The FictionMags Index
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[]Power, Albert (fl. 1980s-2020s) (books) (chron.)
- * August Derleth (1909-1971): Dark Word Wizard of Wisconsin, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #9, 1997 [Ref. August Derleth]
- * Bram Stoker and the Tradition of Irish Supernatural Literature, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #3, 1991
- * Charles Maturin (1782-1824), (ar) The Green Book #12, Samhain 2018 [Ref. Charles Maturin]
- * The Crypt of Yeddi Gumbaz, (nv) A Miscellany of Death & Folly ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2019
- * Editorial, (ed) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #8 1996, #9 1997, #10 1998, #11 1999, #12 2000, #13 2001
- * Editor’s Note, (ms)
- * Edmund Burke (1729-1797), (ar) The Green Book #16, Samhain 2020 [Ref. Edmund Burke]
- * The Ghostly Tale: Must the Author Believe?, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #7, 1995
- * Harry Ludlum Forty Years On: “My Quest for Bram Stoker”: A Review, (br) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #13, 2001
- * I Listened to Laika Crying in the Sky, (ss) Master in Café Morphine ed. D. T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2011
- * In Memoriam: David Lass, (ob) The Green Book #22, Samhain 2023 [Ref. David Lass]
- * Introduction, (in) The Complete Ghost Stories of Chapelizod by J. S. Le Fanu, Swan River Press, 2011
- * Introduction, (in) Longsword by Thomas Leland, Swan River Press, 2012
- * John Leahy: A Tribute, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #1, 1989 [Ref. John Leahy]
- * Jonathan Swift (1667-1745), (ar) The Green Book #12, Samhain 2018 [Ref. Jonathan Swift]
- * Law, Literature and the Legacy of Terror, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #5, 1993
- * Le Fanu’s ’The House by the Churchyard’ and the Influence of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, (ar) Wormwood #9, 2007 [Ref. J. S. Le Fanu]
- * Leslie Shepard: An Appreciation of His Life and Work, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #13, 2001 [Ref. Leslie Shepard]
- * Oriental Gothic: William Beckford’s Vathek and The Episodes of Vathek, (ar) Wormwood #7, 2006
- * Pocátek Románu: A Flutter of Lorn Love, (ss) Cinnabar’s Gnosis ed. Dan T. Ghetu, Ex Occidente Press, 2009
- * Powers of Darkness: The Lost Version of Dracula, (br) The Green Book #11, Bealtaine 2018 [Ref. Bram Stoker]
- * Regina Maria Roche (1764-1845), (ar) The Green Book #11, Bealtaine 2018 [Ref. Regina Maria Roche]
- * Review of Stoker’s “The Primrose Path”, (br) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #11, 1999
- * Review of Stoker’s “The Shoulder of Shasta”, (br) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #11, 1999
- * Sheridan Le Fanu and the Spirit of 1798, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #11, 1999 [Ref. J. Sheridan Le Fanu]
- * Some Thoughts on the Supernatural Writings of J.S. Le Fanu and M.R. James, (ar) Ghosts & Scholars #9, 1987
- * Thirty Years A-Going, (nf) Swan River Press, October 2009
- * Thomas Leland (1722-1785), (ar) The Green Book #13, Bealtaine 2019 [Ref. Thomas Leland]
- * Thomas Parnell (1679-1718), (ar) The Green Book #13, Bealtaine 2019 [Ref. Thomas Parnell]
- * Through Flame and Fume, (na) Murder Ballads ed. Mark Beech, Egaeus Press, 2017
- * Towards an Irish Gothic: Part Four, (ar) The Green Book #4, Samhain 2014
- * Towards an Irish Gothic: Part One, (ar) The Green Book #1, Bealtaine 2013
- * Towards an Irish Gothic: Part Three, (ar) The Green Book #3, Bealtaine 2014
- * Towards an Irish Gothic: Part Two, (ar) The Green Book #2, Samhain 2013
- * We Are Still in the Castle: Ann Radcliffe’s “The Mysteries of Udolpho” Two Hundred Years Later, (ar) The Bram Stoker Society Journal #6, 1994
- * Who Marvels at the Mysteries of the Moon: George Croly’s “Salathiel”, (ar) The Green Book #14, Samhain 2019 [Ref. George Croly]
- * Wilkie Collins and the Ghostly Tale, (ar) Wormwood #12, 2009 [Ref. Wilkie Collins]
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Power, Dennis E. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * The Conundrums of Kickaha, (ar) Farmerphile #7, January 2007
- * Creative Mythography:
* ___ The Conundrums of Kickaha, (ar) Farmerphile #7, January 2007
* ___ Sahhindar Through the Centuries (with Win Scott Eckert), (cl) Farmerphile #13, July 2008
- * Flesh Endures, (ss) The Worlds of Philip José Farmer: Protean Dimensions ed. Michael Croteau, Meteor House, 2010
- * Gribardsun Through the Ages: A Chronology of Major Events Pertinent to Time’s Last Gift (with Win Scott Eckert), (ar) Farmerphile #13, July 2008, as "Sahhindar Through the Centuries"
- * Images of the Soul, (ar) Farmerphile #8, April 2007
- * Oh the Humanity, (ar) Farmerphile #14, October 2008
- * Passing through the Hands of Steel, (ss) Agents Provocateurs ed. J.-M. & Randy Lofficier, Black Coat Press, 2011
- * Philip José Farmer and the Case of the Two Jungle Lords, (ar) Farmerphile #12, April 2008
- * The River Not Taken, (ar) Farmerphile #15, January 2009
- * Sahhindar Through the Centuries (with Win Scott Eckert), (ar) Farmerphile #13, July 2008
- * When Day Breaks the Stone God Awaits, (ar) Farmerphile #10, October 2007
- * White-Skinned, Gray-Eyed God, (ar) Farmerphile #9, July 2007
[]Power, Gary (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Ben’s Best Friend, (ss) The Ninth Black Book of Horror ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press, 2012
- * Deeper Than Dark Water, (ss) The Tenth Black Book of Horror ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press, 2013
- * Father of Lies, (nv) Dig Two Graves: Volume II, Death's Head Press, 2019
- * Flitching’s Revenge, (ss) The Seventh Black Book of Horror ed. Charles Black, Mortbury Press, 2010
- * The People in the Clouds, (ss) Dark Lane Anthology: Volume 6 ed. Tim Jeffreys, Dark Lane Books, 2018
[]Power, Kit (fl. 2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * Baptism, (ss) Widowmakers ed. Pete Kahle, CreateSpace, 2014
- * Fish Hooks, (ss) New Fears 2 ed. Mark Morris, Titan, 2018
- * Like a Charm, (ss) Kzine #14, January 2016
- * Loco Parentis, (ss) Matt Shaw Presents Masters of Horror ed. Matt Shaw, Matt Shaw Publications, 2017
_____, ed.
[]Power, Margaret Rae “Margo” (1943- ) (chron.)
- * All There Is and More, (vi) Murderous Intent Fall 1997
- * A Body in Her Kitchen, (ss) Murderous Intent Winter 1996
- * Editorial Note, (ed) Murderous Intent Sum 1996, Sum, Fll 1997
- * Editorial Notes, (ed) Murderous Intent Wtr 1996, Spr, Sum/Fll 1998, Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1999
_____, ed.
- * Editor:
* ___ Murderous Intent
- * Editor: Murderous Intent Fll 1995, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1996, Wtr, Spr, Sum, Fll 1997, Wtr, Spr,
Sum/Fll, Win 1998
Spr, Sum, Fll, Win 1999
- * Editor (with Marie Gerules): Murderous Intent Spr, Sum 1995
_____, [ref.]
[]Power, Nelson (chron.)
- * The Phantom Footballer; or, The Masked Centre-Forward [Jack Staveley], (sl) Cheer Boys Cheer #19 Sep 28, #21 Oct 12, #23 Oct 26, #26 Nov 16, #27 Nov 23, #28 Nov 30, #29 Dec 7, #30 Dec 14, #31 Dec 21, #32 Dec 28 1912
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