The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4488
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[]Harcourt, Bertie (chron.)
- * Oliver Orlope’s Wraith; or, The Witch Whale, (sl) The Young Englishman Nov 23, Nov 30, Dec 6, Dec 13, Dec 20, Dec 27 1875, Jan 3, Jan 10, Jan 17, Jan 24,
Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21 1876
- * Simple Science Salad, (cl) The Young Englishman May 20, May 27, Jun 17, Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15, Jul 22, Jul 29, Aug 5,
Aug 19, Sep 22, Sep 29 1876
[]Harcourt, Burton (fl. 1920s) (chron.)
- * The Charm of Silver, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine January 1921
- * The Curse of Glory, (ss) The New Parisienne Monthly Magazine June 1921
- * Explanation, (pm) Snappy Stories 2nd December 1922
- * “The Firemen Are Fighting the Flames”, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly May 27 1922
- * Flower of Darkness, (ss) The New Parisienne Monthly Magazine May 1921
- * The Fool of Love, (vi) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine December 1920
- * The Incivility of Fate, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine February 1921
- * Mahatma Magic, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 10 1921
- * Nieces, (vi) Telling Tales April 1921
- * Romance, (pm) Saucy Stories December 1920
- * The Spell of Moonlight, (ss) The New Parisienne Monthly Magazine April 1921
- * Suggestion, (ss) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 25 1920
- * That Man from Tennessee, (ss) Short Stories September 1920
- * The Wax Image, (ss) Weird Tales November 1923
[]Harcourt, Clinton (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * All the Tricks, (ss) Gay Broadway Spring 1938
- * Bad Medicine, (ss) Gay Broadway Spring 1937
- * Behind Every Bed!, (ss) Bedtime Stories January 1938
- * Behind Her Silken Veil, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1920
- * Below Decks, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1929
- * Black Butterfly, (ss) Bedtime Stories December 1937
- * The Black Shadow, (ss) The New Parisienne Monthly Magazine June 1921
- * The Blonde in 42, (ss) Spicy Stories January 1938
- * Borrowed Thrills, (sl) Cupid’s Diary Aug 23, Sep 7 1927
- * Brand from the Burning, (ss) Bedtime Stories May 1937
- * Breakfast in Bed, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1919
- * Bride of the Sun, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine May 1920
- * Broadway Babe, (ss) Gay Broadway Winter 1937
- * Champagne and Sausages, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1920
- * The Cheers of the Crowd, (ss) Cupid’s Diary September 19 1928
- * The Chest of Delicious Curves, (ss) The Black Mask June 1920
- * College Daze!, (nv) Spicy Stories October 1929
- * A Couple of Dummies, (ss) Spicy Stories December 1936
- * Crystal Venus, (ss) Spicy Stories April 1937
- * Custom of the Country, (ss) Bedtime Stories February 1937
- * Dark Enemy, (nv) Complete Stories 1st November 1930
- * The Devil in Men, (sl) Pep Stories Nov, Dec 1928
- * Dusty Shoes, (ss) Pep Stories December 1936
- * The Enchanted Spear, (ss) Saucy Stories June 1920
- * Entertainment Plus!, (ss) Bedtime Stories July 1938
- * Everything Went Black, (ss) Spicy Stories June 1937
- * The Flapper Fibs, (ss) Pep Stories November 1929
- * Floor Above a Star, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1919
- * Four of a Kind, (ss) Spicy Stories July 1936
- * The Fourth Crime of Hip Song, (ss) Saucy Stories September 1920
- * Fur Coat and Step-Ins, (ss) The Stocking Parade February 1938
- * Going Down, Lady?, (ss) Pep Stories August 1936
- * The Gold Witch, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1921
- * Good Advice, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1929
- * The Good Little Sport, (nv) Pep Stories October 1928
- * The Guerilla, (ss) The Black Mask November 1920
- * The Hatchet-Man, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine February 1921
- * Hearts for Sale, (ss) Cupid’s Diary March 21 1928
- * Hearts in Jeopardy, (ss) Sweetheart Stories #10, March 31 1926
- * He Furnished a Flat, (ss) Breezy Stories February 1919
- * He Gets His Girl, (ss) Snappy April 1933
- * Him, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1919
- * His Royal Flyness, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1920
- * The Hold-Up on Napoleon Boulevard, (ss) The Black Mask April 1921
- * Hot Lips, (ss) Spicy Stories December 1928
- * Innocence—Plus!, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1922
- * Joy of Life, (sl) Spicy Stories Mar, Apr 1932
- * Just a Cottage Small, (ss) Pep Stories September 1928
- * Just Bad!, (ss) Broadway Nights January 1930
- * Just One Fling, (ss) Bedtime Stories December 1936
- * Key to the Situation, (ss) Pep Stories April 1937
- * The Kiss, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1915
- * The Lady and the Slippers, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine January 1921
- * The Lamp of Love, (ss) Saucy Stories November 1920
- * Leave It to Bertie, (nv) Spicy Stories September 1931
- * Limousine Love, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1921
- * Little House of Dreams, (ss) Saucy Stories August 1920
- * A Little Love, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1928
- * The Little Singer at Segardo’s, (ss) Breezy Stories December 1918
- * Love in a Hurry, (ss) Pep Stories January 1938
- * Lovely Little Devil, (ss) Pep Stories November 1937
- * Marionette of the Night, (ss) Cupid’s Diary June 16 1926
- * The Mirror of Love, (ss) Snappy April 1937
- * Nearly a Hero!, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine July 1920
- * The Necklace of the Pharaohs, (ss) The Black Mask May 1920
- * “Need Any Ice?”, (ss) Snappy September 1936
- * Nerve, (ms) Saucy Stories May 1922, Sep 1 1923
- * Nice Work!, (ss) Spicy Stories August 1937
- * The Night After, (ss) Ginger Stories February 1929
- * No Parking!, (ss) Pep Stories January 1937
- * Ogre, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1922
- * Over Her Head, (ss) Tattle Tales November 1936
- * Painted Lips, (ss) Broadway Nights March 1931
- * Pamela’s Pyjamas, (nv) Droll Stories February 1926
- * The Passion Flower, (sl) Real Story Book Jun, Jul, Aug 1929
- * Pearls for Peppy, (ss) Broadway Nights October 1928
- * Plenty Hot!, (sl) Spicy Stories Mar, Apr, May 1931
- * The Poet’s Paradise, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1919
- * The Pool in the Garden, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine December 1920
- * The Poppy Dawn, (ss) Saucy Stories February 1921
- * Port o’ Romance, (ss) Cupid’s Diary January 25 1927
- * Pouffé, Too!, (ss) Breezy Stories July 1920
- * A Present from Him, (ss) Breezy Stories April 1920
- * Prince Comes Riding, (ss) The Stocking Parade August/September 1937
- * Raw Gold, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine October 1920
- * Red Hot Toddy!, (sl) Pep Stories Apr, May 1929
- * The Reflection in the Mirror, (ss) The Black Mask May 1921
- * Revenge Is Bitter, (ss) Spicy Stories August/September 1938
- * The Road of Gold, (nv) Breezy Stories 1st January 1926
- * Rob Peter and Play Paul, (ss) Broadway Nights February 1929
- * The Romantic Bandit, (ss) Cupid’s Diary June 29 1926
- * Rube Manhattan, (ss) Breezy Stories March 1919
- * Scavenger Hunt, (ss) Snappy March 1938
- * She Wanted a Millionaire, (ss) Breezy Stories May 1919
- * Singing Girl—Blind Man, (ss) Breezy Stories August 1923
- * The Sins of Ming Suy, (??) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine November 1920
- * Skull-and-Crossbones, (ss) Real Story Book January 1929
- * Slaves of Temptation, (ss) Breezy Stories November 1920
- * Smart Girl, (ss) Pep Stories February 1936
- * Snow Train, (ss) Spicy Stories February 1937
- * “Somebody Stole My Gal!”, (ss) Bedtime Stories May 1938
- * Some Heels…!, (ss) Spicy Stories March 1938
- * Southern Hospitality, (ss) Tattle Tales April 1937
- * Southern Melody, (pm) Cupid’s Diary February 22 1928
- * Stand-In, (ss) Spicy Stories October 1936
- * The Stolen Debutante, (nv) Sweetheart Stories #9, March 17 1926
- * Strictly Business, (ss) Pep Stories May 1935
- * A Study in Hesitation, (ss) Breezy Stories September 1919
- * The Sword of His Ancestors, (ss) Saucy Stories December 1920
- * Tank Town Romeo, (ss) Pep Stories March 1938
- * Temptation Scene, (ss) Snappy March 1935
- * Tent Show, (ss) Snappy June 1937
- * There Was Once a Prince, (ss) Breezy Stories June 1919
- * Thin Ice, (ss) Snappy February 1937
- * Three Black Crows Fly Past, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine September 1920
- * The Thrill Chaser, (sl) Spicy Stories Feb, Mar, Apr 1929
- * Thrill-Proof, (ss) Cupid’s Diary January 11 1928
- * Told in the Locket, (ss) The New Parisienne Monthly Magazine April 1921
- * Too Many Blondes, (ss) Spicy Stories September 1936
- * Trailer Love, (ss) Bedtime Stories November 1937
- * The Trap, (sl) Broadway Nights Aug, Sep 1929
- * Trick Shoes, (ss) Breezy Stories October 1920
- * Twice in the Same Place!, (ss) Pep Stories June 1937
- * Under the Ashes, (vi) Snappy Stories November 1914
- * Virtue, (ss) Real Story Book October 1929
- * ’Way Down South!, (ss) Pep Stories August/September 1938
- * The Web of Golden Hours, (ss) The Parisienne Monthly Magazine March 1920
- * Wedding Night, (ss) Bedtime Stories April 1937
- * What an Inagination!, (ss) Spicy Stories October 1937
- * What Price Gloria?, (ss) Pep Stories August 1928
- * “Where Do They Get Them Guys?”, (ss) Breezy Stories January 1919
- * Which Way Does the Wind Blow?, (ss) Cupid’s Diary December 14 1927
- * The White Face at the Cellar Window, (ss) The Black Mask January 1921
- * Winner Lose All, (ss) Bedtime Stories September 1937
- * With Love and Kisses, (ss) Spicy Stories May 1938
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