The FictionMags Index
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[]Jackson, C(aary) Paul (1902-1991); used pseudonym Caary Paul (about) (chron.)
- * Advantage In, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine July 1937
- * The All-Round Flop, (ss) 12 Sports Aces May 1940
- * And the Ice Sizzles!, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly December 1938
- * Autograph on a Pigskin, (ss) Popular Football Fall 1947
- * Backfield Bomber, (nv) Exciting Sports Winter 1944
- * Bait for the Hot Seat, (nv) Big-Book Detective Magazine December 1941, as by Caary Paul
- * Bargain Basement Ballhawk, (ss) Sports Fiction Summer 1944
- * Base Blitzkrieg, (nv) Ace Sports June 1942
- * Basket Bomber, (ss) Super Sports June 1941
- * Battling Defensemen, (nv) The All-America Sports Magazine May/June 1937
- * Big Little Men, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine March/April 1938
- * Blackouts Are for Murder, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 1944
- * Blue-Line Bad Man, (ss) Ace Sports March 1948
- * Blue-Line Commando, (nv) Ace Sports February 1943
- * Break Fast for a Basket, (ss) Best Sports January 1948
- * Brother Battery, (ss) Best Sports November 1950
- * Bullpen Bargain, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly June 1938
- * Bush-League Boy-Wonder, (nv) Complete Sports September 1942
- * Campus Payoff, (ss) Sports Fiction December 1947
- * Carry the Coach, (ss) All-American Football Magazine 2nd Fall 1947
- * Clutch Hitter, (nv) Sports Novels Magazine June 1942
- * The Cougars Go to Bat, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly September 1938
- * Court Jester, (ss) 12 Sports Aces November 1940
- * Court Nemesis, (ss) 12 Sports Aces May 1941
- * Cribbage Dough, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine July/August 1936
- * The Crucial Game, (nv) Exciting Football Winter 1946
- * A Demon for First Downs, (ss) Complete Sports January 1943
- * The Dipsy-Doo Boys, (na) Football Action 1st Fall 1946
- * Don’t Brand a Busher Yellow!, (nv) All Baseball Stories October 1947
- * Down the Fairway Means Fight!, (ss) Sports Action May 1941
- * An Eye for a T, (ss) Thrilling Football Winter 1949
- * Fast Pitch, (ss) Best Sports December 1951
- * Fielder’s Choice, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine March 1937
- * Fifty Grand Means Fan ’Em, (ss) Complete Sports April 1942
- * Fireball in the Doghouse, (nv) Ace Sports August 1943
- * The Flag-Chaser, (nv) Baseball Stories Spring 1946
- * Ghost on Ice, (nv) Sports Action November 1947
- * The Glass Arm, (nv) Exciting Sports Summer 1941
- * The Glover and the Ring Ghost, (nv) Ace Sports November 1943
- * Goal Line Payoff, (ss) Exciting Sports Fall 1947
- * Golf Troupers, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly September 1937
- * Grid War, Navy Style, (ss) Super Sports March 1941
- * Guts Are Enough, (ss) All Sports Magazine October 1941
- * Headline Halfback, (nv) Complete Sports January 1942
- * Hockey Rink Galahad, (nv) Thrilling Sports Fall 1943
- * Hold That Headline!, (ss) Football Stories 1st Fall 1946
- * Horsehide Hellion, (ss) Sports Action May 1942
- * Horsehide Mutiny, (ss) Ace Sports October 1940
- * Hot-Corner Hurricane, (nv) Sports Action October 1941
- * Hothead Hoop King, (nv) Real Sports January 1948
- * Hot Ice Has-Been, (ss) Thrilling Sports Spring 1947
- * The Ice Comet, (ss) Sports Fiction February 1940
- * Invitation Mile, (ss) Sports Winners June 1940
- * It’s Fun to Block, (ss) Thrilling Football Fall 1941
- * It Takes More Than Coaching, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine January 1937
- * Jinx for a Horsehide Hero, (ss) 12 Sports Aces May 1942
- * Keystone Carnage, (nv) Baseball Stories Summer 1945
- * The Kid Can Take It, (ss) Best Sports December 1938
- * The Killer’s Hand, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly December 1937, as by Caary Paul
- * The King of Swap, (ss) Best Sports February 1951
- * Last Call for the Killer, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1943
- * Leatherneck Lateral, (ss) Football Stories 2nd Fall 1943
- * Mr. Football, (ss) Thrilling Football Fall 1944
- * Murder Can’t Be Rationed, (ss) Mammoth Detective February 1945
- * Mutineers on Ice, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly December 1937
- * Names Don’t Count, (ss) Complete Sports January 1938
- * Navy Team, (nv) Exciting Sports Fall 1942
- * Net Aces and Knaves, (ss) 12 Sports Aces September 1942
- * No Masquerade for Murder, (ss) The Shadow May 1944
- * One-Man Team from Texas, (nv) Best Sports October 1947
- * Payoff on Ice, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly December 1941
- * Pennant Fever, (nv) Complete Sports September 1947
- * Phantom at Short, (ss) Baseball Stories Summer 1944
- * Phantom in the Tailback Slot, (na) Football Action 2nd Fall 1944
- * Pigskin Comeback, (nv) Exciting Football Winter 1945
- * Pigskin Insanity, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine November 1936
- * Pigskin Phantom, (nv) Star Sports Magazine July 1938
- * Pigskin Piledriver, (nv) Complete Sports November 1942
- * Pigskin Ranger, (na) Popular Football Winter 1944
- * Pitch Your Heart Out!, (ss) Complete Sports November 1941
- * Popoff from Paducah, (nv) Football Stories 1st Fall 1945
- * Power Guy, (nv) Football Stories 1st Fall 1943
- * Press-Box Quarterback, (ss) Popular Football Winter 1947
- * Professor Fight Manager, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine November/December 1937
- * Puckster’s Second Heyday, (ss) 12 Sports Aces March 1943
- * “Pull a Touchdown Out of the Sky”, (ss) Complete Sports December 1950
- * The Punch Professor, (nv) 12 Sports Aces May 1943
- * The Racket Buster, (ss) 12 Sports Aces July 1940
- * Rajah of the Rink, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly January 1941
- * Rookies Have to Be Tough, (nv) Complete Sports May/June 1939
- * Rose Bowl Rebel, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine February 1938
- * Scarecrow in the T-Slot, (ss) Complete Sports December 1947
- * Scotch Economy, (ss) True Gang Life February 1936
- * Scrubs Eat Dirt, (ss) Football Action 1st Fall 1947
- * The Shrouded Visitor, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine June 1944
- * Sideline Tyrant, (ss) Ace Sports Monthly March 1937
- * Six-Point Sucker, (ss) All-American Football Magazine 1st Fall 1944
- * Sixty-Grand Bum, (nv) Big Baseball Stories August 1948
- * The Speaker Who Didn’t Speak, (ss) Doc Savage April 1945
- * Squeeze Play, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine April 1937
- * Stooge for a Puck Pirate, (nv) 12 Sports Aces March 1942
- * Tackles Take Plenty, (nv) All Sports Magazine February 1940
- * A Tackle Takes It!, (ss) Sports Winners Fall 1943
- * Tailback Trouble, (ss) Exciting Football Fall 1948
- * Tailspin Tailback, (nv) All-American Football Magazine 1st Fall 1946
- * Ten-Day Golfer, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine September 1938
- * They Love to Hate, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine May/June 1938
- * Three Minute Flash, (ss) Dime Sports Magazine April 1942
- * Three-Minute Hot-Shot, (ss) Football Stories 2nd Fall 1944
- * Tiger on the Team, (na) All Football Stories December 1947
- * Touchdown Taboo, (nv) Exciting Sports Winter 1943
- * The Traffic Light Murders, (nv) Five-Novels Monthly April 1938, as by Caary Paul
- * Triple-Threat Flash, (nv) Thrilling Sports Winter 1945
- * The Triple-Threat Terror, (nv) Sports Action December 1941
- * Umpires Are Human, (ss) The All-America Sports Magazine July/August 1937
- * The Veteran Rookie, (ss) All Sports Magazine Summer 1944
- * When a Busher Goes Big-League, (ss) Sports Action August 1942
[]Jackson, C(harles) V(ivian) (1917-2008); used pseudonyms Susan Varden & Charles Vivian (chron.)
- * The Circus Twins, (ss) Girls’ Star Stories #6, October 1949, as by Susan Varden
- * Decorating Your Craftwork, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * Decorative Shields, (ar) Chatterbox Annual 1954, as by Charles Vivian
- * Egg-Shell Mosaics, (ar) Chatterbox Annual 1954, as by Charles Vivian
- * A Handy Waste-Paper Basket, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1958
- * How to Make a Knitting Needle Case, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1959, as by Susan Varden
- * How to Make a Periscope, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1960
- * Is There an Inventor in the House?, (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #48, August 15 1954
- * A Leather Belt from Scraps, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * Linda Martin, Air Hostess, (ss) Girls’ Star Stories #4, July 1949, as by Susan Varden
- * Make Your Own Bookends, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1956
- * Medical Progress by 2000 A.D., (ar) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #45, 1954
- * Miniature Landscapes, (ar) Chatterbox Annual 1955, as by Charles Vivian
- * Paper-Pulp Pottery, (ar) Favourite Annual for Boys 1957, as by Charles Vivian
- * Parchment Firescreen, (ar) Chatterbox Annual 1952
- * Plaster Calendars, (ar) Favourite Annual for Girls 1957, as by Charles Vivian
- * [response to Dr. P.Z.H.], (ms) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #48, August 15 1954
[]Jackson, Charles (Reginald) (1903-1968) (chron.)
- * A Bachelor in the Making, (ss) Manhunt December 1954
- * The Benighted Savage, (ss) The Sunnier Side by Charles Jackson, Farrar, Straus, 1950
- * The Break, (ss) Collier’s September 1 1951
- * By the Sea, (ss) Scene April 1962
- * Cousin Agnes, (ss) Esquire March 1952
- * Don’t Call Me Sonny, (ss) Esquire July 1953
- * Funny Dream, (ss) The New Yorker March 17 1945
- * I Don’t Fool Around, (ss) Manhunt August 1954
- * Janie, (ss) The Gent April 1963
- * The Lady Julia, (ss) McCall’s April 1965
- * Landscape with Figures, (ss) Esquire December 1953
- * Last Laughter, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion
- * The Long Way Home, (ss) Collier’s August 5 1944
- * The Lost Weekend, (n.) Farrar & Rinehart, 1944
- * The Loving Offenders, (ss) McCall’s July 1963
- * Midsummer Night, (ss) The Gent October 1957
- * Millstones, (ss) Esquire May 1953
- * A Night Visitor, (ss) Mademoiselle June 1934
- * Old Men and Boys, (ss)
- * One O’Clock in the Morning, (ss) McCall’s April 1961
- * The Outer Edges, (n.) Rinehart, 1948
- * Pretend You’re a Hero, (ss) John Bull May 10 1952
- * Rachel’s Summer, (ss) Partisan Review Summer 1939
- * The Sleeper Awakened, (ss) Earthly Creatures by Charles Jackson, Farrar, Straus & Young, 1953
- * The Sunnier Side, (na) Cosmopolitan March 1950
- * Thanks for a Wonderful Time, (ss) Good Housekeeping May 1949
_____, [ref.]
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