The FictionMags Index
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[]Mackenzie, Susan (fl. 1990s) (chron.)
- * Birth, (pm) Overspace #9, July 1990
- * Dark Circle, (vi) Overspace #6, March 1990
- * Nocturnal Steam, (pm) Overspace #6, March 1990
- * Visions of Us, (pm) Overspace #7, April 1990
- * Web of Words (with Michael Francis Cooper & Kathryn Harris), (nv) Overspace #9 Jul, #10 Sep, #11 Dec 1990
[]MacKenzie, W(illiam) A(ndrew) (1870-1942) (about) (chron.)
- * Ballade de la Belle Etoile, (pm) The Idler March 1911
- * The Buccanner—New Style, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1913
- * The Case of Henry Jones, (ss) 10 Story Book January 1937
- * Constancy, (pm) The Windsor Magazine January 1914
- * A Counsel of Perfection, (pm) The Smart Set April 1912
- * Cowslips and Daisies, (pm) The Windsor Magazine August 1912
- * Daffodils, (pm) The Windsor Magazine March 1914
- * “Day sighed farewell and welcomed Night…”, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1896
- * The Duffer, (ss) Gunter’s Magazine July 1906
- * Early Primroses in the Strand, (pm) The Windsor Magazine April 1897
- * Every Man’s Desire, (pm) The Windsor Magazine November 1916
- * For Value Received, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 18 1919
- * Heart’s Garden, (pm) The Ludgate July 1897
- * “Here Lies Oliver Goldsmith”, (pm) The Yellow Book April 1895
- * Mystery, (pm) The Windsor Magazine December 1913
- * Pleasures of the Thames Sixty Years Ago, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1901
- * Pure Cheek, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #282, September 26 1914
- * A Song of Sabots, (pm) The Idler March 1911
- * The Subject I Know Least About: IV. Cordite, (ms) The Windsor Magazine December 1896
- * They Were Seven, (ss) The Weekly Tale-Teller #286, October 24 1914
- * The Three Jemimas, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1912
- * A Troublesome Tenant, (vi) The Windsor Magazine May 1917
- * The Truth, (pm) Harper’s Bazar June 1913
- * An Unknown Heroine, (ss) The Red Magazine January 15 1911
- * Victoria, Queen and Empress, (ob) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1901
- * Villanelle, (pm) The Windsor Magazine October 1913
- * Violette: A Little Song for the Lute, (pm) The English Illustrated Magazine August 1896
- * A Wedding Without Words, (pi) The Pall Mall Magazine February 1905
- * What Was the Ark Really Like?, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1901
- * “Youth, from the windows of his innocence…”, (pm) The Windsor Magazine July 1896
[]McKeown, D. (fl. 1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Nebula Science Fiction #19 1956, #26, #27 Feb, #30 May, #31 Jun 1958, #39 Feb 1959
- * [front cover], (cv) Nebula Science Fiction (US) #30 Sep, #31 Oct 1958, #39 Jun 1959
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nebula Science Fiction #17 1956, #29 Apr, #30 May, #31 Jun 1958
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Nebula Science Fiction (US) #31, October 1958
[]McKeown, Edward F. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Al Clone Capone, (ss) Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine May/June 2005
- * Beautiful Dreamer, (ss) CrossTIME Science Fiction Anthology, Vol. V, CrossTIME, 2006
- * A Bone to Pick, (ss) Cats with Wings June 2007
- * Final Exam, (ss) Ray Gun Revival #20, April 15 2007
- * Forces of Evil, (nv) Silver Moon, Bloody Bullets ed. Jessica A. Weiss, Pill Hill Press, 2010
- * I Am Lonely, (ss) Galaxy’s Edge #4, September 2013
- * The People of Terra Firma, (vi) Residential Aliens #7, January/March 2008
[]Macker, Richard; pseudonym of Reidar Thomassen (1936- ) (chron.)
- * A Deadly Joke, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2005; translated from the Norwegian (Dødelig spark, Aschehoug, 1986) by Jorunn Fergus & Michael Fergus.
- * Direction from the Grave, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2008; translated from the Norwegian by Runar Fergus.
- * The Fifth Guest, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2010; translated from the Norwegian by Runar Fergus.
- * The Intell Club, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 2011; translated from the Norwegian by Runar Fergus.
- * The Killer Who Disappeared, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September/October 2006; translated from the Norwegian by Jorunn Fergus & Michael Fergus.
- * The Live Weapon, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 2007; translated from the Norwegian by Runar Fergus.
- * On a Saturday Evening, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 2013; translated from the Norwegian.
- * A Particularly Unpleasant Incident, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2016; translated from the Norwegian.
- * Signed “Mutual Trust”, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine February 2011; translated from the Norwegian (1975) by Runar Fergus.
- * Violence Against a Defenceless Woman, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2003; translated from the Norwegian by Jorunn Fergus & Michael Fergus.
[]Mackereth, James A(llen) (1871-?) (chron.)
- * After Rain, (pm) To-Day December 1920
- * The Bird in Ygdrasil, (pm) To-Day November 1923
- * Child-Joy, (pm) To-Day March 1918
- * La Danseuse, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine February 1912
- * Good-bye, Body, (pm) The Cornhill Magazine September 1939
- * The Haunting Playmate, (pm) To-Day March 1922
- * Heigh-Ho!, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine April 1911
- * Innocence, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine September 1911
- * Life and Heine, (pm) T.P.’s Magazine December 1911
- * The Old Mole-Trapper, (pm) To-Day October 1919
- * The Poetry of James A. Mackereth, (lt) To-Day April 1920
- * Propinquity, (pm) To-Day April 1920
- * Thoughts While Hoeing, (pm) To-Day September 1918
- * The Tiff, (pm) To-Day August 1917
_____, [ref.]
[]Mackerodt, Fred (1938- ) (chron.)
- * Car of the Month:
* ___ Porsche 924, (cl) Penthouse September 1976
- * The Case of the Counterfeit Flab Stamps, (ss) Adam Bedside Reader #14, 1963
- * CB’s: America’s New Lifeline, (ar) Argosy September 1976
- * Detroit’s New Ones for Bicentennial ’76, (ar) Argosy October 1975
- * The Flying Wedge, (ms) Penthouse November 1976
- * Porsche 924, (ar) Penthouse September 1976
- * Silent Death, (ar) An Argosy Special: Sharks ed. Lou Sahadi, Popular Publications, Inc., 1977
- * Swedish Modern, (ms) Penthouse January 1977
- * To Blort, or Not to Blort, (ss) Adam April 1964
- * Universal Dreb, (hu) Knight January 1964
- * “Z”: The Datsun 280Z, (ms) Penthouse February 1977
[]McKettrig, Seaton; pseudonym of Randall Garrett (1927-1987) (chron.)
- * …After a Few Words…, (ss) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1962
- Analog Science Fact & Science Fiction (UK) February 1963
- S F Horizons—One ed. Tom Boardman, Jr., Dobson, 1968
- The Astounding-Analog Reader, Volume Two ed. Harry Harrison & Brian W. Aldiss, Doubleday, 1973, as by Randall Garrett
- Takeoff Too! by Randall Garrett, Starblaze, 1987, as by Randall Garrett
- * A World by the Tale, (nv) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1963
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