The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 4162
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[]Gosnell, Kelvin (D.) (1950- ) (chron.)
- * City of the Damned, (cs) Storm—The Collection ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005; translated from the Dutch (“Stad der verdoemden”, Eppo, 26 December 1980-1981).
- * The Legend of Yggdrasil, (cs) Storm—The Collection ed. Rob van Bavel, Steve Holland & Meerten Welleman, Don Lawrence Collection, 2005; translated from the Dutch (“De legende can Yggdrasil”, Eppo, 4 July-28 November 1980).
[]Gospel, Chinedu (fl. 2020s) (chron.)
- * Aftermath, (pm) Penumbric Speculative Fiction February 2024
- * Black Bile, (pm) Haven Speculative #17, September 2024
- * Existence of Icarus as a Binary Code. My friend dies under a hawk’s breath. & Alzheimer’s as remedy to undo Loss, (pm) The Deadlands #25, May 2023
- * I Failed to Talk to Grandma Again, (pm) Fiyah #22, Spring 2022
- * If They Ask Me, (pm) Channel Autumn 2023
- * My dead aunt visits me in the dream. But, my phone autocorrects Dead Aunt as Dear Ant, (pm) The Deadlands #17, September 2022
- * The Nigerian Nightmare, (pm) Apparition Literary Magazine #23, Creature, July 2023
- * Self-Portrait with Pilgrimage, (pm) Heartlines Spec #5, Summer 2024
[]Goss, Daniel Stephen (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Bioplastic Blues, (ss) Ideomancer January 2003
- * The Book of Lesser Warding, (ss) Glyph #6, 2001
- * Christ’s Corpsicles, (br) Ideomancer January 2002 [Ref. James Stevens-Arce]
- * Feeding the Road, (ss) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #6, 2000
- * Ghost Ship, (vi) Penny Dreadful #13, 2000
- * Other Moments, (ss) Strange Horizons December 31 2001
[]Goss, G(eoffrey) W(alter) (1901-1985) (about) (chron.)
- * [frontispiece], (fp) Every Girl’s Story Book 1935
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Captain #294, September 1923
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The British Girl’s Annual 1924, 1925
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The New London Magazine #11, September 1931
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Magazine Jan, Mar, Apr 1932
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Wide World Magazine August 1942
- * [illustration(s)], (il) John Bull Aug 26, Sep 2 1950, Aug 11 1951
[]Goss, James (1974- ) (about) (chron.)
- * The Arabian Knightmare [Doctor Who], (na) Doctor Who: Legends of Ashildr, BBC Books, 2015
- * Dismemberment [Doctor Who], (ss) The Missy Chronicles, BBC Books, 2018
- * The Last Voyage of the Osiris [Torchwood], (ss) Torchwood #17, September/October 2009
- * The Mind’s Eye [Torchwood], (ss) Torchwood #24, November/December 2010
- * The Package [Torchwood], (ss) Torchwood #22, July/August 2010
- * We All Go Through [Torchwood] (with Steve Tribe), (ss) Torchwood #25, January/February 2011
[]Goss, Jax (fl. 2010s) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Adie, (pm) Latchkey Tales August 2014
- * Box, (ss) Latchkey Tales October 2015
- * Crone, (ss) Latchkey Tales October 2014
- * Dragon Tamed, (pm) Latchkey Tales June 2014
- * Epilogue, (ss) Latchkey Tales December 2015
- * Halo, (pm) Latchkey Tales February 2015
- * Introduction, (ed) Latchkey Tales Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 2015
- * Introduction, (in) Allusions of Innocence ed. Jax Goss, Solarwyrm Press, 2015
- * Learning to Fly, (pm) Latchkey Tales December 2014
- * Love and Statues, (ss) Amok: An Anthology of Asia-Pacific Speculative Fiction ed. Dominica Malcolm, Solarwyrm Press, 2014
- * A Taste of Winter, (ss) Twice Upon a Time ed. Joshua Allen Mercier, The Bearded Scribe Press, 2015
- * When the Sun Sets, (ss) Latchkey Tales June 2015
- * Wine in the Rain, (ss) Latchkey Tales April 2015
_____, ed.
- * Editor: Latchkey Tales Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec 2015
- * Allusions of Innocence, (oa) Solarwyrm Press, May 2015
[]Goss, Theodora; [born Theodora Esther Muszbek] (1968- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Acknowledgments, (ms) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Advice to a Daughter, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * As I Was Walking, (pm) Mythic Delirium #23, 2010
- * Bal Macabre, (pm) Mythic Delirium #15, Summer/Fall 2006
- * Bears, (pm) The Rose in Twelve Petals and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2004
- * The Bear’s Daughter, (pm) The Journal of Mythic Arts Winter 2004
- * The Bear’s Wife, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2016
- * Beautiful Boys, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction August 2012
- * Beauty to the Beast, (pm) Lyric Summer 1993
- * The Belt, (ss) Flytrap #4, May 2005
- * Binnorie, (pm) Mythic Delirium #24, 2011
- * A Birdsong Wilderness: The Fantastical Poems of Sylvia Townsend Warner, (es) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Blanchefleur, (nv) Once Upon a Time ed. Paula Guran, Prime Books, 2013
- * By Tidal Pools, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #8, June 2001
- * Catherine and the Satyr, (ss) Strange Horizons October 1 2007
- * The Changeling, (pm) The Rose in Twelve Petals and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2004
- * Child-Empress of Mars, (ss) Interfictions 2: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing ed. Delia Sherman & Christopher Barzak, Interstitial Arts Foundation, 2009
- * Christopher Raven, (ss) Ghosts by Gaslight ed. Jack Dann & Nick Gevers, Harper Voyager US, 2011
- * Chrysanthemums, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #8, June 2001
- * Cimmeria: From the Journal of Imaginary Anthropology, (ss) Lightspeed #50, July 2014
- * The Cinder Girl Burns Brightly, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #28, May/June 2019
- * The Clever Serving-Maid, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Come See the Living Dryad, (ss) March 9 2017
- * Conversations with Pip:
* ___ Part 1: In Which She Doesn’t Believe in Fairies, (vi) Turbocharged Fortune Cookie #3, 2006
- * Conversations with the Sea Witch, (ss) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * A Country Called Winter, (nv) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Csilla’s Story, (ss) Other Earths ed. Nick Gevers & Jay Lake, DAW, 2009
- * Death, (pm) Mythic Delirium #23, 2010
- * Diamonds and Toads, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * The Dragons, (pm) The Book of Dragons ed. Jonathan Strahan, Harper Voyager, 2020
- * An Education, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Elena’s Egg, (ss) Exotic Gothic 5, Volume I ed. Danel Olson, PS Publishing, 2013
- * England Under the White Witch, (ss) Clarkesworld #73, October 2012
- * Estella Saves the Village, (ss) Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Tor, 2013
- * Fair Ladies, (ss) Apex Magazine #15, August 2010
- * Falling Boy, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #9, November 2001
- * The Fall of the Kings, (br) Strange Horizons November 11 2002 [Ref. Ellen Kushner & Delia Sherman]
- * The Fin-de-Siécle Monster, (ar) Story #2, 2015
- * Folkroots, (cl) Realms of Fantasy Jun, Oct 2011
- * Folkroots (with Raffaella Benvenuto), (cl) Realms of Fantasy June 2008
- * Folkroots: The Femme Fatale at the Fin-de-Siècle, (cl) Realms of Fantasy February 2011
- * Folkroots: Vampires in Folklore and Literature, (cl) Realms of Fantasy April 2011
- * The Fox Wife, (pm) April 16 2013
- * Frankenstein’s Daughter, (ss) Miscreations ed. Michael Bailey & Doug Murano, Written Backwards, 2020
- * The Gentleman, (pm) Mythic Delirium #21, 2009
- * Girl, Wolf, Woods, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * The Goblins, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Goblin Song, (pm) Mythic ed. Mike Allen, Mythic Delirium Books, 2006
- * Goldilocks and the Bear, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * The Gold-Spinner, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Guenivere in Prison, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * The Gypsy’s Warning, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Helen in Sparta, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #8, June 2001
- * Her Mother’s Ghosts, (ss) The Rose in Twelve Petals and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2004
- * How Raven Made His Bride, (pm) The Coyote Road ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking, 2007
- * How to Become a Witch-Queen, (ss) Hex Life ed. Rachel Autumn Deering & Christopher Golden, Titan, 2019
- * How to Make It Snow, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * In Autumn, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 13 2015
- * In the Forest of Forgetting, (ss) Realms of Fantasy October 2003
- * Into the Wet, Wild Wood: The Fantastical Poems of Charlotte Mew, (es) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Introduction, (in) Disturbing Muses by Mike Allen, Prime Books, 2005
- * Introduction, (in) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * In Which She Doesn’t Believe in Fairies, (vi) Turbocharged Fortune Cookie #3, 2006
- * Lessons with Miss Gray, (nv) Fantasy Magazine #2, 2006
- * Letters from Budapest, (ss) Alchemy #3, 2006
- * A Letter to Merlin, (ss) Someone in Time ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris, 2022
- * Lily, with Clouds, (ss) Alchemy #1, Winter 2003
- * Lost Girls of Oz, (nv) Oz Reimagined ed. John Joseph Adams & Douglas Cohen, 47North, 2013
- * The Mad Scientist’s Daughter, (nv) Strange Horizons Jan 18, Jan 25 2010
- * Marshes, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Medusa Gets a Haircut, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #38, January/February 2021
- * Mirror, Mirror, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Miss Emily Gray, (ss) Alchemy #2, 2004
- * Mr. Fox, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * My Garden, (pm) April 1 2014
- * The Nightingale and the Rose, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus, (pm) Jabberwocky ed. Sean Wallace, Prime Books, 2005
- * Octavia Is Lost in the Hall of Masks, (pm) Mythic Delirium #8, Winter/Spring 2003
- * The Ogress Queen, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * On “Pip and the Fairies”, (ms) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #173, Spring 2007
- * The Ophelia Cantos, (pm) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #9, November 2001
- * The Other Thea, (nv) The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe, Saga Press, 2016
- * Pellargonia: A Letter to the Journal of Imaginary Anthropology, (ss) Lost Worlds & Mythological Kingdoms ed. John Joseph Adams, Grim Oak Press, 2022
- * Persephone in Hades, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #22, May/June 2018
- * Pip and the Fairies, (ss) Strange Horizons October 3 2005
- * The Princess and the Frog, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Princess Lucinda and the Hound of the Moon, (ss) Realms of Fantasy June 2007
- * Professor Berkowitz Stands on the Threshold, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 2 ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press, 2003
- * Pug, (ss) Asimov’s Science Fiction July 2011
- * The Puma, (ss) Apex Online March 3 2009
- * Queen Lily, (ss) Lightspeed #102, November 2018
- * The Rapid Advance of Sorrow, (ss) Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet #11, November 2002
- * Red as Blood and White as Bone, (nv) May 4 2016
- * The Red Shoes, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Rose Child, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #13, November/December 2016
- * The Rose in Twelve Petals, (ss) Realms of Fantasy April 2002
- * The Rose in Twelve Petals and Other Stories, (co) Small Beer Press, September 2004
- * Rumpelstiltskin, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * The Sensitive Woman, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Seven Shoes, (pm) Uncanny Magazine #16, May/June 2017
- * Singing of Mount Abora, (ss) Logorrhea: Good Words Make Good Stories ed. John Klima, Bantam Spectra, 2007
- * The Sleeping Princess, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Sleeping with Bears, (ss) Strange Horizons November 17 2003
- * Snow, Blood, Fur, (vi) Daily Science Fiction November 17 2017
- * Snow White Learns Witchcraft, (oc) Mythic Delirium Books, February 2019
- * Snow White Learns Witchcraft, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * Soliloquy with Flowers, (pm) Dreams of Decadence #14, Summer 2001
- * Song of the Daughters, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Speculative Poetry: A Symposium, (sy) Strange Horizons May 2, May 9 2005; edited by Matthew Cheney
- * A Statement in the Case, (ss) Realms of Fantasy August 2005
- * The Stepsister’s Tale, (pm) Snow White Learns Witchcraft, Mythic Delirium Books, 2019
- * The Stones by the Stream, (pm) Voices from Fairyland ed. Theodora Goss, Aqueduct Press, 2008
- * Strange Faces, (ar) Weird Tales Summer 2010
- * Swan Girls, (pm) Strange Horizons October 5 2015
- * That Year, (pm) The Rose in Twelve Petals and Other Stories, Small Beer Press, 2004
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