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Book Contents Lists: Page 590

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    Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Gollancz, April 13, 1989, 0-575-04460-8, £12.95, 395pp, hc, co)
        Reprint (Underwood-Miller 1987) collection of 27 stories, written 1952-1953. This volume has an introduction by Norman Spinrad. Volume two in “The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick”.

    Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Grafton, July 12, 1990, 0-586-20765-1, £5.99, 493pp, tp, co, cover by Chris Moore)
        Reprint (Underwood-Miller 1987) SF collection. Volume two in “The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick”.

    Second Variety by Philip K. Dick (Millennium, August 26, 1999, 1-85798-880-9, £7.99, viii+395pp, tp, co)
        Reprint (Underwood-Miller 1987) collection of 27 stories. Second of 5 books collecting almost all PKD stories, arranged in order of writing. Includes an Introduction by Norman Spinrad.

    Second Variety and Other Classic Stories by Philip K. Dick (Citadel Press, April 25, 2017, 978-0-8065-3799-3, $16.00, 432pp, tp, co)
        Reissue (Citadel Twilight 1991 as Second Variety) collection of 24 stories with an introduction by John Brunner, slightly revised from The Father Thing (Underwood-Miller, 1987). Volume three in “The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick”.

    Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick (SFBC, November 2002, #54693, $12.99, xiv+476pp, hc, co)
        Reprint (Pantheon 2002) collection of 21 stories with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem. This is similar to the Pantheon edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.

    Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, April 2013, 978-0-544-04054-0, $28.00, xii+466pp, hc, co)
        Reprint (Pantheon 2002) collection of 21 stories, with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem.

    The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick (Vintage, February 1996, 0-679-74787-7, $13.00, 350pp, tp, nf)
        Reprint (Pantheon 1995) collection of Dick’s non-fiction, including essays, speeches, journals, and interviews. Edited and with an introduction by Lawrence Sutin.

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