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    Family Circle:   (about)

    The Family Circle [v4 #8, April 1903] (The Family Circle Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 25¢ per year, 16pp, 10″ x 16½″) []
    “Devoted to the Idealization of the Home”.
    Details supplied by Morgan Wallace.

    The Family Circle [v5 #6, February 1904] (The Family Circle Publishing Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 25¢ per year, 16pp, 10″ x 16½″) []
    “Devoted to the Idealization of the Home”.
    Details supplied by Morgan Wallace.

    Family Circle [v12 #1, January 7, 1938] ed. Harry H. Evans (The Family Circle, Inc., 20pp, quarto) []
    manuscripts R. R. Endicott.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge from Table of Contents.

    Family Circle [v19 #11, September 12, 1941] ed. R. R. Endicott (The Family Circle, Inc., 20pp, quarto) []
    editorial director Harry H. Evans.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge from Table of Contents.

    Family Circle [v27 #3, July 20, 1945] ed. R. R. Endicott (The Family Circle, Inc., 24pp, quarto, cover by photo) []
    editorial director Harry H. Evans; assoc. ed. H. O. Warren, Jr.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge.

    Family Circle [v27 #4, July 27, 1945] ed. R. R. Endicott (The Family Circle, Inc., 24pp, quarto, cover by photo) []
    editorial director Harry H. Evans; assoc. ed. H. O. Warren, Jr.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge.
    • 3 · The Personal Touch · Various · ms; includes short bio & photo of Maurice Beam.
    • 4 · A Pint for Margery · Maurice Beam · ss; illustrated by Wayne Hall

    Family Circle [v27 #5, August 3, 1945] ed. R. R. Endicott (The Family Circle, Inc., 24pp, quarto, cover by photo) []
    editorial director Harry H. Evans; assoc. ed. H. O. Warren, Jr.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge.

    Family Circle [v27 #13, October 5, 1945] ed. R. R. Endicott (The Family Circle, Inc., 20pp, quarto, cover by photo) []
    editorial director Harry H. Evans; assoc. ed. H. O. Warren, Jr.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge from Table of Contents.

    Family Circle [v27 #14, October 12, 1945] ed. R. R. Endicott (The Family Circle, Inc., 24pp, quarto, cover by photo) []
    editorial director Harry H. Evans; assoc. ed. H. O. Warren, Jr.
    Details supplied by Monte Herridge.

    Family Circle [v32 #3, March 1948] []
    partial contents.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.
    • · Squints Serappi and His Magic Eyes · Jean Z. Owen · ss

    Family Circle [v33 #5, November 1948] []
    partial contents.
    Details supplied by Denny Lien.

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