The FictionMags Index
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Batten, H(arry) Mortimer (chron.) (continued)
- * In the Grip of the Fire-Fiend, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1918
- * In the Grip of the Yukon, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1916
- * In the Hawk’s Trap, (nv) Top-Notch April 1 1912
- * The Invaders, (ss) The Red Magazine August 15 1924
- * The Irons of Justice, (ss) The Red Magazine May 27 1921
- * The Ishmaelite, (ss) The London Magazine June 1927
- * The Ishmael of the Heather, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1921
- * Ishmael of the Plains, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1923
- * The Ishmael of the Prairies, (sl) Chums Mar 22, Mar 29, Apr 5, Apr 12, Apr 19 1919
- * The Island, (ss) The Red Magazine November 7 1924
- * Jeff’s Pet, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine June 1927
- * The Jet Black Cub, (ss) The Captain #218, May 1917
- * Jim and the Wolves, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper September 28 1912
- * Jimmie’s Bear, (ss) Boys’ Life April 1912
- * Jingo, (ss) The Red Magazine December 5 1924
- * Jock, (ss) The Red Magazine November 10 1922
- * Johnnie, (ss) The Red Magazine October 26 1923
- * The Joint Tennants, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 29 1922
- * The Jolly Red Squirrel, (ar) The Scout January 5 1924
- * Jonathan, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine November 1925
- * Joshua, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1912
- * The Joy Valley Vixen, (ss) The Green Magazine #9, February 27 1923
- * July: A Nature Note for the Month, (ss) The London Magazine July 1926
- * Justice, (ss) The Royal Magazine March 1913
- * Ka-Ka-Kee, the Sioux, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1917
- * Karaka, (ss) The Yellow Magazine November 17 1922
- * Kassa the Cunning, (ss) The London Magazine April 1929
- * Keelatee and the Yellow Nightmare, (ss) Chums November 4 1916
- * The Killer, (ss) The London Magazine February 1930
- * Kindred of the Ice, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1928
- * Kings of the Infinite, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine April 1920
- * Kinship of the Wild, (ss) The London Magazine April 1923
- * Klix the Night Hunter, (ss) The Green Magazine #13, April 24 1923
- * Knights Without Armour, (ss) The Red Magazine June 8 1923
- * Kreet’s Great Lover, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1921
- * The Land-Lubbers, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1928
- * The Landmark, (ss) The Red Magazine January 5 1923
- * Land Mines in War, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1915
- * The Lapwings, (ss) The Premier Magazine #142, June 13 1922
- * The Last Card, (ss) The Royal Magazine April 1917
- * The Law of the Shelves, (ss) The Red Magazine October 10 1924
- * The Leader, (ss) The London Magazine July 1929
- * Leaving It to Scottie, (ss) The Captain #255, June 1920
- * The Lesson of His Cubhood, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1919
- * The Little Comedian, (ss) The Captain #257, August 1920
- * Little Sister, (ss) The British Girl’s Annual 1921
- * “Little Soldier”, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1920
- * The Lobster Can and the Musketeer, (ss) The Green Magazine #23, September 11 1923
- * Lonefoot, (ss) The Premier Magazine #155, December 12 1922
- * The Lonely Hare, (ar) The Scout April 5 1924
- * The Lone-Shack Moose, (ss) The Captain #144, March 1911
- * The Loons, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1912
- * Lovers of the Wild, (ar) The Royal Magazine May 1925
- * The Luck of Angus McFortune, (ss) Mystery Magazine June 1927
- * Mad March Hare, (ar) Zoo March 1937
- * The Magic Collar, (ss) The Green Magazine #2, November 21 1922
- * Make Your Own Parki (or Parka), (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper December 1919
- * Mamette and the Moose, (ss) Chums May 10 1919
- * The Man in Shoepacks [Birdett], (ss) The Captain #172, July 1913
- * The Man Who Wasn’t Wanted, (ss) The Captain #256, July 1920
- * The Man with the Magic Pencil, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1920 [Ref. Warwick Reynolds]
- * Marto, (ss) The American Boy November 1923
- * The Master of Camouflage, (ss) The Premier Magazine #135, March 7 1922
- * Mawakee of the Silver Highway, (ss) The Royal Magazine September 1919
- * McLaren’s Cellar, (ss) Chums August 30 1919
- * The Meanness of Murray, (ss) Chums January 18 1919
- * The Messenger, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #102, August 7 1925
- * The Midnight Visitor, (ss) The Captain #148, July 1911
- * Mildred’s Fosterling, (ss) The Green Magazine #29, December 4 1923
- * The Mirror of the Dawn, (ss) The Red Magazine October 5 1928
- * Mr “Brock”, (ar) The Scout March 1 1924
- * Mr. Otter-Traveller, (ar) The Scout January 26 1924
- * “Mr. Prickles”, (ar) The Scout February 9 1924
- * Mr. Weasel at Home, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 4 1913
- * Mistress Milligan, (ss) The Red Magazine March 26 1926
- * Monarch of the Forest, (ar) The Scout April 26 1924
- * Mon McGill, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #124, June 25 1926
- * Moonlight Magic, (ss) The London Magazine May 1927
- * Moose and Millionaire, (ss) Chums August 19 1922
- * Mooween, (ss) The London Magazine May 1926, as "Mooween the Curious"
- * Mooween the Curious, (ss) The London Magazine May 1926
- * “Movies”, (ss) The Red Magazine March 4 1921
- * Murray-Brown’s Obstacle Race, (ss) Chums January 20 1917
- * Muskwa the Trail Maker, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #55, October 19 1923
- * The Mystery of the Black Gap, (ss) The Captain September 1919
- * Nara and the Lame Wolf, (ss) The Captain #166, January 1913
- * Negeet of the Blue Underworld, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
- * A Night of Peril, (ss) The Captain #140, November 1910
- * Nobody’s Bounty, (ss) The Captain #291, June 1923
- * No Sport!, (ss) The Captain #217, April 1917
- * November: A Nature Note for the Month, (ss) The London Magazine November 1926
- * October: A Nature Note for the Month, (ss) The London Magazine October 1926
- * Old Cove’s Christmas, (ss) Chums December 13 1919
- * Old Majestic, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1913
- * Old War Horse, (ss) The Red Magazine January 6 1922
- * One Good Turn, (ss) The Red Magazine September 26 1924
- * One in a Thousand, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine February 15 1915
- * One Man, (ss) The Red Magazine December 1929
- * On the Trail to Mazora, (ss) Chums April 23 1921
- * On the Winter Trail, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper January 4 1913
- * The Open Window, (ss) The Captain #286, January 1923
- * The Orphans, (ss) The Premier Magazine #139, May 2 1922
- * Over Lonely Bridge, (ss) The Captain #174, September 1913
- * Owners of the Abbey, (ss) The London Magazine February 1927
- * The Pack Hunters, (ss) The Yellow Magazine October 20 1922
- * A Pack of Gold, (ss) The Captain #265, April 1921
- * Papa Badger, (ar) The Scout March 8 1924
- * Partners in the Wilds, (ss) Chums April 7 1917
- * The Partners of Famewater, (ss) The Royal Magazine August 1917
- * The Passing of One-Eye, (ss) The London Magazine February 1922
- * The Passing of the Peregrines, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1919
- * Pawns of the Frost King, (ss) The Red Magazine February 12 1926
- * Pekan, the Black Killer, (ss) The Red Magazine September 24 1926
- * The People of the Hollow Oak, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1916
- * The People of the Pine Bowl, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1918
- * Peter’s Pit, (ss) The Captain #274, January 1922
- * Phantom Island, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1926
- * The Pine Marten and the Polecat, (ar) The Scout March 15 1924
- * The Pioneer Motor Cycle, (ss) The Captain #139, October 1910
- * The Pioneers, (ss) The London Magazine September 1924
- * The Pioneers of Sunny Pond, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1917
- * Pip: The Story of a Bat, (ss) The Red Magazine March 14 1924
- * The Pit, (ss) The Red Magazine April 11 1924
- * Plants That Defend Themselves, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper April 26 1913
- * Porky the Thief-Taker, (ss) The Captain #279, June 1922
- * Preserved Fruits, (ss) The Green Magazine #6, January 16 1923
- * Prints of the Beaded Moccasins:
* ___ No. 1—The Brand of Shame, (ss) Chums November 23 1918
* ___ No. 2—Steel to Steel, (ss) Chums November 30 1918
* ___ No. 3—The Gift of Peter Angus, (ss) Chums December 7 1918
* ___ No. 4—The Curse of the White Race, (ss) Chums December 14 1918
* ___ No. 5—Gold Fever, (ss) Chums December 21 1918
* ___ No. 6—In the Grip of the Fire-Fiend, (ss) The Royal Magazine May 1918
- * The Prisoner, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine May 1927
- * Prisoners of the Crag, (ss) The New London Magazine #29, March 1933
- * The Professor’s Last Run, (ss) The Captain #222, September 1917
- * Purely for Charity, (ss) Chums February 23 1918
- * “Rabbit-Hearted”, (ar) The Scout April 19 1924
- * The Raft Robbers, (ss) The Captain August 1919
- * The Raiders’ Cipher, (ss) The Captain #272, November 1921
- * Rama, the Snowflake, (ss) The Red Magazine June 23 1922
- * Rangers of the Air, (ss) Western Story Magazine February 13 1926
- * Rats!, (ar) The Scout May 24 1924
- * The Raven’s Treasure, (ss) The Captain #270, September 1921
- * Raymond’s Grizzly, (ss) The Royal Magazine January 1918
- * Real Riches, (ss) The London Magazine December 1919
- * The Reckoning, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1919
- * The Red Deer, (ar) The Scout May 3 1924
- * Red Finger, (ss) The Red Magazine September 14 1923
- * The Red Fox, (ar) The Scout January 19 1924
- * The Red Men of the Northland, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper August 1914
- * Red Ruff, (sl) Zoo Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1937
- * Red Shadows, (ss) The London Magazine September 1921
- * The Ring, (ss) The Red Magazine August 13 1926
- * Rivals, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1922
- * The River Rivals, (ss) The Captain #268, July 1921
- * “Rob”, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 9 1923
- * The Rolling Ball, (ss) The Captain #299, March 1924
- * Rounding Up the Raider, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1918
- * Sabre Island, (ss) The Red Magazine October 10 1924
- * The Scavengers: A True Nature Story, (ar) The Cornhill Magazine May 1934
- * Scion of the Hilltops, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 26 1924
- * The Sea Urchin, (ss) The New London Magazine #4, February 1931
- * September: A Nature Note for the Month, (ss) The London Magazine September 1926
- * Servants of the Law, (ss) Adventure August 20 1924
- * The She Devil of Glen Head Wood, (ss) The Red Magazine September 17 1920
- * Shore Fishing, (ar) The Captain #251, February 1920
- * Shufflewing, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine May 1926
- * The Silent Call, (ss) The Red Magazine March 17 1922
- * Silly Sally, (ss) The Red Magazine December 30 1927
- * Silverscale, (ss) The London Magazine November 1922
- * “Silverside”: The Story of Sea Trout No. 50,678, (ss) Pictorial Weekly #1510, May 12 1928
- * Silvertip, (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1919
- * The Silvertrail Stag, (ss) People’s Story Magazine August 25 1922
- * The Skeletons’ Shelf, (ss) The Royal Magazine June 1927
- * The Sly Scout of the Woods, (ar) The Scout January 12 1924
- * The Snare in the Cache, (ss) The Captain #266, May 1921
- * Snowy Front, the Killer, (ss) The Green Magazine #26, October 23 1923
- * The Sole Survivors, (ss) The Windsor Magazine November 1924
- * “Some” Tenderfoot, (ss) The Royal Magazine February 1919
- * Sons of the Truce, (ss) The Premier Magazine #145, July 25 1922
- * The Soul of a Gambler, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1918
- * The Soul of Speed, (ar) The Royal Magazine September 1922
- * Sour Grapes, (ss) The London Magazine October 1930
- * Spanking Jonathan, (ss) Success November 1925
- * Speckleflank, (ss) The London Magazine January 1925
- * The Springtime Orphan, (ss) Pan: The Fiction Magazine April 1922
- * Starlight, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine March 1920
- * Starlight the Wolf, (sl) Zoo Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1936
- * Starprint, (ss) The London Magazine September 1920
- * Steel to Steel, (ss) Chums November 30 1918
- * The Stolen Bullion [Birdett], (ss) The Captain #171, June 1913
- * Storm Freed, (ss) MacLean’s December 1 1926
- * Stranded Millions, (ss) The Captain #253, April 1920
- * The Sundown Visitor, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1925
- * A Tale of the Prairie Foothills, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine January 1920
- * Tamarack Creek, (ss) Chums July 26 1919
- * The Terror, (ss) The Red Magazine October 1929
- * The Terror of Black Arrow Lake, (ss) Chums May 18 1918
- * The Terror of the Canyon, (ss) Chums September 10 1921
- * Their Long Portage, (ss) Top-Notch Magazine June 20 1914
- * The Thief, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #21, June 30 1922
- * The Thieves, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine December 1927
- * The Third Act, (ss) The Royal Magazine December 1912
- * Those Who Follow, (ss) The Premier Magazine #140, May 16 1922
- * The Thunder King, (ss) The Red Magazine June 9 1922
- * Thy People, (ss) Short Stories October 1920
- * The Tides of Love, (ss) The London Magazine April 1927
- * Told by the Snows, (ss) The Yellow Magazine December 12 1924
- * Toll of the Hill, (ss) The Red Magazine June 29 1928
- * The Tomb, (ss) The Red Magazine October 14 1921
- * Tommy and the Timber Wolves, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1919
- * To Sink or Swim, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1927
- * The Touch of Fire, (ss) The London Magazine May 1921
- * The Tracks in the Snow, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine April 1925
- * The Trail of the Chickaree, (ss) The Red Magazine February 2 1923
- * The Trail of the Chippeway Snowshoe, (ss) Chums January 17 1920
- * The Trail of the Splayed Hoofs, (ss) The Captain #282, September 1922
- * The Trap: A Nature Study, (ss) The Red Magazine July 15 1927
- * Trapped in the Sea Lions’ Cave, (ss) The Boy’s Own Paper April 1914
- * Trapping, (ar) Chums May 10 1919
- * The Triangle, (ss) The Red Magazine February 15 1924
- * The Triumph of Bush Eagle, (ss) The Captain #203, February 1916
- * The Troublesome House-Rat, (ar) The Scout June 7 1924
- * The Truant, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #100, July 10 1925
- * The Trumpet Call, (ss) The Red Magazine August 18 1922
- * Twice Down the Chimney, (ss) The Captain #261, December 1920
- * The Twilight Company, (ss) The Red Magazine March 25 1927
- * Two on a Raft, (ss) The Captain #283, October 1922
- * The Vagabonds, (ss) People’s Story Magazine December 25 1921
- * Vagrants of the Forest, (ss) The Captain #219, June 1917
- * Vengeance!, (ss) Chums February 15 1919
- * The Visitor from the Wild, (ss) The London Magazine May 1923
- * The Waif of Prairie Hollows, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine June/July 1920
- * The Waif of the Birch Groves, (ss) The Red Magazine May 11 1923
- * Waifs of the Twilight, (ss) The Yellow Magazine February 24 1922
- * The Wake of the Grey One, (ss) The Red Magazine February 17 1922
- * The Wanderer of the Waterways, (ss) The Red Magazine April 23 1926
- * The War Hero, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine July 1925
- * The Warning, (ss) The Red Magazine October 10 1924
- * The War Pensioner, (ss) The Yellow Magazine March 23 1923
- * The Watcher, (ss) The London Magazine August 1929
- * The Weakest Corner, (ss) The Red Magazine June 4 1926
- * When Brains Scored, (ss) Chums August 12 1916
- * When Mercy Migrated, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure & Mystery Story Magazine January 1928
- * When Satan Held the Hill, (ss) The Red Magazine February 1931
- * When Spring Came, (ss) The Red Magazine April 5 1929
- * When the Fates Played False, (ss) The Red Magazine July 16 1926
- * When the Hunger Gods Met, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1929
- * When the Lady Interposed, (ss) The Red Magazine November 1929
- * Where the Shelf Ended, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #58, November 30 1923
- * The Whirlpool’s Grip, (ss) The British Boy’s Annual 1920, 1919
- * White Brother, (ss) Western Story Magazine February 4 1922
- * The White-Faced Hart, (ss) The Yellow Magazine #78, September 5 1924
- * Whitefish Creek, (ss) The Red Magazine August 23 1929
- * Whitefoot of the Dead Trail, (ss) People’s Favorite Magazine July 1921
- * Whitefoot, the Wolf, (ss) The Captain #249, December 1919
- * White Man’s Weapons, (ss) The Captain #276, March 1922
- * The White Phantom, (ss) Hutchinson’s Magazine January 1925
- * Who Are the “Forest Rangers”? Wardens of the Wild in the Canadian North-West, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1918
- * Who Owned the “Lucky Nugget”?, (ss) The Captain #285, December 1922
- * Why Does a Cat Have Whiskers?, (ar) The British Girl’s Annual 1929
- * Why I Am a Naturalist, (ar) The British Girl’s Annual 1930
- * Why the Fox Survives, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1921
- * Wildcats of the Woods, (ar) The Scout March 22 1924
- * Wild Mercy, (ss) Western Story Magazine December 5 1925
- * The Wild Stoat, (ar) The Scout February 16 1924
- * The Wiles of Ruddle Lug, (ss) The Captain #252, March 1920
- * The Wily Weasel, (ar) The Scout February 23 1924
- * The Witch’s Curse, (ss) The Red Magazine June 1931
- * With a Motor-Boat in Canada, (ts) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1917
- * Woodland Whispers, (ar) The British Boy’s Annual 1920, 1919
- * Wraith of the Snows, (ss) The London Magazine May 1922
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