The FictionMags Index
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Gardner, Martin (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Hustle Off to Buffalo, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1986
- * Hyperbolas, (ar) Scientific American September 1977, as "On Conic Sections, Ruled Surfaces and Other Manifestations of the Hyperbola"
- * Hypercubes, (ar) Scientific American November 1966, as "Is It Possible to Visualize a Four-Dimensional Figure?"
- * The Hypnotic Fascination of Sliding-Block Puzzles, (ar) Scientific American February 1964
- * The I Ching, (ar) Scientific American January 1974, as "The Combinatorial Basis of the “I Ching,” the Chinese Book of Divination and Wisdom"
- * The Icosian Game and the Tower of Hanoi, (ar) Scientific American May 1957, as "About the Remarkable Similarity Between the Icosian Game and the Tower of Hanoi"
- * The Imaginableness of the Imaginary Numbers, (ar) Scientific American August 1979
- * An Imaginary Dialogue on “Mathemagic”: Tricks Based on Mathematical Principles, (ar) Scientific American August 1960
- * Imaginary Numbers, (ar) Scientific American August 1979, as "The Imaginableness of the Imaginary Numbers"
- * Incidental Information About the Extraordinary Number Pi, (ar) Scientific American July 1960
- * Induction and Probability, (ar) Scientific American March 1976, as "On the Fabric of Inductive Logic, and Some Probability Paradoxes"
- * An Inductive Card Game, (ar) Scientific American June 1959
- * Infinite Regress, (ar) Scientific American April 1965, as "The Infinite Regress in Philosophy, Literature and Mathematical Proof"
- * The Infinite Regress in Philosophy, Literature and Mathematical Proof, (ar) Scientific American April 1965
- * Infinity and Information, (br) The New York Review of Books December 3 1987
- * Inner Planets Quiz, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1985
- * In Some Patterns of Numbers or Words There May Be Less Than Meets the Eye, (ar) Scientific American September 1979
- * The Inspired Geometrical Symmetries of Scott Kim, (ar) Scientific American June 1981
- * Introduction, (in) Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, Pelican, 1966
- * Introduction, (in) More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, Pelican, 1966
- * Introduction, (in) The Night Is Large: Collected Essays, 1938-1995, Penguin, 1997
- * In Which a Computer Prints Out Mammoth Polygonal Factorials, (ar) Scientific American August 1967
- * In Which a Mathematical Aesthetic Is Applied to Modern Minimal Art, (ar) Scientific American November 1978
- * In Which Dm (Dr. Matrix) Is Revealed As the Guru of Pm (Pentagonal Meditation), (ar) Scientific American November 1976
- * In Which Joining Sets of Points by Lines Leads Into Diverse (And Diverting) Paths, (ar) Scientific American November 1977
- * In Which Monster Curves Force Redefinition of the Word “Curve”, (ar) Scientific American December 1976
- * In Which Players of Tic-Tac-Toe Are Taught to Hunt Bigger Game, (ar) Scientific American April 1979
- * In Which the Author Chats Again with Dr. Matrix, Numerologist Extraordinary, (ar) Scientific American January 1961
- * In Which the Editor of This Department Meets the Legendary Bertrand Apollinax, (ar) Scientific American May 1961
- * The Irrelevance of Conan Doyle, (ar) Beyond Baker Street ed. Michael Harrison, Bobbs-Merrill, 1976
- * The Irrelevance of “Everything”, (ar) Scientific American 1976
- * Isiah Berlin: Fox or Hedgehog?, (ar) Dimensions v6 #2, 1991
- * Is It a Superintelligent Robot or Does Dr. Matrix Ride Again?, (ar) Scientific American December 1978
- * Is It Possible to Visualize a Four-Dimensional Figure?, (ar) Scientific American November 1966
- * The Island of the Five Colors, (ss) Future Tense ed. Kendell Foster Crossen, Greenberg, 1952
- * Is “Realism” a Dirty Word?, (ar) American Journal of Physics March 1989
- * It Happened Even to Houdini, (ar) Argosy October 1950
- * It’s All Done with Mirrors, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine mid December 1984
- * James Hugh Riley Shows, Inc., (ar) Scientific American April 1959, as "The Mathematical Diversions of a Fictitious Carnival Man"
- * Jam, Hot, and Other Games, (ar) Scientific American February 1967, as "Mathematical Strategies for Two-Person Contests"
- * The Jinn from Hyperspace, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 6 1981
- * The Jock Who Wanted to Be Fifty, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1983
- * John Horton Conway’s Book Covers an Infinity of Games, (ar) Scientific American September 1976
- * The “Jump Proof” and Its Similarity to the Toppling of a Row of Dominoes, (ar) Scientific American May 1977
- * Klein Bottles and Other Surfaces, (ar) Scientific American July 1963, as "Topological Diversions, Including a Bottle with No Inside or Outside"
- * Klingon and Other Artificial Languages, (ar) The Skeptical Inquirer July/August 1995
- * Knights of the Square Table, (ar) Scientific American October 1967, as "Problems That Are Built on the Knight’s Move in Chess"
- * Knots and Borromean Rings, (ar) Scientific American September 1961, as "Surfaces with Edges Linked in the Same Way As the Three Rings of a Well-Known Design"
- * Knotted Doughnuts and Other Mathematical Entertainments, (nf) W.H. Freeman & Co., 1986
- * The Knotted Molecule and Other Problems, (ar) Scientific American November 1970, as "A New Collection of Short Problems and the Answers to Some of “Life’s”"
- * Knotty Problems with a Two-Hole Torus, (ar) Scientific American December 1972
- * The Lady Says “Check!”, (ss) Esquire January 1948
- * The Laffer Curve, (ar) Scientific American December 1981, as "The Laffer Curve and Other Laughs in Current Economics"
- * The Laffer Curve and Other Laughs in Current Economics, (ar) Scientific American December 1981
- * Last Recreations: Hydras, Eggs, and other Mathematical Mystifications, (nf) Copernicus Books, 1997
- * The Lattice of Integers, (ar) Scientific American May 1965, as "The Lattice of Integers Considered As an Orchard or a Billiard Table"
- * The Lattice of Integers Considered As an Orchard or a Billiard Table, (ar) Scientific American May 1965
- * Laugh, Bird, Laugh [Humpty Dumpty Junior], (ss) Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine for Little Children #229, July 1975
- * Lavinia Seeks a Room and Other Problems, (ar) Scientific American April 1981, as "How Lavinia Finds a Room on University Avenue, and Other Geometric Problems"
- * Left or Right?, (ss) Esquire February 1951
- * Left or Right?, (ar) Scientific American March 1958, as "About Left- and Right-Handedness, Mirror Images and Kindred Matters"
- * Lessons from Dr. Matrix in Chess and Numerology, (ar) Scientific American January 1971
- * Lewis Carroll and His Alice Books, (ar) The Annotated Alice by Lewis Carroll, Clarkson Potter, 1960
- * The Life and Work of Sam Loyd, a Mighty Inventor of Puzzles, (ar) Scientific American August 1957
- * Limits of Infinite Series, (ar) Scientific American November 1964, as "Some Paradoxes and Puzzles Involving Infinite Series and the Concept of Limit"
- * “Look-See” Diagrams That Offer Visual Proof of Complex Algebraic Formulas, (ar) Scientific American October 1973
- * Look-See Proofs, (ar) Scientific American October 1973, as "“Look-See” Diagrams That Offer Visual Proof of Complex Algebraic Formulas"
- * A Loop of String, (ar) Scientific American December 1962, as "Some Simple Tricks and Manipulations from the Ancient Lore of String Play"
- * Lost on Capra, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Summer 1977
- * Love and Tiddlywinks, (vi) Esquire September 1949
- * The Loves of Lady Coldpence, (ss) Esquire March 1948
- * Lucifer at Las Vegas, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine April 1980
- * Luke Warm at Forty Below, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine November 23 1981
- * Machismo on Byronia, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine Winter 1977
- * Macmahon’s Color Triangles and the Joys of Fitting Them Together, (ar) Scientific American October 1968
- * The Magic Numbers of Dr. Matrix, (nf) Prometheus Books, 1985
- * Magic Squares, (ar) Scientific American March 1959, as "Concerning the Properties of Various Magic Squares"
- * Magic Squares and Cubes, (ar) Scientific American January 1976, as "A Breakthrough in Magic Squares, and the First Perfect Magic Cube"
- * Magic Stars and Polyhedrons, (ar) Scientific American December 1965, as "Magic Stars, Graphs and Polyhedrons"
- * Magic Stars, Graphs and Polyhedrons, (ar) Scientific American December 1965
- * Magic with a Matrix, (ar) Scientific American January 1957, as "A New Kind of Magic Square with Remarkable Properties"
- * Mandelbrot’s Fractals, (ar) Scientific American December 1976, as "In Which Monster Curves Force Redefinition of the Word “Curve”"
- * Martin Gardner’s New Mathematical Diversions from Scientific American, (nf) Simon & Schuster, 1966
- * Martin Gardner’s Sixth Book of Mathematical Games from Scientific American, (nf) W.H. Freeman & Co., 1971
- * Mascheroni Constructions, (ar) Scientific American September 1969, as "Geometric Constructions with a Compass and a Straightedge, and Also with a Compass Alone"
- * A Matchbox Game-Learning Machine, (ar) Scientific American March 1962, as "How to Build a Game-Learning Machine and Teach It to Play and Win"
- * Matches, (ar) Scientific American July 1969, as "Tricks, Games and Puzzles That Employ Matches As Counters and Line Segments"
- * Mathematical Card Tricks, (ar) Scientific American September 1957, as "Concerning Various Card Tricks with a Mathematical Message"
- * Mathematical Carnival, (nf) Knopf, 1975
- * Mathematical Chess Problems, (ar) Scientific American June 1979, as "Chess Problems on a Higher Plane, Including Mirror Images, Rotations and the Superqueen"
- * Mathematical Circus, (nf) Knopf, 1979
- * The Mathematical Diversions of a Fictitious Carnival Man, (ar) Scientific American April 1959
- * Mathematical Induction and Colored Hats, (ar) Scientific American May 1977, as "The “Jump Proof” and Its Similarity to the Toppling of a Row of Dominoes"
- * Mathematical Magic Show, (nf) Knopf, 1977
- * Mathematical Magic Tricks, (ar) Scientific American August 1964, as "Concerning Several Magic Tricks Based on Mathematical Principles"
- * Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, (nf) Simon & Schuster, 1959
- * Mathematical Strategies for Two-Person Contests, (ar) Scientific American February 1967
- * Mathematical Tricks with Cards, (ar) Scientific American July 1972, as "Amazing Mathematical Card Tricks That Do Not Require Prestidigitation"
- * Mathematical Zoo, (ar) Scientific American June 1978, as "A Mathematical Zoo of Astounding Critters, Imaginary and Otherwise"
- * A Mathematical Zoo of Astounding Critters, Imaginary and Otherwise, (ar) Scientific American June 1978
- * Mathematics and the Folkways, (ar) Journal of Philosophy March 30 1950
- * Mazes, (ar) Scientific American January 1959, as "About Mazes and How They Can Be Traversed"
- * Mechanical Puzzles, (ar) Scientific American September 1959, as "Concerning Mechanical Puzzles, and How an Enthusiast Has Collected 2,000 of Them"
- * Meet Private Eye Oglesby, (ss) The London Mystery Magazine #8, February/March 1951, as "Crunchy Wunchy’s First Case"
- * Melody-Making Machines, (ar) Scientific American December 1974, as "The Arts As Combinatorial Mathematics, or How to Compose Like Mozart with Dice"
- * Memorizing Numbers, (ar) Scientific American October 1957, as "How to Remember Numbers by Mnemonic Devices Such as Cuff Links and Red Zebras"
- * Merlina and the Colored Ice, (ss) A.D. Fall 1951
- * Minimal Sculpture, (ar) Scientific American November 1978, as "In Which a Mathematical Aesthetic Is Applied to Modern Minimal Art"
- * Minimal Steiner Trees, (ar) Scientific American June 1986, as "Casting a Net on a Checkerboard and Other Puzzles of the Forest "
- * A Miscellany of Transcendental Problems: Simple to State but Not at All Easy to Solve, (ar) Scientific American June 1972
- * The Missing Walnuts, (vi) Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine for Little Children February 1955
- * Miss Medford’s Moon, (nv) Esquire February 1952
- * Mr. Apollinax Visits New York, (ar) Scientific American May 1961, as "In Which the Editor of This Department Meets the Legendary Bertrand Apollinax"
- * A Mixed Bag of Logical and Illogical Problems to Solve, (ar) Scientific American November 1967
- * A Mixed Bag of Problems, (ar) Scientific American November 1963
- * A Möbius Band Has a Finite Thickness, and So It Is Actually a Twisted Prism, (ar) Scientific American August 1978
- * Möbius Bands, (ar) Scientific American December 1968, as "The World of the Möbius Strip: Endless, Edgeless and One-Sided"
- * Modulo Arithmetic and Hummer’s Wicked Witch, (ar) Scientific American February 1981, as "Gauss’s Congruence Theory Was Mod As Early As 1801"
- * The Monkey and the Coconuts, (ar) Scientific American April 1958, as "Concerning the Celebrated Puzzle of Five Sailors, a Monkey and a Pile of Coconuts"
- * Monorails on Mars, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine January 1983
- * The Monster and Other Sporadic Groups, (ar) Scientific American June 1980, as "The Capture of the Monster: a Mathematical Group with a Ridiculous Number of Elements"
- * More About Complex Dominoes, (ar) Scientific American December 1957
- * More About Mother, and Elsewhere, (ar) Kalki #5, 1967
- * More About the Shapes That Can Be Made with Complex Dominoes, (ar) Scientific American November 1960
- * More About Tiling the Plane: the Possibilities of Polyominoes, Polyiamonds, and Polyhexes, (ar) Scientific American August 1975
- * More Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions, (nf) Simon & Schuster, 1961
- * More on Tangrams: Combinatorial Problems and the Game Possibilities of Snug Tangrams, (ar) Scientific American September 1974
- * M-Pire Maps, (ar) Scientific American February 1980, as "The Coloring of Unusual Maps Leads Into Uncharted Territory"
- * Mrs. Perkins’ Quilt and Other Square-Packing Problems, (ar) Scientific American September 1966, as "The Problem of Mrs. Perkins’ Quilt"
- * The Multiple Charms of Pascal’s Triangle, (ar) Scientific American December 1966
- * The Multiple Fascinations of the Fibonacci Sequence, (ar) Scientific American March 1969
- * Mysterious Smith, (ss) The No-Sided Professor, Prometheus, 1987
- * The Mystery of Free Will, (ar) from Whys of a Philosophical Scrivener, Morrow, 1983
- * Mystery Tiles at Murray Hill, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine February 15 1982
- * Napier’s Abacus, (ar) Scientific American April 1973, as "How to Turn a Chessboard Into a Computer and to Calculate with Negabinary Numbers"
- * Napier’s Bones, (ar) Scientific American March 1973, as "The Calculating Rods of John Napier, the Eccentric Father of the Logarithm"
- * Negative Numbers, (ar) Scientific American June 1977, as "The Concept of Negative Numbers and the Difficulty of Grasping It"
- * A New Collection of “Brain-Teasers”, (ar) Scientific American October 1960
- * A New Collection of “Brain-Teasers”, (ar) Scientific American June 1961
- * A New Collection of Short Problems and the Answers to Some of “Life’s”, (ar) Scientific American November 1970
- * Newcomb’s Paradox, (ar) Scientific American July 1973, as "Free Will Revisited, with a Mind-Bending Prediction Paradox by William Newcomb"
- * The New Eleusis, (ar) Scientific American October 1977, as "On Playing New Eleusis, the Game That Simulates the Search for Truth"
- * A New Group of Short Problems, (ar) Scientific American March 1965
- * A New Kind of Cipher That Would Take Millions of Years to Break, (ar) Scientific American August 1977
- * A New Kind of Magic Square with Remarkable Properties, (ar) Scientific American January 1957
- * A New Miscellany of Problems, and Encores for Race Track, Sim, Chomp and Elevators, (ar) Scientific American May 1973
- * A New Paradox, and Variations on It, About a Man Condemned to Be Hanged, (ar) Scientific American March 1963
- * A New Pencil-And-Paper Game Based on Inductive Reasoning, (ar) Scientific American November 1969
- * New Puzzles from the Game of Halma, the Noble Ancestor of Chinese Checkers, (ar) Scientific American October 1971
- * The Night Is Large: Collected Essays, 1938-1995, (nf) St. Martin’s Press, 1996
- * Nim and Hackenbush, (ar) Scientific American January 1972, as "How to Triumph at Nim by Playing Safe, and John Horton Conway’s Game “Hackenbush”"
- * Nim and Tac Tix, (ar) Scientific American February 1958, as "Concerning the Game of Nim and Its Mathematical Analysis"
- * Nine Challenging Problems, Some Rational and Some Not, (ar) Scientific American April 1974
- * 987654321, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine August 1986
- * Nine More Problems, (ar) Scientific American November 1957, as "Nine Titillating Puzzles"
- * Nine More Problems, (ar) Scientific American May 1959, as "Another Collection of “Brain-Teasers”"
- * Nine More Problems, (ar) Scientific American June 1961, as "A New Collection of “Brain-Teasers”"
- * Nine New Puzzles to Solve, (ar) Scientific American February 1970
- * Nine Problems, (ar) Scientific American February 1957, as "An Assortment of Maddening Puzzles"
- * Nine Problems, (ar) Scientific American August 1958, as "A Third Collection of “Brain-Teasers”"
- * Nine Problems, (ar) Scientific American October 1960, as "A New Collection of “Brain-Teasers”"
- * Nine Problems, (ar) Scientific American October 1962, as "A Collection of Puzzles Involving Numbers, Logic, and Probability"
- * Nine Titillating Puzzles, (ar) Scientific American November 1957
- * Non-Euclidean Geometry, (ar) Scientific American October 1981, as "Euclid’s Parallel Postulate and Its Modern Offspring"
- * Nontransitive Dice and Other Probability Paradoxes, (ar) Scientific American December 1970, as "The Paradox of the Nontransitive Dice and the Elusive Principle of Indifference"
- * Nontransitive Paradoxes, (ar) Scientific American October 1974, as "On the Paradoxical Situations That Arise from Nontransitive Relations"
- * Nora Says “Check.”, (ss) Esquire January 1948, as "The Lady Says “Check!”"
- * No-Sided Professor, (ss) Esquire January 1947
- The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction February 1951
- The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction ed. Anthony Boucher & J. Francis McComas, Little Brown, 1952
- The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (Australia) #3, 1955
- Fantasia Mathematica ed. Clifton Fadiman, Simon & Schuster, 1958
- The Vintage Anthology of Science Fantasy ed. Christopher Cerf, Vintage, 1966
- As Tomorrow Becomes Today ed. Charles W. Sullivan, Prentice-Hall, 1974
- The No-Sided Professor, Prometheus, 1987
- * The No-Sided Professor, (co) Prometheus, April 1987
- * Nothing, (ar) Scientific American February 1975, as "How the Absence of Anything Leads to Thoughts of Nothing"
- * No Vacancy at Aleph-Null Inn, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine September 1980
- * The Number of the Beast, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine July 1983
- * A Numeranalysis by Dr. Matrix of the Lunar Flight of Apollo 11, (ar) Scientific American October 1969
- * The Numerology of Dr. Fliess, (ar) Scientific American July 1966, as "Freud’s Friend Wilhelm Fliess and His Theory of Male and Female Life Cycles"
- * An Octet of Problems That Emphasize Gamesmanship, Logic and Probability, (ar) Scientific American April 1969
- * Off We’re Going to Shuttle, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1980
- * Of Optical Illusions, from Figures That Are Undecidable to Hot Dogs That Float, (ar) Scientific American May 1970
- * Of Sprouts and Brussels Sprouts, Games with a Topological Flavor, (ar) Scientific American July 1967
- * O’gara, the Mathematical Mailman, (ar) Scientific American June 1965, as "Some Diversions and Problems from Mr. O’gara, the Postman"
- * On Altering the Past, Delaying the Future and Other Ways of Tampering with Time, (ar) Scientific American March 1979
- * On Cellular Automata, Self-Reproduction, the Garden of Eden and the Game “Life”, (ar) Scientific American February 1971
- * On Charles Sanders Peirce: Philosopher and Gamesman, (ar) Scientific American July 1978
- * On Checker Jumping, the Amazon Game, Weird Dice, Card Tricks and Other Playful Pastimes, (ar) Scientific American February 1978
- * On Conic Sections, Ruled Surfaces and Other Manifestations of the Hyperbola, (ar) Scientific American September 1977
- * One More Martini, (ss) Esquire February 1950
- * On Expressing Integers As the Sum of Cubes and Other Unsolved Number-Theory Problems, (ar) Scientific American December 1973
- * On Map Projections (With Special Reference to Some Inspired Ones), (ar) Scientific American November 1975
- * On Oulipo Algorithms, Anagrams, and Other Nonsense, (pz) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine October 1979
- * On Playing New Eleusis, the Game That Simulates the Search for Truth, (ar) Scientific American October 1977
- * On Polyiamonds: Shapes That Are Made Out of Equilateral Triangles, (ar) Scientific American December 1964
- * On Rep-Tiles, Polygons That Can Make Larger and Smaller Copies of Themselves, (ar) Scientific American May 1963
- * On Tessellating the Plane with Convex Polygon Tiles, (ar) Scientific American July 1975
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