The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 5189
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[]Howe, Harrison (fl. 1990s-2010s) (books) (chron.)
- * About Face, (ss) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine Summer 1999
- * Allergic Reaction, (ss) Clarity ed. John Benson, John Benson, 2005
- * And Dust Shall Be the Serpent’s Food, (vi) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #6, 2001
- * At the Mirror of His Soul, (ss) Pirate Writings #8, 1995
- * Carousel, (pm) Flesh & Blood #15, 2004
- * Driving Deep Into the Night, (ss) Horror Library, Volume 4 ed. R. J. Cavender & Boyd E. Harris, Cutting Block, 2010
- * A Faded Queen, (pm) Flesh & Blood #10, 2002
- * Fade to Black, (ss) Dark Notes from NJ ed. Harrison Howe, GSHW Press, 2005
- * Having Looked Into the Eyes of the Dead, (ss) Deadbolt Magazine #3, Spring 1999
- * How the Lovin’ Goes “Mongst Brothers of the Swamp”, (ss) Deadbolt Magazine #4, Summer 1999
- * If Thy Body Offends Thee, (ss) Darkness Within #4, 2000
- * In the Belly with Jonah, (ss) Scared Naked Magazine June 2004
- * In the Whisper of Still Voices, (ss) Epitaph #2, 1997
- * Introduction, (ss) Dark Notes from NJ ed. Harrison Howe, GSHW Press, 2005
- * A Manner of Speaking, (ss) Challenging Destiny #11, December 2000
- * Men Working, (ss) Frightmares #6, February 1999
- * Out of Her Thoughts an Air That Kills, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss September 2005
- * Paul of the Wild, (ss) Millennium Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine Spring 1999
- * The Screech, (ss) Haunts #25, Spring 1993
- * Seduction, (ss) The Corpse Magazine April 2004
- * Taking It to Heart, (ss) Book of Dark Wisdom #4, Fall 2004
- * The Taste of Dust on My Tongue, (pm) Frisson: Disconcerting Verse #21, Spring 2001
- * These These Things of Darkness I Acknowledge Mine, (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #2, January 2000
- * A Thing of Beauty, (ss) Deadbolt Magazine #2, December 1998
- * Whispers of the Dead, (pm) Aoife’s Kiss September 2004
- * With These Hands, (ss) Insidious Reflections #1, January/February 2005
- * A World of Tears Must Weep, (ss) The Vampire’s Crypt #21, Spring 2000
- * You Get What You Wish For, (ss) The Corpse Magazine July 2004
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[]Howe, Herbert (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * Breaking Into the Movies, (ar) People’s Favorite Magazine February 1921
- * Close-Ups and Long-Shots, (cl) Photoplay Apr, May, Jun, Jul 1923, Dec 1924, Apr 1925, Apr, May 1926
- * Close-Ups & Long Shots, (cl) Photoplay Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1924
- * The Evolution Trial in the Zoo, (ar) Photoplay October 1925
- * The Film Wizard of Europe, (ar) Photoplay December 1922
- * Hard Times in Hollywood, (hu) Photoplay July 1928
- * Herb Founds a New Religion, (ss) Photoplay June 1928
- * Hollywood in a High Hat, (ar) Photoplay August 1925
- * How to Do It, (hu) Photoplay May 1922
- * Just a Hollywood Day, (hu) Photoplay February 1929
- * Photoplay’s Hollywood Astronomers: “Our Adela”, (ar) Photoplay November 1923 [Ref. Adela Rogers St. Johns]
- * The Queen of Poverty Row, (ar) Photoplay April 1929 [Ref. Betty Compson]
- * Stepping Out, (ar) Photoplay June 1923
- * What Europe Thinks of American Stars, (ar) Photoplay February 1923
- * Who’s Talking for Who in Hollywood?, (ar) Photoplay June 1929
- * You, Too, Can Be a Talking Picture Star, (hu) Photoplay December 1928
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[]Howe, J. A. (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Ballad of the Horny Jay, (ss) Aphelion #79, March 2004
- * Blue Roses, (ss) Aphelion #107, January 2007
- * Bringing the Soil, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss March 2007
- * The Burning Darkness, (vi) Bards and Sages Quarterly April 2010
- * Give That Man a Hand, Ladies and Gentlemen, (ss) Aphelion #99, January 2006
- * A Leafing, (ss) Beyond Centauri October 2005
- * Six Degrees of Separation from the Captain, (pm) Beyond Centauri January 2006
- * A Tale That Tells Songs, (ss) Aoife’s Kiss March 2008
- * There Once Was a Legend About a Halfling, (ss) Aphelion #84, August 2004
- * Twinkletoes, (ss) Jim Baen’s Universe August 2008
[]Howe, John (1957- ) (about) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) Chimeras by Christopher Evans, Grafton, 1992
- * [front cover], (cv) Dragon Fantastic ed. Rosalind M. & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1992
- * [front cover], (cv) Christmas Bestiary ed. Rosalind M. & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1992
- * [front cover], (cv) Weird Tales from Shakespeare ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1994
- * [front cover], (cv) Castle Fantastic ed. John DeChancie & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1996
- * [front cover], (cv) Elf Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Thunder Oak by Garry Kilworth, Corgi, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) A Midsummer’s Nightmare by Garry Kilworth, Corgi, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Elf Magic ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Wizard Fantastic ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1997
- * [front cover], (cv) Castle Storm by Garry Kilworth, Corgi, 1998
- * [front cover], (cv) Windjammer Run by Garry Kilworth, Corgi, 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) Spiral Words #2 1999, #9 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Merlin ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1999
- * [front cover], (cv) The Conan Chronicles: Volume 1: The People of the Black Circle by Robert E. Howard, Millennium, 2000
- * [front cover], (cv) Knight’s Dawn by Kim Hunter, Orbit, 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) The Conan Chronicles: Volume 2: The Hour of the Dragon by Robert E. Howard, Gollancz, 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Gaslight Geezers by Garry Kilworth, Corgi, 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) The Mammoth Book of Fantasy ed. Mike Ashley, Robinson, 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) The Mammoth Book of Fantasy ed. Mike Ashley, Carroll & Graf, 2001
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales Before Tolkien ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Ballantine Del Rey, 2003
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales Before Tolkien (var. 1) ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Del Rey, 2005
- * [front cover], (cv) Tales Before Narnia ed. Douglas A. Anderson, Ballantine Del Rey, 2008
- * [front cover], (cv) Realms of Fantasy June 2008
- * [front cover], (cv) Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb, Subterranean Press, 2017
- * [front cover], (cv) Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb, Subterranean Press, 2024
- * [front cover], (cv) Mad Ship by Robin Hobb, Subterranean Press, 2024
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Realms of Fantasy June 2008
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[]Howe, Julia Ward (1819-1910) (about) (chron.)
- * Battle Hymn of the Republic, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1862, uncredited.
- * Blushes, (pm)
- * The Charitable Visitor, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1862, uncredited.
- * Christmas Voices, (pm) The Pocket Magazine December 1897
- * Crawford’s Statues at Richmond, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly October 1861, uncredited.
- * The Darkened House, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly March 1863, uncredited.
- * “Did the Dark Powers Their End Attain?”, (pm) The Pocket Magazine May 1896
- * The Fine Lady, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1863, uncredited.
- * The Flag, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly April 1863, uncredited.
- * From the Bridge of Sighs, (pm) Lippincott’s Magazine of Literature, Science and Education April 1868
- * Fulton, (pm) Collier’s September 25 1909
- * The Great Agitation:
* ___ 4. Recollections of the Antislavery Struggle, (ar) The Cosmopolitan July 1889
- * Hamlet at the Boston, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly February 1859, uncredited.
- * The Last Bird, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly May 1859, uncredited.
- * Lyrics of the Street:
* ___ I. The Telegrams, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly May 1862, uncredited.
* ___ II. The Wedding, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1862, uncredited.
* ___ III. The Charitable Visitor, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly December 1862, uncredited.
* ___ IV. The Fine Lady, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly January 1863, uncredited.
* ___ V. The Darkened House, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly March 1863, uncredited.
* ___ VI. Play, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly September 1863, uncredited.
- * Mortal and Immortal, (pm) , uncredited.
- * A New Sculptor, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly September 1862, uncredited.
- * Our Country, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly October 1861, uncredited.
- * Our Orders, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1861, uncredited.
- * Play, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly September 1863, uncredited.
- * Recollections of the Antislavery Struggle, (ar) The Cosmopolitan July 1889
- * Reminiscences of Julia Ward Howe, (bg) The Atlantic Monthly Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1899
- * Robert E. Lee, (pm) Watson’s Jeffersonian Magazine July 1907
- * The Songs of the War. With Notes on the Battle-Hymn of the Republic, (??) The Century Magazine August 1887
- * The Spider’s Lesson, (pm) Scribner’s Monthly January 1880
- * The Telegrams, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly May 1862, uncredited.
- * untitled (“I cannot make him know my love”), (pm) , as "Blushes"
- * The Wedding, (pm) The Atlantic Monthly July 1862, uncredited.
- * What Life Means to Me, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine July 1906
- * Wishes, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1889
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[]Howe, Justin (1975- ) (about) (chron.)
- * Behind the Sun, (ss) Reckoning #1, 2016
- * City of Beautiful Nonsense, (vi) Abyss & Apex #25, 1st Quarter 2008
- * A Ghost Can Only Take, (ar) Reckoning #2, 2018
- * Go Home Stranger, (ss) Bewere the Night ed. Ekaterina Sedia, Prime Books, 2011
- * Jennifer Quarantine, (ss) Crossed Genres Magazine #22, September 2010
- * Last Rites for a Vagabond, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #126, July 25 2013
- * A Late Quintessence, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #228, June 22 2017
- * Of Dice and Men: Modern Fantasists and the Influence of Role Playing Games (with Jason S. Ridler), (ar) Clarkesworld #20, May 2008
- * Of Shifting Skin and Certainty, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #26, September 24 2009
- * Periling Hand, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #259, August 30 2018
- * Shadows Under Hexmouth Street, (ss) Beneath Ceaseless Skies #89, February 23 2012
- * Signature Days, (ss) The Homeless Moon: Imaginary Places, The Homeless Moon, 2009
- * Skillet and Saber, (ss) Fast Ships, Black Sails ed. Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, Night Shade Books, 2008
- * Welcome to Foreign Lands, (ss) The Homeless Moon, The Homeless Moon, 2008
- * When the Jiroft Went Away, (ss) The Homeless Moon 4, The Homeless Moon, 2011
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