The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9854
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[]Springer, Thomas Grant (1873-?) (about) (chron.)
- * Acquiring the Polish, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st November 1915
- * Adios, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories January 1933
- * Adventure [Tales of a Hired Dress-Suit], (ss) Snappy Stories 1st December 1915
- * Affinities, (pm) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day December 1923
- * Aftermath, (pm) Snappy Stories April 1914
- * Ain’t It Awful!, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1919
- * The Alibi, (vi) People’s February 1916
- * Alice, Where Wert Thou?, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st January 1917
- * All Things Being Equal, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd October 1924
- * Almost Persuaded, (rv) Snappy Stories August 1915
- * The Altar of Her Country, (ss) Short Stories July 1913
- * And the Villain Still Pursued Her, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1923
- * And Yet—, (pm) Breezy Stories November 1915
- * Anne Puts One Over, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st August 1916
- * Another White Hope, (ar) Telling Tales 1st October 1924
- * Arms and the Woman, (ss) Romance September 1914
- * The Artist’s Wife, (vi) Live Stories July 1918
- * Asiatic Station, (pm) Telling Tales 1st July 1924
- * As It Was in the Beginning, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st January 1916
- * As Others See Us, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd August 1924
- * As Sherman Said—, (ar) Telling Tales 1st March 1925
- * As Sherman Says, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st October 1915
- * At a Café Table, (pm) The Smart Set April 1912
- * At Bay!, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine March 1913
- * At the Place of Silence, (ss) Live Stories November 1919
- * Babes in the Woods, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine July 1914
- * Baby’s Shoes, (vi) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1916
- * Bachelors, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1917
- * Back Action, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st September 1916
- * Back South, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories March 1933
- * Back to Bed Again, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1916
- * “Back to the Mines—”, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1918
- * Basic Materials, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1916
- * The Battlements of Bubastes, (pm) Snappy Stories September 1915
- * Battler’s Luck, (ss) Fight Stories November 1928
- * Bedlam, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1920
- * Between the Lines, (ss) Short Stories January 1913
- * The Blinders and the Blind, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st January 1920
- * The Blood of the Dragon, (ss) Live Stories May 1919
- * Blowing the Blues, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st June 1916
- * The Boob, (ss) Adventure May 1912
- * The Boss’s Gal, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st August 1938
- * Both Ends, (ss) Short Stories May 25 1935
- * Bow Low, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1919
- * The Buffoon [Tales of a Hired Dress-Suit], (ss) Snappy Stories 1st January 1916
- * The Bug House Ward, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1923
- * The Bypath, (ss) The Smart Set July 1913
- * By Way of Advice, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st June 1922
- * Campfire, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1938
- * “Can Do—”, (ss) Live Stories July 1919
- * Cauliflowers and Forget-Me-Nots, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd April 1925
- * Cayuse, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd May 1937
- * Celibate, (pm) Saucy Stories October 15 1923
- * Chant Royal of Eternal Youth, (vi) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1919
- * Chasing the Unchastened, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1915
- * The Chinatown Beat:
* ___ No. 1. Helen of Canton, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1918
* ___ No. 2. Jekyll and Hyde of Pacific Street, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1918
* ___ No. 3 Renegades, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1918
* ___ No. 4 “Happy New Year!”, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st May 1918
* ___ No. 5 “Thou Good and Faithful Servant”, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1918
- * The Chopping Block, (ss) Macfadden Fiction-Lovers Magazine February 1925
- * Cloak and Suit Model 1523, (ar) Telling Tales 1st February 1925
- * Clothes and the Girl, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st March 1920
- * The Clothes Line, (ms) Snappy Stories January 1914
- * Clothes Make a Difference, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1921
- * Clothes Make the Man, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1918
- * The Coast Guard, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1919
- * Coaxing, (pm) Romance May 1916
- * The Coil of Sin, (ss) Young’s Magazine July 1913
- * The Colonel’s Lady and Judy O’Grady, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st June 1917
- * The Colonel’s Ward, (vi) Snappy Stories December 1914
- * Compromise, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st November 1916
- * The Coward in Us All, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd January 1925
- * The Crowning Glory, (vi) Saucy Stories July 1924
- * The Cup, (pm) Breezy Stories July 1916
- * Cupid on the Doorstep, (vi) The Smart Set August 1912
- * Curtain, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1916
- * The Dark Room, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st February 1916
- * Darling Doll, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1922
- * A Dash of Tabasco, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st June 1920
- * Daughter of the Moon, (ss) The Stratford Magazine June 1929
- * The Deluge, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st March 1923
- * The Door of Safety, (vi) Saucy Stories October 1917
- * Doping It Out, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1916
- * Dramatic Chop Suey, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1923
- * A Dramatic League of Nations, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1923
- * Dramatic Measles, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1918
- * Dramatic Raines Law Hotels, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1919
- * A Dramatic Table d’Hote, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1917
- * Dregs of Sacrifice, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st October 1916
- * The Dryad’s Kiss, (pl) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1919
- * Dust to Dust, (pm) Breezy Stories April 1916
- * Ebony Wildcats, (ss) Fight Stories April 1929
- * The Echo, (vi) Snappy Stories January 1914
- * Echoes, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine May 1924
- * Eddie Was Good—But Not Careful, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1916
- * Embers, (pm) Brief Stories Magazine December 1924
- * The Eternal Ingénue, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1918
- * The Eternal Masculine, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1916
- * Express, C. O. D., (ar) Telling Tales 1st January 1925
- * The Fading Scarlet Letter, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st March 1922
- * Fallen Idols, (ss) Snappy Stories February 1915
- * Fate’s Trio, (vi) Snappy Stories November 1914
- * Father’s Night In, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st July 1917
- * “The Fight”—By Rounds, (ms) Snappy Stories December 1913
- * Find the Hero, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1917
- * Fire! Fire! Fire!, (ar) Telling Tales 1st September 1924
- * The Foolish Virgins, (pm) Snappy Stories June 1914
- * For France, (pl) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1918
- * Foul Play, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1919
- * Found, (vi) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1915
- * The Fourth Crest, (ss) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine August 1913
- * Fragment, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1916
- * From Screen to Scream, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st July 1920
- * The Futile Madonna, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1918
- * Getting Away with It, (ms) Snappy Stories July 1915
- * Goodness Godness Agnes, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1917
- * Good Night Nurse, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1918
- * Goose Eggs, (ss) The Black Cat October 1912
- * The Graveyarding of High-Pockets, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 2nd June 1928
- * The Great White Lights, (vi) Snappy Stories December 1913
- * The Gun, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st July 1918
- * The Half-Way House, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1922
- * Halter Shy, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1931
- * “Happy New Year!”, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st May 1918
- * The Harnessed Muse, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd September 1924
- * Has This a Familiar Sound?, (pm) Snappy Stories May 1915
- * Haunted, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine May 1914
- * The Heart of Kid Kelly, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day January 1924
- * Hearts and Spades, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st July 1922
- * The Heights of Parnassus, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st May 1916
- * Helen of Canton, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1918
- * Help! Help!! Help!!!, (ms) Snappy Stories April 1914
- * Here’s Another One, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1917
- * The He Vampire, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st July 1919
- * The Highway, (na) People’s Ideal Fiction Magazine Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1914
- * Home Brewed, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1922
- * Homeopathic Drama, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1916
- * Homesick, (ss) Ranch Romances 1st March 1933
- * Horses Rustled—No Mares, (ss) Complete Western Book Magazine August 1935
- * If, (pm) Breezy Stories March 1916
- * I Join the Shades, (ss) Live Stories July 1916
- * I’ll Stay in the House, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st August 1919
- * Infant Mortality in Little Theatres, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1919
- * I Pagliacci, (vi) Young’s Magazine August 1912
- * Is Any Safe Safe?, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1916
- * “I Spy”, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st October 1918
- * “It’s a Wise Child—”, (th) Snappy Stories 1st April 1923
- * Jekyll and Hyde of Pacific Street, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1918
- * Joyous Ghosts, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 27 1923
- * Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Jugged, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st Sep 1919, 2nd Dec 1922
- * Jumping Jill, (ar) Telling Tales 1st November 1924
- * Jungle Stuff, (ss) Saucy Stories June 1924
- * Juvenile Puzzles, (pm) Saucy Stories March 1 1924
- * The King’s Service, (ss) All Star Adventure Fiction September 1935
- * Land Locked, (pm) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day September 1923
- * The Lass Who Loved a Sailor, Alas, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1922
- * Law and Disorder, (rv) Snappy Stories March 1915
- * Let ’Em Alone, (th) Snappy Stories 1st August 1917
- * Let’s Smile, Too, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1920
- * Let There Be Light, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st January 1923
- * Like H-l They Are!, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1917
- * Lilies of Perfection, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine August 1924
- * Literary Laceration, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st May 1922
- * Little Miss Fixit, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1922
- * Live Bait, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1922
- * Live, Love and Learn, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1922
- * Lochinvar of San Lorenza, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories November 1933
- * Locked, (pm) Snappy Stories September 1914
- * Lone Ranger, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st February 1933
- * Lonesome Cowboy, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories May 1934
- * The Long Leg of Coincidence, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1921
- * The Lost Genie, (pm) Hampton-Columbian Magazine November 1911
- * Love Me, Love My Car, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st April 1922
- * The Love-Roost, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st March 1916
- * The Luckiest Man (with Edward Gage), (pl) The Smart Set July 1912
- * Madam at Forty-Five, (pm) Snappy Stories September 1913
- * Magdalens of Atlantic City, (ar) Telling Tales 1st April 1925
- * Man and Mannequins, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1917
- * The Man Pays, (vi) Saucy Stories February 1917
- * The Man Who Wouldn’t, (rv) Snappy Stories May 1915
- * Marjorie Daw, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st January 1917
- * “Marry in Haste—”, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1916
- * Maverick, (pm) Snappy Stories August 1914
- * Melodic Mastication, (pm) Snappy Stories March 1915
- * Memoirs of a Ghost:
* ___ No. I—I Join the Shades, (ss) Live Stories July 1916
- * The Merry-Go-Round, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1921
- * Mine Host [Tales of a Hired Dress-Suit], (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1916
- * Ministration, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1916
- * Mirage, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories April 1934
- * The Misleading Lady, (ms) Snappy Stories February 1914
- * Misunderstood, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st September 1917
- * Morals Are Manners, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1922
- * Moses and the Rock, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine February 1913
- * Mother and the Girls, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1915
- * Moving Day, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1917
- * Mythology at the Bar X, (ss) The Pacific Monthly March 1910
- * New China, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st August 1917
- * Nine Points of the Law, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine March 1914
- * No Dogs Allowed, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st April 1916
- * No Story, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1916
- * Not by Our Leave, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st September 1918
- * Oh, Doctor!, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1917
- * “Oh, How I Love the Irish!”, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st October 1919
- * Oh, Mamma!, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st May 1920
- * Old Home Week, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1922
- * On a Side Street, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly March 1929
- * One Eye on Him, (ss) The Cavalier September 14 1912
- * On the Fringe, (nv) Snappy Stories October 1914
- * The Open Door, (ss) Snappy Stories August 1913
- * Orpheus Off-Key, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st August 1919
- * Outlawed, (pm) Ranch Romances 2nd August 1934
- * Outside Kingdom Magic, (ss) Holland’s March 1924
- * Out Where the Rush Begins, (ar) Telling Tales 2nd February 1925
- * Over Sunday, (ss) Snappy Stories July 1914
- * Page the Censor!, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1920
- * Pagliacci of the Tan Bark, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st November 1922
- * Pairing the Triangle, (pl) Saucy Stories March 1918
- * The Passionate Pilgrim’s Progress, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1922
- * Pasts and Presents, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1917
- * Pawnderings, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st October 1916
- * Le Petit Pierre, (ss) Live Stories April 1919
- * The Philanderer [Tales of a Hired Dress-Suit], (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1915
- * The Picaroon [Tales of a Hired Dress-Suit], (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1916
- * Pistols for Two (An Uncritical Review), (br) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1919 [Ref. Owen Hatteras]
- * Playing Against Time, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1918
- * The Polygamous Sex, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st March 1917
- * The Pot and the Kettle, (ss) Snappy Stories October 1913
- * The Proper Thing, (ss) The Smart Set March 1914
- * The Prude, (pm) The Smart Set September 1909
- * Queen Takes Jack, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd July 1922
- * The Question, (pm) The Smart Set February 1909
- * Range Wise, (pm) Ranch Romances 1st December 1932
- * Rattling the Bones, (ms) Snappy Stories November 1913
- * The Realist Rampant, (ms) Snappy Stories October 1913
- * Red Wine, (ss) The Armchair Companion ed. A. L. Furman, Gold Label Books, 1944
- * The Redwoods, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 2 1922
- * Reeling Around, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st May 1917
- * Relapse, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st February 1920
- * Relations, Wise and Otherwise, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st October 1922
- * Renegades, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd April 1918
- * Reno and Return, (pl) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1920
- * The Return of David Belasco, (ar) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1921 [Ref. David Belasco]
- * Reverse English, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1917
- * The Review of Reviews, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd August 1916
- * Rhymin’ Windy, (ss) Ranch Romances 2nd November 1939
- * A Ring-Tail Roarer, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st September 1922
- * The Rocks of Bohemia, (ss) Snappy Stories November 1913
- * A Romeo of Tehama Street, (ss) Short Stories February 1913
- * Room for Doubt, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st April 1918
- * Roses and Orchids, (ss) The Smart Set July 1914
- * Rustled, (ss) Western Novel and Short Stories June 1935
- * Rustler, (pm) Rangeland Love Stories March 1934
- * The Sacrificial Altar, (ss) Live Stories September 1919
- * Safe, (pm) Breezy Stories January 1916
- * Salvage, (nv) Breezy Stories May 1917
- * The Same Rough Road, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1921
- * The Sandy Path of Love, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd February 1918
- * Seasonable Signs of the Season, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd June 1917
- * The Season’s First Exhibition, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st October 1917
- * The Season’s First Laugh, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1915
- * The Season’s Last Gasp, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1917
- * The Second Laugh, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1915
- * Second Sight Seconded, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1917
- * The Second Steam Down, (ss) The Cavalier January 4 1913
- * Secrets of the Deep, (pl) The Smart Set June 1914
- * 741, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly January 20 1923
- * Shadowgraphs, (ss) Romance January 1915
- * The Sheep and the Goat, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st December 1919
- * She Made Me, (rv) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1915
- * Sing a Song, (rv) Snappy Stories April 1915
- * The Siren’s Song, (ss) Saucy Stories June 1918
- * Sitting In, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st September 1917
- * The Slave, (pm) Breezy Stories February 1916
- * The “Snappy Stories” of the Theatre, (ms) Snappy Stories May 1914
- * Snow on the Lotus, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st February 1917
- * Something We Can See Through, (ar) Live Stories March 1916
- * Some War Baby, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st July 1916
- * Somewhere the Stars Are Shining, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st July 1918
- * A Song of Hate, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd October 1915
- * The Song of the Sing-Song Girl, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st February 1918
- * Sonny’s First Night Out, (rv) Snappy Stories 1st April 1917
- * A Son of Terpsichore, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd November 1915
- * Souls (with Fleta Campbell Springer), (ss) Live Stories September 1915
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