The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 71
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[]Agnus, Orme; pseudonym of John C. Higginbotham (1866-1919) (chron.)
- * Abner, the Watchdog, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1908
- * An Affair of the Heart [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine May 1917
- * The Apple of Desire, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1900
- * Big Leg-Up [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine May 1903
- * The Bogey Woman, (ss) The Royal Magazine November 1908
- * The Coming of a Soldier, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1900
- * The Confidences of Master Pillinport [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1902
- * The Conversion of Silas Damson, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1900
- * The Converting of Edenville, (ss) Black & White November 14 1905
- * Cornered! [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine March 1917
- * The Denhead Affair [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine October 1917
- * The Dethronement of the King, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1900
- * A Direct Hit [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine February 1917
- * Dorringhill’s Wife, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine April 1910
- * The Entworth Family, (ss)
- * A Four-Legged Patriot, (ss) The Novel Magazine May 1910
- * The Great English Fetish: Which Also Has Worshipers in America, (vi) The Booklovers Magazine January 1905
- * Hannah’s Son, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1916
- * His Worship the Mayor [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine July 1917
- * How Dead Injun Did Its Duty, (ss) The English Illustrated Magazine November 1897
- * How I Helped Felday, V.C., (ss) Pearson’s Magazine June 1900
- * How the Secret Society Made Two New Members [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine November 1903
- * Judge Not [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine January 1918
- * Lazybones, (ss) The London Magazine February 1918
- * Love in Our Village:
* ___ No. I.—The Apple of Desire, (ss) The Windsor Magazine February 1900
* ___ No. II.—The Conversion of Silas Damson, (ss) The Windsor Magazine March 1900
* ___ No. III.—The Roses of June, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1900
* ___ No. IV.—The Dethronement of the King, (ss) The Windsor Magazine May 1900
- * The Luck of the Firstborn, (ss) The London Magazine January 1919
- * The Man Who Stayed at Home [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine May 1918
- * Martha Jane’s First Proposal [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine September 1917
- * Master Loggatt’s Waterloo, (ss) Cassell’s Magazine November 1906
- * The Master of Minvale, (sl) The Sunday Strand Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug 1906
- * Master Pillinport’s Picnic [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine September 1903
- * A Match in Armour, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine September 1910
- * Maud’s Wedding [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine April 1902
- * The Miraculous Inspiration of Mr. Jesty, (ss) The Windsor Magazine September 1900
- * Mrs. Dishman’s Ghosts, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1908
- * “My Best Story”:
* ___ The Entworth Family, (ss)
- * My Detective Yarn [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine July 1903
- * My Love Affair [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1902
- * The New Broom [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine December 1917
- * Our Secret Society [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine March 1903
- * Pater’s Motor-Cars [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine January 1904
- * The Patriots [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine August 1902
- * Peace Talk [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine April 1918
- * The Poet’s Love, (ss) The Windsor Magazine July 1900
- * A Poor Girl’s Riches [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine April 1919
- * A Portrait by Kneller, (ss) The Windsor Magazine October 1907
- * The Poundbury Election, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine March 1910
- * The Prettiest Girl in the World [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine October 1902
- * The Proper Way, (nv) The Cornhill Magazine September 1898
- * The Roses of June, (ss) The Windsor Magazine April 1900
- * The Scandal at Plendon, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine December 1909
- * Second in Command [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine March 1918
- * Shouldered Responsibility, (ss) The Windsor Magazine August 1916
- * The Strategy of Martha Jane [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine November 1916
- * Vickery’s Deplorable Stratagem, (ss) The Windsor Magazine June 1900
- * The Village Autocrat, (ss) The Windsor Magazine January 1908
- * What Happened at Derby [Archibald Pillinport], (ss) Pearson’s Magazine December 1902
- * Why Rona Went Red, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine August 1910
- * The Winning Hand [Martha Jane Linnidale], (ss) The London Magazine November 1917
- * Witchcraft, (ss) The London Magazine December 1918
- * Wold Jimmy and Zairey, (ss) The Cornhill Magazine May 1897
- * The Woman with a Tongue, (ss) The London Magazine October 1916
- * Zike Mouldom, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine Nov, Dec 1898
[]Aguda, Pemi (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * Birdwoman, (ss) Omenana #4, September 2015
- * Breastmilk, (ss) One Story #277, May 27 2021
- * Choir Boy, (ss) Lagos Noir ed. Chris Abani, Akashic Books, 2018
- * The Hollow, (ss) Zoetrope: All-Story Winter 2021/2022
- * Masquerade Season, (ss) March 24 2021
- * Things Boys Do, (ss) Nightmare #89, February 2020
[]Aguilera, Juan Miguel (1960- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Spanish Science Fiction: A Round Table Discussion with Spain’s Top Contemporary Voices (with Elia Barceló, César Mallorquí, Rafael Marín, Rodolfo Martínez, Javier Negrete, Eduardo Vaquerizo & Alvaro Zinos-Amaro), (ar) Clarkesworld #103, April 2015
- * [front cover], (cv) The 1000 Year Reich by Ian Watson, NewCon Press, 2016
[]Aguirre, Forrest (1969- ) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * An Apotheosis, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #7, July 2008
- * Apple Fly, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #35, August 2010
- * The Auctioneer and the Antiquarian, or, 1962, (nv) Asimov’s Science Fiction June 2008
- * Bearing Seed, (vi) Yellow Bat Review #4, Fall 2002
- * Beyond the Flame, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming, 2005
- * Blue Oranges, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #35, August 2010
- * The Bones of Ndundi, (ss) Notre Dame Review
- * The Butterfly Artist, (nv) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * The Butterfly Artist, (oc) Flesh & Blood Press, October 2002
- * Clover, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #4, October 2007
- * The Color of Laughter, (ss) The Fifth Di…
- * Convergence on a Panoptic Newtonian: The Interstices of Heaven, (ss) Apocalypse Fiction
- * The Death Machines, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming, 2005
- * Der Automatikmann, (ss) Space and Time #115, Fall 2011
- * Downstream Flow: A Fugue, (ss) Flesh & Blood #10, 2002
- * Emulsion, (ss) Dark Planet (online) February 25 2001
- * The Enthroned Remember, (ss) Redsine #9, July 2002
- * The Flowering Cage, (ss) Kaleidotrope #13, Fall 2011
- * Four Canopus, (vi) Exquisite Corpse
- * Frenzy, (vi) Problem Child
- * Fugue XXIX, (co) Raw Dog Screaming, October 2005
- * The Further Adventures of Star Boy, (ss) Surreal #2, Spring 2005
- * Headlong, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming, 2005
- * Hopless: A Triptych, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming, 2005
- * Improv and the Man of Means, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming, 2005
- * An Interview with Scott Thomas, (iv) infinity plus September 2001 [Ref. Scott Thomas]
- * In the Clocktower, (ss) Moonlight Tuber #2, 2011
- * In the Place Where Suffering Was Not, (ss) The Dream People
- * It Keeps Them Coming Back, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * Judgement Day, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * Kaleidoscopes of Africa, (ss) 3rd Bed
- * Keys I Don’t Remember, (ss) Polyphony 6 ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2006
- * K J Bishop Interviewed, (iv) infinity plus December 2004 [Ref. K. J. Bishop]
- * Langknech and Tzi-Tzi in the Land of the Mad, (ss) Apex Magazine #21, February 2011
- * Loyal, (ss) DeathGrip e-zine
- * Matriarch, (vi) All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories ed. David Moles & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press & All-Star Stories, 2004
- * McKendrick’s Bayonet (with Scott Thomas), (ss) Redsine #10, October 2002
- * MirrorrorriM, (ss) Eldritch Tales v2 #6, 2019
- * Mystic Flower, (nv) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming, 2005
- * Never nor Ever, (ss) Clockwork Phoenix 2 ed. Mike Allen, Norilana Books, 2009
- * The Night Factory, (vi) Vicious Shivers
- * The Non-Epistemological Universe of Emmaeus Holt, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #11, July 2009
- * The Nut Lady’s Cabin, (ss) Earwig Flesh Factory #3/4, Fall/Winter 2000
- * Obverse Reverse, (ss) Underland Arcana #4, Fall 2021
- * The Ogling Lime, (vi) The Cafe Irreal #35, August 2010
- * Over Alsace, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 4 ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2004
- * Post-Oz, Circa Hollywood, (ss) Theurgy Magazine #1, 2013
- * Precognitive Myopia, (ss) Strangewood Tales ed. Jack Fisher, Eraserhead Press, 2002
- * The Pressures of Being a Single Parent, (ss) Thirteen Stories #1, September 2002
- * Putting the Pieces Back Together, (ss) Cyäegha #19, Spring 2017
- * Queen Phoebe, (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #9, 2002
- * Red-Roofed Temples in the Mountains Beneath Me, (ss) Memoryville Blues ed. Peter Crowther & Nick Gevers, PS Publishing, 2013
- * Return from Abaddon, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * The Reverie Styx, (ss) Flesh & Blood v2 #8, 2001
- * The Saint of the Bells, (ss) Postscripts #11, Summer 2007
- * Sinfonia 22, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #13, January 2015
- * Something Familiar About the Farm, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * Somewhere Between Delta Piscium and Van Maanan’s Star, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * Stickmen, (ss) Lone Star Stories #23, October 2007
- * Tea Time, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press, 2002
- * Tickest, Please, (vi) Crown of Bones
- * Treason Is, (ss) GrendelSong #1, 2006
- * The Universal Language of Silence, (ss) infinity plus April 2003
- * Wachui, (ss) Indigenous Fiction #7, February 2001
- * Waiting for Felicity, (ss) Journal of Experimental Fiction
- * Willendorf Venus, (pm) Lunatic Chameleon #1, October 2002
- * The Yellow Baron, (ss) Farrago’s Wainscot #1, January 2007
- * Zaar, (ss) The Journal of Unlikely Entomology #2, November 2011
- * [unknown story], (ss) Redsine (online) #4, February 2001
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
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