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Smith, Clark Ashton (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Prophet Speaks, (pm) Weird Tales September 1938
- * Prose Pastels:
* ___ 1. Chinoiserie, (pp) The Philippine Magazine November 1931
* ___ 2. The Mirror in the Hall of Ebony, (pp) The Fantasy Fan May 1934
* ___ 3. The Muse of Hyperborea [Hyperborea], (pp) The Fantasy Fan June 1934
* ___ 4. The Lotus and the Moon, (pp) The Fantasy Fan September 1934
* ___ 5. The Passing of Aphrodite, (pp) The Fantasy Fan December 1934
* ___ 6. To the Daemon, (pp) Acolyte Fall 1943
* ___ 7. The Forbidden Forest, (pp) Acolyte Fall 1943
* ___ 8. The Mithridate, (pp) Acolyte Fall 1943
* ___ 9. Narcissus, (pp) Acolyte Winter 1945
* ___ 10. The Peril That Lurks Among Ruins, (pp) Acolyte Winter 1945
- * Psalm to the Desert, (pm) Klarkash-Ton and Monstro Ligriv by Clark Ashton Smith, Gerry de la Ree, 1974
- * The Psychology of the Horror Story, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * Queen of the Sabbat (synopsis) [Averoigne], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Query, (pm) The Auburn Journal April 9 1925
- * Quest of the Gazolba [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales September 1947; abridged from “The Voyage of King Euvoran”, The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies, Auburn Journal 1933.
- * The Raja and the Tiger, (ss) The Black Cat February 1912
- * Realism and Fantasy, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * The Rebirth of the Flame (synopsis), (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Reclamation, (pm) Grotesques and Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * The Red Moon, (pm) Weird Tales July/August 1923
- * A Rendezvous in Averoigne [Averoigne], (ss) Weird Tales April/May 1931
- Weird Tales January 1939
- A Feast of Blood ed. Charles M. Collins, Avon, 1967
- Magazine of Horror February 1971
- Vampires ed. Alan Ryan, SFBC, 1987
- The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales ed. Chris Baldick, Oxford University Press, 1992
- Weird Vampire Tales ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Gramercy, 1992
- The Emperor of Dreams, Gollancz, 2002
- The Averoigne Chronicles, Centipede Press, 2016
- * Requiescat, (pm) The Smart Set August 1922
- * Resurrection, (pm) Weird Tales July 1947
- * The Resurrection of the Rattlesnake, (ss) Weird Tales October 1931
- * The Return of the Sorcerer [Cthulhu], (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror September 1931
- Sleep No More ed. August Derleth, Farrar & Rinehart, 1944
- Sleep No More (var. 1) ed. August Derleth, Panther Books, 1964
- Stories from Sleep No More ed. August Derleth, Bantam Books, 1967
- Startling Mystery Stories Spring 1968
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Volume 1 ed. August Derleth, Ballantine Books, 1971
- The 2nd Mayflower Book of Black Magic Stories ed. Michel Parry, Mayflower, 1974
- Rod Serling’s Night Gallery Reader ed. Carol Serling, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Dembner, 1987
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Arkham House, 1989
- Rivals of Weird Tales ed. Robert E. Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza, 1990
- The Emperor of Dreams, Gollancz, 2002
- Horror Gems, Volume 13 ed. Gregory Luce, Armchair Fiction, 2017
- * Revenant, (pm) The Fantasy Fan March 1934
- * Review of Marianne Moore’s Nevertheless, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * The Root of Ampoi, (ss) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1949
- * Sadastor, (vi) Weird Tales July 1930
- * Said the Dreamer, (pm) The Vortex #2, 1947
- * Sandalwood, (pm) Leaves #1, 1937
- * The Saturnienne, (pm) Weird Tales December 1927
- * The Satyr [Averoigne], (ss) La Paree Stories July 1931
- * Schizoid Creator, (ss) Fantasy Fiction November 1953
- * The Scroll of Morloc (with Lin Carter), (ss) Fantastic Stories October 1975
- * The Sea-Gods, (pm) The Auburn Journal June 21 1923
- * The Second Interment, (ss) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1933
- * Sed Non Satiata, (pm) The Arkham Sampler Spring 1949
- * The Seed from the Sepulcher, (ss) Weird Tales October 1933
- Tales of the Undead ed. Elinore Blaisdell, Crowell, 1947
- When Evil Wakes ed. August Derleth, Souvenir Press, 1963
- The Unhumans ed. Marvin Allen Karp, Popular Library, 1965
- Gooseflesh! ed. Vic Ghidalia, Berkley Medallion, 1974
- Roots of Evil ed. Carlos Cassaba, Corgi, 1976
- The Pulps ed. Tony Goodstone, Chelsea House, 1976
- A Chill to the Sunlight ed. Rick Ferreira, William Kimber, 1978
- A Harvest of Horrors ed. Eric Protter, Vanguard Press, 1980
- The Beaver Book of Horror Stories ed. Mark Ronson, Hamlyn, 1981
- 65 Great Spine Chillers ed. Mary Danby, Octopus, 1982
- Weird Tales: Seven Decades of Terror ed. John Betancourt & Robert Weinberg, Barnes & Noble, 1997
- The Emperor of Dreams, Gollancz, 2002
- Lost Sanctum #2, 2006
- The Big Book of Adventure Stories ed. Otto Penzler, Vintage, 2011
- * Selected Letters to George Sterling, (lt) Mirage #10, 1971
- * Sepulture, (pm) The Smart Set October 1918
- * The Seven Geases [Hyperborea], (nv) Weird Tales October 1934
- * The Shadows (“There were many shadows”), (pp) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * Shadows (“Thy shadow falls”), (pm) Weird Tales February 1930
- * Shapes in the Sunset, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * Shapes of Adamant [Zothique], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * A Sierran Sunrise, (pm) In the Ultimate Valleys, Roy A. Squires, 1970
- * The Sierras, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1910
- * Slaves of the Black Pillar (fragment & synopsis), (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Soliloquy in an Ebon Tower, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * Solution, (pm) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * Something New, (ss) 10 Story Book August 1924
- * Song of the Necromancer, (pm) Weird Tales February 1937
- * Sonnet (“Empress with eyes”), (pm) Weird Tales April 1929
- * Sonnet for the Psychoanalysts, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * The Sorcerer to His Love, (pm) Weird Tales September 1945
- * The Sorceress of Averoigne (synopsis) [Averoigne], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * Spectral Life, (pm) Klarkash-Ton and Monstro Ligriv by Clark Ashton Smith, Gerry de la Ree, 1974
- * The Sphinx of the Infinite, (pm) Grotesques and Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * The Stairs in the Crypt (with Lin Carter), (ss) Fantastic Stories August 1976
- * The Star-Treader, (pm) The Star-Treader and Other Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, A.M. Robertson, 1912
- * The Story of the Princess Zulkaïs and the Prince Kalilah (with William Beckford), (na) Leaves Summer 1937; completed by Smith from the fragment of the same name, translated by Sir Frank T. Marzials (The Episodes of Vathek, Stephen Swift, 1912).
- * Story Writing Hints, (cl) Tesseract January 1937
- * Strange Shadows, (ss) Crypt of Cthulhu #25, Michaelmas 1984
- * Suggestion, (pm) Grotesques and Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * The Supernumerary Corpse, (ss) Weird Tales November 1932
- * Symbols, (pm) The London Mercury #33, July 1922
- * Symposium of the Gorgon, (ss) Fantastic Universe October 1958
- * Synopses, (ms) Crypt of Cthulhu #30, Eastertide 1985
- * The Tale of Macrocosmic Horror, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * The Tale of Satampra Zeiros [Satampra Zeiros; Hyperborea], (ss) Weird Tales November 1931
- * A Tale of Sir John Maundeville, (ss) The Fantasy Fan October 1933, as "The Kingdom of the Worm"
- * Temporality, (pm) Klarkash-Ton and Monstro Ligriv by Clark Ashton Smith, Gerry de la Ree, 1974
- * The Testament of Athammaus [Hyperborea], (nv) Weird Tales October 1932
- * Thebaid, (pm) Spells and Philtres by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1958
- * The Theft of Thirty-Nine Girdles [Satampra Zeiros; Hyperborea], (ss) Saturn, Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy March 1958, as "The Powder of Hyperborea"
- * Thirteen Phantasms, (ss) Fantasy Magazine March 1936
- * The Throne of Winter, (pm) The Fanes of Dawn, Roy A. Squires, 1976
- * To Beauty, (pm) Selected Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1971
- * To Howard Phillips Lovecraft, (pm) Weird Tales July 1937
- * Told in the Desert, (ss) Over the Edge ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1964
- * The Tomb-Spawn [Zothique], (nv) Weird Tales May 1934
- * To the Chimera, (pm) Ebony and Crystal by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn Journal, 1922
- * To the Daemon, (pp) Acolyte Fall 1943
- * To the Daemon Sublimity, (pm) Fire and Sleet and Candlelight ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1961
- * To the Morning Star, (pm) The Fanes of Dawn, Roy A. Squires, 1976
- * To the Nightshade, (pm) The Palace of Jewels by Clark Ashton Smith, Roy A. Squires, 1970
- * The Treader of the Dust, (ss) Weird Tales August 1935
- * The Twilight of the Gods, (pm) Short Stories May 1951
- * The Twilight Woods, (pm) The Fanes of Dawn, Roy A. Squires, 1976
- * Two Poems After Baudelaire, (gp) The Arkham Sampler Summer 1949
- * Ubbo-Sathla [Hyperborea], (ss) Weird Tales July 1933
- Avon Fantasy Reader 15 ed. Donald A. Wollheim, Avon Novels Inc., 1951
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos ed. August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969
- The 2nd Avon Fantasy Reader ed. Donald A. Wollheim & George Ernsberger, Avon, 1969
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Volume 1 ed. August Derleth, Ballantine Books, 1971
- Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Arkham House, 1989
- To Sleep, Perchance to Dream…Nightmare ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1993
- The Emperor of Dreams, Gollancz, 2002
- * The Uncharted Isle, (ss) Weird Tales November 1930
- * Unquiet Boundary, (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * The Utmost Abomination (with Lin Carter), (ss) Weird Tales Fall 1973; expanded by Carter from a 400-word outline by Smith.
- * A Valediction to George Sterling, (pm) Overland Monthly November 1927
- * The Validity of Weird Stories, (lt) Weird Tales February 1933, as "[letter]"
- * The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis [Mars], (nv) Weird Tales May 1932
- * The Venus of Azombeii, (nv) Weird Tales June/July 1931
- * A Vintage from Atlantis [Poseidonis], (ss) Weird Tales September 1933
- * The Visitors from Mlok, (ss) Wonder Stories May 1933
- * Vizaphmal in Ophiuchus (synopsis), (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * A Voyage to Sfanomoë [Poseidonis], (ss) Weird Tales August 1931
- * Vulthoom [Mars], (nv) Weird Tales September 1935
- * The Waning Moon, (pm) The Fanes of Dawn, Roy A. Squires, 1976
- * Warning, (pm) Weird Tales October 1928
- * The Weaver in the Vault [Zothique], (nv) Weird Tales January 1934
- * The Web of Easter Island, (br) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973 [Ref. Donald Wandrei]
- * The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan [Hyperborea], (ss) Weird Tales June 1932
- * The Weird Works of M.R. James, (ar) The Fantasy Fan February 1934 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * The Werewolf of Averoigne (synopsis) [Averoigne], (uw) Crypt of Cthulhu #27, Hallowmas 1984
- * What Dreamest Thou Muse?, (pm) Asmodeus #2, Fall 1951
- * Where Fantasy Meets Science Fiction, (ar) Planets and Dimensions, Mirage Press, 1973
- * White Death, (pm) The Star-Treader and Other Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, A.M. Robertson, 1912
- * The White Sybil [Hyperborea], (ss) The White Sybil and Men of Avalon, Fantasy Publications, 1934
- * The White Sybil and Other Stories, (co) Wildside Press, September 2004
- * Who Are the Living?, (ss) The Fantasy Fan July 1934, as "The Epiphany of Death"
- * Why I Selected “The Uncharted Isle”, (is) My Best Science Fiction Story ed. Leo Margulies & Oscar J. Friend, Merlin Press, 1949
- * The Willow Landscape, (ss) The Double Shadow and Other Fantasies by Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn CA, 1933
- * Wings of Perfume, (pm) The Fanes of Dawn, Roy A. Squires, 1976
- * Winter Midnight, (pm) Selected Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1971, as "Winter Moonlight (’After our fond’)"
- * Winter Moonlight (’After our fond’), (pm) Selected Poems by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1971
- * The Witchcraft of Ulua [Zothique], (ss) Weird Tales February 1934
- * Witch-Dance, (pm) Weird Tales September 1941
- * The Witch with Eyes of Amber, (pm) The Auburn Journal May 24 1923
- * World of Horror, (ss) Weird Tales September 1931, as "The Immeasurable Horror"
- * Xeethra [Zothique], (nv) Weird Tales December 1934
- * Ye Shall Return, (pm) The Dark Chateau by Clark Ashton Smith, Arkham House, 1951
- * [front cover], (cv) Grotesques and Fantastiques, Gerry de la Ree, 1973
- * [front cover], (cv) Clark Ashton Smith—Poet, Gerry de la Ree, 1975
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Weird Tales Jan, Mar, Apr, Jun, Oct, Dec 1934, Jan 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Fantastic Fictioneers: A History of the Incredible Volume Two ed. Pete Von Sholly, PS Publishing, 2019
- * [letter], (lt) Weird Tales Sep, Nov, Dec 1930, Apr, Oct 1932, Feb, Apr 1933
- * [letter], (lt) Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror January 1933
- * [letter], (lt) The Science Fiction Critic May 1937
- * [letter from Ashburn, CA], (lt) Weird Tales July 1930
- * [letter from Auburn, CA], (lt) Oriental Stories April/May/June 1931
- * [letter from Auburn, CA], (lt) Weird Tales Apr/May, Oct 1931, May, Dec 1935, Dec 1936, Jul 1937, Nov 1939, Jan 1940
- * [letter from Auburn, CA], (lt) Astounding Stories July 1931
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