The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Sixteenth Series ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, April 1967, $4.50, 264pp, hc, an, cover by Donald & Ann Crews)
Ace edition omits all poems and all but two cartoons.
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Seventeenth Series ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, April 1968, $4.50, 256pp, hc, an, cover by Frederic Marvin)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: Nineteenth Series ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, August 1971, $5.95, 286pp, hc, an, cover by Peggy & Ronald Barnett)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 20th Series ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, October 1973, 0-385-07816-1, $6.95, 296pp, hc, an, cover by Peter Rauch)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Special 25th Anniversary Anthology ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, August 1974, 0-385-08221-5, $7.95, 326pp, hc, an, cover by Lennart G. Johnson)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction 22nd Series ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, December 1977, 0-385-12451-1, $7.95, ix+273pp, hc, an, cover by David November)
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction 23rd Series ed. Edward L. Ferman (Doubleday, May 1980, 0-385-15225-6, $10.00, 273pp, hc, an, cover by Peter Rauch)