The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 935
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Blade, Alexander (chron.) (continued)
- * Murder in the Laboratory, (ms) Mammoth Detective July 1947
- * Mystery of the Murdered Messenger, (pz) Mammoth Detective November 1945
- * Sir Isaac Newton, (bg) Fantastic Adventures December 1942
- * Newton’s General Massacre, (ar) Mammoth Western February 1948
- * The Night Has a Thousand Eyes, (ss) Mammoth Detective August 1943
- * No Holds Barred, (ss) Mammoth Adventure March 1947
- * The Octopus of Space, (nv) Fantastic Adventures October 1949
- * The Omnipresence of Mind, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1946
- * Out of Any War, (ar) Fantastic Adventures May 1947
- * Louis Pasteur, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1942
- * Sir William Henry Perkin, (bg) Amazing Stories January 1947
- * A Pictorial History (with Walter Haskell Hinton), (ia) Mammoth Western November 1947
- * The Plotters, (ss) Amazing Stories December 1948
- * Prepare to Die, Amigo!, (nv) Mammoth Western March 1949
- * A Problem in Murder, (pz) Mammoth Detective May 1942
- * Professor Cyclone, (nv) (by Leroy Yerxa) Fantastic Adventures December 1943
- * Prometheus’ Daughter, (nv) Amazing Stories November 1949
- * The Queen City Murder Case, (nv) Mammoth Mystery December 1946
- * Raiders, (na) Mammoth Western December 1949, as "Raiders of Brimstone Valley"
- * Raiders of Brimstone Valley, (na) Mammoth Western December 1949
- * Return of a Demon, (ss) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
- * Ride with Me to Kansas, (ss) Mammoth Western September 1948
- * Robespierre—Mass Murderer of France, (ar) Mammoth Mystery January 1946
- * Röntgen, (bg) Amazing Stories February 1943
- * Rumford, (bg) Amazing Stories August 1943
- * Sabotage at Samarai, (ss) South Sea Stories February 1940
- * Science Storiette, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1948
- * Scientist of the Air, (ar) Amazing Stories May 1943
- * Karl Wilhelm Seheele, (bg) Fantastic Adventures February 1944
- * The Silver Bullet, (nv) (by Chester S. Geier) Mammoth Western September 1949
- * The Silver Medusa, (ss) Fantastic Adventures February 1948
- * The Sinister Invasion, (na) (by Edmond Hamilton) Imagination June 1957
- * Son of the Sun, (ar) (by Wilma Dorothy Vermilyea) Fantastic Adventures November 1947
- * Sons of the West:
* ___ George Armstrong Custer, (ar) Mammoth Western August 1946
* ___ Kit Carson, (cl) Mammoth Western April 1946
* ___ Wild Bill Hickok, (cl) Mammoth Western January 1946
* ___ Wyatt Earp, (cl) Mammoth Western June 1946
- * Spellanzani, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1945
- * Charles Proteus Steinmetz, (bg) Amazing Stories September 1947
- * Stokes, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1945
- * Stories of the Stars:
* ___ Aldebaran, in Taurus, (ar) Fantastic Adventures December 1945
* ___ Altair, (ms) Amazing Stories August 1946
* ___ Antares, (ms) Fantastic Adventures July 1946
* ___ Mizar in Ursa Major, (ms) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
- * The Strange Adventure of Victor MacLiesh, (nv) (by David Vern ,[?]) Amazing Stories May 1941
- * The Substitute Sword, (ss) Mammoth Adventure May 1947
- * Tartaglia, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1946
- * The Tattooed Man, (na) (by Edmond Hamilton) Imaginative Tales March 1957
- * Thales, (bg) Fantastic Adventures October 1943
- * 3117 Half-Credit Uncirculated, (ss) (by Robert Silverberg) Science Fiction Adventures June 1958
- * “This Is Suicide!”—or Is It?, (ms) Mammoth Detective January 1946
- * Thomas Came Back, (ms) Amazing Stories October 1947
- * Torricelli, (bg) Fantastic Adventures December 1945
- * Traders in Death, (nv) Mammoth Adventure September 1946
- * “Trade Your Trouble for a Bubble”, (ms) Amazing Stories February 1946
- * Trouble, Here I Come, (ss) Mammoth Western April 1949
- * Sir Edward Burnett Tylor, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1947
- * John Tyndall, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1948
- * The Valley of Madness, (ss) (by Richard S. Shaver) Amazing Stories June 1948
- * The Vanishing Spaceman, (nv) Amazing Stories July 1947
- * Vignettes of Famous Detectives, (bg) Mammoth Detective February 1945
- * Vignettes of Famous Scientists:
* ___ Ampère, (bg) Fantastic Adventures August 1943
* ___ Thomas Andrews, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
* ___ Archimedes, (bg) Fantastic Adventures November 1946
* ___ Aristarchus, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1943
* ___ John James Audubon, (bg) Fantastic Adventures December 1943
* ___ Avogadro, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1943
* ___ Bernouilli, (bg) Fantastic Adventures April 1945
* ___ Bessel, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1943
* ___ Joseph Black, (bg) Amazing Stories September 1943
* ___ Boltzmann, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1944
* ___ Brahe, (bg) Amazing Stories March 1944
* ___ Brewster, (bg) Fantastic Adventures August 1943
* ___ Robert Brown, (bg) Fantastic Adventures October 1944
* ___ Buffon, (bg) Fantastic Adventures February 1943
* ___ Cavendish, (bg) Amazing Stories March 1945
* ___ Copernicus, (bg) Fantastic Adventures February 1946
* ___ James Dwight Dana, (bg) Amazing Stories November 1943
* ___ John William Draper, (bg) Amazing Stories August 1943
* ___ Pierre Louis Dulong, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1944
* ___ Edison, (bg) Amazing Stories August 1946
* ___ Leonard Euler, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1948
* ___ Fabre, (bg) Amazing Stories April 1947
* ___ Faraday, (bg) Fantastic Adventures April 1943
* ___ (James David Forbes), (bg) Amazing Stories November 1947
* ___ Galen, (bg) Fantastic Adventures June 1944
* ___ (Sir Francis Galton), (bg) Amazing Stories June 1947
* ___ Luigi Galvani, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1947
* ___ Grove Karl Gilbert, (bg) Fantastic Adventures September 1946
* ___ Guericke, (bg) Amazing Stories June 1943
* ___ Guyot, (bg) Amazing Stories April 1943
* ___ Haeckel, (bg) Fantastic Adventures March 1947 [Ref. Ernst Haeckel]
* ___ Halley and Theophrastus, (bg) Amazing Stories October 1947
* ___ Harvey, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1943
* ___ René Just Haüy, (bg) Fantastic Adventures January 1947
* ___ Henry, (bg) Amazing Stories June 1945
* ___ Sir Frederick William Herschel, (bg) Fantastic Adventures April 1944
* ___ Johann Wilhelm Hittorf, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1947
* ___ Jacobus Henricus Van’t Hoff, (bg) Amazing Stories June 1948
* ___ Robert Hooke, (bg) Amazing Stories January 1944
* ___ Huxley, (bg) Fantastic Adventures January 1945
* ___ Christian Huygens, (bg) Amazing Stories January 1948
* ___ Lagrange, (bg) Amazing Stories January 1943
* ___ Lavoisier, (bg) Fantastic Adventures March 1943
* ___ Leeuwenhoek, (bg) Amazing Stories March 1943
* ___ Joseph Leidy, (bg) Fantastic Adventures May 1948
* ___ Sir Isaac Newton, (bg) Fantastic Adventures December 1942
* ___ Louis Pasteur, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1942
* ___ Sir William Henry Perkin, (bg) Amazing Stories January 1947
* ___ Röntgen, (bg) Amazing Stories February 1943
* ___ Rumford, (bg) Amazing Stories August 1943
* ___ Karl Wilhelm Seheele, (bg) Fantastic Adventures February 1944
* ___ Spellanzani, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1945
* ___ Charles Proteus Steinmetz, (bg) Amazing Stories September 1947
* ___ Stokes, (bg) Fantastic Adventures July 1945
* ___ Tartaglia, (bg) Amazing Stories May 1946
* ___ Thales, (bg) Fantastic Adventures October 1943
* ___ Torricelli, (bg) Fantastic Adventures December 1945
* ___ Sir Edward Burnett Tylor, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1947
* ___ John Tyndall, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1948
* ___ [untitled], (bg) Amazing Stories August 1948
* ___ Rudolf Virchow, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1947
* ___ Alessandro Volta, (bg) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
* ___ Von Baer, (bg) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
* ___ Wallace, (bg) Amazing Stories September 1945
* ___ Watt, (bg) Amazing Stories April 1943
* ___ Friedrich Wohler, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1948
- * Rudolf Virchow, (bg) Amazing Stories December 1947
- * Alessandro Volta, (bg) Fantastic Adventures May 1946
- * Von Baer, (bg) Fantastic Adventures May 1943
- * Wallace, (bg) Amazing Stories September 1945
- * War of the Giant Apes, (nv) Fantastic Adventures April 1949
- * Warrior Queen of Mars, (na) Fantastic Adventures September 1950
- * Watt, (bg) Amazing Stories April 1943
- * Wednesday Morning Sermon, (ss) (by Randall Garrett) Imaginative Tales January 1957
- * We Gotta Be Dignified, Mac, (ss) Mammoth Western May 1948
- * Western Honor, (ss) (by Robert Moore Williams) Mammoth Western December 1946
- * Western Oddities:
* ___ Buffalo Destiny, (cl) Mammoth Western January 1946
* ___ The Lake of the Sky, (cl) Mammoth Western January 1946
- * The Whip of Death, (ss) Mammoth Detective January 1943
- * The White Man Who Was Tabu, (ss) (by Alfred Bester) South Sea Stories October 1940
- * Wild Bill Hickok, (ar) Mammoth Western January 1946
- * Friedrich Wohler, (bg) Amazing Stories July 1948
- * The Woman Who Turned Traitor, (ss) South Sea Stories August 1940
- * Wonders of the Ancient World:
* ___ Building the Great Pyramid, (ms) Amazing Stories June 1946
* ___ The Colossus of Rhodes, (ms) Amazing Stories July 1946
- * The World Is Dead, (nv) Amazing Stories August 1949
- * Would You Believe It?, (ms) Amazing Stories November 1946
- * Wyatt Earp, (ar) Mammoth Western June 1946
- * “…You Came to Kill”, (nv) Mammoth Western July 1948
- * Zero Hour, (ss) Imagination April 1956
- * [letter], (lt)
- * [untitled], (bg) Amazing Stories August 1948
_____, [ref.]
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