The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 9539
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[]Shore, Robert (1924- ) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact May 1980
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Bluebook August 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Redbook Dec 1959, Jan 1961, Jan, Sep 1962, May, Jun 1963, Jul 1964, Apr 1965
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Boys’ Life Aug 1963, Jan 1964, Oct 1965, Mar, Dec 1966, May, Jun, Jul 1969
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1991
[]Shore, Viola Brothers; [i.e., Viola Brothers Shore Braxton Gleichman] (1890-1970) (about) (chron.)
- * Abandon, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 12 1919
- * After a Day and a Year, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 14 1919
- * The Beauty-Mask Murder, (sl) Cosmopolitan Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1930
- * Blonde or Brunette—Which Wins?, (ar) Liberty March 6 1926
- * Brown Arms, (pm) Ainslee’s August 1919
- * ’Bye, ’Bye, Bluebeard [Fayga Bendovid], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #95, October 1951
- * The Call, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 8 1917
- * A Case of Facsimile, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #59, October 1948
- * The Case of Karen Smith, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #80, July 1950
- * Cast Upon the Waters, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 10 1920
- * Celeste, (pm) All-Story Weekly March 2 1918
- * Challenge, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 19 1917
- * The Charm, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st March 1918
- * Cleaning Up (with John Golden), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post May 7, Oct 15, Oct 29 1927
- * Cleaning-Up (with John Golden), (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 23 1927
- * A Daniel Among the Lines, (ms) College Humor September 1929
- * Deputy Husband, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion February 1925
- * Desirée, (??) Snappy Stories 2nd September 1918
- * The Devil’s Eye, (ss) New Age Illustrated November 1927
- * Dimi and the Double Life, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post April 24 1920
- * “Duty”, (ss) This Week April 26 1936
- * Enigma, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 4 1919
- * Everybody’s Name Is Jones [Fayga Bendovid], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #100, March 1952
- * Fallacy, (pm) All-Story Weekly March 23 1918
- * “The Hand That Jerks the Strings”, (ss) The American Magazine January 1920
- * A Handy Manuel, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 2 1926
- * Harry-Carrie, (ss) Liberty February 12 1927
- * He Dreamed of Murder, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 4 1937
- * The Heritage, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post February 5 1921
- * Her Mad Adventure, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine July 1924
- * Hist!, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 11 1918
- * Homesick, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 26 1917
- * Hot to Mollie, (ss) Liberty December 10 1927
- * How to Throw a Good Party, (ar) Liberty July 10 1926
- * If You Want a Thing—, (ss) Snappy Stories 1st July 1919
- * In a Little Garden, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 19 1919
- * Indian Love Song, (pm) Live Stories July 1918
- * In June, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 21 1919
- * In Summer, (pm) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine September 1918
- * In the Scheme of Things, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st July 1918
- * Is There a Life After Marriage?, (ar) Liberty February 7 1925
- * Judgment, Umpire!, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 9 1917
- * Key to the Unfair Sex, (ms) College Humor October 1927
- * Laura, (pm) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine October 1918
- * Laura Laughed, (pm) All-Story Weekly October 13 1917
- * The Laura Lie, (ss) Liberty December 31 1927
- * The Little Brown Sword, (ss) Ainslee’s March 1919
- * Little Pitchers, (ss) The Designer and The Woman’s Magazine June 1926
- * The Little Songs You Sang, (pm) All-Story Weekly November 29 1919
- * The Little Things, (??) Telling Tales November 1919
- * Longfellow, Why Not I?, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 1 1918
- * Longing, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 27 1918
- * The Mackenzie Case, (nv) Mystery League January 1934
- * Make Me Sing, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st August 1918
- * Man, Man—, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 17 1919
- * Mary Mary, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1922
- * Matter of Fact, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 11 1919
- * Men, (pm) Saucy Stories May 1919
- * Mess of Pottage, (ss) The Pagan June 1919
- * Murder!, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 16 1917
- * My Friend, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 31 1919
- * My Life, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 14 1917
- * My Love, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 20 1918
- * Notoriety, (ss) The Red Book Magazine September 1927
- * Not Yet—But Soon, (pm) All-Story Weekly May 12 1917
- * One Answer for the Woman, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd May 1918
- * One-Track, (vi) Liberty August 3 1935
- * On the Shelf, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1922
- * Opal, (ss) This Week August 18 1935
- * Opals Are Bad Luck, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1943
- * O Tempora! O Mawruss!, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 30 1920
- * Perchance, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 15 1917
- * The Prince of Headwaiters (with Garrett Elsden Fort), (ss) Liberty April 9 1927
- * Rain Fantasy, (pm) All-Story Weekly September 15 1917
- * Reddy Rolls Her Own, (ss) The Red Book Magazine August 1925
- * Red Pepper, (ss) The Corner Magazine November 1925
- * Remembering, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 21 1917
- * Replacement, (ms) Snappy Stories 2nd January 1920
- * Reproduction, (pm) All-Story Weekly February 9 1918
- * Rope’s End, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #47, October 1947
- * Sandy Hooked, (ss) Liberty October 30 1926
- * A Selfish Woman, (ss) All-Story Weekly August 11 1917
- * Shoes, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 23 1917
- * Shore Fire, (pp) College Humor September 1926
- * Should Women Propose?, (ar) Liberty June 7 1924
- * Some of My Best Friends Are Women, (ar) Liberty June 21 1924
- * Stell’s Gentleman Friend, (ss) Live Stories October 1924
- * A Stretch of the Imagination, (ss) Liberty October 15 1927
- * The Sword of Sophocles, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1924
- * Sylvia Treads Among the Goulds, (ss) Liberty December 4 1926
- * Tell It to the Judge, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1942
- * There’s Rosemary, (ss) Collier’s March 7 1925
- * They Always Do, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal July 1921
- * Things—One Must Forget, (ss) All-Story Weekly December 29 1917
- * This He and She Business, (ms) College Humor July 1929
- * This Time, (pm) The Novel Magazine May 1921
- * Three Galleys or So of Wise Cracks (with Peter Greig), (hu) Liberty January 30 1926
- * To a Little Love, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 8 1918
- * To an Atheist, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 20 1918
- * To a Vine, (pm) All-Story Weekly June 7 1919
- * Toto-That’s All, (ss) Live Stories 1st August 1923
- * Two Birds in a Gilded Cage, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1926
- * Two Poems, (pm) Telling Tales August 1919
- * Unfulfilled, (pm) All-Story Weekly November 8 1919
- * War Symphony, (pm) All-Story Weekly July 6 1918
- * Waves, (pm) All-Story Weekly April 13 1918
- * We Can’t Afford It, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post December 6 1919
- * We Tried a Trial Divorce, (ar) Hearst’s International January 1925
- * What Do I Care?, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1920
- * What Makes a Matinee Idol?, (ar) Liberty September 6 1924 [Ref. John Barrymore]
- * Why Women Are Discontented, (ar) Liberty September 20 1924
- * Wisdom, (pm) All-Story Weekly March 16 1918
- * A Woman’s Place, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion April 1923
- * The Young Adventuresses, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 19 1920
- * Your Hand Upon the Gate, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 1 1917
[]Shore, W(illiam) Teignmouth (1865-1932) (chron.)
- * The Adversary, (pl) Colour December 1914
- * “Bail Up!”, (ar) The Detective Magazine #27, November 23 1923
- * Books, (br) Colour Jan, Feb, Mar, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1915, Jan,
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1916
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1917, Jan, Feb,
Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1918
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Dec 1919
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1920
Jan, Feb 1921
- * Books Received, (br) Colour October 1917
- * The Bright-Eyed Stranger, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine August 1893
- * Cabbages and Things, (ar) Britannia October 5 1928
- * Dandy and Scoundrel, (ar) The Detective Magazine #18, July 20 1923
- * The Enigma of Dr. Neill Cream, (ar) The Detective Magazine #40, May 23 1924
- * The Great Detective Scandal, (ar) The Detective Magazine #14, May 25 1923
- * Hungry Joe, (ar) The Detective Magazine #56, January 2 1925
- * The Murder in the Swamp, (ar) The Detective Magazine #24, October 12 1923
- * The Only One Who Knew, (ar) The Detective Magazine #8, March 2 1923
- * Ozias Humphry, (br) Colour June 1918
- * The Prodigal Model, (ss) Colour April 1915
- * Tea and Temptation, (pl) Colour February 1915
- * Your Cooking:
* ___ Cabbages and Things, (cl) Britannia October 5 1928
_____, trans.
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