole [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #650, December 1938
- * The Man They Couldn’t Kill, (ss) Detective Weekly #120, June 8 1935
- * The Man who Sold Secrets, (na) Detective Weekly #138, October 12 1935
- * A Matter of Maps [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine July 1910
- * Mr. Kilmer Sees Red [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #396, August 1933
- * Mr. Smith Gang Smasher [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #396, August 1933, as Mr. Kilmer Sees Red
- * Murder by Mistake [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #442, August 1934
- * The Mystery at Moat Farm [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #82, September 15 1934
- * The Mystery of the 13th Chest [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #315, December 1931
- * The Mystery of the Lorry Driver [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #674, June 1939
- * The Mystery of the Murdered Bookmaker, (na) Detective Weekly #154, February 1 1936
- * The Mystery of the Rajah’s Jewels [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #323, February 1932
- * The Mystery of the Red Barn [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #61, April 21 1934
- * The Old Master, (ss) Everybody’s Weekly November 18 1911
- * The Practical Joke, (ss) Everybody’s Weekly August 5 1911
- * Presumed Dead [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #354, October 1932
- * “Red Rubber” [Coverley Gutch], (ss) Cassell’s Magazine March 1910
- * A Romance of Fleet Street, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #130, October 28 1911
- * The Secret of the Dead Man [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #626, June 1938
- * The Secret of the Evacuee [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #731, November 1940
- * Sinister Villa [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #64, May 12 1934
- * The Vicarage Murder Case [Sexton Blake], (na) Detective Weekly #105, February 23 1935
- * The Victim of Devil’s Alley [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #404, October 1933
- * Who Killed the Sergeant Major?, (ss) Detective Weekly #126, July 20 1935
- * Yellow Vengeance [Sexton Blake], (n.) The Sexton Blake Library #366, January 1933
[]Urrea, Luis Alberto (1955- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Amapola, (nv) Phoenix Noir ed. Patrick Millikin, Akashic Books, 2009
- * Father returns from the Mountain, (ss) Edges ed. Ursula K. Le Guin & Virginia Kidd, Pocket, 1980
- * King of Bread, (ss) Small Odysseys ed. Hannah Tinti, Algonquin Books, 2022
- * Mr. Mendoza’s Paintbrush, (ss) Six Kinds of Sky by Luis Alberto Urrea, Cinco Puntos Press, 2002
- * The National City Reparation Society, (ss) San Diego Noir ed. Maryelizabeth Hart, Akashic Books, 2011
- * The Pleasure of God, (nv) The Highway Kind ed. Patrick Millikin, Mulholland Books, 2016
- * Who Stole My Monkey? (with David Corbett), (nv) Lone Star Noir ed. Bobby & Johnny Byrd, Akashic Books, 2010
[]Urry, F. J. (fl. 1930s) (chron.)
- * Autumn Tours:, (ar) Tit-Bits #2859, August 15 1936
- * Change-Speed Gears, (ar) Tit-Bits #2843, April 25 1936
- * Cycling Notes, (cl) Tit-Bits #2855, July 18 1936
* ___ Autumn Tours:, (cl) Tit-Bits #2859, August 15 1936
* ___ Change-Speed Gears, (cl) Tit-Bits #2843, April 25 1936
* ___ Joys of the Open Road, (cl) Tit-Bits #2837, March 14 1936
* ___ Mind Your Road Manners, (cl) Tit-Bits #2839, March 28 1936
* ___ Saddle and Handlebar Secrets, (cl) Tit-Bits #2838, March 21 1936
* ___ Try a Camping Holiday, (cl) Tit-Bits #2848, May 30 1936
* ___ We Don’t Want Cycle Paths, (cl) Tit-Bits #2845, May 9 1936
* ___ Week-Ends Awheel:, (cl) Tit-Bits #2852, June 27 1936
- * Joys of the Open Road, (ar) Tit-Bits #2837, March 14 1936
- * Mind Your Road Manners, (ar) Tit-Bits #2839, March 28 1936
- * Saddle and Handlebar Secrets, (ar) Tit-Bits #2838, March 21 1936
- * Try a Camping Holiday, (ar) Tit-Bits #2848, May 30 1936
- * We Don’t Want Cycle Paths, (ar) Tit-Bits #2845, May 9 1936
- * Week-Ends Awheel:, (ar) Tit-Bits #2852, June 27 1936
[]Urwin, Iris (fl. 1960s-1970s) (books) (chron.)
_____, trans.
- * Captain Nemo’s Last Adventure by Josef Nesvadba, (nv) View from Another Shore ed. Franz Rottensteiner, Seabury Press, 1973; translated from the Czech (“Poslední dobrodruzství kapitána Nemo”, Vynalez proti sobé, Prague: Krasné Literatury, 1964).
- * The Chemical Formula of Destiny by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Chemicky vzorec osudu”, 1960).
- * The Death of an Apeman by Josef Nesvadba, (nv) In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Gollancz, 1970; translated from the Czech (“Tarzanova smrt”, 1958).
- * Doctor Moreau’s Other Island by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Druhy ostrov Doktora Moreau”, 1962).
- * Expedition in the Opposite Direction by Josef Nesvadba, (nv) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Výprava opačným směrem”, 1962).
- * The Half-Wit of Xeenemuende by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Blbec z Xeenemünde”, 1960).
- * In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman by Josef Nesvadba, (co) Gollancz, 1970
- * In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman by Josef Nesvadba, (nv) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Po stopách sněžného mu.e”, 1960).
- * Inventor of His Own Undoing by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Vynález proti sobě”, 1960).
- * The Last Secret Weapon of the Third Reich by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Poslední tajná zbra*nv Třetí říše”, 1962).
- * The Lost Face by Josef Nesvadba, (co) Gollancz, 1970, as In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman
- * The Lost Face by Josef Nesvadba, (nv) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Ztracená tvář”, 1960).
- * The Trial Nobody Ever Heard Of by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) In the Footsteps of the Abominable Snowman by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Gollancz, 1970; translated from the Czech (“Proces, o němž se nikdo nedověděl”, 1958).
- * Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, (co) Artia, 1964
- * Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, (ss) Vampires Ltd. by Josef Nesvadba, tr. Iris Urwin, Artia, 1964; translated from the Czech (“Upír Ltd”, Výprava opačným směrem, 1962).
- The World’s Best Science Fiction: 1965 ed. Donald A. Wollheim & Terry Carr, Ace, 1965
- European Tales of Terror ed. J. J. Strating, Fontana, 1968
- Other Worlds, Other Seas ed. Darko Suvin, Random House, 1970
- Car Sinister ed. Robert Silverberg, Martin H. Greenberg & Joseph D. Olander, Avon, 1979
- Vampire Stories ed. Richard Dalby, Michael O'Mara, 1992
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