The FictionMags Index
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[]Hurst, Vida; maiden name of Vida Osterstrom (1890-1958) (chron.)
- * Diana, (sl) McClure’s May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep 1927
- * Escape from Desire, (n.) Gramercy, 1946, as Masquerade
- * Masquerade, (n.) Gramercy, 1946
[]Hurston, Zora Neale (1891-1960) (about) (chron.)
- * Anatol Pierre, (vi) 1935
- * Color Struck, (pl) Fire!! November 1926
- * The Conscience of the Court, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 18 1950
- * The Country in the Woman, (ss) Pittsburgh Courier March 26 1927
- * Drenched in Light, (ss) Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life December 1924
- * Eatonville When You Look at It, (ar)
- * The Gilded Six-Bits, (ss) Story #14, August 1933
- The Story Pocket Book ed. Whit Burnett, Pocket, 1945
- Calling the Wind ed. Clarence Major, HarperPerennial, 1993
- Worlds of Fiction ed. Roberta Rubenstein & Charles R. Larson, MacMillan College Division, 1993
- Major American Short Stories ed. A. Walton Litz, Oxford University Press US, 1994
- American Short Stories (6th edition) ed. Eugene Current-Garcia & Bert Hitchcock, Addison-Wesley, 1996
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999
- The Longman Anthology of Short Fiction ed. Dana Gioia & R. S. Gwynn, Longman US, 2000
- American Short Stories (7th edition) ed. Eugene Current-Garcia & Bert Hitchcock, Longman US, 2001
- * How It Feels to Be Colored Me, (ar)
- * John Redding Goes to Sea, (ss) Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life #37, January 1926
- * Judgment, (ss) 10 Story Book November 1923
- * Lawrence of the River, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post September 5 1942
- * Muttsy, (ss) Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life August 1926
- * A Negro Voter Sizes Up Taft, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post December 8 1951
- * Spunk, (ss) Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life #30, June 1925
- * Sweat, (ss) Fire!! November 1926
- * Their Eyes Are Watching God, (ex) 1937
- * Their Eyes Were Watching God, (ex) J.B. Lippincott, September 1937
- * Uncle Monday, (ss) Negro: An Anthology ed. Nancy Cunard, Wishart & Co., 1934
- * What White Publishers Won’t Print, (ar)
- * Why the Negro Won’t Buy Communism, (ar) The American Legion Magazine June 1951
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[]Hurt, Alledria (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * A Bargain and an Arrangement, (vi) The Sirens Call #31, February 2017
- * Brain Broker, (ss) Objects, Alledria Hurt, 2014
- * Fresh Dead Flowers, (ss) Objects, Alledria Hurt, 2014
- * Her Daddy’s Straight Razor, (ss) Objects, Alledria Hurt, 2014
- * The Jacket, (ss) Objects, Alledria Hurt, 2014
- * Lipstick on a Business Card, (ss) Objects, Alledria Hurt, 2014
- * Objects, (oc) Alledria Hurt, September 2014
- * Ujima, (ss) Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire ed. Nicole Givens Kurtz, Mocha Memoirs Press, 2020
[]Hurt, Amy Passmore (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Cabin for Two, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories April 1937
- * The Fence That Cupid Broke, (ss) Rangeland Romances July 1938
- * For Love of a Tenderfoot, (ss) Real Western Romances May 1954
- * The Girl He Loved, (ss) Ideal Love Stories January 1956
- * Little Hobo Darling, (ss) Rangeland Romances May 1939
- * No Kisses for Cowmen, (ss) Rangeland Love Stories March 1937
- * Please Believe Me, (ss) Exciting Love Fall 1954
- * Postscript to Murder, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1944
- * The Resourceful Week of Little Silly, (ss) Double Action Western February 1956
- * [unknown story], (ss) Rangeland Romances Nov, Dec 1938
[]Hurtack, Kevin James (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Paid in Full, (ss) Necrotic Tissue #4, October 2008
- * Womb of Time, (cv) Withersin v1 #1, 2007
- * [front cover], (cv) Midnight Street #7, Spring/Summer 2006
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Theatre of Decay #3 Apr, #4 Oct 2006
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Withersin v1 #2, 2007
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Helios Quarterly Magazine September 2017
[]Hurtado, Ana (fl. 2010s-2020s) (chron.)
- * 1532, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #20, January/February 2018
- * Balompié, (ss) Fireside Quarterly Spring 2019
- * El Cóndor del Machángara, (ss) Strange Horizons November 13 2017
- * Entre cráteres, nosotros, (ss) Apparition Literary Magazine #20, Nostalgia, October 2022
- * Esqueleto, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #55, November/December 2023
- * Madre Nuestra, Que Estás en Maracaibo, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction July/August 2020
- * La mandíbula del río, (ss) Uncanny Magazine #56, January/February 2024
- * Murciélago, (ss) Strange Horizons April 10 2023
- * Nuca, (ss) Strange Horizons April 15 2024
- * Zoraída la Zorra, (ss) The Dark #101, October 2023
[]Hurter, Fred, Jr. (fl. 1930s-1950s) (chron.)
- * Bulldozer, (pm) Canadian Fandom #9, July 1945
- * The Evolution of Religious Thought, (ar) Canadian Fandom #15, May 1948
- * The Insignificant Invasion (with Damon Knight), (fa) Spaceways August 1941
- * Mason in Montreal, (ss) Canadian Fandom #10, May 1946
- * The Origin of Religious Thoughts and Beliefs, (ar) Canadian Fandom #26, September 1955
- * Stuff & Such, (cl) Canadian Fandom #9 Jul 1945, #10 May 1946
- * [cartoon(s)], (ct) Canadian Fandom #10, May 1946
- * [letter from Red Rock, Nipigon P.O., Ontario, Canada], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction Dec 1939, Apr 1940
- * [letter from Red Rock, Ontario, Canada], (lt) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1939
[]Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew (1973- ) (about) (chron.)
- * All Said and Done, (nv) Show Business Is Murder ed. Stuart M. Kaminsky, Berkley Prime Crime, 2004
- * Back and Forth, (ss) Uncage Me ed. Jen Jordan, Bleak House Books, 2009
- * Buy a Bullet, (ss) For the Sake of the Game ed. Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger, Pegasus Books, 2018
- * Dirty Weather, (ss) Thriller ed. James Patterson, Mira, 2006
- * Don’t Look Back, (ex) St. Martin’s, 2014
- * Gregg Hurwitz on the Shield, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #17, March/April 2007
- * The Thief, (ss) First Thrills ed. Lee Child, Forge, 2010
- * Top Ten Research List, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #30, May/June 2009
- * Trouble Shooter, (ex) Crimespree Magazine #7, July 2005
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- * Gregg Hurwitz Interview by Ruth Jordan, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #62, February 2016
- * The Last Orphan by Steven E. Steinbock, (br) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November/December 2023
- * Lee Child and Gregg Hurwitz, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #19, July/August 2007, uncredited.
- * The Program by Wayne Edwards, (br) Cemetery Dance #53, 2005
- * Takes You to the Edge—Just “Don’t Look Back”, (iv) Suspense Magazine September 2014, uncredited.
[]Hurwood, Bernhardt J(ackson) (1926-1987) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Censors’ Attacks Mounting: Asja Cites Banning at Schools and Libraries (with Seli Groves), (ar) ASJA Newsletter November 1981
- * The Dark Dominion, (an) Paperback Library, December 1970 , uncredited.
- * The Dark Shadows Book of Vampires and Werewolves (with Barnabas & Quentin Collins), (an) Paperback Library, August 1970 , as by Barnabas & Quentin Collins
- * Devil in the Flesh, (ar) Penthouse (US) May 1970
- * Eros & Theos, (ar) Penthouse (US) February 1970
- * The Girl with the Beckoning Eyes, (ss) 1972
- * Movies, (mr) Genesis June 1974
- * My Savage Muse, (ar) Mystery Writers Annual #38, 1984
- * Tales of Russian Vampires, (ss) Supernatural #1, 1970
- * The Voyeur and the Exhibitionist, (ar) Penthouse (US) October 1970
- * When Defloration Was in Flower, (ar) Escapade August 1965
_____, adapt.
- * Corpse and the Blood-Drinker by P’u Sung-Ling, (ss)
- * The Corpse at the Inn by P’u Sung-Ling, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Chinese (Liao Chai).
- * The Demon Who Changed Its Skin by P’u Sung-Ling, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Chinese (Liao Chai).
- * Four Siberian Demon Tales, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Siberian.
- * The Glowing Maggot of Doom, (vi) Ghosts, Ghouls & Other Horrors by Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Scholastic, 1971
- * The Guest and the Striges, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Greek.
- * The Hideous Deceivers by P’u Sung-Ling, (ss)
- * Horror at Dusk, (ar) Ghosts, Ghouls and Other Horrors by Bernardt J. Hurwood, 1971, as "The Ghost of the Were-wolf"
- * Mohammed Bux and the Demon, (ss) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965
- * The Old Man in Yellow, (vi) Ghosts, Ghouls & Other Horrors by Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Scholastic, 1971
- * Peter Kürten—the Monster of Dusseldorf, (ar) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965
- * The Story of the Maiden Lien-hsiang by P’u Sung-Ling, (ss)
- * Stubbe Peeter, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Gallic.
- * The Vampire Cat of Nabeshima, (ss) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Japanese.
- * The Vampire of Croglin Grange, (vi) Ghosts, Ghouls & Other Horrors by Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Scholastic, 1971
- * A Vatanuan Cannibal Tale, (vi) Monsters Galore ed. Bernhardt J. Hurwood, Gold Medal, 1965; translated from the Melanesian.
- * The Wer-Hyena, (vi) 1965
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