The FictionMags Index
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[]Holmes, H. H.; pseudonym of William A. P. White (1911-1968) (chron.)
- * Coffin Corner, (ss) The Female of the Species ed. Ellery Queen, Little, Brown, 1943
- * Fantasy & S-F Stories by Anthony Boucher (with William A. P. White), (bi) The Fanscient Summer 1950, as by Anthony Boucher & H. H. Holmes
- * Hobo Fireboy, (ss) Boys’ Life July 1953
- * The Murder Market, (rc) Manhunt Feb, May 1954
- * The Murder Market (with Hal Walker), (rc) Manhunt June 1954
- * Q.U.R. [Quinby’s Usuform Robots], (nv) Astounding Science-Fiction March 1943
- Astounding Science-Fiction (UK) April 1943
- Adventures in Time and Space ed. Raymond J. Healy & J. Francis McComas, Random House, 1946, as by Anthony Boucher
- Adventures in Time and Space (var. 2) ed. Raymond J. Healy & J. Francis McComas, Random House, 1953, as by Anthony Boucher
- The Compleat Werewolf by Anthony Boucher, Simon & Schuster, 1969, as by Anthony Boucher
- The Great Science Fiction Stories: Volume 5, 1943 ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW, 1981, as by Anthony Boucher
- The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Third Series ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza/Crown, 1984, as by Anthony Boucher
- * Review Copy, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Fall 1949
- * Robinc [Quinby’s Usuform Robots], (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction September 1943
- * Rocket to the Morgue, (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1942
- * Sanctuary, (ss) Astounding Science-Fiction June 1943
- * Secret of the House, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction March 1953
- * Starship Troopers, (br) New York Herald Tribune 1960 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
- * The Stripper [Sister Mary Ursula, OMB], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #22, May 1945
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine “Overseas Edition for the Armed Forces” #22, May 1945
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine (Australia) #5, November 1947
- Twentieth Century Detective Stories ed. Ellery Queen, The World Publishing Company, 1948, as by Anthony Boucher
- The Harlot Killer ed. Allan Barnard, Dodd, Mead, 1953, as by Anthony Boucher
- Verdict July 1953
- Verdict (UK) September 1953
- Bodies and Spirits ed. Dan Herr & Joel Wells, Doubleday, 1964, as by Anthony Boucher
- Twentieth Century Detective Stories (var. 1) ed. Ellery Queen, Popular Library, 1964, as by Anthony Boucher
- Masterpieces of Mystery: Amateurs & Professionals ed. Ellery Queen, Davis, 1978
- Exeunt Murderers by Anthony Boucher, Southern Illinois University Press, 1983, as by Anthony Boucher
- Lady on the Case ed. Marcia Muller, Bill Pronzini & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza, 1988, as by Anthony Boucher
- Murder Most Sacred ed. Edward D. Hoch & Martin H. Greenberg, Dembner, 1989, as by Anthony Boucher
- Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1991
- Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine December 2011, as by Anthony Boucher
- * Vacancy with Corpse [Sister Mary Ursula, OMB], (nv) Mystery Book Magazine February 1946
_____, [ref.]
[]Holmes, H. J. (fl. 1890s-1900s) (chron.)
- * Angling Competitions, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1905
- * “Are You Mad?”, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1902
- * An Artist in Smoke and Sand, (ar) The Royal Magazine November 1900
- * At a Railway Auction, (ar) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #6, July 15 1899
- * The Balance Wonderful: Some Remarkable Exhibitions of Muscle, (ar) The Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine April 1900
- * The Birth of a Razor, (ar) The Royal Magazine May 1905
- * Boxing Horses, (ar) The Windsor Magazine January 1903
- * Cliquot the Sword-Swallower, (ar) The Royal Magazine April 1899
- * A Day in the Life of a Workhouse Master, (ar) The Royal Magazine January 1909, as by H. J. H.
- * A Dutch Wooing, (pm) The London Magazine September 1904
- * The Eyes of Britain’s Coast, (ar) The Royal Magazine October 1903
- * Faces in Plaster, (ar) The Royal Magazine April 1902
- * Fairy Feet Behind the Footlights, (ar) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #2, June 17 1899
- * Freak Photography, (ar) The London Magazine October 1906
- * Freaks in Ferns, (ar) The Royal Magazine November 1902
- * Hats and Their Temperature, (ar) The Windsor Magazine August 1906
- * Hoop-Rolling Extraordinary, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine May 1901
- * How “Old” Violins Are Made, (ar) The London Magazine July 1904
- * The King of Handcuffs, (bg) The Royal Magazine September 1900 [Ref. Harry Houdini]
- * The Latest Electrical Wonder, (ar) The Royal Magazine September 1901
- * Light Weights and False Measures, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1902
- * Living Characters from Dickens, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1900
- * A Maiden Versatile, (pm) The Royal Magazine May 1906, as by H. J. H.
- * Making a Policeman, (ar) The Strand Magazine April 1902
- * A Map of Precious Stones, (ar) The Strand Magazine May 1902
- * “Minding Baby”, (ar) The Strand Magazine November 1904
- * Newspapers the Public Never Sees, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1902
- * A One-Man Newspaper, (bg) The Royal Magazine June 1900
- * Our New Girl, (pm) The Royal Magazine January 1903
- * Perilous Public Performances, (ar) The Royal Magazine February 1904
- * A Pocket Burrow, (ss) The Windsor Magazine December 1902
- * Producing a Pantomime, (ar) The Royal Magazine December 1901
- * Religious Picture Post-Cards, (ar) The Sunday Strand November 1906
- * A Remarkable Collection of Chess-Man, (ar) The Windsor Magazine March 1902
- * Remarkable Messages, (ar) The Windsor Magazine November 1902
- * Ripe Strawberries, (ar) The Royal Magazine July 1906
- * The Romance of the Y.M.C.A., (ar) The Royal Magazine May 1906
- * The Scales of Injustice, (ar) The Penny Pictorial Magazine #4, July 1 1899
- * The Slum Parson, (ar) The Royal Magazine November 1904
- * Some Famous Up-River Resorts, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 23 1900
- * A Spring Idyll, (pm) The Royal Magazine March 1907
- * The Strongest Woman on Earth, (bg) The Royal Magazine October 1902 [Ref. Kate Roberts]
- * Teaching the Dumb to Speak, (ar) The Harmsworth Magazine December 1900
- * Trapeze and Tight-Rope, (ar) The Royal Magazine July 1902
- * Water at $2.50 a Glass, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine (US) February 1905
- * Water at Ten Shillings a Glass, (ar) The Royal Magazine August 1904
[]Holmes, Harold C. (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * A “Bit” on Nick Carter Library, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #90, September 1939
- * Comrades, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #103, March 1941
- * Diamond Dick “Item”, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #86, May 1939
- * Do and Dare Weekly, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #114, March 1942
- * First Hal Year of “Work and Win”, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #166, July 1946
- * The First Nick Carter, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #79, October 1938
- * A Handsome Harry Episode, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #71, February 1938
- * The “Merriwell” Magazine Stories, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #66, September 1937
- * My First Novel, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #49, April 1936
- * New Magnet Library #1088, (bi) Dime Novel Round-Up #85, April 1939
- * New Magnet Library No 1036, (lr) Dime Novel Round-Up #83, February 1939
- * New York Detective Library #171, (lr) Dime Novel Round-Up #122, November 1942
- * Nick Carter Weekly Nos. 91 and 92, (ar) Dime Novel Round-Up #55, October 1936
- * Old King Brady, the Sleuth-Hound, (sr) Dime Novel Round-Up #97, September 1940
- * An Open Letter to Mr. Flaum, (ms) Dime Novel Round-Up #178, July 1947
- * Pluck and Luck 118, (lr) Dime Novel Round-Up #188, May 1948
- * Secret Service #258, (lr) Dime Novel Round-Up #154 Jul, #155 Aug 1945
- * A Story of India, (vi) Dime Novel Round-Up #84, March 1939
[]Holmes, J(ohn) Eric, M.D. (1930-2010); used pseudonym Sidney Leland (about) (chron.)
- * Beachhead on the Moon, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1951, as by Sidney Leland
- * Brain Waves and Thought Patterns, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction July 1962
- * The Cenote, (ss) Doppelgänger #8, May 1987
- * Dungeon & Dragons: Dangerous to Your Health?, (ar) Beyond Winter 1982
- * The Educated Flatworms, (ar) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction November 1962
- * In the Bag [Zereth], (ss) Dragon February 1982
- * Lovecraft in the Comic Books: An Update, (ar) Crypt of Cthulhu #97, Hallowmas 1997 [Ref. H. P. Lovecraft]
- * Machen Society Meeting: March 5, 1988, (ms) Avallaunius Summer 1988
- * The Sorceror’s Jewel, (ss) Dragon February 1981
- * The Split Brain, (ar) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact August 1974
- * Trollshead [Zereth], (ss) The Dragon November 1979
- * [letter], (lt) Quantum #40, Fall 1991
- * [letter from California], (lt) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction October 1964
- * [letter from Hawai’i], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries April 1946
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA], (lt) Weird Tales Summer 1974
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA, 90033], (lt) Analog Science Fiction—Science Fact Feb, Dec 1975
_____, [ref.]
[]Holmes, James (chron.)
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Helen Morgan Brooks, Albert Fowler, Helen Fowler, Kenneth Knight, Frank Macdonald, J. H. McCandless & Carol R. Murphy): Approach #6, 1950
- * Editor (with Helen Morgan Brooks, Albert Fowler, Helen Fowler, Kenneth Knight, Frank Macdonald, Carol R. Murphy & David Platt): Approach #4 1948, #5 1949
[]Holmes, John (1935-2011) (about) (chron.)
- * The Seer, (cv) Omni August 1981
- * [front cover], (cv) The Bureau of Lost Souls by Christopher Fowler, Arrow, 1990
- * [front cover], (cv) Murders for the Fireside ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Pan, 1992
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Mayfair v8 #1, v8 #4, v8 #6 1973, v10 #2 1975, v14 #1 1979
_____, [ref.]
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