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[]Ginley, Michael (fl. 1970s-1980s) (books) (chron.)
- * 723/GBH/15(A1)PP7: Labour Party Directive, (hu) Penthouse (UK) October 1978
- * The All-Plastic Girl, (pm) Corridor #5, 1974
- * And Then There Were Four, (ss) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * Author’s Message: Up the Wall in Rhodesia, (ar) Penthouse (UK) February 1978
- * The Bernard Manning Blue Joke Book (with Bernard Manning), (nf) New English Library, November 1981
- * The Box, (ss) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * Brief Encounter, (vi) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * The Child in Sector 309, (ss) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * Crossed Lines, (vi) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * The Day I Came Back from the Dead, (ss) Corridor #1, January/February 1971
- * Eurowhang: Measuring Up in Metric, (hu) Penthouse (UK) May 1978
- * The Fifth Treatment, (ss) Erotic SF #1, 1977
- * Inside Information, (ar) Mayfair v11 #3, 1976
- * The Introduction to the Bernard Manning Blue Joke Book, (in) Savoy, 1982
- * Memo from the Editor: How to Review a Sex Show, (hu) Penthouse (UK) March 1978
- * More Metric Madness: Guide to Eurolaughs, (hu) Penthouse (UK) June 1978
- * Wurst Things: Cynical Survey (with Tony Escott), (hu) Penthouse (UK) September 1977
[]Ginsberg, Allen (1926-1997) (chron.)
- * Denver to Montana Beginning 27 May 72, (pm) The Paris Review #233, Summer 2020
- * The Great Being, (ss)
- * Grey Cloud Over Elmira, (pm) Red Clay Reader #7, 1970
- * Love Poem on a Theme by Whitman, (pm) Swank January 1961
- * Night Gleam, (pm) Transatlantic Review #52, Autumn 1975
- * Poem Rocket, (pm) Poetry London-New York Summer 1960
- * Song: Fie My Fum, (pm) Neurotica #6, Spring 1950
- * A Supermarket in California, (pm) Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg, City Lights Books, 1956
- * This Form of Life Needs Sex, (pm) The Running Man July/August 1968
- * To Lindsay, (pm) Playboy July 1959
- * [unknown], (??) Forthcoming: Jewish Imaginative Writing November 1982
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- * Allen Ginsberg by Christopher Kypreos, (iv) Penthouse (UK) November 1967
- * Allen Ginsberg: Interview by Allen Geller, (iv) Rogue June 1965
- * Allen Ginsburg Speaks Out by Cecile Kandl, (iv) New Pathways #18, November 1990
- * Ginsberg Interview by Giles Croft & Rick Jerrom, (iv) Bananas #20, April 1980
- * Playboy Interview—Allen Ginsberg, (iv) Playboy April 1969
- * Resist American Poetic Imperialism by Gavin Ewart, (rc) Ambit #39, 1969
- * Swank Interview: Allen Ginsberg, (iv) Swank March 1972
[]Ginsberg, Louis (1895-1976) (about) (chron.)
- * City Under Snow, (pm) This Week January 26 1936
- * Conspiracy, (pm) Voices
- * Dazzling Moment, (pm)
- * Freewill, (pm) The Fiddlehead Summer 1965
- * Love in Autumn, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine September 1920
- * The Manuscript of Earth, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly July 31 1920
- * Masked Hearts, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine February 1920
- * My Sons, Watch Out, (pm) Discovery No. 1 ed. John W. Aldridge & Vance Bourjaily, Pocket, 1953
- * Remembrance, (pm) All-Story Weekly January 31 1920
- * Spring Song, (pm) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1959
- * Tryst, (pm) All-Story Weekly December 13 1919
[]Ginsburg, Mirra (1919-2000) (about) (books) (chron.)
- * Editor’s Introduction, (in) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968
- * Editor’s Note, (in) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976
- * Introduction, (in) The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Evergreen/Grove Press, 1965
- * Note: Anonymous, (bg)
- * Note: Boris Lavrenyov, (bg)
- * Note: E. Bermont, Arkady Vasiliev, L. Lagin, N. Vorobyov, Boris Laskin, and E. Vesenin, (bg)
- * Note: Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov, (bg)
- * Note: Leonid Leonov, (bg)
- * Note: Mikhail Bulgakov, (bg)
- * Note: Mikhail Koltsov, (bg)
- * Note: Mikhail Zoshchenko, (bg)
- * Note: Panteleymon Romanov, (bg) The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Evergreen/Grove Press, 1965
- * Note: Valentin Katayev, (bg)
- * Note: Vyacheslav Shishkov, (bg)
- * Note: Yevgeny Zamyatin, (bg)
- * Note: Yury Kazakov, (bg)
- * Preface, (pr) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970
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- * About Cows by Panteleimon Romanov, (ss)
- * The Air of Mars by Dmitri Bilenkin, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Davlenie zhizni”).
- * The Beautiful Trousers by Valentin Katayev, (ss)
- * The Brat by Valentina Zhuravleva, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Nahalka”, 1965).
- * The Cave by Yevgeny Zamyatin, (ss) The Dragon by Yevgeny Zamyatin, Random House, 1968
- * Childhood Friend by Boris Laskin, (ss)
- * Comrade Churygin Has the Floor by Yevgeny Zamyatin, (ss)
- * Conspiracy up to the Ears by Roman Goul, (ex) from Azef, Doubleday, 1962
- * The Crystal Vase by Arkady Vasiliev, (ss)
- * The Divorce by Vyacheslav Shishkov, (ss)
- * Earthquake by Mikhail Zoshchenko, (ss)
- * Erem by Gleb Anfilov, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“EREM”, 1962).
- * The Fatal Eggs by Mikhail Bulgakov, (na) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1964
- * Festival in the Town of N. by Boris Laskin, (ss)
- * Formula for Immortality by Anatoly Dneprov, (nv) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Formula bessmertiya”, 1962).
- * For the Birds by N. Vorobyov, (ss)
- * The Garden by Gennady Gor, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Sad”, 1968).
- * A Gift of God by Panteleimon Romanov, (ss)
- * A Glass of Water by L. Lagin, (ss)
- * A Goat in the Orchard by Valentin Katayev, (ss)
- * Goblins by Yury Kazakov, (ss)
- * The Golden Lotus, A Legend by M. Greshnov, (ss) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Lotos zolotoy”, 1960).
- * Grandmother’s Cake by L. Lagin, (ss)
- * The Heavenly Cap by Boris Lavrenyov, (nv)
- * He Who Leaves No Trace by Yeremei Parnov & Mikhail Yemtsev, (nv) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Ne ostavlyayushchiy sleda”, 1962).
- * Homer’s Secret by Alexander Poleshchuk, (ss) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Tayna Gomera”, 1963).
- * Horn of Plenty by Vladimir Grigoriev, (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction December 1969; translated from the Russian (“Rog izobiliya”, 1964).
- * The Housing Crisis by Mikhail Zoshchenko, (ss)
- * How the Soviet Robinson Was Written by Ilya Ilf & Yevgeny Petrov, (ss)
- * Icarus and Daedalus by Genrikh Altov, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Ikar i Dedal”, 1958).
- * Inefficiency by Panteleimon Romanov, (ss)
- * Invasion by Roman Podolny, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Nashestviye”, 1966).
- * Inventory by Panteleimon Romanov, (ss)
- * The Last Door by Yeremei Parnov & Mikhail Yemtsev, (nv) International Science Fiction June 1968; translated from the Russian (“Poslednyaya dver’!”, Fantastika, 1964 god ed. G. Smirnov, 1964).
- * Last Door to Aiya by Yeremei Parnov & Mikhail Yemtsev, (nv) International Science Fiction June 1968
- * Letters to Auntie, (ss)
- * Miracle of Ash Wednesday by Yevgeny Zamyatin, (ss) The Dragon by Yevgeny Zamyatin, Random House, 1968
- * A Mistake by Panteleimon Romanov, (ss)
- * My Colleague by Vladimir Grigoriev, (ss) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Kollega—ya nazval ego tak”, 1964).
- * The New Signal Station by Sever Gansovsky, (nv) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Novaya signal’naya”, 1963).
- * “One Less” by Igor Rosokhovatsky, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Odnim men’she”, 1966).
- * One Who Came Back by Isaac Bashevis Singer, (ss) Commentary February 1960
- * On the Left Foot by E. Vesenin, (ss)
- * Out in Space by Ilya Varshavsky, (nv) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“V kosmose”, 1963).
- * Poverty by Mikhail Zoshchenko, (ss)
- * Preliminary Research by Ilya Varshavsky, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Predvaritel’nye izyskaniya”, 1965).
- * The Secret of Homer by Alexander Poleshchuk, (ss) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968
- * The Sin of Jesus by Isaac Babel, (ss) Partisan Review January 1949
- * The Slaughterer by Isaac Bashevis Singer, (ss) The New Yorker November 25 1967
- * The Struggle Unto Death by Valentin Katayev, (ss)
- * Stupidity by Mikhail Koltsov, (ss)
- * The Suicide by Valentin Katayev, (ss)
- * A Tacan for the Children of Earth by Kirill Bulychev, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Takan dlya detej Zemli”).
- * A Tale About the Furious Calaphat by Leonid Leonov, (ss)
- * Temira by Olga Larionova, (nv) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Obvineniye”, 1969).
- * A Ticket to Childhood by Victor Kolupayev, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Bilet v detstvo”).
- * A Timid Soul by E. Bermont, (ss)
- * Twelve Holidays by Vladlen Bakhnov, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Dvenadtsat’ prazdnikov”, 1970).
- * The Ultimate Threshold by Herman Maximov, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Posledniy porog”, 1965).
- * The Useless Planet by Olga Larionova, (nv) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Planeta, kotoraya nichego ne mozhet dat’”, 1967).
- * Vanya by Vladimir Grigoriev, (ss) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“A mogla by i byt’…”, 1963).
- * We Are Not Alone by Sever Gansovsky, (ss) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Ne edinstvennyye sushchiye”, 1962).
- * The Wedding by Mikhail Zoshchenko, (ss)
- * “We Played Under Your Window” by Vladimir Shcherbakov, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“My igrali pod tvoim oknom…”, 1966).
- * When Questions Are Asked by Anatoly Dneprov, (ss) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Kogda zadayut voprosy…”, 1962).
- * When You Return by Igor Rosokhovatsky, (nv) The Ultimate Threshold ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970; translated from the Russian (“Kakim ty vernyosh’sya”, 1966).
- * The White Cone of the Alaid by Arkady & Boris Strugatsky, (nv) Last Door to Aiya ed. Mirra Ginsburg, S.G. Phillips, 1968; translated from the Russian (“Belyy konus Alaida”, 1959).
- * The White Pilot by Yeremei Parnov & Mikhail Yemtsev, (nv) The Air of Mars and Other Stories ed. Mirra Ginsburg, Macmillan, 1976; translated from the Russian (“Lotsman Kid”, 1964).
- * The World in Which I Disappeared by Anatoly Dneprov, (ss) International Science Fiction June 1968; translated from the Russian (“Mir, v kotorom ya ischez”, Znanie-Sila February 1961).
- * Yash the Chimney Sweep by Isaac Bashevis Singer, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post May 4 1968
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